Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/249

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VII-783C; and Inquisition VIII 30d; at Langres VIII-790a; Lateran Basilica IX-14d: Liber Septimus IX-226c; languages, Oriental V-704b; Regesta III- 50d; XII-716d; Siena XIII- 780c; Syndic. Apostolic XIV- 38ob; and Templars III-69Sb; IV-21C; XIV-194b; titulars II-145c; at Toulouse XIV- 796d; at Vienna Council XV- 423d; and ViUanovanus XV- 430a

CLEMENT VI (PIERRE ROGER), Pope IV-23C; XII- 274b: arms (ill.) IV-23d; Avignon II-158d; on Bol- Bena miracle XI-332d; and Chaise-Dieu XIII-95d; and Charles IV of Moravia VI- 495a; at Fecamp XIII-210d; and Flagellants I-772a; and Franciscans VII-428a: and Gil de Albornoz VI-55Sc; and Henry III, Count of Virne- burg IX~531d; on Jesus Christ, merits of VII-7S4d: jubilee VIII-533a; maritime league IV-533C; and Michael ilea VI-24Sb: Pisa studium gen- erale XII-H2a: and Rienzi XIII-o3a; Stavanger XVI- 76b; and Venturino of Bergamo XV-344C

— Vn (GIULIO DE' MEDICI), Pope IV-24d; XII -274c; XIV-264C; on age, canonical I-12Sd; and Alfonso de Valdfe XV-249d; alter of peace II- 478a; and St. Angela Mcrici HS2b; and .\nne de Mont- morency X-544b; arms (ill.) IV-24d; as art patron IV-27a; XV-281d; at Ascoli-Piceno I- 773d; and astrology II-22c; at Avignon XIII-539d; and Bal- bus II-217C; on baptism II- 262c; and Barnabites II-302a; Breviary revision II-775d; and Buonarotti III-63a; and Ca-

fuchins III-321b; and Cellini II-490b; character IV-27a; and Christopher Numar of ForU XVI-25b; coin (ill.) III- faeing490; and Colonna, Pom-

§eo XIII-Mb; and Colonna cipione XIII-54b; Como, rite XVI-Jb; and Contarini, Gas- paro IV-324a; Consueverunt III-521C; and Copernicus XII- 768d; crosier, episcopal (ill.) IV-513d; on Dominicans XII- 368Fd; at Embrun VI-378C; and Fabric of St. Peter's, Con- gregation of XIII-146C; in Florence VI-109b; France IV- 25a; and Franciscan Rule XIV- 641d; Germany IV-25a; and Giberti VI-549d; Granada University VI-724a; and Guic- ciardini VII-64C; hand-bell (ill.) Ill-facing 490: and Henry VIII of England IV-25d: VII- 223b; imprisoned XII-€13d; Ingolstadt VIII-8a; and In- quisition XIV-762c; library IX-232b;XII-766b;andMach- iavelli IX-oOIc; medal (ill.) XI-156C; Morse IV-3o2b; Morse (ill.) III-»89d; Muro- Lucano X-046b; at Narbonne III-332a; and Pagnino XI- 394d; and Parmigiano XI- 506d; and Pellissier XI-609d; and Piombo XII-104d; por- trait IV-25d; and Rabelais XII-«19c; Ravenna XII-665b; Russia and Poland, arbitration XI-455b; Russian embassy XIII-255d; Sack of Rome IV- 2dc; S. Maroello. Church of XIII-171d; Schism. Western XII-112d; XV-I4.5C; Scotland II-374C; and Shroud, Holv XIII-762d: Svndic, Apostolic XIV-3.8.5C; an.lTheatinesXIV- S.Wb; Tivoli XIV-747c; Tlai- cala XIV-747d: tomb XIII- 172d; as Sts. Vincent and Anas- tasius* abbot XIII-3Sla; and Wolsev XV-68(ib; at Worcester XV-704a

— vn, Antipopc. See Robert of Geneva


on age, canonical l-208a; on appeals I-654a; and Appellants XI-731a; and archpriest con- troversy XVI-4C; arms (ill.) IV-27b; Breviary revision IX- 302a; and Bril II-787b; calen- dar reform IX-251b; and can- on law IX-04a; Ca^remoniale III-133a; IX-302c; Christian DoctrineCongregationIII-80b; and Cistercians III-7S3b; cloi- ster regulations I V-63d; confer- ences, ecclesiastical IV-213c; on confession V-688c; Con- gregatio de Auxiliis IV-23Sb; Enchiridion VII -36d; Eng- land VII-81c; English clergy IV-7c; and Fabric of St.Peter's, Congregation of XIII-146d; and Franciscan Reformati VI- 28Sd; and Gratian VI-730c; Graves et diuturnip VI- 152a: and Henrv IV of France IV-442d; VI-171b; on Holv See VII-424d; Index of Pro- hibited Books III-522b; and Jews VIII-39Gb; and Lazarus, Saint, Order of IX-97d; Liber Septimus IX-226d ; on litanies IX-287c; 290a; Malabar XIV- 685d; Missal revision X-357b: Molinist controversy II-248b; Nantes, Edict of VII-533a; no\'itiate regulations XI-144d; on penance I-65b; and Piarists XIl-75Sc; XIII-588a; Pontif- icale XII-231d; portrait IV- 27c; and Propaganda XII- 456c; and Russian Church VI- 746c; and Ruthenians V-239a; S. Mario in Aquiro, Church of XIII-172c;SantiagQUniver3ity XIII-460b; Scots College, Rome XIII-134C; 632a; on Scripture reading XIII-640b; and Society of Jesus VII-23b; 9od; and Socinianism XIV- 115a; tomb XIII-169d; Union of Brest XV-131b; Union of Christendom XV-146c; Valla- dolid, English College XII- 231b; and Vanni XV-273a; Vatican Archive X V-287d ; VaticanPalace XV-277b; 29Sa: Velino canal Xin-54a; as Sts. Vincent and .^nastasius* abbot XIII-3Sla: Vulgate revision II-412b; XV-515C; Wadding's researches XV-523C

— Vm, Antipope. iSee Mufioz, GU S4nchez

— rx (GIULIO ROSPIGLIOSI), Pope IV-28a; XII -274c; and Acceptanis I-94d; and Armenians V--':;',ib: .ii-n,;- lill.) IV-28b; and rinn, -,. nn, X- 557a; CistercKiU In iiri;H:,| re- forms XIII-7tb: I ;. .1.1.1, U.ise VI-629C; and Immaculate Con- ception feast VII-680C; and Jansenism I-743b; VIII-2S9C; and Piarists XII-755C; XIII- 588b

— partrait (Audran) n-71c; (Ga- vulli) IV-28c; (Maratta) IX- facing 636

— and Society of Jesus III-671d; Sollicitudo V-691c; tomb XIII- 169d; Vineam Domini XV-44nb

— X (EMILIO ALTIERI), Pope IV-2sd: Xll-L'74c: AUieri Palace XTII-17.-.d: arms (ill.) IV-2sd: St. Augustine, works of I V-697d ; and Clement IX IV-28c; Coliseum IV-102a; Cord of St. Francis Archcon- fratemity IV-357d; election I- 99b; Guardian Angels' feast VII-SOc; jubilee X-262a; mis- sionar;.' publications XIV-96c; Portiuncula Indulgence XII- 286c: portrait IV-29a; Rosary feast XIII-lS9b: and St. Rose of Lima n-.597d; Theatine scapular XIII-512b; tomb XIII-ir,9d

—XI rGIOVANNI FRANCESCO ALBANI), Pnpp IV-29b: XII- 274d: Accademia dei Nobili Ecclesiaafici I-S,Sb: Alban- ian reform I-254b: arms (ill.) IV-29b: and A%-ignon Council II-I60b; and Bollandists II- 633c; botanical garden XIII- 178b: on Camisards III-21.8b;

and Chinese rites II-302c; III-672a: XIII-37C; 39a; and Gotti XVI-42a: India, mis- sionaries XIII-3S4C; and Jansenism I -95a; VI -695a; VII-799d; VIII-291b; IX- 375a; XIV-767b; and Louis XIV of France IX-374C; and Maffei XVI-58d; and Malabar rites IX-561C; Monarchia Si- cula X-452a; XIII-776a: Ori- ental MSS. I-794b; promotor fidei XII-454a; protectory, Rome XII-492b; and Quesnei I-94c; Xn-U02a; St. Michael's Prison XII-431c; Theatine in- dulgences XIII - 512b; Uni- genitus ni-694b;l XV-12Sc; and Vatican Library XV-296d; Vineam Domini X'V-445c — XH (LORENZO CORSINI), Pope IV-30d: XII-274d: Accademia ecclesiastica I-SOc; arms (ill.) IV-31a; chaplains III-581b: Corsini College VIII- 207d; Fulda University IV- 604b; Imperscrutabilis XV- 197d; Instructio Clementina VI-152b; In suprema justi- tiffi XII-440d; and Malabar rites IX-561C; and Masonry IX-786d; XIV-72C; monument (ill.) IV-31d; Poland IV-203d; prison for women XII-431d; Spain IV-203d; XIV-lS7b; Trevi, Fountain of the XIII- 176a; Urban College XIII- 134c; Vatican collection XV- 295c; and Vatican Library XV-294d; Way of the Cross XV-57Ia — Xm (CARLO BELLA TORRE REZZONICO), Pope IV-32a; XII-274d; Accademia ecclesi- astica I-S6c : and St. Alphonsus Liguori I-337c;34nc; arms (ill.) IV-32b; Avignon II-159b; and Bernis 11-51 Id; Canada II- 778c; Cistercian liturgical re- forms XIII-74b; on conserva- tors IV-284d; and Febronian- ism VI-24b: and Ferdinand, Dukeof Parma VII-71SC; Brief, forged Vl-lliCd: France IV- 32d: and Fram-i.-ican tertinrics XIV-642d: litanv IX-290b: and Maria Theresa I-640c; and Morgagni X-56Sb; and Orsi XI-325b: at Padua XI-386d; Parma XIV-98b; and Pius \'I XII-131b; and Pombal XII- 224d; Pontine marshes VIII- 213a; Portugal IV-32C: Preface XII-3.86a; and Ricci XIH-33b; and Roman Catechism XII- 269a; Saxony XIII-501c; and Society of Jesus IV-32c; 33b; XIV-86c; 108b: Spain IV-33b; and Spiritual Exercises XIV- 228d; and Tanucci XIV-446c: tomb III-298d; XIII-372c; tomb (ill.) IV-33d: and Vati- can Librarv XV-2i)4d: 290d; Vatican Paia... X\-L':i^b — XTV (GIOVANNI VINCENZO ANTONIO LORENZO GAN- GANELLI), Pope IV-34b: XII- 274d; and Albani I-255c; and St. Alphonsus Liguori I-337c; 339b: arms (ill.) IV-34c; and Bernis 11-51 Id; France IV- 37b: Franciscan missions XIV- 548a; Germany IV-37d; monu- ment III-298C; monument (ill.) IV-37d: and Nestoriana III-560a; and Pius VI XII- 131b: portrait IV-35c; and Ricci XIII-34a; Sardinia IV- 203d: XIII-476d; and Society of Jesus IV-3r,b; XII-225a; 304c: 755c: XIII-34a; 385b; XIV-86C: 9Sc: 446c; 595c; Spain IV-3Sa; Vatican XV- 277a: 281d; 297a: 297c; Way of the Cross XV-571b Clement, heretic II-65Sa; VII-

699c: XV-744C — Saint, Bishop of Anc>Ta I-

513b — I, Melchite Patriarch of Anti-

och. See Bahus. Clement —Bishop of Kieff IX-4ri4b —Bishop of Philippi XII-8a —Bishop of Sa.sima XIII-482a —Bishop of Seville XIII-744d — Bishop of Waitzcn XV-525b

—Bishop of Wehca VI-575d; XI- 247a

— CffiSAR IV-3SC


—Jacques, asisassin ni-444b; VII- 7^la. ,s.r Clemens non Papa

—JOHN IV' :«ib: iisc

—Jules, ph^.■*H■lr^n X-134d

^Margaret XIV-6S9b; 692c

—.See Clemens

Clemente, Bishop of Mylapur XIII-3S5d

Clementi, Luis X-266d

— Muzio, pianist I-SSc

— Prospero, sculptor XI-505a

dementia of Habsburg XI-56d

Clementinae, canonical collection IV-2:3b: 391c: 393a; G72d; V- 71.5c: IX-o:ic: 226c

Clementina meridian, Bianchini lays down IV-29d

— Sala, Vatican XV-280c; 298a

Clementine, .Sister of the Precious Blood XII-375a

—Bible (Vulgate) XIV-532b

— Liturgy, in Apostolic Constitu- tions I-637b: litanv VI-125d

—Peace I-94d; 743b; IV-28b: VIII-2,S9c

— Pseudo-writings. See Clem- entines

— Recognitions. .See Recogni- tions, Clementine

CLEMjENTINES IV-39c; An- drea's work I-469d: angelology IV-716b: Christologv IV-41C; Clement's history lV-40d; in Coptic canon III-279a: con- tents IV-39d; date IV^2c; 43d; doctrine IV-41b; editions IV-39C: and Elchasai, Book of IV— 42a: epilogue IV-41a; hom- ilies I-6:3.Sb: VI-600b: origin IV-42c; St. Paul and IV-41d: St. Peter in IV-40b; preface I-613d; Simon Magus in XIII- 798a; theology IV-41b; theo- ries, modern iV— I2c; use. early IV-42b Clementino Collegio, Rome IV-

27c Clementinum, university. Prague

II-12.".c: Xll-:i4nd CLEMENT MARY HOFBAUER, SAINT I\-44d; Xll-(;s3c; beatified Xll-r.s,-,c; Bruiiiier's biography of III-13a: canon- ized XII-685d; and Gunther II-131d; VII-85C; and MOIler X-626d: and Passerat XI- 521a: tomb II-129b; and Veith II-lSlc; XV-322d: at Warsaw X-393d —OF ALEXANDRIA IV-45b; on abstinence I-68d; Acts of the Apostles I-120d; agrapha I- 226a; Alpha and Omega I- 332b: Aiit'iM of Finance I-62a; Apoca ) \ I -. ■ 1 1 . 1 1 1 , a 1 .ocatasta-


try 70a;

sion 1 t. I'.a , I i . f I XIV-617c: l.a|.ii-i:i 11 -i; earlybishops\ 1 1 ; 1 1 c i'.al.lha III-33a; at f a >.,r. m I\ ir.c; Catholic Chill, li III ll'.lb; and Ceillier III-176d: on celi- bacy ni-»,S4b; Centuriators cite III-53.5b; on Christmas III-724d: Christologj- IV-47b: VII-711C: 715b: on Church XIII-531a: and Pope Clement I IV-13d; on Communion of Saints IV- 172b; conscience IV- 270a: ...nx. r.i.,11 l\ i:.b; iT.av- tion..f n. Ill l\ "--a .1.1" 1\'- .520c: .ii-..ii.| \ ".7a, .aitli'a \I ll'ih: .■.lili.ins IV-17c: and Kncratites V- 413a; Epiphany V-,5(Md: Ex- cerpta Theodoti III-5S8a; on fear II-6.5b; Gnosticism II- 327a; 328a; Gospels XIV- 531b: grace, sufficient VI-70U; grace at meals VI-714C; Hesy- chasm VII-301b; on hosanna VII-473a; as hvmnologist VII- .';97c: Jehovah VIII-.'):!Oa: on St. John's Gospel VIII-439b: Logos IX-330d: St. Luke's Go..<pel IX-424a: Marcion IX- B46d; St. Mark's Gospel IX- 675d; XI-749a; mart.\TS IX- 737a; medical writings X-12.5c; and musical instruments X- 651b; and Nicolaitea XI-67a;

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.