Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/258

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Conclusio ia causa IV-452c Concomitance, theological V-

57sd: XV-245b Concord, battle (1775) XI-36a — Formula of. See Formula of

Concord — Temple of, Girgeuti VI-571b:

Rome XIII-Ui7a: 17Gc CONCORDANCES OF THE BSLE IV-195a; Dominican IV-195b; XII-363b; English IV-196b; Great Concordances XII-363bi Greek New Testa- ment IV-196b; Greek Septua- gint IV-196a; Hebrew IV- 195d; Latin IV-195b; St. Jacques XII-363b: Svriac IV- 196b; Wcssnbrunn XV-591d CONCORDAT IV-196d; act, canonical I-115b; annates I- 53Sb; annulment IV-202b; Austria (1855) II-130b; (1881) IV-204b; Baden (1839) II- 197b; Bavaria (1817) IV-203d; Belgium (1827) IV-204a; Bo- hemia (1630) IV-203C; clergy XIV-297a; Colombia (1887) IV-123C; compact theory IV- 198c; concessions I-651d; IV- 201b; contracting parties IV- 197d; Croatia (1852; IV-513a; definition IV-196d; and devo- lution IV-768b; Ecuador (1831) IV-204d; (1863) V-279d; effect IV-202a; England (1418) IX- 725c; force XIV-253c —France: (1418) IX-725C; (1426) IX -726a; (1472) VI-169d: (1516) IV-203b; (ISOl). See Concordat of 1801, French; (1813) X-697d; (1817) XIV- 453b — Germany (1418) IX-725c;Gua- temala (1852) IV-418b; Haiti (1860) VII-115a; Hanover (1824) IV-204a; and history, ecclesiastical VII-370d ; Holland ( 1827) VI I-390d; interpretation IV-202b; Italy (1803) IV-2e3a: a.s justice, act of IV-201b: le- galist theory IV-198b; matter or object IV-197c; Milan and Mantua (1784) IV-203d; Mon- tenegro (1886) IX-171C; na- ture IV-198b; necessity IV- 197b; obligation IV-201C; Old- enburg (1830) IV-204b; Po- land (1736) IV-203d —Portugal: (1288) IV -203b; (1516) IV-203b; (1778) IV- 203d; (1857) XIII-386c; (1886) IX-171C — privilege theorj' IV-198c; pro- mulgation IV-202b; Prussia (1821) IV-204a; purpose IV- 196d; revocation XIII-7b; Russia (1847) XIII-25Sb; San- Salvador (1802) IV-204C —Sardinia: (1727) IV -203d; (1741) IV-203d; (1742) IV- 203d; (1750) IV-203d; (1770) IV -203d; (1817) IV -204a; (IStl) IV-204C —Sicilies: (1741) IV-203d; (1834)

IV-204C —Spain: (1418) IX-725C; (1737) XIV-lS7b; fl753) XIV-187b; (iN.-.ll IV -'(lib; (1852) XIV- llllld; I Is.Vl) lV-204b —Swil-rrln,i,l: (1828) IV-204b;

(1845) 1V-2U4C —Tuscany (1851) IV-204c; Upper Rhine Province (1821) IV- 204a; (1827) IV -204a; Ven- ezuela (1862) IV-204d; Vienna (1448) IV-203C; Worms (1122) IV -203a —OF 1801, FRENCH IV-204d; Ah' -hen I-lc; Alsace- Lorrainel- 342a; AutonoUi I-584b; Astros II-31d; Avignon II- l.-)9c; Bel- gium II-390b; Bornier II-309d; CapraraIII-313d;ConsalviIV- 263a; Desscrvants IV-736a; Fiuisti^ro XII-OUc; and Gal- licanism VI-35.5a; Grcnnblo VII-26C; Lyons VII-27c; Na- poleon X-689b; negotiations IV-205b; Organic Articles I- 7.i(ia; Orleans XI-3I8C; Piua VII I-32.'ic; XII-133a; Pius X I-32.-|C; Poitiers XII-17Sd; puljlication XI-484b; result lV-21)(;a; Rouen XIII-2nsd; Saint - Jean - do - Maurieime

XIII-353d: seminaries I-343c;

stipulations IV-203d —of the Princes (1447) II-338a;

in-394a; Vll-lOb Concordia, Saint, martyr Vil-

362a — Sequence XII-485C — temple, Rome. See Concord,

Temple of —DIOCESE OF, Italy IV-206d —DIOCESE OF, Kansas IV-

206d; institutions XII-247a;

Poles (1907) XII-211b; St.

Joseph, Congregation of VIII-

513b: statistics XV-176C — College, Appleton, Wisconsin

X\'-(i64b — CoUege, Manila IX-600b Concordism VIT-315d Concordius, Saint, Bishop of

Saintes IX-6c Concord of Wittenberg. .See

Wittenberg, Concord of -School of Philosophy XV-


de, anato-

Concoreggi, Gi( mist X-129d

Concorrezenses (Cathari) III- 435a

Concors, Abbot of Clonfert IV- 6oc

CONCUBINAGE IV-207b; Albi- genses I-2ti8b; in Athens III- ()39a; clerical III-t86b; 487c; Confucianism IV-226d; Con- stantine's laws I V-300a ; extent IX-r>96a; Hammurabi's code VII-126a; Jews II-.349c; and marriage IX-694a; Maya In- dians X-84c; Mohammed's teaching X— 427d; Roman Law IV-207C; Sabajans XIII-286b; status IV-207c; Sylvester II XIV-371d; Old Testament IV-207b; Toledo. Council of (400) IV-207d; Tridentine de- cree I V-207d; XV-35b

CONCUPISCENCE IV-208a; an- tecedent IV-208b; aacetical life XIV-615b; Baius II-211a: consequent IV-20Sb; and cov- etousness IV— 462b; and grace VI-710C; Jansenism VIII- 287b; XIV-7a; and justifioa- tion VIII-574C; Molinisni X- 438a; and original sin II-lll2b; XI-313b; Pelagius XI-6n4d; reformers III-201c; and sin XI V-Sd ; and sterilization XVI- 39d; and temperance XIV- 481c; as temptation XIV-504d; 505a; Virgin Mary's freedom from XV-467b

Concurrence, liturgical XI-200a; of feasts, Ambrosian I-398d; Offices IV-15.5d

— theological IV-470b

Concurrents V-llOb

CONCURSnS, canonical IV- 20Sd; Baltimore decree II- 238b

— theological VI-615a




Conde, Saint XIII-211b

— Vicar Apostolic of Siam XIII- 70Gc

— Henri II de Bourbon, Prince de 11-71 7d

— Louis I de Bourbon, Prince de, and Bourbon, Antoino de VII- 530d; and Catherine de' Medici III-443b; and Guise, Francois de VII-75a; and Montmoren- cy. Anne de X-544C; policy, religious XII-707b; St. Bar- tholomew's nay XIII-335c; and ^'ieta X\'-42;"ic; and wars ol relitrcin VII-;-.:Uc

— Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de IX-372d; baptism II-720d; funeral oration XI-4S.5a; and Retz XII-797b; and Talon XIV-»39c; Thirty Years War XlV-O.Via

— Louise de Bourbon, Princesse de, XI-l'.»lc; XIII- 34.ib; XlV-1lld

—Louis-Henri deBourbon, Prince de Vl-l(i:ia

- -Louis- Joseph de Bourbon, Prince de X-.>Hd

Condemnation, Chapel of the XIl-40.-)a

Condestavel, chronicle XII-308a CONDILLAC, ETIENNE BON- NOT DE IV-210c; education theory IV-211b; intellect the- ory VIII-67d: and Lavoisier IX-52b; psychological teach- ing XII-546d: sensualism XII- 32d; space, conception of XIV- 16Sd Condits a Christo, Constitution of Leo XIII IV-62b; VI-158b; XI-165b; 167a; XII-752c; 758b; 759d; 760b CONDITION (philosophy) IV-

21 Id; in analysis 1-43 lb Conditio senrihs, impediment

VII-69Sa Condobaudites. See Tritheists Condor, coin III-661d Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de XV- (i91d Condren, Charles de, Oratorian VI-172b; XI-274b; and Bour- going II-722b; and Caulet III-458b; Compagnie du Saint- Sacrement IV-184a; as contro- versalist VII-533d; and Du- vergier de Hauranne V-219a; and Eudes V-596a; at Juilly X-99a; Latin grammar I-374b; Olier XI-241a Conductus VII-139C Condulmara (Condulmer). See

Condulmerio; Eugenius IV Condulmerio, Francesco, Bishop

XII-290C; XV-362a — GabrieUo. See Eugenius IV — PoUxena XI-57Sd Condulmieri. See Condulmerio CONECTE, THOMAS IV-213a ConegUano, Emmanuel. ,See Lo- renzo da Ponte — Giovanni Battista de. See

Cima da Conegliano Conestoga Indians, tribe VII-

565d; VIII-168d Conewago, town, church II-230a; parochial school VI-483a; mis- sion VI-477C Coney, in Bible I-520d — Island, Ireland, monastery II-

758c I Conf., abhr. I-24a Confarreatio V-64d; IX-704c Conf. Doct., abhr. I-24a Confederate States of America, Alabama I-241a; .Arkansas I- 725c; Louisiana IX-3S2d; Lynch, Bishop III-631a; Mis- sissippi X-397b; organized XV- 171c; South Carolina XIV- 159b; See Civil War, American —War, Irish VI-lOlc Confederation, Articles of (1781)

XV-162b; 164a — German. See German Confed- eration — North German. See North

German Confederation — Swiss. See Swiss League Confederation generale du Trav- ail XIV-65a Confeone., abbr. I-22d Conferences, periodical XI-676d Conferences, St. Vincent de Paul

Societv XIH-389d — Capitular IV-213c —ECCLESIASTICAL IV-213b; I-257d; America III-654a; Baltimore decree IV-213C; diocesan laws IV-213C; French Protestant administration VII- 530a; Leo XIII IV-214a; Meaux X-98c; Methodist X- 238b; Pius IX IV-214c; at St. Lazare XV^35d; Switzerland XIV-579b; Westminster de- cree IV-214a —See Discuaaions. Religious Conferenze di Sacra Archeo- logia, Society di. .S"' S.»rieti\ di Conferenze di Sacra Archeo- logia — Storico-Giuridiche, Pontificia

Accademia di I-88a Confessio Augustana. Sec .\ugs-

burK Confessions — Gallicana V-762d — Hafnica IV-72.ia — Helvetica. See Helvetic Con- fession. I'"irst and Second Confession (prayer), liturgical

III td'.la CONFESSION (tomb of nuirtyr) IV-2Hc; I-363b; XI-5«2c;

of altarsl-356d; origin IV-55Sa; Palm Sunday services XI- 433a; restoration VIII-360a — Auricular XI-625d; Anglican Church XI-623d; XIII-633d; Book of Common Prayer XIII- 654c; Books of the Homilies XIII-655a; Buddhism I-772d; catechumens III^31d; before death IV-661b; Evangelical Church V-643d; "German Catholics "XIII-535a; Hebrews XIII-313C; Huguenots VII- 529d; Jacobite Church I-302a; XIV-419a; kinds XI-625C; La- marism XII-409c;Lutheranism IX-462b: New York legislation XI-36a; Patristic teaching XI- 627a; Penance, .Sacrament of XIV-587a; Protestants XII- 496b; Scholastic teaching XI- 626b; utility XI-634a; Zoro- astrianism II-155d; See Abso- lution; Penance, Sacrament of — Judicial XII-453a — Lay. See Lay Confession — Seal of. See Seal of Confession Confessional, decoration XV- 701c; Greek Church IV-320a; parish church XI-500a; St. Anthony, basilica of (ill.) XI- 622; St. Paul's church, Ant- werp (iU.) XI-626 Confessionalia XIV-340b Confessional Schools, Bavaria

XIII 5.5SC Confession cards, Polish custom

XII-206d Confessiones. See Cella Confession of the Fouir Cities.

See Confessio Tetrapolitana Confessions, Notre-Dame-des. Sie Notre-Dame-des Confes-

— of Faith, Protestant. Sec Faith, Protestant Confessions of

— of St. Augustine II-84b: 89c; English translation n-91a; and St. Monica X^83a; on tlieatre XIV-559C

Confessio Scotica V-764a

— TetrapoUtana III-26a; V-762a

CONFESSOR (of the Faith) IV- 215a; beatification II-367b; canonization II-369b; feast I- 315c; intercession III-386c; in- vocation of. litany IX-291C; Irish VIII-163d; martjT I- 303b; II-30od; veneration of II-3G5b

Confessor (Penance) XI-623c; casuistry XIV-609a; and clois- ter IV-61c; diocesan I-207d; disability I-lOOc; examination V-674b; 676a; Irish Church XI-632b;of religious IV-341d; XI-166C; XII-755b; theology, moral XIV-602d; 603d

Confessores (ascetics) VII-324a: Xn-750a

Confessors and Martyrs, Eng- hsh. See English Confessors and Martyrs

CONFIRMATION IV- 2 15b; Xni-301a; administration ex- tra ecclesiam XII-774c; Afri- can Church I-19Sc; age for I- 208b; Albertus Magnus IV- 220b; Alcuin IV-219c; Alex- ander of Hales IV-220b; St. Alphonsus Liguori IV-340a; St. Ambrose I-3S7c; Anglican Church II-6S0d; Armenian Rite XIII-79d; Aries, Council of (1260) I-727C: St. Augustine IV-21Sd; Avignon decree II- 160b; Baltimore decree II- 240a; IV-216C; St. Bonaven- tiire IV-220C; bread, use of II- 751a; Bvzantinc Rite IV-319d; char.acter III-586d; III -696c; chrismarium III- t)98b; Constantinople, Council of (381) IV-21Sd; St. Cornelius 21Sb; St. Cvpriun IV-218a; St. Cyril of Jerusalem IV~21Sb; 596d; Duns Scot us III- 5S7c; IV-220C: Dnrhnn,, of IV-221C: e:irlv III- .'i52b; IV L'17b;.lT.rt IN' JlCb; Elvira, Coum-il of 1\ JKsd; England lV-221b; St. Ci.hni-m Svrus IV-218C; Exeter, S.\ nod of IV-221C; form IV L'l.^d; Franciscan teaching IV- 22()a; Gnosticism VI-597a; Greek

Largo tyi)e indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.