Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/266

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CORINTHIANS Second Epislle IV-368a; authorship IV-14d; VII-448d; divisions IV-368d; style IV-368c; unity IV-369a

— Third Epistle: apocryphal I- 613d; St. Ephraem accepts V- 499b; in New Testament III-



Corio, Bernardino, historian VIII- 249d

— Haymo, exet^ete II-302d

Coriolanus, Ambrose. See Am- brose of Cora


—Madeleine de IX-569d

Corippus, Flavins Cresconius, governor IX-30b

Cork, Qucenston-n harbour (ill.) IV-372d

—DIOCESE OF IV-370C; Apoa- tolic school Xni-587c; Ca- puchins III-326d; Christian Brothers III-710c; college V- 177a; Griffin's grave (ill.) VII- 32d; map Vlll-facing 114; Nagle, Nano XII-39Sb; Pres- entation Sisters XII-397c; St. Mary's Cathedral (ill.) IV- 372a; seminaries XIII-70nb; 7(jnd; Total Abstinence Soci- ety X-47b


CORKER, MAURUS (JAMES) 1V-372C: Vll-o04b

Corkery, Charles V-180d; VIII- '.17b

Cork Examiner, periodical XVI- 57c

Corliss, John, congressman X-

Corluy, Joseph, Biblical

tator I-121d; IV-161a; VII-

710a Cormac, Saint V-523d —Irish hero VIII-99a -martyr VIII-164b — King of Leinster I-6d —Bishop of Dublin V-172c — Mac Airt, King of Ireland II-

7.54c; 7rwc; X-98a — Mac Carthy, King of Desmond

lll-401b —MAC CUILENAN, King of

Cashel IV-373a; II-75.'jc; III-

401b; XIlI-190d — of the Liffey, in Irish literature

Vni-12()a Cormac's Chapel, Cashel III-

401b Corme-Ecluse, Our Lady of, pil- grimage IX-7a Cormery, Maurist monastery X-

71b; XV-3b Cormont, Marie-Charles-Alfred

de. Bishop of Martinique IX-

731d Cormontaigne, Louis de, engi- neer X-247d Cormorant, in Bible I-519d; 521a Corn, in Bible XII-153a; bless-

mK of ll-l,01b Cornabusa, .-jhrine II-490a Cornaro, Andrea, cardinal. Bish- op of Brescia ll-760d — Caterina, Giorgione's portrait


PLA IV-373b — Francesco, cardinal. Bishop of

Brescia II-760d — Francesco, cardinal, Bishop of

Treviso XV-39a — Frederick, Bishop of PaduaXI-

3S5d —Giorgio, Bishop of Padua XI-

3S(;d ^Giovanni Battista IV-373C — Luigi, hygicnist IX-192d — Marco, Bishop of Verona XV-

362b Comarus. See Hagcnbut Comay, Jesuit martyr VII-775d;

XIV-80C Cornbury, Governor of Now Jer- sey X-791d Com Dance, Greek (Buskita) IV-

480b Corne, La, explorer XIIl-.lS4a Corneigle, Jane V-29c CORNEILLE, JEAN-BAPTISTE

IV-373C —MICHEL, the Elder IV-374b:

373d —MICHEL, the Younger IV-


—PIERRE IV-374C; I-89b; VI-

196a; and Duchess of Aiguil-

lion I - 234a; Le Cid III-

415d; portrait IV-374C

— Thomas, encyclopedia V-4Iod;

Palinod XIII-211a — of Compiegne, Saint IV-540d Corneilles, Sybil de VI-551b —Walter de VI-551b CorneiUons, Minorca X-332c Cornel, Miguel, Bishop of Tara-

zona XIV-4o2c ComeUa, name X-674b ComeUi Forum (Imola) VII-692d ComeUmiinster, abbev II-467b CORNELISZ, JACOB' I V-375a CorneUus, name X-G74b CORNELIUS, centurion IV- 375c; III-536a; in Clemen- tines IV-41a conversion IV- 375c; XI-747b; St. Peter's mission I-119a CORNELIUS, Pope, martyr IV- 375d; XII-273a; on confirma- tion IV-218b; and St. Cyprian IV-285a; VIII-71d; in Dama- sine inscriptions VIII^4c; elec- tion I-196c; XII-270d; epitaph VIII-13d; and Fabius of An- tioch IX-93d; 111b; feast III- 163c; VI-360b; hierarchy es- tablished VII-323c; inscrip- tion I-690b; lapsi IX-2d; on minor orders X-333b; and Novation XI-138C; 139c; pen- itentiaries, office of XIII-147b; sepulchre III-514C; sepulchre (Ul.) III-512b — Saint, Bishop of Imola VII-

693b — Bishop of Limerick, martyr- dom VIII-164a — John, Franciscan, martyr

VIII-166C — John, Jesuit. See John Cor-

— Peter, musician IX-286b

—PETER VON IV-37Gb; VI- 510b; Joseph and his Brethren (ill.) Vlll-facmg 500; portrait IV-376c; and von Schwind Xni-598b

— CORNELII A LAPIDE, Jesuit exegete IV-377d; on St. Luke's gospel IX-426c; and St. Malachy's prophecy XII-476d; and Ogilvie XI-223C; on Mary, name of IX-753b; writings IV- 160c

— of Wijk, martyr VI-651d

— Palma XI-778a j

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York XI-32a; co-education IV-S9d

CORNELY, KARL JOSEF RU- DOLF IV-378b; on Acts I- 117b; Biblical Commission II- 557c; Galatians, Epistle to the I-122b; VI-336d; 339b; Judges, authorship of VIII-548b; Kings III-731C; VIII-649C; Pentateuch XI-6o4d; prophets XII-474C; Psalm titles XII- 537a; Synoptics XIV-391b; Tobias, Book of XIV-752c; writings VIII-81a

Corneo, Filippo, epithet V-75a

— Fulvio, cardinal, at Perugia XI-737a; at Porta XII~290d

— IppoUto, Bishop of Perugia XI- 737a

Comer, David, Abbot of G8tt- weig VI-682d

— Gate of the, Jerusalem VIII- 352d

— William de la. Bishop of Salis- bury XIII-401b

— stone. See Stone, Corner or Foundation

Cornet, therapeutist X-140a

—NICHOLAS lV-379a; Jansen- ism l-742c; VIII-2S8a

Corneto, Adrian de. See Adrian of Castello

— Diocese of III-798c

Comettes. See Charity, Sisters of

Cornetti, musical instrument X- 05Sa

Cornhill, William de. Bishop of Liihlield and Coventry IX- 232d

Cornia, Fulvio dclla. See Corneo, Fulvio

— Ippolito della. See Corneo, Ip- poUto

CORNICE IV-379b; of altar screen I-356c; in Renaissance church windows XV-654C

Cornicki, writer XII-197a

Cornicula, in Celtic monasteries VIII-90b

Cornificians XIV-575d

Comill, Carl Heinrich, exegete IV-502d; V-289b; XIV-529a; on Babylonian exile VIII-200c; on Biblical introduction VIII- 80d; on Deuteronomy XI- 65Sa; on Machabees, Books of IX-496C; on Pentateuch XI- 656d; on Targum of Jonathan XIV-456b

Cornillense Seminary, founded IX-736a


Cornilly, monastery XV-262d

Cornish tribe XII-026C

Comoet, monasterv VII-45Sd

CORNOLDI, GIOVANNI MA- RLA IV-379d; on Divine knowledge X-440d; and neo- Scholasticism X-748d; XII- 34b

Comthwaite, Robert, Bishop of Leeds IX-112c

Cornu, of altar I-354b

—Marie-Alfred VI-88d

— anterius I-354b

— dexterum anterius I-354b

— dexterum posterius I-3.54b

— epistolge l-354b

— evangelii I-3.54b

— posterius evangelii I-354b

Cornwall, Church in III-494b

—Barry. See Proctor, Bryan Waller

— Edmund, Earl of II-673b

— John of. See John of Cornwall

— Richard of. See Richard of Cornwall

Cornwallis, Lord Charles, and Acadians I-91d; in American Revolution XV-163b; 163c; as Vicerov of Ireland VIII- 107b; XIII-i28a

— Cicely, Superioress of Institute of Mary II-386d

Comwells, Pennsylvania, Aposto- lic school XlII-587c; Catholic school for negroes Xll-628c; St. Elizabeth's Convent II- 599c

Coro. See Caracas

Coroliano, Antonio da. See San (jlallo, Antonio da, the Younger

Corolla, Tournefort's classifica- tion XIV-799d

Coron, Greece, captured V-134d

Corona, and Rosary XIII-187b

—solar II-2Sa

Coronado, tribe IX-541b

— Domingo, death IX-746c

—FRANCISCO VASQUEZ DE IV-379d; VII-469b; X-731b; expedition Xl-ld; in Kansas VIII-598a; in Mexico XII- 555b; in Oklahoma XI-231b; and Padilla XI-385b; at Taos Pueblo XIV-449a; in Texas XIV-545d; among Zufli In- dians XV-76S)a

CORONATION IV-380c; cere- monials IV-385C; of Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (ill.) IV- facing 546; Celtic elements IV- 382b; of Charlemagne (ill.) IV- facing 381; Egbertine Order IV-383a; emperors I-98b;157c; IV-3S0c; English orders IV- 383a; English regalia XII- 713d; of French kings III- 566b; XII-727b; XIV-131b: functions III-53Sc; of images I-539c; VII-670b; of kings I- 5.5c; II— 120c; kiss of peace VIII-663d; Liber Regahs IV-384a; Mass of Cherubini III-649b; papal I-98d; III- 480a; rituals. Eastern I-9Sc; service, Anglo-Saxon I-510b: service. English oath I-.502d; slab, St. Peter's Rome XIII- 371d; Visigothio elements IV- 3S2b

— of Mary, feast II-7a —of Our Lord (I.uini) IX-420a Coronea, See of VI-738d CORONEL, GREGORIO

NUReZ lV-3Sfib; VII--2S5a —JUAN 1\' 3S6c — Maria. See Agreda, Maria de

Coronet, of cardinals VII-247c; in Durham arms VII-246b

Corona, liturgical IV-.533b

C o r 1 , Jean-Baptiste-Camille, painter XI-402b

Coroza, in Mexican inquisitionX— 263d

Corozain VI-415b; 437d

Corpa, Pedro de, missionary X- 390d

Corpancho, Manuel Nicolas, wri- ter XIV-204b

CORPORAL IV-3S6d; burse III- 84b: chriamal III-697d; Com- munion cloth I-356b; in Mass I-355a; of Orvieto V-251d; and pall I-355c; venerated I- 422d

—Chapel of the, Orvieto XI-332a

Corporalis palla, in Galilean Rit«  VI-3l)2c

Corporal works of mercy. See Mercy, Corporal and Spiritual Works of

Corporas-case III-564a; IV-387C

Corporate reunion, and Anglican orders I-644c

CORPORATION IV-387d; alien- ation to III-.592b; ancient IV- 388a; classification IV-388c; collegium IV-388b; creation IV-388d; disabilities IV-389c; dissolution IV-389d

— Ecelesiastical: Arizona I-720c: Baden II-198b; 198c; by-laws I-144C; Canada III-230a; 238c; Ceylon III-551a; Connecticut IV-255d; Delaware IV-695a; England IV-388d; friars VI- 280d ; German I-342c ; OhioXI- 227b; Philippines XII-16C; so- cieties XIV-70b; United States IV-3S9a; XV-165c; Wisconsin XV-664d

—lay IV-3S8d; liabilities IV- 389c; manufacturing Il-ld; mercantile II-2d; mortmain X-579a; name IV-389a: poor-relief, in Middle Ages XII-239b; power IV-3S9b; privileges IV-3S9c; punish- ment IV-390a; sole, law of be- quests III-592b; as trustee XV-72d; visitation IV-389d

—ACT OF i66i IV-390b; XI- 613d;XIII-124a; contents XI- 96d; in Ireland VIII-108C; XIII - 130c; Nonconformists IV-240c,r

Corposant, St. Elmo's fire XI- 76Sb

Corpo Santo, college XI-206b

Corps Legislatif, Paris (ill.) VI- faoing 178

Corpus canonum I\-391c

— Christi, church, Baltimore II- 235a; (ill.) Il-facing 228

^Christi, college, Cambridge III-213b; 215a

— Christi, college, Illinois XIII- 201c

• — Christi, priorv, Manchester II- 191a; 298b

— Christi, college, Oxford V-214a; XI-368d

— Christi, church, San Francisco XIIH42d

— Christi, church, Valencia XV- 253a

— Christi, college, Valencia XV- 252b

— Christi, convent, Venice V- 112c

—CHRISTI, DIOCESE OF XVI-3.5b; XIV-549c; XVI- 82b; statistics XIV-550a; XV- 176d

—CHRISTI, FEAST OF IV-390d: and Adoration. Perpetual I- 153b; at Aklenberg VI-533b; Allehiia VI-717b; in Ambrosian Rite I-399a; Ancren RiwleMS. XIII-186a; autoa sacramen- tales II-143a; collect IV-104a: date X-222b; Epistle IX-195d; and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament V-713c; holy day XIV-342d; indulgence VII- 7.S8d; during interdict VIII- 74c; St. Juliana VIII-5.56d; Mass II-fi6d; Matins, hvmn XIII-321d; in Mozarabicliile X-«16b; office XIV-r.67a; O Salutaris Hostia XI-33Jc; Pange Lingua Xl-442d; proces- sion V-214b; IX-1998; XII-

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.