Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/234

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lieu (ill.) Xlll-facing 48;

Turenne . <.

Champagne, Pierre de. bee Canipana. Pedro

Champ^.^Robert. See Robert of Champaubert, battle (1814) X- Champ de Mai ni-613b gSlSret-rWiSiir^of Se.

\V™liim of Champeaux Champenois. Nicholas B,shoP°l

Pondicherry XII-229b, Alii

Ch^pfleury.Huguesde, Bishop Ch-ir^p^llietUVy'l^hroud of Champigny, '""."'.P' S"-^:!^; -^

VTV-lOSa Chaipionnet, Jean-Etienne, gen- eral VI-154C . „ Champlain, Antoine Hl-Sejb ^H, n:*: -vi'ta^,- discovered 11

Champlain, Antoine i" "";,,,_ -Se XI-30a; d'^covW III-

567d ; summer school XIV-3.i4c -SAMUEL DE III-=6jb IX

545d; and B.ard IIo4.b.

«a"° Vll^^cf indian PoUcy

i;*;]e^u!tfin3la?andLare: and Jesuits 111 Lauzon

IX-43d; in Maine XII-287C, and Maliseet Indians IX-5<0b Martin's life "f IX-<-'C, ai Pembroke XI-611a; portrait 1II-567C; at Port Royal I-yl^: in Quebec III-231d-, X-o47c; statue (ill.) XII-facingo98m

Vermont III-81b; XV iotio,

works III-56Sb —Assembly H-lB^a Champleve, enamel V-2.5ia. a

Champmol, Carthusian monas-


568c; on Anglican orders I-

%*> \?^ti4d*orDea^nv°:



gois III ■■."'Jj?;^ CHA'MPS,""ETreNNE AGARD

DE lll-i'"b , — GillesdesU-llc _ „ ■ ChampvaUon, F";an?ois de Harlay.

.Sff Harlay-Chanyallon Chamuscado, Francisco xll-.).j.->c CHANAAN, scriptural name III

collegiate church III-693c; Romanesque V-2bUa Chancelade, Abbey of H-S^/.a ChanceUor, Diocesan, m Anglican Church VII-325d; in Byzan- line Churches VI-760c: as wit- ness XV-(i77d. See Diocesan

_PaparxiII-150b: See Chan- eery. Apostolic ,

-University, Cambridge III- 212d; 213a: origin X1-490C, Oxford XI-366C; Roman Uni- versity XIII-177C

ChanceUorsviUe, battle (18t)3)

ment III-o3b; diplomatic^ \ - ■'2b- handwriting, system ol XI-40Sa; and Innocent III-56b; Liber Dmrnus IX-

?re; frd'^rauflll XI-580b; rules, derogation from IV

— cturt of, England, education of ward VII-52a: guardianship VII-51d; marriage _of wara VII-o2a; origin IX-/Ua

—Diocesan. See Diocesan Chan-

— PaMi XV-280d; 301c —Roman. See Chancery, Apos-


Chant IX-304C

— Ambrosian. See A

Chant „ „ .:„„

—Gregorian. See Gregorian

Chant , . ^ . „ „ ,

—Liturgical. See Liturgical

Chant _, . ^, .

—Plain. See Plain Chant Chantal, Jane Frances de, Samt.

See Jane Frances de t hantal^^


573b; I-102a ,.,. ,v

Chanteloup, chateau X^ -*? — Tean-Antoine Chaptal, Comte

de. .Sff Chaptal. .lean Antoine Chantepie de la Saussaye, Pier

Daniel. .Sff Saussaye Chanter. .Sff Cantor Chanteuges, monaster x-< ic ChantiUy, chateau I-90<J Chantrel, Joseph, on Alexander

VI I-293d . , ,

Cbantrey, Francis, scu.ptor -XUl 647a; Ryder's statue XIII-

Chantre y Herrera, Jose, and Bolgeni II-62BC . „ .^. ,

CHANTRY I"-5"3<=; .'"l vm- ChurchIV-6o/b; schools X 1 u

Chanvallon, Franjois de Harlay.

Sff Harlay-Chanvallon, Iran-

III-581a; court lII-5S0a; do- mestic III-581a; endowment III-573C; in English civil ser- vice XIII-660a; family lU- 580c; lay III-580b; major III- 581b; mercenary III-o8up. military III-581b; naval III- S81d; XIV-91b; Parochial H}- 580d; pontifical Ill^oSlb; I- 138c; XIII-13«b; prison Xll- 434d; private, Anglo-Saxon 1- 507d- revenue I-359a; Secu- larist attitude XIII-676C — Wu'liam V-477b Chaplet, of the Immaculate Con- ception XI1I-512C; Mohamme- dan I-316b; and rosary XI 11- rs7b in sacrifice XIII-310c —of Pearls (Eutychius) > -l'39c Chapman, John, Benedictine u 46c- on African Church and Rome II-659C; on Pope Hono- rius IV-SlOc; on Macanus of Antioch IV-310b; on Pseudo- Clementine Homihes \I-600b —Walter, printing-press 11-"'" Chapotin de NeuviUe, MoUier de Franciscan t<-rtiary XI^-64-;° Chappe d'Auteroche, Jean XIU

348b ,. _,,.

Chappuis, Jean v-'l™., _, ^„ -Marie-Therese. .Scf Mary de

Sales Chappuis \ en Chapra, mission II-o39a_

Cha°nche, John Mary Joseph. Bishop of Natchez X--U9d, XIV-331a; 332b; consecrated

Chandecan, Church in H'tI^-J* Chandeleur, La. See Candlemas

ChandeUer, early I-350c; IH- 24Sa; on Lateran canopy 1-

Cbandemagore, Church in III-

Chandieu. .Sff Sadeel Chandler, John, Bishop of Salis-

biirv Xnl-401b rHAN?L','KERRE-LOmS- "^mIriI, feLESSEDin-|72c Chanes, Henri martyr lll-b,lb,

VI1I-713C; lX-74/d Chanforans, convention at XV

.529d „_.

Chang, measure 11i-d»id

John. .Sf JnJliV-ChanS

See Hariay-<-uau.o....". Chaura, miss on U-M^a

?ois de ^. , , CHaStAL, JEAN-ANTOINE

Chaoaldus,. Saint, Bishop of CHAKIA^, j^^ J^,„„,p^uier X- Vienne \II-2iC ,.,11 icf ISOc j

Chao-k'ing, XIII-3fic 1 c ^^ Rastignac. Armand,

Chao-King, caiecuK,.,. -»"-,,, Chao Kwang-in. Emperor 111

('Sid _ eoi« 

— Lieh-ti. Emperor Ill-bSlc Chaos, in Babylonian cosmogony II-lS8b; IV-406C; Duns Scotus V-196d- in Gnostic system \ 1- 595b- in Hesiod's cosmogony iv-llla; in Phcenician cos-

Ch"o'Ts'uY,:li?'dynaatic title

IX-5S6b — Uda League X-480a Chapa, tribe IX .Mlb Chapais, Thomas X-549d; XI-

Ch^Varangue, mission I-469a





.j,'4b CHAPEL III .

---^°-°J^i-?^;Vti- m-£-^fe^^!cf

?„ lil-573c; 573d; 577c; char- nel III-577d; chevet HI-^'M; in church III-575d; \-254d; development in-574d; m ear y church I.II-575b; of ease III 577d: episcopal 111-5i'd, ei> molob- III.-574C-,. gate-house


399b; Abraham I-51b. a^a altars I-360b; Amorrhiles I 433c; area VI-429d; and Ass>r- ia II-17a; and Egypt H l*^- a . III-733b; V-339C; 340b holo- causts VII-396C; Israe It -s 1- ■jo9h. II-176a; Vlll-U' ", "^"hology I-520b; Na-ritc

protest I-"ld; '^oP^^xni- 750a; sacrifice, human XI 31Sc; Semitic migration \ lU 193d rvianaana .Sff Chanaan Shl^a^es III-.^OOCJ Bar^ 11--

281d; and l"-,'r<'^cf.L Pal V-39b;.or.g.nV II- 93b. Pa

ChlT'GllllI^-de; Bishop of

M..nd(! X-lsOb Chanana. .s.f ' Ijajjaa" Chanas Indians X\-.."a„ CHANCA, DIEGO ALVAREi

Chance" fpl.iU a'oniism II-r,:tdj ami ProvKlence, Uivinc .\ii Mild- St. Thomas on III-1U3C

CHANCEL III-S72b; adytum 1- 170b; ancient I-384b; in non.

573a; XV -tic; XVl-3,8c; st,

tistics VII-73nb Chang-chia Huf ukht u Lamaist

Metropolitan X-4sua Chang Chi-tung, Cnnese censor

and Ch'ung-hou III-684C, and

I.ivadia Treaty XV-96b


Actus Purus I-125d; Occas.on- ahst teaching III-464C; Plato

C^^^e'^-B^oU S-V-k'-i^i.

^,f^A-'tr<r<^n') III c"-"

Chang-kia-K'ou Pass III-«jJlc Chang-king, secretary III t;^"* Chang Leang, statesman .\1V

Ch'ang Ling, general Xy-95d Changmau. .Sff Tai-ping Ch'ang-ngan, town lll-bb4C.

r,81c- XIV-7iaa Changoan Indians VII-758a Ch'ang-sha, town III-6b.ia, 686b Chang Tao-ling, philosopher

XIV-448b _ . ,

Chang -Yuan Hio-she, official

Channel Islands, Church in XU

Ch^Hl^ing, William EUery, and aholitioiiist mi.vemcnt X\- lC.9d; Transfi-ndentalism X\ - ISC ami I iiiiarian controversy

Chanones'.'john ^\\-^^^' "O* Chanson, oriKin \if, l-Viir.,-.,. — de Roland l'r">*'f,' "'i'.l;:

VI-190d; IX-121d; 122c,

Xni-717a Chansons de danse XI-lSl* , . — de geste Vl-l«7c; 190d; 625d — de toile VI-191C

moiogy ***. "■ \, III-577d; kinds 111 ";"-•,-- munity VIM90C; Lady chap- els III-570d; lateral ]\\-^^: law, ecclesiastical lU-ii'M. Mass, celebration of X-AiD. memorial IIMSSd; mortuary 1II-507C; of nobles "'-•'ifj^- origin III-574d; papal -

578a; private I-3|^°,l . ",-_ 675a; radiating 1-6,10° • * , 260b'; of repose IIX-578b;ro>-a^ III-57.5a; 578c; St. leters XIII-371d; ship III-.57.Sd; side- Thapel I-346b ; 'lll-575d ; status III-41d; subterranean Ul- ■iTSa. votive III-5i9a; waN- „ide ' Ill-579a; Westminster Cathedral XV-«0Od. See Ora-


—Car XI\-79a

— HiU, unhersity M-109C

Chapelle, Piene^e 'a Mil 34a

-PLACIDE-LOmS 1 i;-^,^:

vn-1.55a; in Cuba "I:' ' 'f '

IV-561b; Indian mi.ssions \ U

745d; at New OrleansXI-l.^b;

at Santa Fe XIII-4.':

^'-^rbot'^n. ?,!?v^f-31«'r"'



325a; Acts-Capitular I-HS?;

archdeacon elected I-694a, in

Argentina I-704d; capitula-

'?'%"lrolo'f^lTw'u'cen: Turlo^;? Ill "30I; consent IV-284b: election "fM 1' 584b; in England ^l-f^^; leeitimation power ix-i«^ Sings III-583C members III-583a; mensa X-l»4a. in missionary countries IIl-^"**' Sficials III-582d; Prismun- ire I-500b; precedence, oraer of XII-371d; precentors, rank of XII-372b; sede unpedi^* ^JS-/^faca^f:i-f43'c';'^?tr

J^:^'^^, eo^gia. IV-112b; XII-371d; and Con-

!!^rd?arfvT6V;'^6^bl development III-582C; erection

712c; general See General Chapter; Mass. conventual lA 790d; metropolitan \!{-^i'?: ontion. right of Xl-^iMO. oSg™ III-582C; presentation, rieht XII-399b; Prime XII-

«4d; at Pr9r«*-,r7S6i' XII-515d; residence Xll-'»t">. rural I-698a; suppression XIII-5.57d „

Tittle in Breviao' H"".",,,

-HOUSE in-584b; 582b; VI- 4r2b; monastic 1-130

Tibrar?. Verona IX-619d

ZMasT^ Sff Mass. Chapter and

Conventual 'ru,fl-»

Chapters, Three. See Three

SSS^'MiJl^tt. snilpt'T. Joan ot .^rc ^in.; Xlll r,46 .


ChJpus, medallist XI-159a ^^b:rrc:'Mo\;asffPet,aDeserti

^iffiuCTER "in psjflhology)

  • ^"^S4d7detcrministic theory


7if-,a. nt New tlrieans .-^.i-*"". ,

It Santa Fe XIII-4.57b CHARACTER (in theology) III-

-de TExpiation, Brussels III- CHARACltK .i^^^, ^^ „ ';'.^;.■ 'iTT Koo,.. in (lamnea

Ch'apel Royal of France, Lond


CHAPLAIN III 7"«<' j/fn'oa XlV-Olb; bonefirpii lll-o»ua


•losd- III-529C; m damned VII-210d . .. _ „<

Characters, C»."«"."";^» '°" ,„„ Sff Communu-atio Ulioiuaiuni

ChaiidrTon. in Bible iT'^Ht^d; 524a

coilativc IlI^80b^^convcnt_CHARAUKU=. l^ipi^topi^reatcdTcilU^"'"™"'""-