Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/267

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447c; in Reductiona of Para- guay XII-694d; Requiem Masses XII-779d: Sequence I- 55c; IX-36b; Xn-4S4b; uni- versal celebration XIII-413a; Verbum Supernum XV-34Sb Corpus Christi Cycle I-799c Corpusctiles, and atom II-o2d; 53a; in Biofs theory of light II-576b; blood, Malpighi's study I-460b; in energetic theory V-223b; milk, Leeuwen- hoecli's study I-460C Corpus Domini, church, Bologna n-fi4nd

—Domini, church. Rome IV-773d

— Domini, church, Turin XV- 93b

— Damioi, church, Vilna XV- 433b

— evangeliconim XIII-500b

— Hippocraticum, authorship X- 123b

—JURIS CANONICI IV-391b; 391d; 671a; appeals I-652d; closing IX-63C; compiled IX- 88c; completed IV-23b; defini- tion IV-391b; editions IV- 393c; glosses VI-588C; Grego- rian edition VII-3d; on hunt- ing VII-563d; Jus antiquum IV-391d; Jus novissimum IV- 393d; Jus novum IV-392c; metropolitans, rights of I-691c: Mouchy edits X-602d; papal letters IX-203a; resignation XII-774b; revision IV-444d

— juris civilis, appeals I-652d; compiled VIII-579c; of Jus- tinian IX-87d

— Philippicum X-153c

Corradini, Francesco, Bishop of Marsi lX-71Sd

Corrado, Blessed, Bishop of Piaoenza XII-71a

Corrario, Angelo. See Gregory XII

Corre, missionarj' XIII-766C

Correa, Antonio, Blessed. See Antonio Correa

— ^Diego, Bishop of Portalegre XII-283d

—Juan IV-402d

— Luiz, Blessed. Sec Luiz Correa

— Martin, missionary VIII-633d

— Carvalho, Jose Dias, Bishop of Vizeu XV-497d

-de Almeida, Jose, r"<-< IX-660C

— Nery, Jaoa Baptista, Bishop of Campinhiis XVI-:i.')a

CORRECTION, FRATERNAL IV-394b; in Confucianism IV- 22od; Jesuits XIV-82d

— Paternal, Augustine on XIII- 703d; denunciation IV-733C

— of Books. See Censorship of Books

Corrector, canonical compilation III-2Si)b: IX-62b

CORRECTORIES IV-394C; Do- minican XII-363b

Correctors I-29b; IX-018C

Correggio, painter. Sec Allegri,

— Gilberto da, lord of Parma

XI-.M.iC — Guidotto da. Bishop of Mantua

IX-612d Correia, Gaspar, and Portuguese

literature XII-.308d Correio CathoUco, periodical XV-

110a — do Norte, periodical, Portugal

XI-fiS9b Correlation, Law of, in Herbart's

educational system VII-249a:

in morphology II-574a; in

palseontology XI-411a Correns, scientist X-181c Correnzio, artist X-<;s3d Correo americano del Sur, peri- odical. Mcxic, XI-i;sr,b — Catalan, pfri'jdic:il, Barcelona


la Federacion, periodical.



— de los Niiios, periodical, Mexi- co XI r.siic

— espaiiol, periodical, Spain XI- t;90c; XIV-188C

Correr, Antonio, cardinal. Bishop of Bologna II-(>4nb

— Antonio, Bishop of Ccncda III- 519b

Correspondance, periodical, Vi- enna II-5a

— de Geneve, periodical, Italy XI-0S4b

— de Rome, periodical, Italy XI-

f;84a Correspondant, periodical, France VI-l,SSa

Correspondencia de Espana, pe- riodical. Spain XIV-188C

Correspondenzblatt fiir den Cler- us, periodical, Vienna XI-670b

Correze, department, France, map Vl-facing 188

Corridor theory, of Papini XII- 336c

Corrientes, province. Argentine Republic I-703a; Guarant Re- ductions XII-690b

—DIOCESE OF XVI-35b; XI- 47.5d

Corriere della Sicilia, periodical, Italy .\I-BS4c

— d' Italia, periodical, Italy XIII- 166a

— nazionale, periodical, Italy XI-6S4b

— toscano, periodical XI-6S4a


—MICHAEL AUGUSTINE, Archbishop of New York; IV-; XI-778C; and American College, Rome I~424b; 424c; and President Arthur I— 124c; funeral sermon XIII -283c: at Newark X-780c; portrait XI-25d

Corrupticolae, heretics V-635b; X-491d

Corrupt Practices Act (1911), Wisconsin XV-664d

Corry, John, priest XIII-22a

Corsetti, Antonio, epithet V-74b

Corsi, Cosimo, cardinal. Bishop of Pisa Xll-Uld

C o r s i a i n , superior - general. Brothers of the Cross of Jesus IV-.539a

CORSICA IV-396d; Ajaccio I- 238d; Blessed Alexander Sauli I-299b; cathedral I-239a; Church in I-238d; IV-397a; 397c; France acquires III- 694d; VI-172C; Genoese suzer- ainty VI-420C; Greek Rite I- 239a; history IV-396d; Italo- Greeks VI-755c; map Vl-fol- lowing 188; as papal fief XIV- 513a; Pisan suzerainty XII- UOd; Poor Clares XII-2.54b; Saracens conquer VIII-232b; Society of Jesus IV-33d; Ur- ban II claims V-121a; Vandals XV-268C

Corsignani, Pietro Antonio, Bish- op of Valva XV-265a

Corsini, family, chapel VI-342c; collections. National Gallery, Rome XIII-165d; Palace, Rome I-85b; 484a; IV-32a; XIII-175d

— Andrew, Saint. See Andrew Corsini

— FiUppo XV-386d

— Lorenzo. See Clement XII

— Neri, cardinal IV-32a; and Orsi XI-325b

— Pietro, Bishop of Porto XII- 290c

— Tommaso, jurist XIII-782a

—College IV-31C

Corsiniana. .Sec Accademia dei

Corsnaed, ordeal I-509a; XI-

277d Corssendonck, college X-104C Cort, Peter de. Version of the

Bible XV-37.3a — Thomas, martvr V— 175d Corte, palace, Mantua VI-572d —palace, Milan X-301d Cortenburg, abbey X-104C Cortenova, battle (1237) II-760b;

Vl-2.Wd; 797a; IX-340b Cortereal, Gaspar de X-782c Cortes, Donoso. See Donoso

—HERNANDO IV-397d; X- 2.53c; accusations IV-400a; in the Antilles IV-398a; Aztec conquest II-170b; VII-7.56a; battles (iU.) X-2o7; birthplace XII-15Sb; in Cahfornia III- 173b; 177d; commissioners IV- 399d; Cuanhtemotzin's execu- tion IV-399b; at Cuemavaca IV-563a; Diaz del Castillo on

IV-777a: and Donoso Cortes V-132b; exploration, map I- facing 410; failure IV-400b; hospital founded by VII^S7d; Indians policy IV-398c; X- 254a; letters IV^OOb; and Montezuma IV-399a; and Mo- tolinia X-601d; Narvdez cap- tured IV-398d; and Pizarro XII-140b; portrait IV-398; and the Spanish Government IV-399C; title XI-181a; and Tlaxcala Indians XI-180d; XIV-748C; and Velisquez IV- 398b; at Vera Cruz II-171d; XV-344d

— Juan de la Saludad. See Dono- so Cortfe

—Martin IV-39.8a

— de Monroy, Martin IV-398a


Cortesi, Paolo, and Politian XH- 213c

Cortex, cerebral, s\'3tems XI- 542a

— Chin£e. See Jesuit's Bark

Cortez, Hernando. See Cortes,



-y Larraz, Pedro, Archbishop of Guatemala VII-54b

Cortie, Aloysius Laurence, Jesuit astronomer XIV-310a

Cortina, Joaquin Fernandez, Bishop of Sigiienza XIII-7SSb

CortogoU, corsair VI-264a

CORTONA, DIOCESE OF IV- 401b; Fra Angelico's works I- 483d; 484a; cathedral (ill.) IV- 401d; EUas at V-383d; St. Francis of Assisi at VI-226b; Palazzo Pretorio IV-401c; St. Francis church V-383d

— Guido, artist XIII-170d

— Luca da, artist XV-2S5a

— Margaret of. See Margaret of Cortona, St.

— Pietro da, architect XIII-170d; 171b; 172c; 174d; 17.5a

Cortora, Thomas, Abbot of Angri XIV-236C

Cortton, Irani XlV-CSla

Corty, anatomist I-460d

Cortyl, Jesuit mart\T III-211a


Coruna, Agustin de la. Bishop of Popayiin XII-25SC

— Martin de la, missionary III- 178a; XIII-439d

Corunna, province, .Spain XIV- 171c; Armada at I-728d; terri- torial court XIV-172b

Corvaia, Victor, .\bbot of Monte Vergine X-.5:!'.)b; XIV-322a

Corvera, Francisco, martyr X- 391b

CORVEY, ABBEY OF IV-402a; I-126c; XV-602b; Counter- Reformation XV-603d; foun- dation VII-128b; Hilduin VII- 354c; library IX-.34a; 230a; and Osnabriick XI-.341c; Prus- sian possession X\'-604d; St. Vitus relics XV-491b

— Widukind of. .Sec Widukind of Corvey

— University XII-419a

Corvinian Library II-124d; VII- 552b; XHi7c

Corvinus, Andreas, Lutheran his- torian VII-376b

— Johann VII-552c; X-67c

— Matthias. See Matthais Cor-

Corvisart de Marest, Jean-Nico- las, physician X-139d; XIV- 35b; portrait X-131 Corvo, island, Azores II-lG9a • — Andrade, novelist XII-311a Corvoisier, founder XII-773c Corycian cavern, dimensions IV-

402b CORYCUS, See of IV-4fl2a Corydaleos, Theopbilos, theolo- gian Vl-771d CORYDALLUS, See of, Asia Mi- nor l\' -4112b —See of. I'anii.hvlia IV-402C Cos, name X 676d —island (Bib.) Vl-437d; ^scu- lapius, temple of X-I23a; as- trology, school of II-19C; med- ical school X-123b —Jose Maria, editor XI-686b

— Pedro Gutierrez de, Bishop of

Porto Hire, Xll-2>,(3b COSA, JUAN DE LA IV-402c;

map IV-facing 4(12 Cosal, Michele, Bishop of Ischia

Vlll-lSoa Cosam (Cosan), in genealogy' of

Christ Vl-llOd Coscia, Nicolo, .-Vdministrator of

Bciievento II-47Sc; birthplace

IHTsa Cosen, Thomas, martj-r V^78a Cosen, Mrs. Thomas, martyr V-

47Sa Cosenza, town. Italy VIII-222d —ARCHDIOCESE OF IV-403a;

cross IV-525c; Most Pure

Heart of, Feast of the X-600b Cosetti, Joseph, missionary X-

366c Cosgrach V-lOlb Cosgrove, Denis II-799C —HENRY I\-403b; 640c Cosi, D., \'icar .\postoIic of Shan-

Turm Xni-7o2d Cosijopii, King of Tehuantepec

X-25.5C; XIV-(73d Cosimo I de' Medici. See Medici,

Cosimo I de' COSIN, EDMUND IV-403b Cosinius, Bishop of Hieroca-saria

\il-;i44d Coskery, H. B. II-231c; 233b COSMAS, hymnodist IV^03c;

315b; VII-599C —Iconoclast IH5b; VII-621b —monk VIII-459C —Patriarch of Alexandria I-302a — Saint, Bishop of Chalcedon

III-554d — Bishop of Conana IV-151C — Patriarch of Constantinople,

deposed II-612b —Bishop of Cotenna IV-421d — Saint, Bishop of Majuma VI-

401a — Bishop of Myrina X-661C — Bishop of Narenta II-427b — Bishop of Prague IV^05a —Bishop of Satala XIII-486a —Bishop of Synnada XIV-387d — Deodatus, mosaicist IV-405C:

X-5S9C — Jacobus, mosaicist IV-405C — Johannes, mosaicist IV-405C — Laurentius, mosaicist IV-405b:

405c —Luca, mosaicist IV-405C —AND DAMIAN, SAINTS

IV-403d; Fra Angelico's

painting I-4S4a; in Bj'zan-

tino Rite IV-320b; church,

Athens II-44a; in Coptic lit- urgy XVI-29a; feast Ill-163c;

Mozarabic Rite X-622c; (ill.)

IV— 404; patronage XI-566c;


404b; on China III-682c; on Christmas III-725c; earth's shape VI^49b; on Indian bishops XIV-681c: in Indo- China VII-774d: .1, uisl, tradi- tion XIII . H I I'-i IX-622a:Xl

Christ iann Xi i,

SinaiXIV-l.'li, Ml

267b — of Jerusalem. See Cosmas,

hymnodist —OF PRAGUE IV-»0.5a — the Indian Voyager. See Cos- mas l„d..,.pl,.„sl,.S

—the Presbyter l-l.iiilb Cosmateschi. .Sir Cosmati COSMATI MOSAIC IV-405b; anihn l-:iS2b: in I. atcran Basil- ica lX-1.5a; X r.yib Cosmodysy X\'-ls7d COSMOGONY 1\ 4(1.5d: Alain de rislc'.s theory I-2i:)b; Amer- ican IV-412c;aM.i,nl IV-4I1C; of Ari.stotle l-71i,a; of St. Au- gustine II-90c; Babylonian I- 131a; 480d; II-18«c; 18Sb; 51ld; IV-ltma; VII-311b; 311d; ballistic .W~187c; Bib- lical I-129C; 130c; bilingual cre- ation-story IV~106d; Chinese III-6(>7b; XIV-447d; creation IV-470a; dualism V-169d; Egyptian lV-f07a; V-345b: VII-312b; emanationism V- 397b; Germanic IV-412a; XV- .507a; Gnostic II-.327b; VI- 594c; Greek IV-llOd; Indian

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.