Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/286

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binding power IV-670b; irrev- ocable IV-676b; and Modern- ism XIV-370b; object IV- 676a; and Revelation XIII- 4b; Vatican CouncU IV-675d

DEFINITOR (in canon law) IV- 676d; of rural chapter I-69Sc; Mauriat X-70c; in religious orders IV-677a; XII-754d

Definitorium, Celestine order XVI-20a

Defoe, Daniel III-544b

Deformity, as irregularity VIII- 173a

Defouri, J. H. in Kansas IX-103a

Defourny, A., editor, XI-671d

Defteras, Abyssinian I-77a; II- 103c

Dega I-75d

Degan of Treves. See Thegan of Treves

Degeneracy, atavistic theory of II-33b

Degenerate, marriage of XVI-39d

DEGER, ERNEST IV-677b; and Ittenbach VIII-256b; and Mai- ler X-629C

Degl Stul. See Epipiiany

Degnan, William T., educationist XIII-5S2d

De Gorostarzu, Carlo Maria, Vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan XV-73SC

DEGRADATION IV-677d; of clerics III-528a; and deposi- tion IV-737d

Degrees (academic) IV-108a; XV-193b; B. A. I-7o6d; Cam- bridge University III-213d; doctorate V-72d; Georgetown University VI-459c: licentiate I-759c; M. A. I-7o9b; Oxford University XI-367C; Paris Uni- versity XI-497b; Studies, Congregation of XIII-146a; and university extension XIV- 334d

—of altar I-3S4d

— in secret societies XIV-72a

—Psalms of XIV-i26b

DeGruchy, P., editor XI-673a

Deguerry, Gaspard, martyr IV- 168c; XI-48od

Deguette, Victor-Marie, mission- ary IV-362C; IX-747C

Degui, Saint. See David

Deguilleville, GuiUaume de, hvm- nodist VIl-i;oia

De hiereditate Cleonymi, MS. IX- 538b

— haeretico comburendo, statute V-441b; Vl-3.s:)d

Dehaisnes, Chretien-C6sar-Au- guste lX-2.'>2d

DEHARBE, JOSEPH IV-678b; catechism V-SOc; 81b; 82b

Dehmel, Richard, poet VI-528C

De Hondt. See Peter Canisixis, Blessed

Dei ac Domini Nostri, Bull of Pius VII .XV-720b

Deiber, Bible edition XVI-80b

Deibhidhe, Irish metre VIII-121C

Deicole, Saint. See Deicolus

Deicolffl. See Culdees


Deidesheim, Johannes IV von, Abbot of Mnria-l.;iRfhlX-l..-,Sb


Deification, adoption called I- 149a; in sacrifice XIII-320c; See .\potheosis

Dei fide qua vivimus, hymn XII- 783a

— Filius, Constitution of Vatican Council I-450C; 476d; on St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-671C

Deigenitus I-149a

Dei Giannuzzi, Giulio. See Giu- lio Romano

—GRATIA IV-r,70a

— raiseratione. Bull of Benedict .\IV IV-(;7.^b; V-59b

— miseratione et Apostolicae Se- dis gratia IV-679a

Deimos, moonII-2fid

Deiniol, Saint, Bishop of Bangor. .S'.v Daniel. St.

Deinlcin, Michael von, .Arch- bishop of Bamberg II-L>l.-,a; .\uk"iburK episcopate II-76d

Deiokes. Sfr D.-iiukku

Deiotadrus, King of Gnlatia I- 785d


Deiotariana, legion II-109b

Deiotarus, Galatian king I-513a; VI-336c;377d

Deipara, church, Constantinople I-92C

Dei providentis, Motu Proprio of Pius X XI-168b; XII-753b; 759d

Deir, abbey. See Deer, Abbey of

— Thomas, martvr VIII-168a

Deira, Kingdom of I-505d; VII- 241d

Deir Abou-Hemiys I-564c

— al-Luweize, Maronite synod (173G) IX-304a

— asseituni, Armenian convent X-472b

Deirbh-fine II-754b

Deir Dosi, monastery X-591b

Deirdre, in Irish literature VIII- UUd

Deir-el Abiad, Copt monastery Xin-.527b

— Menlik (Thera) XIV-629b

Deirmennik (Kyrka) III-766a

Deisi, tribe XI-343a

DEISM IV-679b: Abrahamites I-57d; apologies in reply to I- 621d; and authority, ecclesias- tical IV-680d; and the Bible IV-161C; and Biblical inspira- tion VIII-49a; Blount IV- 6Slb; and Catholic theolog>' XIV-595c; Chubb IV-682d; Christology IV-680d; Collins IV-682a; Cooper IV-681d; development IV-679c; in Eng- land IV-679b; in France IV- 681a; Ifreethought in IV-680a; VI-258d; Gerdil opposes VI- 471d; God in IV-6S0b; Lord Herbert of Cherbury IV-681b; "immortal" IV-680c; and mir- acles X-340b: and Monotheism X-500a: Morgan IV-682c; "mortal" IV-680c; and natu- ralism IV-680b; and predesti- nation XII-378d; and ration- alism IV-6S0C; XII-652b; and Reformation IV-679C; and Renaissance IV-679C; and the- ism IV-680b: Tindal IV-682c; Toland IV-6Slc; on Trinity IV-680d; Woolston IV-082b

Deissmann, Gustav Adolf, on Epistle to Ramans XIII-160a

Deiters, anatomist I-460d

DEITY IV-683b; XII-739b; Af- rican notions of VI-54b; 56b of American Indian 1-41 la ancestor worship IV-689a. [animism I-528a: 528c; anthro- pomorphism I-559a; Arnobius on I-747a; Buddhism III-30a; Christian conception, see God; demons I-362a; IV-767d; pa- gan, and Christianity IX-i30a; X-460a; savage conceptions of I-528a; X-500d; Taoistic teaching XIV^48a

Dejean, missionaryjin China III- 67!b; IX-747b; XV-374a

— Jean, missionary, in America I.\-G90b; X-193b

Dejneff, Simon, explorer XIII- 7t'.9a

Dijotarus. See Deiotarus

Dekker, Thomas, on Shrovetide Xlll-7(i4a

Delaborde, Henri, on Raimondi XII-634d

DE LA CROIX, CHARLES, mis- sionary IV-fiS9c

De La Croix, Charles, statesman



DE LA CROIX, FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE IV-(iS9d; VIU -9d; XI- t02a; portrait IV- nnoc: an.l Puvis de Chavannes; on Titian XI V-745b De La Croix, Joseph 1V-689C De Lacy, Margaret XIV-549a Delaet, Jan IV 273d Delafosse, theologian XIII-380b Delahogue, Louis X-S9a Delahoyde, Henry, martyr VIII-

ifiob De Lai, Gaetano, cardinal XII-

2snc Delaitre, Genevieve III— in5c Delalle, Henri, \icar Aiio.itolic of

Natal \-7IISd Delambre, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph, astronomer VI-391d; on Bosco- vich II-693C

Delamotte, missionary VII-775d Delancey, William Heathcote,

Bishop of Western New York

XII-403a Deland, university VI-118a Delaney, Carthage, Abbot of

Mount Melleray X-lC8b — Christopher XIII-50d ^Daniel, Bishop of Kildare and

Leighlin XI-553C; XVI-14d Delangle, Bishop of Boidogne

XV-129d Delany, Bishop of Cork XIV-489c —Daniel, martyrdom VIII-168a — John Bernard, Bishop of Man- chester IX-5S.5b; X-788b — Patrick, Bishop of Hobart I-

31oa; VII-381b De la Pasture, Rogier, See Van

der Wevden, Rogier Delaplace, founder VH-167b — Vicar ApostoUc of Iviang-si

VIII-635b Delaroche, F., physicist XII-66b — HIPPOLYTE IV-egia; XI-

402a; and Millet X-310d;

Napoleon's portrait X-facing

694; portrait IV-691a — Paul. See Delaroche, Hippo-

b-te Delarue, Vincent, Benedictine

VI-16b Delas. See Nilopolis De la Salle, John Baptist. See

John Baptist de la Salle — La Salle Institute, Toronto

XIV-782C — La Salle Monthly, periodical

XI-696a —la Sie Abbey II-374d Delatio domini IV-518d DELATORES IV-691d; II-llOc Delattre, A. J., Biblical commis- sioner II-557c; on Scripture

V-699C — Alphonse, Orientalist III-387d;

ol8c; writings III-707d Delatmay, Charles-Eugene, as- tronomer II-26C • — Nicolas, etching (ill.) X-facing

Delavau, John III-25a

— M., canon IX-204d

Delavay, missionary III-671b; IX-747b

De la Vega. See Garcilasso de la Vega

De la Verendrye, See Lav6r- endr\e

DELAWARE IV-692a;XV-157d; aborigines I-311c; Church in II-229b; IV-693d; XI-617d; Civil War IV-693a; education IV-693b; French Americans VI-273a; history IV-692a; legislation IV-694d; liquor traffic laws XIV-491a; mar- riage II-25Sa: and Pennsyl- vania XI-640b; periodical liter- ature XI-692C; population IV- 693a; Presbyterian churches XII-394a; religions IV-694C; scourging VI-92d; statistics IV-694b; XV-176a

— Lord. See West, Thomas

— Bay, battles 11-31 la; discoverj' IV-n92b

— CoUege, Newark IV-693c; Al- len at I-321C

—INDIANS IV-695b; language I-lllb; in Pittsburg XII-121a; in West Virginia XV-606d

Delbenisti, See of V-209b

Delbrouck, Jean, missionary IX- 74Sa

— Victorin, missionary ni-671b

Delbriick, Rudolf von, Prussian minister XII-529C

Delcour, Belgian minister IX- 39r,c

DELCUS, See of IV-696a

Del6age, Louis, missionary X- 3S2a

Delean VI-438a

Delebecque, Ludovic Jos., Bishop of Ghent VI-.543C

Delecluze, Etienne-Jean, on De- lacroix iv-r,9nc

Delegate. See Legate

Delegates, Court of, England I- r.dlld; 1\ 70b


— .l,„.,,^i/,., diplomatic .\I-101d; aiul I'ropairaiula Xll-457d: in United States I-e92b; XV- 559b

— of Jurisdiction VIII-567d Delegati Sedis Apostolicae. See

Holy See, delegates of Delegate per i servizi di Sicurez-

za e Polizia, title XV-300b Delehaye, Hippolyte, Bollandist,

on Coliseum IV-102b; on St.

George VI-453d; on Tarachufl

legend XIV-150c; on St. Thais

legend XIV-oo3d; on St. The-

odotus legend XIV-579d: on

veneration of saints XV-712d Deleloe, Jeanne de S. Mathieu,

Benedictine- VII-166a Delen, mission IV-152C Delendas, .Archbishop of Athens

1 1-4 7a De Leon, Alonzo, governor XIV-

546a; 546d De Leon Luis. See Le6n, Luis de De Leon Ponce. See Ponce de

Leon, Juan Deleuze, Joseph-PhiUppe-Fran-

sois, writer VII-605d Delevan, Edward C. XlV-491a DELFAU, FRANCOIS IV-697C Delfini, Egidio, Franciscan VI-

280C —Gentile, canon XI-328b — Scipione, portrait of Stanislaus

Kostka XIV-246C Delfino, Daniel, Patriarch of

Aquileia I-662b; XV-119a ■ — Dionigio, Patriarch of Aquileia


Bishop of Brescia

- — Giovanni

Il-760d ■ — Giovanni


Antonio, physicist n tides XII-55C — Pietro, Camaldolese III-206C — PIETRO, theologian IV-698a;

and Giustiniani III-206C — Zaccarias, Bishop of Lesina

IX-191b: as papal nuncio IV-

156d; and Peter Canisius XI-

760c DelgadiUo, auditor of Mexico

XV-767b; and Zumarraga XV-

707d Delgado, Agustin Rodriguez,

Bishop of La Paz VIII-796a — Alexius. See Alexius Delgado — Francisco, Bishop of Lugo

XIII-78Sd — Marcos, martj-r X-391b — Cenarro, Martin, Bishop of

Valladolid XV-258C Delhalle, Nicholas, martjT X-

391c Delhi, India, Al-ud-deen's Gate- way (ill.) Vll-facing 729;

Jumma ilusjid (ill.) \TI-fac-

ing 722; Kutub Minar (ill.)

VII-726b; Parsis in XI-509a;

public mosque (ill.) VII-731d Delhorme, martyr IV-168d Deliberation, oi Innocent III I-


Bernard, Franciscan


XII-5b Delicts, ir Delight,

Law IX-S5a XI-534C Deliit-fash (Olympus) XI-249b Delilah, .so D:ilil!i DELLLLE, JACQUES IV-69Sa; I-S9b: n-a4b, at College de France I V-1 14a Delirium, administration of Vi- aticum XV-39Sb — tremens I-275c; XI-544d DE LISLE, AMBROSE LISLE MARCH PHILLIPPS IV- 69Sb; and Coffin IV-93d; on St. Edward the Confessor XII- 47Sd; and Gentili VI-422d; and Newman X-799c; and LTnion of Christendom XV- 1.50b Delisle, Claude IV-700b — GUILLAUME IV-700b — Harriet, foundress VII-108d Leopold, palff-ographer XI-

403d: on DeRo


Ill-SSa; and

-740d; diplomatics

V-22a; on Dominicans XII- 3.56d; on feudal times XII- 162c; and Gaubil VI-393b

Delitzsch, Franz, non-Catholic exegeto lV-161b; 502c; IX- 462c; edition of Bible V-289a; on l^lohim V-393b; and ken- osis VlII-617b; on Pentateuch XI-655b; New Testament XV- 371a

— Friedrich, Orientalist I V-494C ; XI-304a; on Asayriology I-

Large typo indicates titles of articles: other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illqatratioos.