Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/331

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53a: Xlll-ieic; XIV-573d; S76b; 732c; penal system XI-76SC; Pomponazzi XII- 227b; and predestination XII-379b: and private judg- ment XII-496C; and probabil- ities V-75ob; profession of I- 44d; 45b; XI-S3Sd; Protestant doctrine VI-702C; XIV-6d; psychotherapy XII-550c; Quesnel XII-C03a; XV-129a; and Rationalism XI 1-6530 — and Reason XIV-5S0d; 582a; Albertus Magnus I-266c; St. Augustine II-89d; Bacon II- 193b; Bautain II-353b; Bon- netty II-677b; de Bruevs III- 4c; Thomism XIV-671c; Vat- ican Council on Xlll-COSd — reasonable V-75Sb; and Re- formers XII-704a; and relig- ious tolerance XIV-765a; rev- elation V-753C; Ritschlian doc- trine XIII-S7a; and salvation VI-703a; and sanctifj-ing grace VI-707b; and scepticism XIII- 517c; Schrader XIII-590c; science of XIII-605d; and science I-265d; V-19Sa; XIII- M9c; 604c; XIV-700a; and Scripture V-754c: Semipelag- ianism XIII-704c: of Sikhs XIII-789a: Suirez XIV-319d; subjective V-753a; temptations 756c; theological virtue XII- 740c; and theology XI V-580b; 602d; Thomism I-621b; XIV- 667d; 671c; unity of V-759b; XV-180a; Vatican Council V- 755d; XIV-537C; XV-308a; Vitalis of Carthage XIII-703c; and vocation XV-500a; and will V-75od; 758b; and works V-7oSb; Xlll-iaib —SAINT V-766b — Articles of. See Articles of

Faith — Fathers of the. See Sacred

Heart of Jesus. Society of — Good. See Good Faith — Sisters of the Holy. See Holy

Faith, Sisters of the — Promoter of. See Promoter

Fidei —PROTESTANT CONFES- SIONS OF V-760a; Baale, First Confession of V-762b; Confessio Belgica V-763b: con- sistency of V-760a; Formula of Concord V-761d; Gallicana V-762d; Heidelberg Catechism V-763a; Lutheran V-760c; Minor Reformed V-763d; Mo- ravian II-618d; Reformed Churches V-762a; La Rochclle XI-490d; Scottish IV-459b; V-763d; and Smalkald'Articles V-761c; Westminster V-764C —RULE OF V-766d; Anglican I-504a; V-76Sa; Church as V- 767b; creed IV-478b; and ec- clesiastical history VII-370d; living raagisterium X V-6d ; Luther XII-702C; modernism V-768b; Origen XI-308d; pri- vate judgment V-766d; and reason V-767d; Scriptures as I-499c; and New Testament V-767b; Tertullian on XIV- 523a; theologians V-767d: Tra- dition V-767c; XV-fid; Wessel XV-590b; Wyclif XV-723d — Society for the Propagation of. See Propagation of Faith. Soci- ety for the — and Science Union, Holland I-

443a; VII-392b FAITHFUL, THE V-769a; and

ecclesiastical laws I-94b — Liturgy of: Alexandrine I-3Q4a; Basilian II-321d; Byzantine IV-317C; St. Mark, Liturgy of I-304d —COMPANIONS OF JESUS, SOCIETY OF THE V-769d; Canada III-239d; England IV-343C; Ireland IV-344C: Shrewsbury Xni-7.59d; in United States Vl-275b Faith of Jesus, Company of. See Company of (he Faith of Jesus Faivre, Ferdinand, missionary

VIII-033d Fakhr ed-Din, emir II-393a; X- 726b; XI1I-777C

Fakhunda Bunyad (Hyderabad)

VIl-.V.l.'c Fakirs, Mohammedan X-422b Falabello, Francesco, Bishop of

Santa Severina XIII-i60a Falasca, Basil VI-606d Falashas, tribe V-568d; 569b; origin I-lSoc; Versions of Bible XV-3GSb Falb, George, .\bbot of Gottweig

VI-lis2d Falcao, Christovao, poet XII-


— Joao, missionary IV-78a FALCO, JUAN CONCHILLOS

V-770a — Nicold Carmini, Bishop of San- ta Severina XIII-460a Falcoia, Thomas, Bishop of Cas- tellammare XII-682d; and St. Alphonsus I-336a; and Re- demptorists I-336c; and Spor- tclli XIV-236C Falcome, Joseph, Carmelite

XIII-510b Falcon, in Bible I-523d ; in Green- land I-420b Falcdn, Juan Crisdstomo XV-

328b Falcone, Aniello XIII-lS4a Falconetto, artist XV-362b Falcorueri, villa, Frascati VI-

244b — Alexis, Saint. See Alexis Fal-

conieri. Saint —Bernard I-307c — Chiarissimo I-307c — Juliana, Saint. See Juliana

Falconieri, Saint Falconio, Diomede, cardinal, Apostolic delegate I-lOlb; III-237C; IX-120b; XV-559b; XVI-18a; at Baltimore centen- arv II-234d; and Belmont AbbevXI-llOd; Centrjil Ver- ein ni-534b;in RichmondXV- 270d: at St. Louis XIII-362d; Temperance Movement XIV- 491c; titular church XIV- 171d Falcon y Salcedo, Ramdn, Bishop

of Zamora XV-749C Falda, Giovaimi Battista XV-

293c FALDSTOOL (FALDISTORI- UM) V-77nb; (ill.) V-770C; in Pontifical Mass XII-233a; use bv auxiliary II-146d Faleq, Nahr el, Palestine VI-431b Falerona, Giovaimi da IX-2S9a Falguiere, Jean - Alexandre - Jo- seph, sculptor I-539C Falier, Marino, Doge of Venice

.XV-337C — Ordefalo, Doge of Venice X-

366b — Toma XI-60b — Vitale, Doge of Venice XV-

336d Falieri, villa. Asolo III-298C —Giovanni, senator III-298C Faliscans X-750b Faliscodunum (Montefiascone)

X-529a Falk. Albert, and Bismarck VIII- 707a; and von Mallinckrodt IX-57IC —Bills, Prussia VIII-707C Faike, Gustav, poet VI-528C Falkenberg, Dietrich von, colonel, in Thirty Years War IX-525a; XIV-653b — John of. See John of Falken- berg Falkenbagen, convent, Germany

IX-27r,c Falkland Islands, mission XI-

.i4nd; Salcgians XIII-399a FALKNER, THOMAS, the

Younger V-770d Fall, of angels. Rogomili on II-

fil2a; in Enoch I-478d — of man II-1.39C; St. Augtistine on II-9fic; 98d; Baius on II- 210d; Cassian on Ill-tO.'ia: Catholic teaching Il-IOld; critical view IV-494d; date I- 542d; effects II-6nOd; XIV- 337c; and Faltonia Proba XII- 441a; in Genesis I-130b: Infra- lapsarian teaching VIII-7a; Jansenist doctrine Il-lOlc; VIII-287b; and limbo IX- 2.56b; Mohler on X-431a; Re- formers on III-199b: Sweden- borgian teaching XIV-35.5d: in

Westminster Confession V- 7B5d

Fallacies, Aristotle I-714c; Soph- ist XIV-146b

Fallen Timbers, battle (1794)

Fallersleben, Hoffman von, poet

VI-527a FaUeti de Barolo, Julia XII-508d Falley, James B. Vll-74:id Fallieres, Clement-Armand, Pres- ident of Franc- \'l-17Sc Falling asleep of Mary, apocry- phal work. Sec Transitus Marife — asleep of Mary, feast II-6b;


— bodies, Galileo's theory XII-

57a; Newton's law Xil-61d;

da Vinci's theory XII-52d

Fallon, Diego, writer XIV-205d

Fallon, Joseph, commissioner

VII-fi29d — Michael F., Bishop of London,

Canada IX-353d Fallopian Tube I-4li0a; and ster-

ilizati.m XVI-39d FALLOPIO, GABRIELLO V- 772a; I-}60a; X-130b; 414a; XV-495a; and Fabricius V- 745c; at PLsa .\II-112b FALLOUX DU CORDAY, FRED- ERIC-ALFRED-PIERRE, VIS- COMTE DE V-772C; I-89b; and Dupanloup V-202d; and Napoleon III X-701c; portrait V-772C —Law V-202b; VI-174d; 179b; 183a; XIII-55Sd; de Ravig- nan XII-668C; Thiers on XIV- 63od Fallow-Deer, in Bible I-522c;

523d Fall River, town, Massachusetts, foreign population X-298c ; hos- pital V-771d —DIOCESE OF V-771b; Arme- nians XIII-82a; French Cath- olics VII-274d; nuns VI-275a: parochial schools VI-275C; Italians VIII-206b; St. Joseph, Sisters of Vin-513c; Poles XII-211a; state boards XII- 246d; statistics XV-I76C Falls, J. C. Ewald, archseologist

XI-347C — of Christ, Seven XV-570a:

570c Faloci-Pulignani, writer XIII-

4.5.5b; 455d False-bass IV-436d; VII-139b;

X-652d: XII-148b FALSE DECRETALS V-773b; I-286a; IX-202d; on absolu- tion I-62d; apocrj-phal charac- ter V-773c; Augustinus II- 106b; Benedict I..evita. capitu- laries of II-466C; III-311b; canon law V-775a; Church in France V-774d; on clandestin- ity IV-lb; contents V-77.3c; criticism V-7S0b; date V- 774c: and Donation of Con- stantino V-n9b; 120d: ec- clesiastical trials V-776a; Em- ber week I-69b: influence V- 778b; manuscripts and edi- tions V-780d; method V-77Sd: Nicholas I XI-55a: object V- 77.5a; 777a: origin V-774a: 779c; papal authority V-77.5c; 777a; Pseudo-Clementine IV- 14d; Pseudo-Isidore IX-61d; Punctation of Ems V^09d; purpose V-776d; spread V- 777d: vestments XV-391b —Peace (1669) I-94d — Witness, in early Church IV- 691d: Mohammedan teaching X^27c Falsi-bordoni. .See False-Bass FALSITY \-781a Falso-bordone. .See False-bass Falster, island XVI-64b Faltonia Proba. .Sec Proba Fal-

Faludi, Francis, writer VII-561b FAMAGUSTA, See of V-781c;

IIl-:i74a; IV-.590C: XI-71d;

crnsad.a lV~.551c Fame, defect of. S,r Infamy Famieh (Apomeiai I .'.02c FAMILIARS V-7sld Familists, heretics XII-149a FAMILY V-7S2a: IV-112b; and

anarchism I-4.52C; Christian


V-782d; and Church V-784a; and divorce V-7S3a; and economics V-784d: education XIII-5.5Sa; in Hammurabi's code VII-126a: Hebrew, an- cient II-548C; Irish, ancient II-7S4b; Leo XIII on I-687c: Le Play XII-163c; Marx on XII-215d; influence, moral X- 560b; as natural society XIV- 75d: Plato on XII-161d; pon- tifical XIII-153b; primary end V-783C; private property XII- 465b; Rousseau IV-335c: sla- very III-595d; social aspect II-138a; and socialistic teach- ing XIV-66b; sodalities XIV- 126c; and State V-783d; XIV- 76c; woman, position of XV- 68Sd — Holy, Archconfratemity of the. Sec Holy Family, Archconfra- temity of the — Compact IIl-(i9.5a; XIV-184C — of the Holy Child of Jesus,

arrhconfraler7.ity l\-795b Famincyn, Andorj XIII-27.5a Famines, India Vll-727b: Ire- land VIII-lOSc; Lithuania X\I-54c Fan, liturgical. .See Flabellum Fanano, town, Italy, monastery

I-o.Ma Fanar, Constantinople IV-306C;

VI-7.3fic; 76Sd Fanaraki, town, Asia Minor, Church in III-555a; mission II-10,5c Fanariots, Rumania XIII-226b Fanchea, Saint VIII-lOOc Fandila, martyr XIV-178d Fane, John, Earl of Westmore- land, in Ireland VIII-106d Fanello, Domenico, Bishop of

Diano IV-773b Fang, African tribe I-182d Fangarezzi, editor XI-6S3d Fang Chang, lll-668d — Huan-ling, duke III-669b Fanjeaux, town, France, St.

Dominic's miracle V-109a Fannier, Marie XVI-31a Farming, Dominic, martyr VIII-

16 7d — M. A. XIV-7,8c — William Henry Windsor XIII-

364b Fano, vestment. .See Maniple — town, Italy XIV-258d; papal

mint X-334d —DIOCESE OF V-785a; Clem- ent VIll lV-27b — John of. .S'-e .lohn of Fano — Martinus de X— 414c FANON V-78.5b; I-42Sd; (ill.)

XV-390C; use .XV-3S8b Fans, tribe Vl-,329a; XII-626d Fansaga, Cosimo X-528a Fan-t'ai, oflicial III-666C; XV-

96c Fantastici, Academy of I-84b Fantes, Antonius de, Scotist

XIII-fil2c Fanti, African tribes I-182d — Manfredo, general IX-170b Fantinus, Saint, nil of XI-229C Fantoni, Luigi, jurist X\"~95b Fantosati, Antonio, llishop of

Adra Ill-r,71c; IX 7ISa Fanum Fortunae I Fano i V~78oa — Voltumnae (Montefiascone) X-

529a Faolan, Saint. .See Foillan Faou. Sec Pabau Faouet, France, charnel chapel

III-577d Fa Pu, Chinese board III-666a Fara, Abbe-ss of Evoriac. See

Burgundofara — Giovarmi Francesco, Bishop of

Bosa n-6S9c Farabert, Abbot of Prum XII-

719c -Bishop of Tongres I.\-236c Faraday, Sir Michael, physicist XII-64C; and Dumas V-189d; ether, experiments in I-^48b; forces, correlation of V-42,3c: on matter V-223a: and Sande- mnnians; on Spirit- ism XIV 222a Faradization .\-linb Faradon, Louis-Norman du, foun- der III-234b; VII 31b; XIII- 379d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page: a, b, c, d, quarter of page.