Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/319

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Epistle, Catholic. See Catholic

lipistle — of Purim. See Esther, Book of Epistles of St. Peter. See Peter, Epistles of St.

Epistola Dogmatica. See Tome of .St. Leo the Great

Epistols obscurorum virorum IV- 121a; 539c; Vl-7;jla: VII- o41c; XI-786d: suppre3sed III- 521b

Epistolary (Epistolarium), litur- gical book X-;i55d; in Domin- ican Rite XIII-7ija

Epistola synodica Vl-230d; IX- "202b

— tractatoria IX-202b

EpistoleUffi IX-198d; in Am- brosian Office I-399d

Epistrategos V-3.54d

Epitaphs, abbreviations on I-2Ib; Abercius I-40a; anchor (ills.) I-t62a

—early Christian VIII-43b; (ill.) III-422b; and slaves XIV- 37a

— Damasan characters IV-614b; at Varano I^64a. See In- scriptions

Epithymia, archon VI-59Ga

Epitomata IX-300b

Epitome, of canons III-2S4a

Epitrachehon, vestment IV-316b

Epoca, periodical IX-518a: XI- tJ90d; XIV-188C

Eponyms II-8b

Eposognatus, chieftain VI-336b

Epp, Hyacinth, Capuchin VI- 4S2b

Eppenstein, family VI-G54C

Eppig, Joseph ll-801d


Eppstein, Gerhard U von. Arch- bishop of .Mainz IX-,')51c

— Siegfried II von. Archbishop of Mam?, lX-551b

— Werner von, .Archbishop of



Eps., abhr. I-24b

Epternach. See Echtemach

Epus., abbr. I-22d

Epvre, Saint, Bishop of Toul. See Aper

Epworth League X-242a

Epy, shrine XIII-342C

Equality, in character III-.586a; Iccal. of religious XIV-772C; of n-oman XV-687d

—Commonwealth IV-182d

Equals, Society of. See Society of Equals

Equation, biquadratic III-332d; cubic III-332d; Stevin on XIV-293d

Equidse. See Horse

Equilibrium, d'Alembert on XII- fi3a; Aristotle's theory XII- 48a; Cardano XII-55c; Galileo VI-343b; Stevin XII-55d; 56a: XIV-293C; da Vinci XII- 52d

EquiUo XI-784a

Equinse. See Horse

Equinoxes, d'Alembert on XII- fi3b; Calcagnini XII-.53d; cal- endar reform IX-250b; 2.ilb; Copernicus XII-o3d; defined Ill-leSc; feast of XIV-348b; Nicholas of Cusa XII-.52c; pre- cession II-25d; XV-183d; 185a vernal Xll-oOa

EquiprobabiUsm. See .ffiquiprob- iihiliam

Equitius, Bishop of Matelica V- 744b

Equity, court of III-.i92d; in Horhartianism VII-248b; and law IX-56C; XV-704C

Equus. See Horse

Er, son of .luda. See Her

Era IIN73Sb; Equida; V-66.5a

— Alexandrine. See Alexander,


—Christian ni-73.5c: 7.3Sb; V-

11a; datiriK ni.-Ihod IV-637a —Geological, duration XV-705b —Jewish III-lilKa — Mohammedan. See Hegira —of the Martyrs, dating IV-637C — .See Chronolog\' Eraclea, town Vin-222b Erard, Saint, Hi-.'hop of Ardagh 1 -fiond

—of Ratisbon. .See Erhnrd Erard's Meadow. See Clonard Eras III-740b

Erasistratus of lulls, anatomist I-458b; medical research X- 123d

Erasmo de Nami. See Gattame-

Erasmus, martyr, feast III-163C

Erasmus, Abbot of Zwettl XV- 771d

— DESIDERlrrS V-510c; at Basle II-339C; Bible study VI-520d; and Boece II-610a; and Bo- hemian Brethren II-6i7b: and Bud6 III-34C; de Burigny's hfe of III-79b; Butler's hfe III- 91b; at Cambridge III-212b; 215b; and Colet IV-98c; Col- loquia Familiaria V-511c; controversial works V-513a; on Corinthians IV-368C; criticism of V-513d; educational labours V-514a; and Faber V-741b; 742b; on false decretals V- 773d; Gesta Danorum, crit- ique of XIII-197b; and Glar- ean VI-577b; and Grosemund VII-28d; on Hebrews, Epistle to the VII-183b; Hilary of Poitiers, edition of IV-Jo4c; as humanist VII— i45a: 541c; John of Ragusa's manuscripts XII-766b; Latin writings IX- 31c; and Linacre IX-265C; lit- erary spirit XII-767a; on Lol- lardv IX-33.5C; and Luther V-512b; IX-449C; and Massva X-37d; on St. Matthew's Gos- pel X-59b; Moria! Encomium V-511b; and Muauros X- awb; and CEcolampa.lius XI- 213b; pilgrimages XII-S7c; 9Sd; and Pirkheimer XII- 109b; and Cardinal Pole XII- 202a; portrait V-facing 512; rationalism V-512a; and Ref- ormation V-511d: and Reisch XII-731b; and Renaissance XV-195C; Riario's letter to IX-163d; on Roper Xni-lS.3a; and Scaliger Xni-506a; and Scholasticism V-511d; and Scriptures V-512b; syncretism XIV-383C; on New Testament III-278d: XIV-531a; New Testament, edition of IV-503a; V-290a; as Theist XII-37c; and Bl. Thomas More XIV- 690a; 690d; and Tunstall XV- 91b; and Valdes XV-249d: and Vives XV-493a; at Walsing- ham XV-543a; Walsingham legend XIII-456a; and Zwingli XV-772b

— of Limburg, Bishop of Stras- burg XIV-314b

ERASTIANISM V-514c; Angli- can I-50na; in Greek Church VI-740C; VII-J30C; XIII-537a

Erastus, Saint, legendary Bishop of Ca^sarea Philippi III-1.35a; and St. Paul VII-335a; and Timothv IV-366a

—THOMAS V-514a

Eratosthenes, philosopher I- .303b; IV-.591d; XJV-367d; kings, of V-335d

Erazanes, King of .\xum V-2S2a

Erb, Anselm, Abbot of Otto- heurcn XI-3.5SC

Erba, Benedetto, Bishop of Ca- m\e Monferrato III-.396a

Erbach, Gerlach von. Bishop of Worms XV-70Sb

Erbe, piazza, Verona XV-360d

Erber, theologian XIV-,595a


Erbette, FUippo dell'. See Maz- zuola Filippo

Erbland, Samt Xni-211b

Erbt. on Book of Tobias XIV- 752a

Ere, Saint, of Slane VIII-627c

—Bishop of Kerry VIII-627c; antl St. Brendan II-758b

Ercan Xlll-71.3a

Erchambert, Archbishop of Frei- sing X-n.ilb

Erchanbald, Bishop of Strasburg XIV~313c

Erchanbold, Bishop of Eichstiitt V-3n4d; St. Walburgn's relics XV-.';27a

Erchanger, Duke of Swabia I- 7.'ilc

Erchembert, monk VII-37.';c

Erchempertus, Prince of Bene- vento Xni-397c

Erchenfrid of Melk, life of St.

Colman IV-lloc Erchenrad, Bishop of Paris XI-

4S2a; .and St. Aldric I-2Slb ERCILLA Y ZUNIGA, ALONSO

DE V-516d; XIV-199C; 202b;

Araucana I-679d; portrait

XIV-197a Ercolani, Fortunatus, Bishop of

Nicopolif XIII-228C Ercoltai, Mogul khan I-474b Ercombert, King of Kent, and St.

Werburgh XV-588b ERCONWALD, SAINT, Bishop

of London V-5I7a; II-JGlb;

IX-.342b; 347c; tomb IX-347d

— Mayor of the palace VI-240c; and St. Bathilde II-348d; and St. Foillan VI-123d; and St. Fursev VI-325C

Ercytania, Greek See of VI-740d

Erdek. .See Artake

Erdely. ,Sce Transylvania, Dio- cese of

Erdeni Tso (Erdeni Chas), mon- astery .\-lMb

Erdeswicke, Hugh V-517c

—SAMPSON \-.^il7c

ERDINGTON ABBEY V-517d; Il-l.-.ld

Erdland, Augustus, missionary IX-71SC

Erdmann, Johann Eduard, phil- osopher VII-194a

Erdodyl, Ladislaus X-77ob

Erdosi, poet VII-561d; Bible translation VII-561a

Erdujhelyi, M., priest VII-547a

Ere, Passionist retreat, Belgium V-113b

Erech, town. Babylonia Il-lla; 179c; III-143b; VI-434b; X- 741b; in bilingual creation story II-188c; IV-406d; Che- dornanchundi, early history Il-lSlb: in Scripture II-185C; towtT XV-lia

Erechtheum, ronversion II-44a

Erection, canonical III-43Sd; of confraternity I-fi»2d; CDfid;

— of Churches and Consistorial Provisions, Congregation for. See Consistory, Congregation of

Eregli (Heraclea) VII-242d

Erek. See Archi

Erembert, Bishop of Freising II- 657d; X-631a

— Saint, Bishop of Toulouse XIV- 795d

—Bishop of Worms XV-708a

Eremita, Marcus. See Marcus Ereinita

Eremitani, church, Padua XI- SS.'id; Mantegna's frescoes IX- filoc

Eremita of Einsiedeln. .See Para- celsus. Thoophrastus

Eremites (Hermits) VII-2S0a

Eremo Lanzo, Apostolic school XIII-.5S6b

Ere NouveUe, periodical, France VIII-7.34C; XI-378b; 676b

— NouveUe, periodical, Mexico XI-687a

Ereptiolus, Saint, Bishop of Cou- tances IV-455d

Eresburg, fortress III-612a

Eretrianus. See Etherianus

Erei, Saint. See Evex

Erfad, Tell' (Arphad) VI-434b

Erfurt, town Xll-525d; Diet of (18.50), Prussian policy VI- 511a; humanism in VII-540d; Socialist programme XIV-64C

— Vniversily XIII-600a; con- firmed II-671C; Diether of Isenburg at IV-789a; and Lu- ther V-3ob; IX-43Sd

—Diocese of II-657d; IX-550d; XIV-712C

—cathedral XI-383d; bell I- 48Sd; n-(2.3d; (ill.) VI-197d; main portal (ill.) VH97c

— monastery Ill-S.'ja; VII-28.3b; X-49a; Reformation, Arnoldi I-749d; St. Severus, Church of (ill.) VI-497d; synod (932), on vigils V-647c; synod (1074) VI-794b

Ergamencs, king. See Arq-Amcn

Ergastula I-227b

Erghum, Ralph, Bishop of Salis- bury Xlll-tnib

Erhard, Abbot of Ebersheim- miinstcr V-51Sb


— Thomas, theologian XV-o91d; Bible revision XV-372c

Erhardinonnen V-51Sb


Erhardt, Gregor, sculptor XIII- 646c

Eri-Aku, King of Pontus, See Arioch

Eribaldus, Bishop of Urgel XV- 223d

Eric, fine, in Irish law II-754d

—II, Duke of Schleswig XIII- S43b

— Vm, King of Denmark II-664C

— IX, Saint, King of Sweden XIV-351b; Crusade XV-207c; in Finland VI-70d; relics XV- 207d; 208b

—X, King of Sweden XIV-351C

—XI, King of Sweden XIV-351C

—XII, King of Sweden XIV-352a

—XIII, King of Sweden II-786C

—XIV, King of Sweden XIV- 353a; and Calvinism XII- 70(M; and Commendone IV- 157a; religion IX-4(i0a

— Archbishop of Magdeburg IX- 625d

— Bishop of Paderborn XI-384C

— Blodoxe, King of Norway VII- 116d; in the Orkneys XI-317a

— Ejegod, King of Denmark IV- 727b; IX-434C; Odense XVI- 64d

— Emun, King of Denmark XVI- 81c

— Eriksson, King of Sweden. See Erik XI

— Glipping, King of Denmark IV- 727c; XVI-81d

Erichto, magician X-735d

Ericius, in Bible I-522b

—Peter, martyr VI-77a

Eric Magnusson, Co-regent of Sweden XIV-351d

— Menved, King of Denmark IV- 727c: IX-43ob

— of Auxerre, philosopher IX- 326c; homilies Vn-447d

— of Brunswick, Bishop of Osna- bruck XI-341C

— of Hoya X-637c

— of Pomerania, King Il-478d; IV-727d; XI-llSc; XVl-71d; marriage IX-434a; Sraiidina- vian Union (1397) XIV-352a; at Vad.stfna XV-249a

— of Saxe-Lauenburg, Bishop of Miinstcr X-li37c

— Plovpenning, King of Den- mark XVI-72a

— the Red, in Greenland I-417a; VI-77Sb: manor I-419d; Saga I-417c; VII-618d

— the Saint, King of Sweden. See Eric IX

Eridano, periodical, Italy XI- 683d

Eridu, town. Babylonia II-179d; 180c: in bilingual creation story IV-S06d; deity II-187b; mythology II-186d: situation II-179b

Erie, tribe VIII-168d; language I-41Ib

—DIOCESE OF V-518c; XI- 64:ib; II-123d: cathedral V- 5inb: cathedral (ill.) V-518d; charitable institutions XII- 247a: churches V-519a; Ger- man Catholic church VI-480d; Italians VIII-206b; St. .Joseph, Congregation of Vin-513b; Lazarists X-367d; Rumanian Greeks VI-751a; Poles XII- 2 11a; XV-176d; Slovak churches XIV-55c; Temper- ance Union at XIV-491C

— Canal, construction I-25Ra; III-38C; VIlI-141d; XIV- 39Sd

Erigena. Sec Eriugena

Eril, Guillermo d', Grand-Master

of Montesa X-S34b Erimanto, Opico. See Gravina

Erin, periodical, Philadelphia XI- 693d

—(Ireland) VIII-98C

— Twelve Apostles of. .See Apos- tles of Erin. The Twelve

Erindruda. .See Ehrentraud

Erinhard, Saint XlII-2Ilb

Erinnu, temple, dream V-lMb

Erisso (Acanthus) I-92a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.