Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/235

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Charan, town, Mesopotamia. See Haran

—town, in Tobias VI-437b

Chararic, King of Tongrcs IV-70d

Charbonauz, Stephen Louis, Vicar Apostolic of Mysore X-662a

Charbonnel, Armand-Franpois- Marie, Comte de, Bishop of Toronto XIV-7S2a; iit Balti- more Council II-235b; and Basilians n-32ob; education question XIII-563d

Charbonnerie. See Carbonari

Charbonnier, Vicar Apostolic of Tanganika XV-203a

Charcas, Archdiocese of. See La Plata

Charcoal-burners, patron XIV- .MTc

Charcoal-burners, political soci- ety. See Carbonari

Charcot, Jean-Martin, physician X-140C: hypnotism VII-606b; portrait X-139

Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-SimSon, p.ainter VII-30a



— Peter F. X., missionary VII- 741c

Charente, department, France, map Vl-facing ISS

Charente-Inf erieure, department, France, map Vl-facing 188

Charentius, Donatist XIV-552d

Charenton, town. Carmelite con- vent III -3.'t.">d ; Protestant church .\I-l<>(ld; Reformed Synod (11131) IX-4.V.ib


— de la Contrie, Frangois-Athan- ase, general XVI-24C

Chargas, Antonio das, writer XII-3(Wc

Chariato, at Angers, Council of XII-771d

Charibert, Mero\'ingian King, death VI-149C; and Ethelbert Il-Sld: excommunicated VI- 47.3d: reign VI-239C


Charisius a Sancta Maria, mar- tvr III-3li3c

CHARISMATA III-.5S8d; VII- 331d; 332a: in early Church II-5Sld; VII-333C: 341d; of evangelists V-646a; as grace, inferior VI-690c; Holy Ghost, gifts of VII-413d; infallibility, papal Vn-796c; miracles, gift of X-3.50d; patristic use XIV- 338d; tongues, gift of XIV- 777b; wisdom, gift of XII-608b

Charissa, mart>T II-43c

Charistikaria, in Eastern monas- ticiam Vlll-4r,9b

Charistion, and Philo of Byzan- tium X-74nd

CHARITABLE BEQUESTS (in civil law) III-.591a: in Ireland VIII-11.5a; Masses XVI-61d. See Bequests; Legacies

— Irish Society, of Boston V- 40.3a; VIII-143c

—Students' Circle XII-240b

— Work, Congress for, Frankfort IV-24Sa

Charitasverband, of Germany II- 200a; Vl-.51l)c; XIV-273C

Charite-sur-Loire. See La Char- it^-sur-l^nre

Charities, Society of, Sandomir XHI-437C

Charito, Saint, mart>T VIII-.581C

Chariton, Saint, martyr VIII- .58 Ic

— of Iconium, Saint IX-39C

Charity, Saint V-766b

—Act of III-.59.3a

— Brothers of III-<i02b

— Charter of. See Charter of Charity

— Confraternity of XII-240a

—CONGREGATION OF THE BROTHERS OF in-6ll4d; VI- 543d; .ilia; in Canada III- 2.39b; XII-241a; in United States VI-2-.5b

— Daughters of. See Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sisters of

— Heroic Act of. Sec Heroic Act of Charity

— Irish Sisters of, in Australia VIII-147b; XlV-3li6a; in Eng- land XII-243a; foundress I- 234b: Irish lace XIII-578c

— Ladies of. See Ladies of Charity

— Sisters of (Cincinnati). See Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio

■ — Sisters of (Montreal). See Grey Nuns

—SISTERS OF (St. John, N. B.) Ill-tiOSd; XII-241b; XIII- 3,i,5d; in Canada III-239d

— Sisters of Christian. See Chris- tian Charity, Sisters of

— Virtue of. See Love

—AND CHARITIES III-592d; agencies. Catholic III-602d; in Apostolic Constitutions I-637a; Buddhist III-33d; ij93c; Cath- olic conference (1910) XIV- 273d; criticisms III-600a; in early Church XIV-521d; en- dowments, medieval III-599a; guilds III-599b; Hebrew III- 593d; history III-594a; 594c; .'j9fib; hospitals, medieval III- 598c; Jewish III-593b; and la- bour III-595d; legal definition III-591a; medieval III-597c; modern III-601d; 603b; Mo- hammedan III-594a; Montes Pietatis ni-599c; X-534d; oblations III-595b; obligation III-593b; obstacles III-603a; organized I-330c; pagan III- 693c; XI-390a; poor-relief III- 596d; XII-236C; public III- 603b; religious orders III-602b; Rosminian XIII-199c; St. Vin- cent de Paul Society XIII- 389d; statistics XIV-273b; in United States XV-165c; Wis- consin XV-664C

— and of the Holy Sacrament de Montoire, Sisters of ll-721a

—Bazar I1S97) .\I-190a

—OF JESUS AND MARY, SIS- TERS OF III-e09c; VI-543d; 544a; Congo mission IV-236a; 237b; missions III-609c

— of Nazareth, Sisters of. See Nazareth, Sisters of Charity of

— of Notre-Dame, Sisters of iX-


— of Our Lady of the Refuge, Sisters of. See Refuge, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the

— of Providence, Sisters of. See Providence of Charity, Sisters of

—OF ST. ELIZABETH, SIS- TERS OF III-fi08c; X-780b; XI-3S.3d; St. Elizabeth's Col- lege (ill.) Ill-facing 606; sta- tistics Ill-liOSc

— of St. Francis, Sisters of XI- 383d

—OF ST. LOinS, SISTERS OF III-009d; in Canada lll-240a; founded XV-272b

—OF ST. PAUL (OF CHAR- TRES), SISTERS OF III- 610a; 636c; VII-779a; XI- 588b; in Cayenne VII-63b; in Cochin-China VII-777d; in France VI-17.ib; in Japan VIII-.308C; XIV-75,5a; in Ma- nila IX-600b; in Martinique IX-731C

—OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, SISTERS OF III-60.5b; IX- 13.3c ; XII-7.i8a; Blenkinsop. Catherine II-597C; Children of Mary III-659c; in Civil War VIII-141b; cornette (ill.) III- 60.5c; and Devereux XVI-33c; in Great Britain XII-242d; in Greece VI-742d; hospital ser- vice III-582a; (ill.) III-60,5c; insane VIII-40c; at Jerusalem VIII-370a; lepers IX-183d; in Manila IX-600b; members Ill-fi06d; orphans XI-32.3b; at Panama X1-439C; in Poland XII-195d; XIII-260b: St. Jo- seph's .\cademv, Emmitsbnrg (ill.) Ill-facing 606; in .Scot- land XIII-622b; Seton, Eliza- beth Ann XIII-7.39a; in Syria

XIV-406C; Toledo XIV-759b: in United States II-231a; vows XII-4.52C —OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL, SISTERS OF iMt. St.


VIII-131C; Mt. St. Vincent Academy (ill.) Ill-facing 606; statistics IlI-60Sb


— of the Good Shepherd, Sisters of. See Good Shepherd, Our Lady of Charity of the

— of the Holy Agony, Sisters of II-683d

— of the Incarnate Word, Sisters of. See Incarnate Word, Sis- ters of Charity of the

— Organization Society, Great Britain XII-242d

Charlebois, J. A., Viatorian XV- 400d

— Ovide, Vicar Apostolic of Kee- watin XIII-483a; XVI-49b

CHARLEMAGNE III-6l0c; VI- 486b; Aachen I-la; 2d; Acad- emy I-83c; achievements III- 617a; and St. Adalard I-126b; Admonitio Generalis VI-358C; adoptionism I-150d; and Ad- rian I I-155c; 156a; V-119d: XI-45d; 456b; advocatus ec- clesi» I-I68c; and Alcuin I- 276b; 277a; and Amalarius of Metz I-376d; and St. Amal- berga I-377b ; Ambrosian books I-395b; and St. Angilbert I- 490b; annals I-532b; and St. Ansegisus I-545c; at Aries I- 727b; and Arno XIII-411C: Assisi I-SOlc; asylum, rights of XII-431b; and Athanasian Creed II-34C; at Atrigny II- 61a; and Autpert II-143C; and Avars X-561c: XV-417a; Bal- earic Islands II-222a; Bobbio Abbey II-606a; Bohemia 11- 613b; Bordeaux legend II- 682c; at Brunswick III-19b; and Byzantium III-115b: Cal- listus II's life of III-186d; ca- nonical collection IV-.392a; canonization I-3a; capitularies III-350a; Caroline Books III- 371b; Catalonia III-428c: chapels III-575C; charity III- 597c; Christian era V-lla; coin (ills.) III-614C; Xl-facing 152; coinage XI-154c; 155b; Condat XI 11-34 Ic

— coronation III-615a; IV-384d; (ill.) IV-381; Vatican painting XV-286a

—Croatia lV-510d: cross IV- 525c; and Crown of Thorns IV- 540d; cultus III-618a; Danish wars IV-727a; XIII-542c; Dis- sentis Abbev V-47a; Donation of I-15.5d; VIII-426C; donation of Constantine V-120a; and Dungal V-192C; ecclesiastical usurpations V-774d; education IX-229d;andEinhard V-366d; empire III-611a: 616d; 700b; empire, map Ill-facing 616; Evangcliary IX-624C ; Evangel- iary (facsimile) VI-661d; feast XI-668C; feudalism VIII-780b; atFrankfortIV-427b;VI-236d; and Fredegisof Tours VI-252b; frescoes, Aachen (ill.) Ill-facing 612; Gregorian Sacramentary IX-298d; 796c; and Guises VII-74a; hair shirt VII-I14a: and Haito VII-115d; in Ham- burg VII-121b; and Hammu- rabi II-182a; in Hanover VII- 128a; and history, ecclesiastical VII-369d; Holy Coat VII- 401d: Holy Sepulchre, Order of IV-669a; homilctics VII- 444b: homiliarium VII-447d; hospice, Rome III-22.'")a; illu- mination of M.SS. I.\-624b; and Irish Vlll-lOOd; in Italy VIII-232a: Jerusalem IV-.54.5b; Jewish policy VIII-.392C; Ka- rinthia I-662a; VIII-607b; Lateran mosaic (ill.) IX-facing 158; legends I-530C; IX-12IC; and Leo III III-700C; IX- 157d; l.'iSa; XII-727d; and leprosy IX-182C; and I,c Puy IX-lS6b; libraries IX-230a:


Liesborn monastery IX-237d; 238a; and Latin literature IX- 30c; liturgy I-279a; Lombard wars III-612b; 61.3a; 614a; IX-339b; Xnl-396c; and Magnus Xin-717a; marriage decree IX-70oc; medicine X- 126a; Minden XIII-524b; Mo- dena X— 413b; Miinster X- 635a; and music, ecclesiastical III-618c; Nicaean Council I- 278d; VII-625b; ordeals XI- 227b; oriflamme XI-306a; Osnabriick XI-341b; in Pader- born XI-383d; palaeography XI-407C; Pamplona X-721b; Paulus Diaconus on XI-591d; and Pepin XI-663d; XIII- 547c; pilgrimage XII-92a: plain chant XII-145c; policy, religious II-122b; III-614b; 616b; 616d; in Pomerania XII- 225c; poor-relief XII-239b; portrait III-61Id; Protectorate of the Levant XII-488a; Priim XII-519a; Ratisbon Abbey V- 406b; reform councils XIV- 3.S9a; Reichenau XII-723b; in Rolandslied VIII-690d; Roman Rite IX-311d; XIII- 65c; at Rome III-612C; XIII- 168b; St.-Denis XIII-343d; St. Savin Abbey XII-180b; XIV-453C; Saint-Simon XIII- 377b; Sariat XI-668b; Sau- mur monaster\- I-700c; Saxon wars III-19b; 612a; 612d; 613c; XIII-498a: XV-618a; schools. See Carlovingian Schools; seal (ill.) III-617c; St. Sernin's Church XIV-797a; signature (facsimile) in-613c; and slavery VIII-721a; in Spanish literature XIV-196C; spiritual authority VI-352c; Susa XIV-345b: and States of the Church XIV-260C; and Theodulf XI-31Sd; XIV-579d; theology XIV-590a; tithes XII-46"9a; XIV-296C; title VI- 169a: tomb I-2a; III-.'>77c; XI-357b; Toulouse XIV-795d; on tradition Vl-Sa; Treviso XV-38C; Trier XV-42d; Tunic of Christ XV-367a; nnd Turpin Xn-726a; XV lli:ia; Tus, ;iny XV-103C; V.-.l'- p..i.T:i,i „f XV-.322b: \<.'... \\ :;.;i;b; Veni rrnalMi \\ illc. .<ts. Vinreni :ni.l \il .,: i iv- AlJey XIIl-:;-U!, \ul-,>.> Tc Ml. n l~ 278b: in W. Irhi.h:; .\\ M'Jb; and Williiiii. nl L',<Ah.ur .W- 633a

Charlemont, James Caulfield, Eari of Vlll-lOfid; and Irish Penal Laws XI-616b; XIII- 126d

Charieroi, town XI-671b

Charles, King of Bohemia II- 762b

—I, King of England V-4.50a; Allegiance. Oath nf XI-179a; and Arundell I-76."jc: and Bard II-292d; Bernini's bust of II- 510b; Bulstrode on III-58d; and Calvert III-193b; IX- 75.5d; children, portraits V- facing 220; on Church govern- ment I-.500C; Codex Alexan- drinus IV-.80C; Culdees of Armagh IV-564a: and D'Avenant IV-639b; and Dig- by IV-792d; Van Dyck V- 220d; 221a; and Goodman VI- 647a; and Harvey II-573b; Irish policy I-112b; n2c; VIII-103a; and Lombards IX- 336c; marriage II-.524C; VII- 6b; martjTdoms under V-476c; VIII-167a; and oaths XI- 179a; and O'Dalv XI-206a; penal laws XI-61.3c; poor-laws XII-25.ic; portrait V-facing 220: and Presbvterianism XII- 393b; and Rubens XIII-21,5c; Scotch policy IV-4.Wb; XIII- 620b; 627d; and Vtine XV- 271a; Westminster assembly V-764d

— n. King of England V-4.50b; Albany I-25fid; and Anderson I^67a; and Anmdell I-76.5d; and Bard II-293a; and Be- lasyse II-394b; Bulstrode on III-S8d; colonial policy V-

Roman oumeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.