Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/290

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7oSb; cathedral (ill.) IV- facing 758; Catholic Con- gress (1S89) II-234d; chari- table institutions XII-247b; Hungarians VII-546a; Ital- ians VIII-206b; Jesuit college XIV-102b; Joseph, Sisters of Saint VIII-513b; Leopoldine Society XVI-o2c; Louvain Col- lege I^25a; Our Lady of the Rosary, Church of (ill.) IV- facing 758; Poles XII-211a; St. Anne's Church (I'l-) IV- facing 758; seminaries Xlll- 698d- 701a; XVI-32a; statistics XV-176C

— River, La Salle's expedition VII-216C

Dett, Klara. See Tott. Klara

Dettorri, theologian XV-9ob

Deuil Blanc, portrait of Mary Queen of Scots IX-7G6a

Deulin, Charles-Joseph de Har- lez de. See Harlez de Deulin

—truce of XIII-246d

Deum time, forged Bull of Boni- face VIII II-666C

De unitate. Encyclical of Leo XIII I-504b

Deus Creator omnium, hymn I- 3<)3a

— Deus mens, psalm I-349a

DEUSDEDIT, SAINT, Pope IV- 7lillc; XII-273b

DEUSDEDIT, cardinal IV"-760d; canonical collection III-286d JX-62b; 202d; and Gregory

r VII VIII-86dj and Ordo Ro- manus XI-287a

Deusdedit, Doge of Venice Xv - 336b

— Bishop of Acqui I-l 10b

—Bishop of Cagliari III-139d

— SAINT, Archbishop of Canter- bury IV-760C

— See Adcodatus; Deodatus

Deus electorum fortitudo, in Eng- lish coronation ceremony IV- 3S3b

— honorum ommum, prayer i- 491c

Deusing, Antoine, educator V-


Deutsche Reichszeitung, period- ical XI-679b

Deutsche! Staatsanzeiger, period- ical X-027a

Deutsches Hausbuch, periodical




' cry XV-

Deus lo volt. Crusade


— Rediculus, temple. Rome XIII-

Deussen, philosopher XII-33C Deus venerunt gentes, psalm III-

3S9d Deuteranthropos, m Gnostic sys- tem VI-.596b Deutereuon (prior) VI-7hlb Deuterius, Bishop of Caria V III-

4"la , „ .

— Donatist Bishop of Gratianop-

olis VI-731a Deuterocanonical Books 111-

269d; Xin-637d; and Apoc-

rjTjha I-eOlc; in Catholic

canon III-270d; defined III-

267b; editions V-289b — New Testament III-271a;

276a; Eusebius on in-277b;

Tridentine decree III-278d Deuteronomic Code, in Bibhcal

criticism IV-493d DEUTERONOMY IV-761c; XI-

649d: in Canon ni-267d; 27()d;

critical treatment XI-6.'i8a;

legislation II-554C; in Septua-

gint XIII-722b; tithe, law of

XIV-741b Deutherius, Samt, Bishop of


7(,ld; V-n.-,a Deutsch, Emmanuel, on Jews of

Vi'meu I-«74b — Martin, on Sens, Council of

Xin-720b — Nikolaus. See Manuel, Niko-

—Brod, battle (1422) Vn-588c; XlII-7S.5b

Deutsche evangelische Kirchen- konferenz, statistical commis- sion XIV-274d

— Hausschatz, periodicalXI- (ISOa

Deutschen Ritter. See Teutomo Order

-Volksblatt, periodical XI-678d Deutsch evangehsches Frauen-

bund XV-U93C Deutsche Zeitung, periodical


Deutschland, periodical XI-67Sd Deutschmann, Johann, Lutheran

XII-81C Deutz, monaster>' VII-264C Deuwerders, Francis, founder

IV-358a Deux-Sevres, department,

France, map Vl-facing 188 Devachonic State, of conscious- ness XIV~627d Deva, battle. See Chester Devai, Martin. See Devay, Mar- tin Devalas, Hindu worship III-549d Devanampiyatissa, Sinhalese kin g

III-549d Devancay, Madame, portrait by

Ingres VIII-9b Devas, in Iranian cosmogony IV-

40Sc —CHARLES STANTON IV- 702c; XII-278d; on Malthu- sianism XII-279a; and popu- lation XII-280C; on prescrip- tion, right of XII-396a Devauz, missionary XIV-420C —Paul, politician ll-399d; 400b;

and Nothomb XI-124a Devay, Martin, Lutheran preach- er II-125a Development (biol.) XI-411C — (phil.) Aristotle I-715d; Hege-

lianism VII-192d — Hypothesis, of Pentateuch IV-

493d — of Doctrine. Sec Doctrine,

Christian Devenish Island, shrine IV-60a Deventer, town, diocese, schis- matical VIII-293C; Radewyn's relic XII-631C — School XV-603a; Bursa Casana Xl-eic; Groote VII-36a; He- gius VII-195d; humanism VII- 541a: New Devotion XIV- 661c — Spain acquires I-777a — Hendrik van X-134d De Vere, Sir Aubrey IV-763a;

lX-203b —VERE, AUBREY THOMAS HUNT IV-763a; VIII-12Sb; IX-2(i3b; Irish Monthly XI- 6S2d —Vere, Gaston XV-274b —VERE, SIR STEPHEN

EDWARD IV-7()3d -Vere, William, Bishop of

Hereford Vni-255c Devereaux, Aidan, Vicar Apos- tolic of Eastern Vicariate of Cape of Good Hope X-70Sa —John, general VIII-157b Devereux, Alexander, Bishop of

Ferns VHfia —Catherine, religious XVI-3.3b —Hannah A. VIII-627b; XVI-

33d — Henry L., and Donohoe V-

11.5c; XI-fi94b — James XVI-33b —John VI-46a

—JOHN C. XVI-33b; XIV-398a — John T., journalist XI-693a —NICHOLAS XVI-33C; VIII-

627b: XIV-.398b —Thomas XVI-3.3b —Walter XVI-33b —William V 1-4 6a Deveria, M., archseologist XIII-

r,-22b De Vers, Mother, LTrsuline XV-

2SSb Deveuster, Pamphile, missionary

X-446a Devici, monastcri- XI 11-24 "a Devidcuse (Greuzc) Vll-SOb Devie, Aleiandre-Raimond , Bi.-hop of Belley IV-lOla; IX- 7.)0d DEVIL IV-764a: Abelard on II- 57b; adjuration of I-142d; an- gelic probation IV-76.5c: .\n- selm on IV-705b: Antichrist as I-5(ila: in Apocaljiise I-560b;

S96d; apocatastasis I - 599b; Archontic teaching I-697b: in Ascension ceremonies I-767d; and asceticism XIV-615b: and atonement II-56b; 57b: Beel- zebub II-389a: Belial II-408a; Bogomili II-612a; Christ tempt- ed by XIV-505b; Clementines IV-41C; critical view IV-494d: Cross, ransom of XIII-316d: cursing IV-574b; as demon IV-710d; early Christian belief X-460a: emblem I-524d; 793d; exorcism by Christ IV-711b; faith of. St. Thomas on V- 756d; fall of. in Scripture I- 479b; in Henoch. Book of I- 603b; Iranian religion XIII- 310a: in Isaias I-526a: Jewish theology I^78d; Lateran de- cree IV-764a: and man XIV- 585a: Manichffiism IX-592b; Mohammedan belief VIII- 191a; X-I26c: Moses, dispute over I-603b: nature IV-764b: obsession by IV-71 lb: and orig- inal sin IV-764b: in paganism I-362a: prophetic power XII- 474c; redemption of IV-784d; repentance, possibility of IV- 766b; rights of XIII-316d; Scholastic teaching IV-76oa: Scotus on IV-765b; V-197c; as serpent XV^64Bb; Shaman- ism I-248C; and sign of the cross XIII-787a: sin. cause of XIV-9a: sin of IV-764d: Swe- denborgian teaching XIV- 356a; and temptation XIV- 504c; 505a; St. Thomas on IV-765b; wild beasts called I- 521c; and witchcraft XV-674c; 675a: worship. East Indian tribes III-155a; Zoroastrian- ism II-1.5.3b; 154c; 155c

^Advocate of the. See Advoca- tus Diaboli

Deville, Sainte-Claire. See Sainte-Claire

Devil's Lake, Benedictine abbey II-452d; Indian agency VII- 74.5c: .'^ioux XIV-22c: 24b

DEVIL-WORSHIPPERS IV- 767c; Huron Indians VII-S73a; superstition XIV-339d

Devinat, Emile, on Christian ed- ucation VI-181d

Devin de village (Greuze) VII- 30c

Devine, Arthur, ascetical theo- logian XIV-620d

— E. T., on charity III-604b; on poverty XII-32SC

— Pius, on English Passionists XI-524b

Devis, Jesuit IV-678b

Devise, legal definition III-591C; restraint on III-592a

Devlet-Ghirei, Khan of the Cri- mean Tatars X-593C

Devlin, Francis XIII-51b

—John E. VIII-137b

—Mary XI-1.50b

Devna (Marcianopolis) lX-645d

Devoir, periodical. Canada XI- 672d


DevorgiUa, Lady XI-36Sb: New Abbey founded X-779c

Devost, Ambroise, missionarj- X- 378c

Devota, Saint IV-.397c

Devotam, Bull of Benedict XIV XIV-85C

Devoti. See Common Life, Brethren of the


Devotioni vestrae. Bull of Inno- cent III IV-t;71b

Devotions, Popular. Sec Popular Devotions

Devout Brothers and Sisters. Sec Common Life. Brethren of the

Dew, for baptism II-261C

Dewailly, Peter, Lazarist X- 3i;3a

Dewajtys. See Rodztewicz

Dewalque, Francois, chemist IX- 39:ia

Dewey, George, Manila taken XI I- 13d: Spanish fleet de- stroyed XV-17SC

— John, pragmatist , XII - 334c; and metaphy.'iics X-232b: and psychology XII-.547d; truth, pragmatic theory XV-76a

Dewhurst, Mary, mother of

Daniel Noble XI-86c Dewi, Bishop of Meneria. See

David. Saint Dexianus, Archbishop of Seleu-

cia Trachea XIII-689d Dexter, Flavius, chronicle XIII-

CS4c — Henry M., on Congregational- ism IV-241a Dexterarius, meaning in-G91b DEYMANN, CLEMENTINE IV-

76Sd De Ypelaar, seminarj-. (3uden-

bosch II-752d Deza, Diego de. Archbishop of Senile XVI-33d: and Colum- bus IV-141b: XI-665a; XII- 368Ha; XIII-392a: inquisitor XII-368BC: Seville, college founded XII-368Fc; Thomist XIV-702C: as Bishop of Za- mora XV-74Sd — Pedro Suarez de. Bishop of Concepcidn de la Vega XIII- 463d Dezeimeris, Jean-Eugene,_medi- cal magazine founded IX-295d D. G. abbr. I-24a Dhafar (Safar), town, Arabian

church at I-(570c Dhaher el Amer, and Francis- cans X-726b Dharbanga, mission II-539a Dharma, in Zoroastrianism II-

1.5.5b Dharmapala, Sinhalese king III-

5o0a — Juan, and Church IV-124b Dhanna-sastra, Brahmin Book

IX-613C Dharma-Sutra, Brahmin Book II-730C: and Laws of Manu IX-013b Dhegiha, language XII-593a Dhiban. See Dibon Dho Levo, language XV-205C Dhu Giadan, Kimyarite I-672a — Nuwas. See Yusuf Dhu Nuwas DHUODA (DHUODANA) IV-

7(i9a DhurrumtoUah, school, Calcutta

III-154C Dhuspa, Van I-736c DhuThaleban, I-671d Dia, newspaper IX-518a Diabaina (Marcianopolis) IX-

645d Diabertus, Bishop of Pisa XII-

Ulc Diabolical Scandal. See Scandal,

Diabolical Diabolism, exposure XIV-621b Diacceto, Fiammetta da, step- mother of St. Catherine de Ricci III-444C Diacon, Michael, Bishop of St.

Asaph Xin-333b Diaconate. See Deacons Diaccnise, in early Church III- 596d; establishment of XII- 23.Sd: XIV-74od: 746a Diaconica, Antiochene, influence on Apostolic Constitutions I-636d DUCONICUM (DIACONICON) IV-7(;9c; 316a: I-305b; sacristy Xin-323a Diaconi episcopi. See Deacons,

Epi.'^copal Diaconus, Johannes. Sec John

the Deacon — Leo. See Leo Diacoiius — Paulus. Sec Paulus Diaconus Diacrinonmenos, John, on Him-

70d elafio


Diadochian wars,

Mithradates I XII-234C Diadochus, Bishop of Photike

IX-OoOc — Marcus. See Marcus Diadochus Diagatai, Empire of XV-95c Diagoras, denounced II— 40c Diagram, in astrology II-18d Diakonikou. .Sec Diaconicum Diakonoff, Russian dramatist

M11-273C Diakonos, use of term VII-3lla DIAKOVAR, town. Sluv.nia IV- 769d; catlicdr.ll IV-7r,9d; Mar- iaschnee. pilerimace IV-77l)b DIALECTIC I\'-770b: Abelard l-3Sb; in Alexandrian (pagan) education I-7(>lb; St. Augus- tine I-762a; St. Bonnventurc I-763C; Cassiodorus IIH07a:

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = iUustratiOM.