Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/257

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410c;Anabaptist3 1-445c; 446b; anarchistic I— t52c: I\^-179b: Apostolici 1-6470; ApoatoUc times XII-238b; ascetical ele- ment IV-182d; St. Augustine II-79c; Aztec II-171C; Bohe- mian Brethren II-617a; conclu- sions I V-lS2d ; Co-operative Brotherhood IV-lS2c; in early Church I-329a: IV- 180a: X- 460b; Ephrata Community IV- 181c; Equality Commonwealth IV-lS2c; Essenes I-771d; V- 546d; Harmonists IV-lSld; his- tory IV-179d; Icaria Communi- ty IV-181b; impracticable V- S63c; medieval IV-180b; New Harmony Community IV- lSld; Oneida Community IV- 182a; Patristic views XII- 214d; phalanxes IV-lSla; Pic- ards I-135b; and Pius IX XII- 136b; Plato V-55Sa; and pri- vate property VIII-776a; XII- 463b; Reductions of Paraguay XII-691c; religious basis IV- 182d; religious orders IV-180b; Separatists of Zoar IV-lSld; Shakers IV-lSlc; and Social- ism IV-179b; IX-213c; XIV- 62d: Spartan IV-179d; Sylla- bus of Pius IX XI V-369a; the- ories IV-180c; tribal system VIII-776d; United States IV- lSlc; Utopian teaching XV- 243b; Wyclif Il-lOOd Communist Manifesto IV-179c;


Communists (religious). See Bartholomites, German

Conununity (college) lV-112a

—in early Church VII-330a; 331a

— Mass, music X-4a

— of Brothers, non-Catholic So- oietv IV-23Gb

Commutation of Tithes Act, Irish VlII-lDSc

Commutative Justice XII-7.S8d

Comnena, Anna. See Anna Com-

— Thedora, wife of Baldwin III of

Jerusalem VIII-362d Comneni, family Ill-llOa; and

Bulgaria I-104a; and Fano V-

Comnenus, Alexis, impostor VII- 700b

— Alexius I, emperor. See Al- exius I Comnenus

— Andronicus, Bishop of Trebi- zond XV-29b

— John, Byzantine Emperor. See John II (Comnenus)

— Stephen I-239a

— Theodore, King of Thessalon- ica XIV-633c; and Honorius III VIHoSc

Como,town, Milanese warX-299b

—Cardinal. See GalU, Tolomeo. Cardinal of Como

—DIOCESE OF IV-183c; cathe- dral (ill ) IV-183d; Ferrari's work VI-lsc: Rite XVI-Jb

Comonfort, Ignacio, President of .Mexico .X-L'(iOc: 266d

Comorinos, tribe X-91a

Comoro Islands, Islam in I-lSGa; map I-facing 180

— Islands, Prefecture Apostolic of. See .Mayotte, Nossi B^' and Comoro, Prefecture .Apostolic of

Compact, religious XIV-772a

Compactata of Basle II-124C; X- .WJd; contents VII-o89b

Compact Theory IV-19Sc

Compagni, Dino, author VIII- 24Sc; on Boniface VIII II-668d

— Gherardo XII-UOc

Compagnie de Chine 111-6833

— de la France equinoxiale II- 30Sb

— des Indes III-<!S.3a; in Mada- gasnar IX-.ilOc


Compagno, Blessed XI -386c

Companation. See Consubstan-

Corapania, La, Church, Arequipa

(ill.) XI-7.33

Companion, periodical XVI— 55d Company, in army III-.53.5d Company, Joachim, Franciscan

VI-2.-iiid Company of Jesus. See Society of Jesus

— of Mary. See Mary, Mission- aries of the Company of

— of Mary, Little. See Sisters of the Little Company of Mary

— of St. Ursula. See I'rsulines

— of the Ladies of the Oratory. See Ladies of the Oratory, Company of the

— of the Most Blessed Sacra- ment. 5fe Compagnie du Saint-Sacr^raent

— of the,West XI-6b

Comparative Religion. See Re- ligion, Comparative

Compass, magnetic, Borrus II- 6S9a; fleur-de-lis I-379c; of Jacques dc Vitrj' VIII-266d; symbolism XIV-376a

Compassion, Daughters of X- 6Slb

— Feast of the. See Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Marv, Feast of the Seven

— Our Lady of, Archconfratemity of XIV-124b; object XII-S9b; XIV-12.ib; XV-154b

— Our Lady of. Pious Union of Prayer to XV-154c

— Our Lady of. Sisters of. See Our Lady of Compassion, Sis- ters of

Compendio de Noticias Mexi- canas, periodical Xl-tiSod

Compensation (for iniur>') XII-

— (for labour) IV-18ob; Rerum Nnvarum IV-lS5d


— for Disturbance Bill, Irish VIII-112b

Compensationism XII-443b; ar- guments for XII-446a; and Probabilism XII-441d

Comperta monastica X— lood

Compertum est. Brief of Leo XIII XV- 1.54c

Competency, of ecclesiastical judges IV— 451c; domicile V- 105a

—PRIVILEGE OF IV-lS6d: XII-439b; and state laws XII- 439c

Competentes IIl-431d; IX-791b

Compiegne, town, Carmelite mar- t>TS lll-:i(>8c; .XIV-517a; ex- piatory chapel XI-4S9d

—CounnU Il-SiSb; (757) V-58a; (759) XIV-38a; (833) II-496b; (1092) II-378b

—Joan of Arc Vlll^llb; Notre Dame Abbey II-378b; shrine II-378c; Shroud, Holy XV- 652c

Compilatio, of decretals, second IV-671b; third IV-fi71b; fourth IV-671c; fifth VII-459a; sixth IV-671d

Compl., abbr. I-24a

Complacency, Love of VII-174a

Complements, Hypothesis of XI-655b

Complenda, in Ambrosian Office I-399d

Completoria, in Ambrosian Office I-399d; See Complin

Complex Marriages, in Oneida Community IV-182b

COMPLIN IV-187a; XI-219d; .\lma Redemptoris Mater I- 326c; Ambrosian Office I-400b; and Angelus I-4S6d; 487d; antiphons of Blessed Virgin Mar%' I-326c; Apostles' Creed I-63'2b: Byzantine Office IV- 31oa; Canticle III-302a; Gal- ilean Rite VI-360C; Greek Church I-106C; introduced XV-381b; introductorj' prayer IV-761C; Kj-rie Eleison VIII- 716a; lessons in IX-198d; in Little Office IX-294d; Moz- arabic Rite X-617d; Nunc Dimittis XI-160a; Dead, Office of the XI-220d; Sarum Use XIII-lSOc; Syrian Rite, East XIV-416b; Te Lucia Ante Terminum XIV-179a; and Wspcrs X\'-382a

Compludo, monasterj*. See San Justo y San Pastor de Com- pludo. Monastery of

Complutenses. See Salmanti-

288; Septuagint Xin-724b; Targum of Onkelos XIV-4S6a; Ximenes XII-222a: XIV-756d

Complutum (Alcala) IX-516a

— (Alcala), Monastery of. .Sec San Justo y San Pastor de Compludo

Compluvium, Roman II-59a

Componendum V-46b

Composers to the Papal Chapel Xl-422d

Composition (pliilosophy), meta- physical VI-614b; physical VI- 614a

Compostela, Order of St. James of. See Saint James of Com- postela, Order of

— Santiago de, town, Moorish rnnquist XIV-179b

—SANTIAGO DE, ARCHDIO- CESE OF IV-187d; XIV- 173a; ISOc; Apostolicity, claim to V-11.5C: Benedictine mon- asterv II-449b; council (1310) IV-188d; Irish College VIII- 159c; St. James's relics I-170d; VIII-2S0b; XIV-180a; Join- \'ille at VIII— 495c; pilgrimage VII-786b; XII-90b; primacy XIH24a; Santiago, Church of, chevet V-260b; Santiago, Church of (ill.) Xll-facing 90

Comprehension, Ideal, and Agnostics I-217a

COMPROMISE (in Canon Law) IV-189b; appeals I-653c; papal election IV-194C

— Measures, United StatesdSSO) XV-168d

— of Caspe, Spanish III-412d; XV-43SC

—Tariff, United States (1833) XV- 168b

Compromissarii IV-189b

Compromissum. See Compro-

Comprovincials 1-69 la

Compsa (Conza) IV-350a

Comptes-rendus, periodical XV- 8Gc

Compton, Henry, Bishop of Lon- don VII-702C

Compulsion, in education XIII- ,558b; in right XIII-56d

Computisteria, Vatican IX-557b; XV-290b

Computus V-109C

Comrade, periodical Xn'-67c

Comte, Auguste, philosopher I- 2I7c; XII-34C; agnosticism I- 215d: altruism I-369a; atheism II-42a; and BrunetifTe III- lOd; on essence V-545a; fetish- ism VI-53a; X-717b: and Kant VIII-606b: ;ind I.ittr6 IX- 296a; niri;i|ili\>i. M method XII-29d; n„ u.<rn'\.y. X-34l)b: neo-Schohisii.isiii .\-74sa: and ontology Xl-25yb; Positivism XII-32d; 312d; 313a; primi- tive thought I-527c; reason VII-683d; and St-Simon XIII- 377c; sen.sualism XII-28d; so- ciology XIV-118b

Comun (Como) I\-183c

Comuneros, revolt, Paraguay XII-696C

Comyn, David, and Bourke XVI- 12c

— John, Archbishop of Dublin V- 174c; and Armagh I-730c

— Nicholas, Bishop of Ferns VI- 46a

Comynes. See Commines

Con., abbr. I-24a

CONAL, SAINT IV-lS9c; at RossXlII-202d

Conall, King of Dalriada VIII- 90b: baptism XI-.556C: and St, Columba IV-13fic

— Ceamach Vin-119d

— of Ineskeel, Amra I-440d

Conamhail, .\bbot of lona V- 191a

Conan, Saint, of Assaroe IV-189d

—Saint, of Ballinamore IV-I89d

CONAN, SAINT, Bishop of Isle of IV ls9d

— Julian. Arcia.isliop of Port-au- Priri'i- XII 2vlc

Conana, Diocese of IV-151b

Conantius, Bishop of Palencia XI-418a

Conanus, Bishop of London IX—

— Meriadocus XV-227b


Conaty, Thomas Jaines, Bishop of Alonterev and Los Angeles X-533b: XVI-27b; at Catholic L'niversity III-45Ga: conse- crated II-231c; educational meetings V-305a; and summer school XIV-335a

Cone, abbr. I-24a

Conca. See Cuenca

Concanen, Richard Luke, Bishop of New York II-231d; XI-22b; portrait XI-22a

Conceifao, hospital IV-772d

CONCELEBRATION IV-190a; Greek Church IV-317a; Ro- man Rite IX-797C

Concentus, in Mass X-2c: in music, ecclesiastical I-94a: 577c

Concepcion, mission, Bolivia X— GOSa

—DIOCESE OF IV-I90b: XIII- 426c: pilgrimage XII-90b

— de la Vega, Diocese of VII- 114d: XII-292b

Concepciones, religious order XV-329b

Concept, abstract I-74c; Albertua Magnus I-266c; analogical I- 97a: Ari.stotle I-714c: Deutin- ger IV-762a; and image V- 408d; Plato XII-160b; prag- matic theory XII-33.5C; Thomism VIII-67d: Transcen- dentalism XV-18b; univer- sality VII-632a

Conceptio Christi. See Annun- ciation. Feast of

Conception, mission X-378d

—name X-67ob

— (philosophy) VIII-6Sb: Mansel I -217c: Simonian doctrine XIII-797a: Spencer I-217c

— (physiology) I-47a; and Totem- ism XIV -790c; virginal, in Norse tradition I-422a

— Immaculate. See Immaculate Conception

-Abbey II-452d

CONCEPTIONISTS IV-190c: in Mexico X-262b

Conception of Jesus Christ I- 542b: in Apostles' Creed I- 631d; in Clementines IV-41d

— of John the Baptist, feast VIII- 49Ia

—School XIII-442d

Concert of the Hague (1710) VII-li19a

Concessus XIII-431a

— Gallienus, diptych V-23b

Concetta, name X-675b

Concha, name X-B75b

— presbvterv XII-395a

—sanctuary XIII-431a

Conches, monastery X-71b

Conchessa XI-554a

Conciergerie, prison, massacre XIIl-13b

Conciliabula IV-J24a

CONCILIATION, INDUSTRIAL IV-l»lld: I-tis:ib; Gs,5b: 6S.5d

— and Arbitration Act, French IV-190d; 191a

Conciliatore, periodical XI-609b

Concilium Sanctorum, basilica VI-.393d

CONCINA, DANIELLO I V-191c; XIV-610C; and Amort I-434d; and Bianchi II-541a; and Gal- landi VI-349c; and Mamachi IX-578a; Probabilism XII- 368Ga: 442c: and Terrill XIV-517d; Thomism XIV- 703a

Concini, Concino I-702b: disin- terment XI-48.5C: and Medici X-I22a

— Leonora X-122a

— Matteo, Bishop of Cortona IV- 401d

Concioli, Antonio, lawyer VII-55C

Concionator, .See Ecclesiaatea

Concistoriale, Sala, Vatican XV- 29Sa

CONCLAVE IV-192a: accessory I-9(ia; .\postolic Camera I- 633d: Celestinc V III-480b: ceremonial IV-193a: defined IV-192a: election IV-194b: history IV-192b: Italian pro- tection VIII-23.5C: Lyons de- crees VIII-430a; Ma.sses XV- 280a; origin XI-4.57a: XII- 272a; shortest VIII-.562d: at Vatican XV-279d; 301a; veto V-677b

XVI.— 16

Roman numeral indicatca volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.