Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/357

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Galli, Antonio M., cardinal. Bishop of Osimo XI-339a

— Telesforo, Indulgcnees. Con- fireRalion of VII-7S7d: and Kaccolta XII-(>20a

— Tolomeo, cardinal, of Como IV-441b; and Salviati XIII- 337a: 334b

GALLIA CHRISTIANA VI-350d; Durand Ursin V-207a; Hau- r^au Vll-lola; MartSne V- 207a

GaUicana. See Litania Minor

GalUcan Articles I-797b: VI- 3old; and Jesuits XIV-90a; and Pistoia, Synod of XII- llljd

GaUicana Version of Psalms XV- 510d

GALLICANISM VI-3Slc; and Ahelly I-39a; and Anfossi I- 47Ga: Barral, Louis Mathias, Count de II-307d; Basle II- 33Sc; Belgium II-398a; and de Bonald n-647d; and Bouix II-712b; and Bourdaloue II- 719b; and Breviary II-776b; and celibacy III-482d; and Choiseul III -695c; criticism of VI-355C; 332c; conciliary theory VI -354a; condemna- tion VI-355b; and Constance, Council of (1414) Il-334b; VI-354b; Constituent Assem- bly of 1790 VI-356d; and councils XII-lB5a; and Dec- laration of 1082 VI-351d; 354d; and Dominua ac Re- demptor lV-37a; and Douzy, Council of (S71) VI-353c; Fleurv VI-104a; and Gallican Church VI-352b; 353a; Ger- many V-409c; Gerson VI-532a; Gu^ranger VII-59b: Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims VI-353c; history VI -332b: XIII -99b: Honorius I VII-455c; and Hugh Capet VII-516a; and infallibility, papal I-641b: VII- 79Sb: and Lamennais VIII- 763a; laws, promulgation of XII-»54d; and Louis XIV IX- 373c; Maimbourg IX-540b; and Clausel de Alontals III- 633a: and Oath of Allegiance, English XI-178a; and Organic Articles VI-355a: parliamen- tary VI-352b; Philip the Fair andBonifaceVIIIVI-353d;and Pisa, Council of (1409) XII- 114b; and Pierre Pithou XII- 119a: and the pope XIl-267c; Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges VI-354C; Quadragesima Sun- day XII-589a; and reforms XIII-781d: Regium Placet V-708a: and Renaudot, Euse- bius XII -770a: and Rohr- bacher, R6n6-Francois XIII- 117d; and Schelstratc XIII- 526d; and schism XV-145a: and Strondati, Celestino XIII- 748d; Simon of Cramaud XIII- 799b; and the Sorbonne XIV- 150c; spread of VI-355a; and .Sulpicians XIII-378d; term VI-351C: and theology XIV- .594d: 595c: and L'ltramontan- ism XV-125a

Gallican Liberties VI-352b; IX- 20<)c: and Cardinal Aguirrc I- 232c: and Alexander VIII I- 295c: and Choiseul III-695C

—RITE, THE VI-357a; and Af- rican liturg\' I- 194c: Agios O Theos I-2lib; alb XIV-344b: altars, consecration of I-365b; and Amalarius of Metz I-377a: and Ambrosian Rite I-396a; Anaphora VI-302d: and Aquile- ian Rite XVI-3d: Assump- tion, feast of II-6c; baptismal service IV-»79b; VI-364b: benediction VI-303d; bidding prayers VI^25d; canticles VI- 361c: and Carmelite Rite XIlI-72c: catechumens, dis- missal of VI-362a; and Celtic Rite Ill-496a: chant VI-779d; XII-78,Sa; collectio V1-362C; commixture VI-363c: com- munion VI-363d: consecration of a church VI-365c: at Cor- sica IV-37d; and Deo Gratias IV-737b; diptycha VI-362C; dismissal VI-3S4a; and Do-

minican Rite XIII-7oc: Easter Week V-226a; entrance VI- 361c; Epiklesis V-302b; evolu- tion IX-3I0C: Fraction VI- 363b: fragments VI-359a: and St. Germanus of Paris VI-359c: Gospel VI-361d; gradual VI- 717c; Great Entrance VI-362b; history VI-358a; homily VI- 361d: institution, recital of the VI-363b; intercession VI-362c; Introit VI-361C: VIII-Slc; Kyrie Eleison Vni-7I6b; lec- tionarv, Luxeuil VI-359b; les- sons VI-.361d: IX-193d

—Mass III-57(;b: VI-361b; fixed elements VI-364b; variables VI-364a

— Missale Francorum VI-359d ; Missale Gallicanum Vetus VI- 359b; Missale Gothicum VI- 359a; and Mozarabic Rite X- 611b; name VI-357a; offerings IX-i4d; Offertory VI-362b; Office, Divine VI-360C; Orate Fratres XI-2C9d; Ordination services VI-3G5a: and Oremus XI-295b

— Origin^ Ambrosian theory VI- 357b; Ephesino theory VI- 357a; Roman theory \'I-357c

— Pater Noster ^'I "^Ic: Pnx Vl-362d; I' • ' ■ : n

VI-364a; Post-1 \ I - :b;

Post-Sanctus \ 1 i- i.i, \1 IN 433b; Praefatio -Misfit \ l-.ii,.'c: Prex VI-361d: Psalter XII- 540d; 544a; Psalter of St. Je- rome XV-368a; reformed I- 279a; Reichenau fragments VI-358d; and Roman Rite IX- 795d; romanizing of XIII-65c; Sacramentary, Gelasian VI- 359d ; Sacramentarv, Grego- rian VI-359d: Sanetus VI- 363a: theory VI-357b; use of IX-313b; XIII-65b; vespers XV-382a: Virgin Mary, devo- tion to XV-462b; year, litur- gical VI-3i;na

GALLICANDS, SAINT, Roman martvr VI-366a: XI-346C

—I, SAINT, Bishop of Embrun VI-386a

— n, SAINT, Bishop of Embrun VI-3G6a

Gallicum. Sec Bollatico

Gallicuus, Johannes, composer XI-526b

Gallieni, Joseph-Simon, explorer XI -73d

GALLIENUS, PUBLIUS LUCI- NIUS EGNATIUS, Roman Emperor \I-36fia: XtA\ of, basilica, Rome XIII-176a: and Aurelian II-lOSc; and Chris- tiansIX-738c: edicts XI-708a: at Pitvus XII-126a: and Ploti- nus X-742d; Sardica, mint at XIII-472C

GALLIFET, JOSEPH DE VI- .366c: confraternity XIV-122d; Heart of Mary devotion \"H- 169a: Sacred Heart devotion VII-166a

Gallim VI-439b; X-410a

Gallina, Rentigio, engraver III-


Gallinomero Indians, California, missions X-370d

Gallio, Proconsul of Acbaia, and Christianity I-lOlc: and St. Paul IV-365a; VI-737a; IX- 426c: XI-568a

Gallipoli, Turkey III-183c: As- sumptionists at II-10.5a; and crusaders IV-553d: and ()s- manlis IV-305a; Pure Greeks at VI-755

—DIOCESE OF, Italv VI-366d; cathedral of VI-367b

Gallipolis, United .tate?, mission III-773C

GALLITZIN, ADELE-AMALIE. Princess VI-3i;7b; and Dro^tc- Vischering V-llilc; and I'urs- tenberg \'I-326c; and Over- berg XI -363b: and .Stolberg XlV-30nb

—DEMETRIUS AUGUSTINE, Prince VI-367d; 47Sb: Brown- son's Life of Ill-3b: conver- sions XIV-330b: and Lemcke IX-146C: at Loretto. Pennsyl- vania I-368b: VI-»78b: XI- 642c; chapel and home, Loret-

to, Pennsylvania (ill.) VI-

368d: monument (ill.) VI-369;

in Pittsburg Xll-121d; and

Sisters of Mercy XV-353d: at

Taneytown II-23ac — Dimitry Alexejewitsch, prince

VI-367b: 3B7d: XlII-274b;

and Houdon VII-499b — Sec Gallitzin

Gallo, Saint. See Gall, Saint — Fabrizio, Bishop of Nola XI-

90a — Francesco IX -753a — Thomas, Abbot of Vercelli, and

St. Anthony of Padua I-356d;

558a Gallois, John, martyr X-362C — de la Totir, Bishop of Moulins

X-603d Gallonio, Antonio, and St. Philip

Neri XII-20C Gallonistus, Bishop of Adria I-

1.5.ib Gallonius, Bishop of Uthina

XV-241a Gallonus, Saint. See Gall Galloro, \'allombrosan monas- tery XV-26:ia Gallotta, Vincent, Venerable XIII-

I70c Gallovidiana, Diocese of. See

Galloway, Alan, Lord of X-779c

—DIOCESE OF VI-370a: and St. Aelred I-172c; map XIII- facing 620; and St. Ninian VI- 370a; re-established XV-6I4b; St. Andrews, suffragan of XIII-331a: and Whithorn Pri- ory VI-37na: XV-fil4c: and York XlII-<;i7d; XV-733d

—Joseph, lawyer VIII-l:i,sb

Gallo y Andrado, Gregorio, Bish- op of Orihuela XI-31.M

Gallucci, Paolo, physicist XII- 55c

Gallunus, Saint. See Gall

GALLUPPI, PASQUALE VI- 370c; Xl-72a: Palmicri. tribute ofXI~131d: and Reid III-465a

Gallura, Nino di, Pisan vassal XIII-47SC

Gallus, Saint, Irish missionary. See Gall

—chronicler XII-196d

— I, Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV-54a: Vll-lSd

— n, Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV-34a

—Abbot of St. Gall XIII-748C

— iEIius, prefect of Egypt I- 666b: XIII-2S6a

— Caius Vibius, Roman Emperor IV-386b; 798c

— Cestius, Governor of Sj-ria VIII-268C: 330c; IX-428b

— Jacobus, composer XI-526b

— CiESar II-17Sd; VIII-558d

Gallusio, Palmerio di, Bishop of Trinirir,, X\-40a


Galmier, Saint. So- Baldonor

Galoas. tribe Vr-:i2na


Galtier, Lucien, missionary, Min- nesota V-180a: 787d; X-329a: XV-658C; in St. Paul XIII- 367d; at Fort Snelling XIII- 367b: among Sioux XlV-19c

Galton, Sir Francis XVI-39a; and eugenics XVI-38d; and heredity VII-7fi4b

Galuppi, Baldassare, composer IX-3ti7b

GALURA, BERNHARD, Prince- Bishnp ,,f Hrixen VI-371b: II- 794c, IX .V.HIc; XV-79C

Galuzzi, Tarquinius, Breviary hymns, nvisinn IX-30a

— Giacomo \' I 37 Id

— LUIGI VI-371C: XII-64b; XIV-642a: at Bologna ll-642d; portrait VI-371

Galvanometer, differential, of Bccquerel II-383a

Galvao, Antonio, writer XI I-.308d

Galveston, town, Texas XIV- .544d: religious communities VI-372d: university XlV-.T4.5b

—DIOCESE OF V I -,372b ; erectcil XIIl-42.ic: XIV .>19c: char- itable institutions Xn-247b; German Catholics VHSOd; Knownothingism VIII-67&d; and Leopoldine Society XVI-


S2c; first Mass XlV-54Sc; negroes, work among XII- 629d; and Poles XII-205C; 211a; statistics XV-176d; Ursulines XV-230a

Galvez, Bernardo de. Governor of Louisiana lX-381a

— Jose de, statesman 111-1790; 180a

Galveztown, vessel IX-381b

Galway, David, martyr XIV-93b

— Diocese of, administration, ec- clesiastical XV-80b: college V- 177a: XIII-573b: synod (1632) XI-264C; wardenship estab- lished XV-SOd

—Sir Geoffrey, martvr VIII-167d

—AND KILMACDUAGH, DIO- CESE OF VI-37.ia; map VIII- facing 114; monastery VI-373a

Galzigna, Bishop of Arbe XV- 321a

Gama,Amaldo,novelist XII-3Ua

— Estevao da VI-374a

— Jose Basilio da, writer IX- 660c: XII-310b

—Paulo da, VI-374b

— Saldanha da. Admiral, revolt n-749d

— VASCO DA VI-374a; XII- 402b; Africa, East, discovery X-610b; at Cochin IV-77a; crusader IV-555b; East Indies I-lS8c; in The Lusiads III- 219a: Mozambique, Island of X-610b; at Natal X-708a; PedrAlvarez Cabral, expedition of III-128a; as tertiary XIV- 642a: in Zanzibar XV-750d

GAMALIEL Vl-374d: I-12Id; XII-618b; and Apostles I- 118b: in Clementines IV-40b; relics, feast of XI-66c; and Simeon XIII-794d

— I, President of Sanhedrin VIII- 388d; on Targum of Job XIV- 435a

— n. President of Sanhedrin VIII-3S9C

— VI, President of Sanhedrin VIII-391a

—Gospel of I-607c; 609c


Gamard, Christophe, architect IX-2().')C

Gamart, Jewish catacomb at VII- 605b

Gamba, Makaranga chief XIII- 793a

—La XV-273b

Gambacari, family of XIII-58a

Gambacorta, Lotto, Bishop of Pisa Xll-lUd

—Lotto, Bishop of Treviso XV-

— Pietro, tyrant of Pisa XII-1 lid

Gambalunga Library, Rimini Xni-57d

Gambara, Francesco, cardinal XV-4ssd: 4s9b

— Girolamo, Bishop of Taranto XIV-4olb

— Maffeo, Bishop of Tortona XIV-78.5b

— Uberto, Bishop of Tortona XIV-7S.5b

Gambarana, Angelo Marco, ,'<"ni-is,lKin VIII-344a

Gambarelli, Antonio. .See Ros- selino. Antonio di Matteo di Domenico

— Bernardo di Matteo. See Ros- selino. Bernardo

Gambari, station in Welle XV- 579d

Gambario, Pietro Andrea, Bishop of Facnza V-751c

Gambericotti XIII-132d

Gambetta, Leon, on anticlerical- ism VI-17.5a: and Charette de la Contnc XVI-24d: on cler- icalism Vl-I77d: Liberalism IX-213b: militia VI-512C; at Romans XV-251a

Gambler Islands, Church in XIV^30c

Gambin, Marianne XIV-480a

Gambinius, Hisliop of Huesca VI 1-51 3b

GAMBLING VI-37.5c; 376c; in Alat)itma I-243c: Ampere's work I-437d: Ail, Councils of VI-376c; Archange de Lyon's work I-691a; Baltimore, Coun- cU of (1866) V1-376C; and cler- ics lV-506b: VII1-174C; evUa

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.