Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/317

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Alliance V-641d: Kantianism XII -34b: Lollardv VHMOd; IX-333b: Ma.sonry" IX-77Id; 77oc: 776d: TSiid; Methodism X-240c; Mithra cult II- 155b, NIormonijm X - 572a: Nonconformists I-167b: XI- 95c; Pelagianism XI -608a; Positivism XII-3I3c; Pres- bvterianism XII-393b; Prot- cstantiam Xll-oOOa; 502b; XV-143d; Puritanism III- 198a; Socinianism XIV-114a; Spiritism V-49c; XIV-222a; Swedenborgianism XIV'-356b; Unitarians XV-15ob; Wyclil- itea V^41b

ENGLAND, Science: Oriental re- search XI-304b; palfeography XI— 107b: political economy Xll-214a; vivisection XV-495C

—Slalislics: blind V-306a: 3QSd: Christian population I-499b: divorce V-68c; ecclesiastical V- 456c; XIV-271c; illegitimacy Vll-ijoOb; Society of Jesus X!V-103b: suicide XIV-327d

—Bank of IX-344d

— Established Church of. See Anglicanism

— JOHN, Bishop of Charleston V-»70b: III-630d; XIV-159d; African mission I-189a; VII- 417b: appointment II -232b; Australian mission VIII-146c; catechism V-80d : as editor VIII-142C; educational labours XIH-580b; and Florida X- 411a; and Gaston VI-392d; in Georgia VI-462d: portrait V- 47nc

Englefield, Sir Charles V-471d


— Sir Francis XI-730c

—Henry V-471c


Englische Fraulein. Sec Insti- tute of Mary

English, Daniel II-7{Md

— Ferdinand, Archbishop of Port of Spain XIl-291b

— Academy, Rome I-88d

— Church Union XIII-90c

— College, Lisbon X n-23Uc : 230d ; 231b: XIII-231d

—College, Paris XII-230d

—COLLEGE, Rome V-472c; I-322d; VII-2d; X-375a: XIII- 134c; 164d; XV-601c: Alfieri I-309a; Archpriest controversy XVI— 4c: Bainbridge's tomb II-207d: church pictures II- 723a: V-474d; decline V-473b; English and Welsh feud XV- 536c; foundation V-472c; growth V— i73a: Howard re- builds VII-o03a: influence on Church V— 174b; inscription II-676C; and Jesuits XIV-91d: Manning XV-595b; OCalla- ghan I-405d: revival V-I73c; scholastic status V^73d: stu- dents, di'^tinguished V-473d; Wiseman XV-670d

— CoUege, Valladolid I-323b; X-375b: XII -230c; 230d; 231a; XIII-Toob

—CONFESSORS AND MAR- TYRS V^74c; Allen's Apology I-323b; beati V-475b; beati- fication II-59SC; V-474d; bish- ops V— 478b; during the Com- monwealth V— 176d; dilati V- 477a: from Douai V-138d; under Queen Elizabeth V- 475c; Gunpowder Plot V- 476c; under Henr>' VIII V- 475b; under James I and Charles V-176C: Gates Plot V-477a; prEPterraissi VH177c; Venerables V-475C; Westmin- str-r Cathedral, chapel XV- 00 la


— Historical Review, periodical I-114d

English Ladies. See Institute of Miiry

— Virgins. .See Institute of Mary

Englmar, Bishop of Passau I- 27',)c

Engolisma. See Angouldmc

Engratia, Saint, tnartvr XIII- 40Sd; 685a; XIV-l77b

Engraring, Aesthetics I-175a; Be- nolt II-482C; Carracci III- 374d; Charpentier III-633a; Edelinck V-281b: Egloffstein V-327b; metal-work X-219d; Tegernsee XIV— 473b

Enguru. See Angora

Enhadda VI-13SC

Enham, Council of V-394b

Enhasor IV-445c: VI-438d

Enid, in literature V-386d

Enimie, Saint X-lSOc

Eninis, cell III-250b

Enite, in Erec VII-147a

Enjalran, Jean, missionary IX- 0S9b: XII-320b

Enk von der Burg, Michael Leo- pold X-(530b

Erilightenment. See Illuminati

Enlil. See Baal

Enna, town. Dionysius takes XIII-773C; Romans take XIII- 774a

En-Nasir, calif X-722a

— Daiid, Emir of Kerak VIII- 364d

Enneads, in Egj-ptian mythology V-345b

Ennes, Manuel B. de S., Bishop of Macao IX— 182a

Ennis, town. Ireland, abbey VIIHi42a; seminaries XIII- 701 )d

— Ann Regina, Sister of Charity XIV-2sd

Enniscorthy, town. Ireland, Bene- dictine school II-460C; cathe- dral I-170b: VI-16b; XII- 559d: Franciscans VI-46a

EnniskiUen, Ireland, Mercy Con- vent Xlll-.-.rSc

Ennius.poet IX I'.ic: loSa;Tiron- i^m n.,te> XI -inr.d

ENNODIUS, MAGNUS FELIX V-47Sb; VII-470C; IX-32d: XI-593b; and Arator I-67Sd; and Fortunatus III— 130a; on Chair of St. Peter III-552b; as hynmodist Vn-601b; on Paschal candles I-220b; on sedia gestatoria XIII-679a: Sirmond edits XIV-28a

Ennoea, in Gnosticism VI-596b

— in Simonian doctrine XIII- 797a

Ennom, valley VII-207c; VIII- 345a; 345b

Ennon. .See v^ilnon

Enoch. .See Henoch

Enogat, Bishop of Aleth XII-

Enomagan Indians VII-75Sa

Enon. .See Enan

Enos. .See Henos

Enrages. .See H^bertistes

Enrico. .See Henry

Enright, priest. See Kenraghty

En-Rimmon. .See Ain

Enrique, Alonzo, historian XV- 2r)5b

Enriquez, Alonso, Bishop of Osma XI-3.39d

— Fernando, .\bbot of Valladolid .XV-25SC

— Martin, Vicerovof Mesico VII- 44a; .\-25Sc; XV-345a

— de Arana, Beatriz, and Colum- bus IV-141b; 149a

—Teresa XIV-758a

En Rogel. .Sec Rogel

Ens .VI-138a: actu ,V-.544a: in- finitum V-197b: per accidens III-433d; per essentiam V- 197b; per participationem V- 97b; per se III— 43.3d; potentia V-544a: rationis III-433d; transcendent ale III-433d

Ensdorf, monastery XII-658a

Ensemese, spring VI— 138d; XV- .58 Ic

Ensenada, Marques de la (Zen- 6n de Somodevilla), Spanish minister XIV-l,84c

Ensenanza, Casa de, Valencia XV-252C

— dela, nuns. !*pain XIV-17fia

Ensfried, Dean of St. Andrew, ColoEneni-137b

Enshagkushanna, Babylonian KinK Il-lsod: ISlb

Enshemesh. .See ICnsejmes

Ensiferi. .See Knights of the Sword




— ULRICH V-I79b — VINCENZ V^79c Ensino, periodical, Portugal XI-

089b En-Soph, in Kabbalistic system

VIII-590b ENTABLATURE V-479c; classi- cal I-059d; and Renaissance windows X\'-0.54c Entally orphanage, Calcutta III- 1.54d

Entelechy V-223d: .\ristotle, on I-124C; 710c

Entemena, Babvlonian King II- ISOd: isla


Enthusiasts, ^e.' Messalians

Entomology, Fiirster VI-144c; Latreille IX-:iOa

Entraigues, Hetuiette d' \"II- 227b

Entrance, Great, in .\ntiochene Liturgies I-572b: .\rmenian Rite XIII-81a; in Byzantine Rite IV-317C; Galilean Rite VI-361c;J62a: Greek Rite I- 452a; St. James. Liturgj- of I- 572c: St. Mark, Liturgj- of I- 304b; 304d

— Little, Antiochene Liturgies I- 572b; Armenian Rite XIII- 80d; in Byzantine Rite IV- 317b; Gospel-book in VI-661d; St. James. Liturgy of I-572c; in St. Mark. Liturgj- of I-304c

— Money XIV-2a

EntrecoUes, missionary' VIII- 635b

Enuma Elish, Babylonian epos II-188b; IV-106a

Environment, in As.sociationLsm III-5s5b: in Confucian system IV-22.-)d: Darwin on V-057a: and eugenics XVI-;3,Sd; influ- ence \"-6fila; 670c; Lamarck on V-656b; Spencer on V- 657d; Weismann on V-658b

Envoys extraordinary IX-119d

Envy III-oSoc; XIV-Sc

Enyo, deity. See Ma

Enzina. .See Encina

Enztnas, Francisco de XII-707d; XV-371C

Enzio, King of Sardinia II-183b: 639c; VII-57d; XIII-475c: XIV-264a; writings VIII-246d

Eoban II-65SC

Eobolinus, Saint, Bishop of Vi- enne VII-27C

Eocene period \'-665a

Eochaidh Balldearg, Prince of Th..iiiond 1 -i;',ind

Eochy, John \ l-57Sa

Eodaldus III i;.i,-,d; .XIII-716C

Eogain, and St. C'oiumbanus IV- 13Sa

EOGHAN, Irish hi.^hop V-lSOb

— (EUGENE) OF ARDSTRAW, SAINT \-|si)a; \I-.iS,3a



—THE SAGE \-480b

Eohippus. .See Horse

Eoldus, Saint, Bishop of Vienne VII-27C

Eoliths V-66.5a

Eon de I'Estoile XII-728a; 730b

Eoppa III-537b

Eormengild, Queen of Mercia IV- 92d

Eormenric, King of Kent V-

Eorpwald, King of East Anglia V-323d; XI-121d

Eos, periodical V-96d; VI-fi.53c

Eosterwini. .See Easterwine

E6stre, Teutonic goddess V-224C

Ep., abbr. I-21b

EPACT V-lsoc: church lunar calendar V— IsOc; in calendars, eariy III-164d; cycle V-481d; IX-250b; embolismic months V^Slc; lunations, length of V- 481b; methods of finding V- 482c: metonic cycle V^Sla: 4.Sld; new moons, indication of V-I82b: table V-483a

Epalle, S. M., bishop IX-751b; death XIV-1.38C

Epaminondas, Theban general X-J12C; Xl\-502c

Epanagoge I X ^Nb

Epaon, Council of (517) I-4.5b; .346d; 362d: III-1.36a: IV-fi3b: V-421d; VI-353b: 378b; VII-


.501d; I.X-472d; XI-220a:

XIV-37d; 3S9d; 454a Epaphras, Saint, Bishop of Colos-

Bs> IV-131b; 131d; V-488C;

VII-335d; Vni-794c Epaphroditus, disciple of St. Paul

I-027b; VII-33.5d; Xll-Sb — Bishop of Tamassus XIV-440b — Saint, Bishop of Terracina

XIV-518C — Joseph. See Joseph Epaphro- ditus EPARCHY V-4S4a; VI-757a:

XIII -70sd; XV-lOla Epeaune. .s. . Epaon Epeditioners I-2n9d EPEE, CHARLES-MICHEL DE

L' V-4s-lb: 317b Epenetus \II 3:).")a EPERIES, DIOCESE OF V-

4.N4d: \I 7.^i.5d; (ill.) V-484d; Epernay, leittie' (1814) X-698C Epernon, Hotel d' X-290a Epha Vl-llisd

•Epha, son of Madian IX-514a Ephah, coin XI-217a Ephebus, Saint, martv-r X-704b —Claudius IV-14a; lob Ephemerides, Babylonian II-25C — hturgicae, periodical I-86c: X-

364a; XI-6S5a Ephemeris, periodical XIV-480C — epigraphica, periodical IV-

741d ■Epher, son of Madian IX-514a Ephesdammim. See Phesdom-

— EPISTLE TO V-485a; Apostles in \'-180c; authenticity V- 4S8d; date V-4S8a: canon XIII-63SC: critical opinion, IV-196b: Doctors m V-4S6d; doctrines V-48lia: Evantielists in V-lS6d: form V-4s5d: Go- deau's paraphrase \' I -023a; and Laodiceans. Epistle from I-fil4a; object V— 487a; occa- sion \'— IcSSa: Pastors in V- 4S0d: place of composition V- 4ssa: Pr..phets in V-186c: to S;ili,,er.'>n Xni-402d; style V- 4s.-,d; tr;elition V-490b

Ephesius, Michael, and Aristotel- eanism I-717d

EPHESUS, See of V-490c; I- 789b; III-lOlc; VI-756C: in Apocalypse I-596b; Apostolic I-634d: Aquila and Priscilla I- 661b: bishop's privileges VI- 757a; books, burning of III- 520a; St. John at I-787c; XII- 220b; XV-470b: St. Luke on IX-426b; St. Paul at IV-365a; XI-571b; XV-470C; pilgrim- ages .XII-91a; rite of l-396b: III-494a; 497d; St. Timothy at XIV-727d: tombs V-12d: Vir- gin .Mary at II-6b: XIV-774d; 775b; XV-170b

— ApoUonius of. .See Apollonius of Ephesus

—COUNCIL OF (431) V-491d; Ill-IOlb; .5.55b; IV-425a; 429a; 593c; VI-651b; 73.Sa: IX-181d; X-»90c; XIV-562d; 574d; 775b; XV-466d; Acacius the Younger I-83b: Acephali I- 101a: .•icts, Coptic version V- 360c: Alexander of Apamea I- 285b: Amphilochius of Sida I- 4.3Sd: on Christology VII- 7I3d: convocation V-491d: on Creed VII-413a: on Cyprus. Church of I-568d; IV-590b: VI-754b; St. Cyril V-192c; Fathers, appeal of VI-3d: first session V-492d: fourth session V-194b; on infallibility VII- 798a; John of Antioch V-493c; 494b; VII1-468C; Juvenal of Jerusalem VIII-35Sb: and lit- urgies I-572b: Messalians X- 212b; XII-<)09b; Xcstorianism V-492C: .X-7.5.5b; XIV-600d: Nicenc Creed V-494b; Pela- gianism III-477d: XI-6<t8a: on Redemption XIII-310a: re- sults V-194c; Sehenutc XIII- 527b; second session V.^93c: sentences V— !9:ia; Theodosius II V-t92a; third session V- 494a; Virgin Mary's title X- 46d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.