Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/284

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Davis, John D., Orientalist I-131a —Sir John F.. Governor of Hong- Kong III-6S3C —Margaret O'Brien, authoress

—Mother Mary Blanche, Sister

of Charity XIV-29a -Thomas, poet, ^•III-127c; ami

Duffy V-lS7a; portrait \ 111-

-WiUiam n-116»i VIII-146C

William Henry, Bishop of bjU-

"e7lX-555d; XIV-365C DavisviUe, State University Farm

Davitt, 'Michael, Irish political leader VIII-112b; on Austra- lian pioneers Il-lUb; Land League VIII-152C

Davke, deity 1 1-5 14c .

Davost, Ambroise, missionary

DaVo'u~s°t' cDavout) Louis-Nicolas.

French Marshal IX-139d; X-


Davy, Sir Humphrey, physicist Xli-ti7a; on nitrous^ oside i-44Sb; observations V-423b

—Jacques. See Duperron, Jacques Davy ,

Davydd ap Bleddj^L Bishop of St. .Asaph XIII-333a

Davy Lamp, Foucault's inven-

DawTdha!"'!? Davis. Nestorian

Daw°n'(Michelangelo) XIV-737b

—periodical XVI-o5d

Dawson, Canada, mission AV-

— Sneas McDonnell iv-

646d „, , •

—Island, Patagoma, Church m


Lazarist foundation -X-dMC, schools, Apostolic XIII-o!*d

Day III-168b; astrononiical 111- 168b; Chinese division 111 - 687b: chronology , III7J4UO, IV-^37d; civil III-168b-, of creation IV-473b; fena VI-^ 43b; Jewish II-29d; III-166d: name II-19a;III-15Sd; planet III-158d- sidereal lll-iooc. solar Ill-lfiSb

Arthur IV-ti47c

-S r Francis .^nl-384a

—GEORGE IV-647a; III-658a


f,47c; lX-:i49d —Samuel IV-«47c Dayak, tribe XII-t>26d Daybook, Roman. See Diaro

Romano . . 1. i ty

Day Hours. liturgical book IX-

-nSseries XII-245b; St. Vin- cent de Paul Socij^ty XIII- 39Ua; statistics Xll-24Sa

—of Atonement. See Atonement

— of^Judgment. See Judgment,

—of "'the Lord, in Amos l-437a;

in St. Paul I-560b Dayton, Ohio, Gesellenvereine VI-539b; Hungarian church VII-546a; Poor ot St. Francis Sisters XII-258a , „ . , Daia, Juan, Bishop of Oviedo

XI-3B3d . . .

— y Chacon, Diomsio, physician

XV-259d . . Tlflze Louis, missionary a-joj*. Blzhdhog. sun-god XIII-266a;

XV-49Sa Da'zia signs, invented VII-511a Dbieoulim, missionary Xl-/.!4a D. C. L., abbr. I-24a D D., abbr. I-24a; 26c DD. NN. abbr. I-2lic Deabolis, See '>f„\ J, -'■:": . ,,, DEACONESSES I\ -l.,.lb; 111- 4S>b- alms a<lmmislered I- 329a; IV-in4d; St. Apnollonia I-617b; in Byzantine churches VI-76l)c; Chalcodon decree III--'i5Ha; consecration IV- 651d- in Dida.scalia IV- 781c;' functions III-595a; IV- 652c; history IV-6.51C; and poor-relief Xl[I-238c: prisoners Visited by X"-431a; Protest- ant IV-652d; V-644C: VII-

.536c; XV-693C; status IV- G52a; XV-097C; veU XV--321d DEACONS IV-647C; and abbots I-19b; Addeus and Mans Liturgy I-137a; and adminis- trators I-143C; age I-20/a, alb I-252a; Albigensian 1- 2C9b; in Alexandrine Liturgy I-304a; alms administered 1- 329a; IV-104d; altars in Lat- eran I-364b; ambo I-3Sld; in Ambrosian Rite I-400b; in Apostolic Constitutions I-63/a; and Apostolic Fathers I-b39c ; at .\rmenian Mass X111-8UC, authority XIII-530C; and bap- tism II-269a; in Baptist Church II-278d; blessing of candle II-600b; Book of Cornmoii Prayer on XV— 127d; burial of III-72d; at Carthusian Mass III-389C; celibacy III-184C, chasuble III-639d; m C emen- tine Epistle IV-15d; in Clemen- tines IV-41d; and Communion under both kinds iy-l'»<:; Congregational Churches

tic custom ni-506a; diptychs of V-23c; Eg>-ptian customs V-346b; evocation of the XV- 478d; Gnostic custom VI-597C; Holy Communion given to V- 590a; Indian superstition I- 411a; Iroquois feast VIII-169d; in Jewish eschatology I-55d; in Lamaism XII-409c; Mass for .'iec Requiem; Office of the, see Office of the Dead; Pans devotion to XI-489d; Parsis custom V-530C; XI-509b; pass- over of, Armenian I-316a; at Requiem Mass XII-779C; Ro- man respect for XIII-374b; Saliva Indian custom Xlll- 401c; United States laws III- 509a; St. Vincent de Paul XV- 436c: watching by the in-77b worship of, and apotheosis I-

in IJongregauuuai V-T rnc.. IV-240b; dalmatic IV -608a, degradation of IV-678a; dela- tores ot IV-691d; in Didache 1 1 1-74 8b; IV-780b; 7S0c; in Didascalia IV'-781c; Do- minus vobiscum. V-114b; Dreas IV-650a; duties I-63/a, IV-648c; in early Church 1- 196c; II-581d; III-748C; VII- 339a: 341d; XIV-730b; epis- copal I-C93C; at Epistle IX- 194c; and extreme unction V- 725c; SarumRiteXlll- 481b; in Gallican Rite, ordina- tion VI-365b: at Gloria VI- |^°4c; at Gospel VI-060d; 662a -^n Greek Church VI-746d, 760c: aer I-174b; celibacy III.- 48Sa; cincture III-'76a; ripi- dion VI-89a: stole XI\-301c, vestments IV-316C -and Gregory the Great s regu- lations VI-782d; in hierarehy VII-323C; 343d; history Vll- 342a; and Holy Communion V-589C; VII-340b; 402d; among Huguenots VII-530a , independence of XII-415C, in- stituted IV-647d; m Irvingite Church VIII-175a; Ite Missa Est VIII-253b; 253d; in Jacobite Church XIV-419a; Lateran decree IX-lhc; Lava- bo IX-44C; as Levites XI- 549b; in Maro^'te, Church IX-685a; at Mass III-^64a 26.5d- IX-79SC; in Methodist Church X-238a; Moravian II-618b; name IV-647c; num- ber IV-650b; Offertorj- XI- 218d; order of XI-279d; or- dination IV-650d: ,\I-365b VII-698b; palatine IIl-334a. Passion, recitation Xl-o-oc, Penance administered l-b4a, XI-624a: and penitents, recon- ciliation of XI-631a; and Pho- tianschismXV-139c;at Pontif- ical Mass XII-232d; and poor- relief XII-238C; Postcommun-

bytenan Chtirch XII 39.d, prisoners visited Xn-43la, Protestant I-491b; IV-651b, of Reformed Church, .Dutch XII-710C; as regionani 111- 334b- XII-720a; in Euthenian Rite'XIII-27Sa; Sacramental Character IV-OSOc; Sanctus vni— 434a- in Sarum Kite XIII=4§0d';Sedilia XIII- 679b; Seven VII-328C; stole Xl\- 3mb? symbol XIV-376C; in Syrian Rite, East XIV-llTb, tGnic XV--87d ; .vestments X\- 388b ; and Viaticum X\ -3» ' d . 39Sa; among Waldcnsca XV- -|9a- See Seven Deacons Dea'con's Manual, Coptic liturg- ical book IX-303C Dead, in Abrahams . bosom I-- 56b: .in African r|l'R>«" '-l*^'!?,' Alexians care of I-fOJa St. Amandua raises I-38UD, An tinoe custom I-5MC: Archont.c practice I-097b; in Avesta II- ?53b; baptism of II-271C; bur- iftl III-71b; catacombs 111- 417c; cemetery 111-5040; Cop-

650b";"'B'a g'a n d £ " XV-205b;

Brahminism II-731a; as origin

of reUgion I-528b; 529d; XII-

746b — Zoroastrian feast XII-581a —Book of the. .See Book of the


653a: XII-578d; Aerius denies I-174C- in African Church I- 194a- 198d; All Souls' Day I- 315d: almsgiving IV-656a: An- glo-Saxons I-509C: in catacomb inscriptions IIM21a; VIII- 43c: Catholic doctrine 1V-- 653a; and Communion of Saints IV-653b; discipline con- cerning IV-656d; efficacy IV-- 656b: in England IV-657a, fasting IV-656a; indulgences IV-656a; VII-784a.: indul- gences. Tetzel's teaching XIV- 540b: in Ireland IV-657c: in Judaism IV-654a; VIIMOM; Judas Machaba-us V-lo3a: Libera Me IX-214b: Lollard doctrine IX-334b; Maf ^IV- 656a; X-23c; among Moham- medans X-427b: objections IV-655d — proofs: early Chnstian litera- ture IV-655b; early liturgies IV-655a: monumental inscrip- tions IV-654d: Scripture IV- 653d: traditions IV-654C

—Joseph F., priest XII-123a — Thomas, educator \ -457b Deaneries, in Greek Orthodox

Church VI-773a De Angelis, canonist lV-19ia — AngeUs, painter XII-74d — Anacletus, Franciscan V 111-

205b Dearborn, Fort III-053C Dea Roma, nn coin XI-153d DBASE, THOMAS, Bi-shop of Mi'ilh IV lii'Oc; and Messmg- h:im X-217d . .

Deasy, H. H. P., Tibet visited by

XIV-719d „ . c V,-

Dea Syra, and Gnostic Sophia VI-594d . , ,„ ,

Death, from abortion I-SOa; al- coholism I-275c; as anathema I^55d: catacombs III-422a; Catholic teaching V-533a; de- termination of IV-662C; dog- matic theology XIV-587d; ear- ly Church I-202b; eternal XII-377d; Essenes V-546c; euthanasia V-630a; Greeks, theory of V-530d: mystic, quietist teaching Xll-blOa, Petrarch XI-779d; registers, parochial XII-721C; and re- marriage IX-244b; 701d: sav- age conception ot 1-1830, iv 6S8d: Shuswap Indians XIII- 765a: ' in Spanish literature XIV-19Sb; sudden 1-4 < 2c: Swedcnborgians XIV-4oba; Thcosophy teaching Xl\ -i.-Sa Archconfratermty of Xl-bJS^b:

XII-574b ^ . ,

—Brothers of. See Hermits of

St. Paul of France —God of, Aztec II-170d —PREPARATION FOR IV- 660d: 002b; in Anglo-Saxon Church IV-0fi2d: Apostolic blessing II-G02b; Bona Mors Confraternity n-64Sb; con- fession, general IV-661b: ex- treme unction IV-661d; patron II-285b; prayers for the dying IV-662b; priest, summoning of IV-661a; sacraments, last I\ - 661a; Viaticum IV-661c; XV- 39Sa

bill, in British monasteries


-IfotsJlX're^^^ X^^96b; -penalty. Sec Punishment, Cap.

pirgatoriaf societies XII-572d; purgatory, doctnne Xn-D76b, Ltilfaction X-203d; Syrian Rite, East XIV-415C; Wal- denses' teaching XV-528d —Sacraments of the XIII-301b —SEA IV-658C; distnct. Chris- tianity in I-668b; origin XI%- 130a; plants XII-150b; salt XIII-313a; United States ex- ploration I-466C . Deaf, dismissal, canonical XV- 24Sc; and dumb V-316a; edu- cation of. see Education of the Deaf; and salvation V- 316b- as -nitnesses XV-b7»a Deak, Francis. Hungarian orator

De aleatoribus, homily yi-376a; authorship lV-5.89a:XV-409b Dealy, P. F., Jesuit Ill-452d DEAIJ IV-659c; in Anglican Chiirch IV-660b; VII-325d; of the Arches I-695a; of a chap- ter III-583d; iy-660a: m cm life IV-659C; classes IV-6o9d, and definitorIV-676d; devel- opment of office IV-b5?d. in France I-698c; monastic 11- 438b; IV-659C; at Pans Uni- versity XI-497a; prior as XII- 427d; rank VII-325b -™ra! I-693d: IV-659d; Angli- can Church IV-.660b; origin I-697d; removability l-^-P' in United States II-236c; 238b in universities IV-66OI3, va- cancy of office XV-248d; See Archpriest —Richmond XlV-.Ob — William, mission Hi-b-" ,. -WH-LUM, VENERABLE IV- fi60c: martyrdom V-470a: X-

De'ane Henry, Archbishop of

° Camerbury II;3Wa I^ingor

episcopate II-250b: Salisbu

See Discus-

It al Debarim XI-647b Debates, reUgious. sions, religious . Debats, in dramatic development

XIV-500a . . . •

De' Bazzi, Giovanni Antomo.

See Sodoma Debbaseth VI-438a „,„„„„. DEBBORA, prophetess IV-6b3a. XIl-17Sa; 478d; and Barac il-"s2a: IV-663b; canticle of IV-663C; at Cedes III-47ob: as judge II-554d; on Mount Thabor XIV-552a: and tnbe of Nephtali X-750a ; Vu-gin Mary, t\-pe of XV-464Ea De Becker. Jules, rector of .American College. Louvain 1- 425c Debelaim XI-337b Debelle. Alexandre-C«sar, Jier-

rx-,r defends II-517b Debera. See Dabir Debesse, Chinese dictionary III-

674d Debharim Rabba X-2S.b D6bir, in Temple XI\-

,5()0b; 503a Deblatha VI-43Sa Deblathaim VI-13Sa Debois. Albert, papal delegate

Xlll-2.'>0b Deboli. Academy of I-S4b

DfBSnn. trial of Xlll-O.Wa Deborah, name I-519C; Sec Deb-

De Bourgmont, explorer VIII- 598a

Brabandere. canonist IX-6Ga

Debraine. Marie-Louise - Antoi- nette Vni75,Wd Debras, Louis, L!^""*' X-;Y1-|° Debray, Henri Dev.Ue XIII- 340d; an.l Dumas \-18nc


VTiiZinih; ami Debr'ey'ne!pierrc-jean-ComeiUe, ^vPTe?' XV-^SSr"'"' »' I- Trappe IX-35d
