Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/351

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Freeman's Journal, Dublin VIII- lloa: IX-493a; XI-6S2b; and Carey. Mathew III-346C

—Journal, New York VI-384b; XI-693a

Freemasonry. See Masonry

Freemen, in Abyssinia I-76a

— of Maryland, Association of the III-3S0C

Free Methodist Church X-241b; in Japan VIII-:309c: women in ministrj- XV-09aa

— Schools, in France XIII-o5Sd; Montalembert's case X-.514al

— School Society of New York XI-27C

— Spirit, Brethren and 'Sisters of the I-l,3ob: X-104b: com munism IV-lSOc; Blessed Hen- ry Suso VII-239b; Quietism XII-609b; and Ruysbroeck XIII-280d; Tauler XIV-466b. .Sec Adamites

— THINKERS VI-25SC; Brad- laugh XII1-6T6C; deistic tenets IVHJSOa; and Individuahsm VII-76lb; and Salzmann XIII- 415c; and secularism XIII- 676d: and Veuillot XV-395b

Freethought Federation and ^Sec- ular League, American XIII- 676c

Free trade, Bastiat on II-345b; Windthorst XV-656b

— tribesmen, Irish II-753d

—WILL VI-239b; I-6.56b; Alva- rez I-373d; apologetics I-619a; Aristotle and I-717a; Augs- burg Confession V-761a; St. Augustine II-87d; 95d; 96c; 101b; 102a: XIII-703d; Baius' teaching II-211a; Burdian III- 78d; Carlstadt controversy IX-i44b; Cassian III-404d; XIII-7{>4b; Catholic dogma II-98b; and character III- 5S6b; congruism VI-713b; De- terminism I-116b: IV-756d; and duty V-216c: and energy, conservation of V-42Sb: Epi- curus V-501d: Erasmus, treat- ise on V-513a: IX-449d; and evil V-651a; Faustus of Riez XIII-705C; and foreknowledge. Divine XII-378d; XIV-5S4b; and grace VI-710a; XIII-408a; XIV-o85d; and habit VIII- 51a; in Herbartianism VII- 249b; and heresy VII-257b; and human acts I-115d; im- mortality, proof of VII-689a; and induction VII-7S1C: Jan- senist view II-lOlc; VIII- 288b ; St. John Chrj'sostom VI- 697b; Kant XIV-6d; Leo XIII, encyclical of XV-309b; Luther VI-261a; 710b; VII-258c; IX- 449d; XII-378b; Malebranche IX-56Sd; modern theories I- 116b; Molinism VI-712d; X- 436c; 437c: Mosaic sacrifice XI-6.59b: Moses Bar-Kepha, treatise of II-296c; and natur- alism X-713d; in neo-Scholas- ticismX-747a ; and omniscience. Divine VI-619b: Origen. writ- ings of XI-307d; and original sin XI-313d; 31.5a; in Pelagian- ism VI-690C: XI-605a; and Predestinationism XII-376c: Protestant theor>' VIII-o75d; and Pro\-idence. Divine XII- 513d; and psvchosis XI-546a; and Quesnel XII-C03b; and reason III-542c; reason, funda- mental I-6.56b; and Reformers III-199a; XII~704a; and re- ligion XII-7.39b; 7.39d; 741b: and Rosminian theory XIII- 196d; and sacraments XIV- 586b: Scotist doctrine V-197a; 197b: 198b; XIlI-610d; Semi- pelagian teaching VI-418a: Xin-704c; and sin XIV-4c: and Socialism XIV-66b; and sovereignty. Divine II-96d; and Spiritualism XlV-230b; and Syncretism VI -7 1.3d; in Thom- ism VI-"lla; Trent Il-lOld; Valladolid controversy XV- 259d; Vitalis of Carthage XIII- 703c: Wessel XV-.WOb; Zoro- astrian teaching 11-1550 Freewill Baptists 1 1-28 lb — oblations, Jewish XI-217b

Fregosi, family, and Doria V-

134b; suppression I-154d — Agostino VI-264a — Alessandro, Bishop of Venti- miglio XV-343C

— FEDERIGO, cardinal VI-263d

Frehel, Cur4 of Notre-Dame-du- Port XV-!45d

Freher, Marquard, andTGen^ vicve of Brabant IX-123a

Freiberg, town, Saxony, cathe- dral pulpit XII-565b

— Johann Christopher von, Bishop of Augsburg II-76b

Freiburg, town VI-264b: Golden Gate II-343b; town hall (ill.) VI-2C.r,

—ARCHDIOCESE OF VI-264b; II-198b; VI-2G5d; XV-205C; map Vl-facing 515; Angelus bell I-48Sc; (ill.) I^SSa

— cathedral II-200a: architecture VI-677a: choir XI-73a; (iU.) VI-265: vestibule XV-388a

— charities II-199d: council (1851) II-196d; council (1853) II-196d; ecclesiastical prov- ince, map Vl-facing 515: insti- tutions II-199c: John XXIII IV-289C; monastery II-220b: Old Catholic Congress XI- 235d; seminary II-127c; VIII- 51a; university VI-264b; XV- 198a

— Heiru-ich von, Tristan und Isolt VI-681a

— John of. See John of Freiburg

— University of, Switzerland. See Fribourg

Freiburger Bote, periodical XI- 078d

— Zeitung, periodical XV-577C

Freiburg-in-the-Breisgau II-339d

Freidank, poet VI-519b

Freige, and Ramus XII-639a

Freiligrath, Ferdinand, poet VI- S27a

Freinberg, Jesuit settlement IX- 274d

Freind, John, physician X-132C; XII-64d

Freins, TjtoI, church I-486d

Freire de Andrade, Governor of Portuguese East Africa XII- 311d

— de Andrade, Jacintho, writer XII-309C

Freisen, Joseph, and marriage sacrament IX-712b

Freising, Diocese of, and Am- peck I-751b; Council (800) IV-63b; Council (805) XII- 573c; and Meichelbeck II- 441c: Passion Play XI-533a. See lilunich-Freising

— Otto von, on Prester John XII- 401a

Freisingen, Germany, miracle plavs X-3.50a

Freiss, Mother Mary Caroline XI-130d

Freitas, Cirillo de Paula XVI-35b

FRfijnS, DIOCESE OF VI- 269d; Anthelmi I-5.53b; and Aries VII-349b; cathedral (ill.) VI-270; episcopal palace, por- tal of the (ill.) VI-270; map Vl-facing 188

Fremiet, Emmanuel, Mont-St.- Mirhcl X-.551d

FRfiMIN, JAMES VI-271a: II- 111c: in-37c; X-387b; XII- .80c; Xni-714c; XIV-471b

Fremiot, Archbishop of Bourges VII-447a

Fremond, Saint, Bishop of Cou- tances IV-455d

Fremont, John Charles, explorer VIII-598b; XV-727d; and Colorado IV-130a; Nevada X- 776a

— Nicolas, and realism XI-399d

Fremy, encyclopedia V-41.5C

French, Acadia, deportation I- 91d; Argentina, emigration I- 703b; in Canada III-229b; in Ceylon III-548b: ethnological cla-ssification XII-626a; in Haiti VII-114C: Illinois In- dians VII-S60C; in India VII- 72.5c; and Iroquois VIII-169d; in Italy, statistic* VIII-224d; in Missouri X^Old: and Natchez Indians XIV-778a: in Ohio XIV-7.59d: and Pen-

tremoli XII-234b: in Rhode Island XIII-22b; in Spain I- 272c; in Texas XIV-546a: and Tonica Indians XIV-777d; in United States schools XIII- 584a: in Virginia XV-158b —Daniel Chester, sculptor XIII-

647d —Henrietta M. XIII-J37d —John VI-271b —Josephine, Sister XII-397c —Martha XIV-236d —NICHOLAS, Bishop of Ferns

VI-271b; 46a — Perineal, superintendent of public instruction, Idaho VII- 629d —Richard, mart\x VIII-166b —William H. Xin^37d — Academy, Paris. See Acad- emy. The French — Academy (Villa Medici), Rome

(ill.) Xlll-facing 176 — and Indian War XV-159a: Hurons IV-55b; Virginia XV- 456b Frenchant, Bishop. missionar>-

XIV-420C French Cathohc Church X-604a:

XIII-534d —CATHOLICS IN THE UNI- TED STATES VI-271C; distri- bution VI-273a; Jeanne d'Arc Home V-404b; religious orders VI-27.5a —Chapel, London XV-.W3C — Church, Confession of the III- 19Sc: and de Montals ni-635c — Clergy, Assemblies of. See Assemblies of the French Clergi,' — Congo, Church in IV-235b — Congo, Lower, Vicariate Apos- tolic of IX-317b; map I-facing ISO — Congo, Upper, Vicariate Apos- toUc of IX-317b; XV-115b: map I-facing 180 —Fury, date Vil-387b — Guiana. See Guiana, French — Indo-China. See Indo-China.

French — Language, in Switzerland XIV-

358c — Neutrals, in Acadia I-91d — Protestants. See Huguenots — Revolution. See Revolution,

French — Seminary. See Seminario

Frencl, Innocenc,exegete IV-fiOOc

Frenegal de la Sierra, Sisters of Charity II-193d

Frenssen, Gustav, novelist VI- 528c

Frepov, St. Petersburg XI-7fia

FREPPEL, CHARLES-EMILE, Bishop of Angers VI-277d: I- 489c: portrait VI-278; on Spir- itual Exercises XIV-228d; at Vatican Council XV-305b; 300d

Frequens, decree IV-290c: V- t.llL'b; Vl-llld

FREQUENT COMMUNION VI- 278c: children VI-279d: XII- 590d: Clovesho. Council of IV- 69a; and Council. Congregation of VI-279b; history VI-27Sc; indulgence VI-279d; league for encouragement of XII— 422b; and 'Matthew of Janow VIII- 284a; of nuns XI-166d: in Patristic age VI-278d; and per- fection XIV-615b: and Pius X VI-279C; XII-137d; practice VI-279b; sick VI-279d; Soci- ety of the Bl. Sacrament XIV- Illb: and spiritual states XIV- 257c; TertuUian on XIV-524d: Thomistic teaching XIV-671b

Frerc, James Hatley, blind, t.-aching r.f V-310a

— Walter Howard, and chants VI-7Snb; on the Gradual and Gregorian XII-145a; on Te Deum XIV-469b; on Tropes XV-R6C

Frere-Orban, Belgian minister II-400d; 401a

Freres Cordonniers XII-774a:

— Maristes d'lherville, in the I'niled States VI-27.'>b

— Pontiles. .See Fratrcs Pontificca

Frerichs, Friedrich Theodor von X-140b

Frfiron, -Elie- Catherine, editor XI-675C; XII-612d; and En- cyclopedic V-120C — Louis-Marie-Stanislas, Revolu- tionary leader XIII-13d — Simon, Council of Famara VI-

112a Fresco, Albano. cemetery of I- 2o6b: in Ambrosian basilica I-389b: catacombs V-249b; Orcagna XI-27od; primitive V-665b: Puvis de Chavannes XII-585b; Renaissance, early V-253c: da Vinci on XV-442b Frescobaldi, Girolamo, aa or- ganist I-88c; XI-310C Fresh Air work, Paris XH92c:

United States XII-245C Freshfield Apostolic School XIII-

5S7c FRESNEL, AUGUSTIN-JEAN, VI-2S0a: on diffraction VII- 35a: portrait VI-280; and op- tics XII-65b — Fulgence, AssjTian research

XI-3a3b — Pierre, Bishop of Meaux X-9Sc Fresnes, ch&teau. Mansard IX-

609a Fresno, California in-170d; Re-

demptorists at XII-685b Fretaud, Pierre, Bishop of Tours

XV-2C Freund, Caroline VII-186b — George, Redemptoriat XII-

687a Frevisse. .See Frideswide Frey, deity I-77ob; XIV-348b;

in Voluspa XV-507a — Agnes V-209d ^Bonaventure, in Milwaukee

X-320C . — John Anthony, Capuchin VI-

4S2a Freyberg, John Christopher von, bishop, and Dillingen Uni- versity IV-796a Freygang, priest, Boston VI-

47Sd Freyr, deity. See Frey Freyre, Andrew, missionary IX-

o2na: in Tibet XIV-719C Freystadt, church V-36od Freytag, George W., Arabic re- search Xl-303a —Gustav, writer VI-527d Frezal of Canourgue, Saint,

Bishop of Gabali X-lSOa Frezneda, Juan de, missionary

XIV-24d Frezzi, Federigo, Bishop of Fol-

igno VI-125a FRlAR VI-280C; and clerks regu- lar IV-o2a: mendicant, privi- leges I-657d; and monks X- 461c — Gomez, Bishop of Popayfin

X-117b Friard, Saint X-682a Friars, Crutched. See Crutched

Friars —MINOR, ORDER OF VI- 281c; XII - 752a; America VI -298a: in Australia VI- 294b; Breviary II - 774a: Christopher Numar of Fori! XVI-25b ; in Constantinople VI- 295a; Constitution VI- 2 9 1c; Constitutiones M a r - tinianae VI-285a; Conventuals IV-344d; Denmark VI-294b; Piscalced VI-2SSa: 288c; Elbel XVI-37d: Elias of Cortona, rule of V-3S3b; Ferber. Nico- laus VI-39C; Feuardent VI- 58a; Fonseca Soares VI-126b; foundation VI-217a: in France XI-382C; Francis of Fabriano VI-230d; Francis Solanus VI- 233a; Fra-ssen. Claude VI- 244c; Great Britain VI-290a; habit VI-29Ib; Haymo of Faversham VII-lRla; Holy Land. Custody of IV-164b; VI-294d: and Holy Office XIII-1.37c: and Holy Sepul- chre IV-556a; and Hussitism XI-240d: and Immaculate Conception VlI-6sob; Inquisi- torial Office Xn-36SBc; Ire- land VI-29na; Latcran Peni- tcntiari- XIII-14Sa; Leo, Bro- ther IX-17.3a; Marianus of Florence IX-6fi2a: Mark of Lisbon IX-682d; Martin of Valencia IX-734C; in Lithuania

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.