Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/342

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Fonseca. Pe<^o de Abbot of Valladohd XV-25M

RodriEO, scientist All-ii-D


Fons juris utriusque V-7-ld Fonsoi,.Jo!, BoUaadist

FonV «1enti¥, of St^ ^"^ D"' mascene Xlv-ooac

l^oSlBlltilmaf see Baptismal

font ,. •^T'r^A

—Pedro, Franciscan -V' '^^jtt FonUine, Flavian, priest XUi-

Fonufne-Andre, abbey VII-526d Fontainebleau, France, assemblj, ruui»-" TlI_l4Sc: concordat


jntainebleau, r ranee. o==>.".".^ of notables II W«c; concordat X-697d; conference of V-203d^ 98c; military ,?»b°°'i$_3Voi,- 120c; Treaty (1762) lA •5»ud. XIl-524a; (1807) XII-304C; Trinitarians X'V-46a Fontaine Franjaise, battle Vli FoSnes, monastery IV-138b —Godfrey of. See Godlrey oi

Fontaines . r„ M W

Fontana, Vicar Apostolic, N. w.,

S7e-ch'wan XIV-120C —CARLO VI-r26b; Bergamo

monument of (ill.) }\l-f- S. Marcello, <:bu"h of. Rome XIII-171d; tomb ^-^BS^d .

— Casa della, Verona XV-SWd

-DOMENICO VI-126d; Naples, work in X-6S4a; S.xtus V. monument of (lU.) XIV 3.3d. Vatican library XV-29bb


— FiUppo. Bishop of FerraraV 1-

— Francesco, architect XIII- — Francesco, Bishop of Messina

-Francl^sco L"ig'. J^-^^ <=■=' °^

Propaganda X-^lo° , ,27. -Giovann, 'S?\"« Y^Fe^ara —Giovanni, Bishop of ierrara

-Gir'^llmo. Frascati, cathedral

of (ill.) VI-243d Zf^t.^'^s^oToi Modena

-JeT'TrUone, Rome XIII-176a Fontane, Theodore, writer VI- Fonilnerius, Blessed XIV-798a Fontanes, shrine at Fontanetum. -Sc^ Fonten.-iy



FonLiier, Paul Pehsson. See

Pelisson-Fontanier. Pau —Victor, death III-671b, lA

Foltlnini, Giusto, and Camal-

  • " dolese IV-417C at Rome, Uni-

versity of XIII-178a Fontano, FiUppo, Bishop of Ra- venna Xll-l)l*d „„. ,TT

Fontanus, Manichsean legend Ul-

435c Fontarabia II-3f>0d . ,,ITI- Fontbonne, James, priest Xlll

-JEANNE VI-127C; VIII-512b Fontcubierto, Michael, mission- ary Xnl-424c Font-de-Faune, cave, fresco V-

Fonte!'pietro della, metal-worker


Xin-133a: lay brothers IX-

93a; St. Peter Pf.m»"J,V4;I 764C' in Revolution llI-.2U()a

—ORDER OF VI-128a; and Camaldolcse lll-20.5d

Fonte Buono, monastery 111- •Wc; founded III~204c; lay brothers at IX-93a .

Fontecilla, Ricuard, jurist Xlll

Folate Gala (della Querela) XIII-

Fon'te^ista,.church XIII-779d

Fonteius, Bishop of Foltre 11


Fonte Lucente, Fiesole VI--71a Fontenay, town. France, battle

(841) VI-4S7a; 790a; XI-8ob -Abbey of VII-514a; X-71b — Citizeness, feminist XV-tJ9ia

Pierre Claude, historian lll-»c

Fontenay - le - Comte, episcopal

residence IX— 113b ,-,,, les Louvets, monastery Alll

FONTENELLE, ABBEY OF VI- 129a; II-4olb; Vlll-lOa; IX- 247c; XIV-134a; XV73o2b, annals I-534b; St. Ansegisus at I-545d; cells VH-fSOc' copy- ists II-158a; founded IX^67d

—Bernard le Bovier de, philoso- pher XIII-211b; work VI-

-He*^, in Nebraska X-732a Fontenoy-en- Puisaye (Fontenay)

FONTEVRAULT, ORDER AND ABBEY OF VI-129d; founded I-489C; X-6S2a; XIII-9bb; inform III-190d; IX-108d;Bl. Robert of Arbisse XII-/73b, rule VI-130a; Waldes. donation

FCotFfROIDE, ABBEY OF VI- 131c; XVI-2Sb; church, root V-2li'la; Fournier at II-43()a ■

Fontibus, John de. Bishop of I;.ly V-39Gd; VI-161b

Fontogambault, shrine I I-720a

Fontpiyrines, Notre-Dame de. Sff Notre Dame de Fontpeyrines

Font Romen, Notre-Dame-de. See Notre-Dame de Font Ko-

Font™ Holy iWater. See Holy

Water Fonts Font Sainte. Notre Dame de la.

See Notre Dame de la Font

Fonvizin, Dionysius Ivanovitch,

author XIII-271a Food, abstinence from I-o7b, adulteration of I-162b; alcoho as I-274b; alcohol, effect ot I-27.5b; assimilation of I-800c; blessed, in sacramentals XIU 293b; Jewish, ancient I I-o50a, in Jewish sacrifice XlU-31Ja. and population XII.-277C; pro- prietary, alcohol in l--<4ai qualifications of l-27aa

Food-preservatives, as adulter- ants I-162C

Fool, rich, Parahle XI-466b

FOOLS, FEAST OF VI;132a, and \sfes. Feast of I-i99c

Fooltide III-72Sd .

Foot, of man and anthropoid V-

Foot'ball, came VII-751C Foote, Andrew HuU, commodore

— G. W.,"seculnrist XIII-676C —Samuel A., senator, and

fication Moveiiient^XV-:16/d Foot-washing. See Washing of


X-224b; Xl-15Sa; Julius II,

tiara of XIV-7ir.c . — Gian Battista, Archbishop of

Benevento II-478b —Maria Mattia della VI 4Sc — Vincenzo, painter XI-400a FBdpI, August, g>T09cope experi-

ment XV-IS.M Foramina 1-4 oSb Foran, Nicholas, Bishop of

Waterford and Lismore XV-

Forannan, Saint, Abbot of Waul-

sortX-679d For Appio (Fossa-Nuovo) VII-

151b ,. ,,. , ,

Foraunan, intnuling Bishop 01

.\rniagh IV -775a Forbes, collection, Oseott Al-

— Alexander, Bishop of Brechin.

on extreme "n<-'i9°,Vin f?c" intercession of Saints VIU-7.C .

and Victor de Buck III-27c; on missions Ill-lSlb —Henry, and Temperance move- ment XIV-488b -James. Jesuit XIV-9-1a —JOHN, Capuchin V1-133D

— John.'gencral Xljl^lb —John, eighth Lord M-133b

—Robert, Abbot of St. James

XV-721C —William F., pioneer, Minnesota

xni-368a . Forbes-Mackenzie Act XR-4S7C

FORBIN-J ANSON, CH^LES- ADGUSTE-MARIE-JOSEPH, COUNT DE. Bisl.up o> Nancy and Toul VI-133C; X-b8Ud; at Baltimore II-240C; Ho y Childhood. Association of Vll- 399d; Missionaires de trance X-393c; missions lU-^JOO. VI-133d; and Rau zan V-794d . in United States V-795a; X-

— Michel Palamede, Count de

VI-133C ,. , _.

— Toussaint de, cardinal, Digne episcopate IV-793C; Marseilles episcopate IX-716C Forcade, missionary VI1I-307C Forcalquier, Counts of H-lobc Forca-Real, Notre-Daine de. See

Notre-Dame Forca-Real Force, concurrent, law of All 52d; conservation of V-4.JJC, and matter, dynamic theory V- 9-T7a- oersistence of. Spencer vA^'ob; and right XIII-SBc; See Violence .

—Seigneur de ta, assassination

XIII-335b —Act, United States XV--168b Forcella, catalogue of Vatican

MSS. XV-292b FORCELLINI, EGIDIO VI- 134a; de Vit's revision AV- 484c Forch, editor Xl-bSOa Forchheim, Die of IX-716d, Ru- dolf of Swabia VI-190a Forckenbeck, Prussian leader

XII-530C Forconium, See of I-C61a Ford, Edmund, Abbot of Down- side V-149C . — E. Onslow, sculptor XIII-047b — John XVI-74C —Thomas, Blessed. See Thomas

—Thomas, Governor of Illinois VIl-65IJd; Nauvoo, surrender ot X-572C

—Abbey, Devonshire II-221C

Forde, James, Rector, Irish Col- lege, Rome\III-158a

For de Bigorre, medieval code

Fordhamrjohn, Bishop. Durham episcopate X-211d; Ely epis- copate Y-397» „,^. xTV-iCa- —University XI-32c; XlV-li[^. XV-203b; and Jestiits XIV- 502b; St. John's C_ollege VII-- 518a XI-25b; 27b; Cardmal McCloskey IX-486c; seminary II-359C; X-367a; XI-27b. XIII-698C; Seton XI"-^0'*„ Fordun church. Ireland XI-425a —John, annalist Xnl-b24a . _ Fordyce, Scotland. St. Tarkin s

Well XIV-45Sb . .

Foreest, Peter, physician X-130d

Foreign Missions, Society of.

See Society of Foreign Missions

of Paris ,

Foreknowledge and proP'^^V

XII-174a; Divine I"-200b

Thomistic <ea'*l"«^xn"'"^' Forel. hypnotist Vll-fiOSc FOREMAN, ANDREW, Arch- bishop of St. Andrews \1- 1.14b V-194a; XIII-331a FORER. LAURENZ Vl.-134d . Foreshortening, Cambiaso s in- vention lll-209d; m Correg- cio's paintings I-318C Fo?est. m Bible Xn-153c -Henry, reformer XII-TOSd —Jean de la, embassy VI-20SD -iohn. Blessed. .See .lohn Forest —John Anthony, B'^hnP, "' „^a" Antonio VII-705d;XI.II;425c

Foresta, Albenc de, Jesuit XIII

Foret, Pierre de la. Bishop, at Paris XI-4S3a; at Rouen Xlll- 209d Forets, department. France, ec- clesiastical organization l-342a Forfar, Scotland. Irish popula- tion VIII-154b Forfeiture, in English law. II-60a Forgach, Francis, Bishop of Vesz- prfm XV-392C; Protestantism VII-554b , , „

— Gosf Paul, Bishop of Gross-

wardein VII-40C Forge, Louis de la, and Occasion- alism XI-195d FORGERY VI-135b; of Apos- tolic letters VI-13od; BuUs VI-136b; Canadian law 111- 509d; classification Vl-ldoc, defined VI-135b; detection VI- 136b; excommunication for VI- 136c; penalties VI-135d; oral VI-135C; substitution VI-13ba — of Louvain V-541d Forget, A. E., Lieutenant Gov- ernor of Saskatchewan Xlll-

— Jacques, theologian XI-469c;

at Louvain IV-235d — L. J., X-5.50a

Forget-Duverger, Abbe, m V-/an

ada XII-595b „ „ •.

Forgiveness of sm. See Kemis-

sion of sin —of sins, in creed I-632a Foriere Maggiore, Vatican oUi-

cials XV-29Sd

ForU town, Italy VI-137a; Dante

at IV-628d; Albornoz captures

VI-559b , , „^

—Christopher Numar of. See

Christopher Numar of iorll —DIOCESE OF VI-137a; cathe- dral III-771a; VI-137b; con- vent II-598b; San Mercuriale (ill.) Vl-facing 136. ForlimpopU, Accademia degli In- fiammati II-523b; cathedral ' II-523b _^ - . . , VT

FORM VI-137b; accidental VI- 137d- as actuality I-125c; as actus primus I-125c; ^nea3 of Gaza I-173a; Aristotle I-715C, 716d; IIM60C; m art I-17Db. Avicebron II-157a; Bacon II- 193a; III-464b; St. Eonaven- ture II-651C: and causality III-461d; Duns bcotus V- 196b; and epistemology VI- 138d; and essence V-o44a; Vl 137c; kinds Vl-lf <=• ^^.J^?!^ IX- 136a; and life IX-239a. and matter VI-137d; m mech- anism X-lOOc; substantial yi- 137c; 101c; Tongiorgi XIV-

-Ilcr'amental XI V-586b ; XIII- 292d; 298b; 299c; Holy Orders I-495b. XIMied; and I^o XIII I-497a; matrimony lA- 710d; penance XI-fi23a

« r/,nrnrdlffi V-(6ba

— jkcobus Philippus XI!Vj'>'-5^


—Women's Catholic Order of, and Church Extension Society XIV-79b „ , . A

Forestier, Joseph, Prefect Apos- tolic of Northern Solomon Islands XIV-138a

Forest Laws. English l-su,ia

(lua; penality -^. _;---

Forma Concordia \--66d — Corporeitatis Xlll-hlOd Forme, choir seats XI\-243d Formaldehyde, as adulterant 1-

Fomal Glory. See Glory formal

FormaUsm, "'l-'he' rind'fill^

Duns Scotus XIII-OlM, 611a,

and Scholasticism XIII-o49b,

Wessel Goe-sport XV-590a

Formal Sin. See Sin. formal


—John XI i>7:fd ,viIT-

Forment, Damian, sculptor Ain

Formet, Joseph, tomb Xin-345c |rrS,iflandni-663d;664d; tmd VIIl-297b. Dominican ^'i^sion; XII-368Hb^ Fran- ciscan inissions >1 ,^5? French Wockade Ml-77/p .,,1 binan III-l)S4d; VIII- nn»l japan »»» vri "TOnr

313b: Jesuit map XII-T^UC Mtiitirttifs cccU'siastioai i—^-'i' — torrit-iry' Argt'iitina I-703a

FO^RMO'SUS, POPE V.I-139d XII' 273c; and Auxihus 11

f4VbrBromendispute>I-140d ordinations, mvalid XIl-7'oa

— John, eigntn i.oru . .-,,,„,. —

^-^^^^— ;^^,-^^^^^^,^^ types, topics treated; (iU.) = illustrations