Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/376

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Gomez, Arias, and De Soto IV-

Barroso, Pedro, Bishop of Za-

-3e°Ce^v\n{es, Nicolas Carlos. Bishop of.Guadalajaro V I1-4.C,

— dt'pueasaUda, Diego, Abbot of

Valladolid XV-2oSc — de Parada, Juan, Bishop of \ u-

_Se*'§imbrrJ,' Mendo, founder

Vn-2snd; XI->>~~'b „. ^ , — de Teran, Juan Elias, Bishop of

Orihucla XI-<15d —Farias, Valentin, President ot

Mexico X-260c; 206c _Gar"ia, Abbot of Valladolid

XV-25Sb . -.,„_

Gomme, on Totenusm XIV-

oJmo! Indian chief XII-320C GomogiUus. See Comgall Gomon, monastery J-lOoc G6mora, Francisco Lopez de. See

Gomara, Francisco L6pez de Gomorrah. See Gomorrha Gomorrha VI-439d; XI-64bb:

XIV-130a; and .4braham I

51c; destruction of lX-.JbOC,

kinE of I-51b Gompers, Samuel, on arbitration

Gomphi, See of VI-738C Gomsice, Albania. Franciscans in

GoM, Saint, Russian Metropoli- tan XIII-261d


Go-Nara-tenno, Emperor ot Jap- an VlU-3l2a , ,, , . vr

Gongales, Joao, and Madeira VI-

Gonc^alez, Nuno, painter XI-399d

Gon^alves,. Alberto Jose, Bishop

of Ribeirao Preto Xlll 3la

—Andreas. See Andreas Gon-

-^[^.e^lorerVII-MOb Gond, race, classification XU

626d , ,,.

—Saint XIII-211b Gonda, Nicholas de, Jesuit XIV

Gondar, Abyssinia I-75d; 76d;

Goniebid, King ?f Burgundy

IV-66d; 7Ic; and >t Apollm-

aris I-616d; IX-20Sb, at

Orleans XI-319b _.,„„,

Gondelbertus, Saint, Bishop of

Sens XIII-T16d

Gondemar, king, coronation ot

XIII-391C . ,.

Gondi Jean-Frangois de, cardi-

°°„° I Archbishop of Paris and

St. Vincent de Paul X-3S(a —Jean-Francois-Paul de, cardi- nal. See Rctz — Frantoise de, and Congrega- tion of the Mission XV-*3ol'. and St. Vincent de Paul X- 3.57c: XV-435a —Palazzo, San Gallo XIII-

— plmppe-Emanuel de. Count de Joigny. and St. Vincent de Paul ii- viTh- V-3.57c: XV-435a


— of Maastricht. .See Gondul-

nhua of Tongres — DF METZ, SAINT VI-633b —OF TONGRES, SAINT VI-

633b; IX-236b Gondwana, kingdom Vll-i^oa Gondy. See Gondi GONET, JEAN-BAPTISTE VI- 634a; on Divine omniscience X-440a- on predestination XII-3S3b; XII-3S3c; as Pro- babiliorist XII-442c; as theo- logian XlI-368Ga; XIII-299b; XIV-594a; as Thomist XIV- 702d Gonfalone, Society of the II- 650a; XI-638a; and Golden Rose VI-630C Gonfaloniere, military Vl-lUbB,

107b; papal XV-301a Gonfalonieri, Corrado, on Bibhcal Commission II-5o7c

G B., manuscripts ot AV-

28Sc; XV-289b . Gonfalour, and Precious Blood

Confraternity XII-373C Gong, use of I-349C Gongora y Argote, Luis de, poet XIV-199d; and Mendoza XIII-223C ^ „ , , , „, Gongorism, and Calderon III- 156cVand Medrano XIV-204a; in Spanish-American literature XIV-202C; of Vieira XV-416C Goni, Pedro Matias, missionary III-17.Sa , , . . ,. ,

Goniec wielkopolski, periodical,

Poland XI-68Sa — Wilenski, periodical, l^olana

XI-ii8Sb Goniometer, of Babinct II-178C Gonnelieu, Jerome de \I-634b Gonnor, Nicolas de, missionary II-"i91c IV-477d; VII-582b; X-sib; Xin-367c; XIV-lSc Gonoganus, Saint, Bishop ol

Quimper XII-612a Gonsago, Ferdinand, bee Kon-

sag, Ferdinand , .

Gonsales, Francisco, missionary

Joigny. anu ■'^•.i'"'-:^,'" ,„; ~ IX-717b; X-357c; XV-435a

— p'ierre de, cardinal. Bishop of Paris XI-483C; ,567d

Gondibert, King of Lombardy

Go^Tsalvi (Gondisalvo; Gondis- salinus), Domengo, Archdea- con of Segovia \ll-49a

Gondola, Joseph,^ Bishop of

Go^donVs'^nt- '^^ Gondulphus

of Bcrrv ^, ,, ,

Gondophemes, king. Sec Gudu-

Go'ildoToko, mission at VIII -672C Gondowald, son of Clotairo I VI-

Gondr^ourt, Clara de. countess,

and Sisters of the Holy Heart

of Mary X-nslb

Gondree, M., missionary I X-.51 Ob

Gondren, Louis-Henry de Par-

daiUan de, and Janscnists

GondVevilie, Diet of VII- 35Sa Gondulphians, heretics, and L.or- ard the Great III-210b


XIII-62a „ ^ , , ,

Gonsalez, Pedro Rafael, Arch- bishop of Quito XII-61od

Gonsalo Garcia, Saint. See Oar- cia. Gonsalo. Saint

Gonsalves, Joachim Alphonsus, Lazarist III-670a; X-364a

—Joao, and Maleala type IV- 77d ,,. „.

— Pedro, missionary IV -//a

Gonsalvi, Domengo. See Oon- disaK-i, Domengo

Gonson, Sir David, martjT V-

Goiitard, Count of Valence XV-

Gontaut-Biron, Marquis de Salig-

nac VI-172b Gontcharoff, Ivan Alexandro-

vitch Xlll'272d Gontenay - le - Comte, convent,

Rabelais at XI1-619C Gonthier, Charles, and Sisters of

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

XI-699C , ,, ^

Gontran, King of Burgundy. See

Guntram ,

Gonvalves, Pedro, Bishop ol

Vizcu XV-496C Gonville and Caius, college lii-

144c; 215a —Hall, Cambridge 1\ -lOSd Gonzaga, family, and CnsUiJ\-

417b; and Rcggio XUwlsa —Alberto, Bishop of Ivrea VIII-

— Aloysius, Saint. See Aloysius Gonzaga. Saint

— Anna, princess, 1V-5J4D

— Annibale. See Gonzaga, Fran- cesco III. cardinal . ,„

—Carlo I, Duke of Mantua IX-

— Carlo ra IX-612b —Carlo IV IX-B12b —Cecilia XV-49nd Cesare, Duke of Guastalla IX-

Cil'b- and St. Charles Bor-

rnmeo 111 623a — Eleanora de, duchess XV-

222a; Titian's portrait of XiV-

ERCOLE, cardinal. Bishop of

Mantua VI-fi3.5a; GS.'ib; IX- (iuS; calendar IX-240b death X-57Sd; Mantua, cathedral

of IX-612C; and Possevinua XII-317; seal (ill.) Ill-facing 490; Trent. Council of Xlli- 729c; XV-34b .

— Federigo I, Marqms of Man- tua IX-610d; 612a

Federigo n, Duke of Mantua

VI-635b; IX-612a; Casale Monferrato III-396a

Federigo, cardinal, Bishop ot

Mantua IX-613a

Ferdinand I, Duke of Mantua.

cardinal IX-612b; XII-677d — Fernando, Viceroy of Sicily, and Lassus IX-lld; and Lmgia Torelh VII-53d , ,, .

Francesco I, Duke of Mantua

VI-635b; IX-612a

Francesco I, cardmal, Bishop ot

Mantua IX-613a —Francesco II, Duke of Mantua IX-612b „ , „. ,

Francesco n, cardinal. Bishop

of .Mantua VI-286a; IX-613a; XI-664d , „■ I — Francesco HI, cardinal. Bish- op of Mantua IX:;613a Gianfrancesco I, Lord of Man- tua lX-611d; sanctuary of Madonna delle Grazie IX-612C —Gianfrancesco, H, Martjms of Mantua IX-611d; and da Fel- tre XV-190b „ ,, . , —Gianfrancesco HI, Marqms of Mantua IX-612a; and Mon- tegna IX-610d — Gianfrancesco, of Borzolo i.v-

— Giulia, writer IX-612d — GugUelmo, Duke of Mantua VI-^35b; IX-612b

^Hercules. See Gonzaga. fcrcole

— ^Ippolita, writer IX-612d —Isabella VI-635a — Lucrezia, writer IX-bl^a — Luigi, cardinal. Bishop of Man- tua IX-613a Luigi I. Lord of Mantua iX-

Luigi n. Lord of Mantua IX-

— Luigi in. Marquis of Man- tua IX-G12a; and Mantegna IX-610d , D- 1,

Marco Fedele, cardmal, Bisti-

op of Mantua IX-613a

—Maria Ludwika, queen, and Congregation of the Mission X-361C; XII-194C

— Rodolfo, Prince of Castiglione IX-612a ,. , ,,., „„-i.

SCIPIONE, cardmal Vl-bJoD,

and Tasso XIV-463d ,

— Sigismondo, cardinal. BishoP ot ^, '*_..... \-i_r.'*;^a. TX-til3a;

^igismonuu, eaii"u<i.. ^^.■'"„,'-„- Mantua Vl-635a; IX-613a and Mantuanus II-276C — Taddea, marriage II-623a Thomas Antonio, poet Aii-

— Vespasiauo, and TordesiUas

VII-296a ,.,, .

— Vincenzo I. 'Duke of Mantua IX-612b; foundation X-3Uba; XII-374b; 677d; and Rubens XIII-21.'ia ,. , T^ , f

—Vincenzo H, cardinal, Duke of Mantua IX-612b

— CoUege, Washington X\ -.564a

Gonzague, Louis de, Duke of Ncvers. .and Clement \ 111 Vll-22'6c ^. . . ,,j

—Louise de, in Cmcinnati XI- 129d . . Y

Gonzales, Alonso, missionary A-

— Francisca XII-.140b .

— Francisco, missionary Vll-Joc, IX-553d

— j'ohn-BapHst X-197c —Jose Pueblo Indian XII-5o6c —Juan Ignacio, Bishop of Santi- ago dc Chile Xin-iOla Gonzalez, Diego, writer XiV-

F^an Count of Castile III- "Mb^Tl'lb; arch lll-r.7a; arch

(III.) XlV-17Sb —Peter. S, .■ l'<^^f'^ .*""""/ .


Xil-369b; XIV -7.57c; Thoiii-

iam X1V-699C — de Eslava, Hemin, writer

XIV-203a . ,

— dc Mendoza, Pedro. See Men

doza Pedro Gonr.Alcz de


VI-635C; XIV-85d; 440d;

702c; and Louis XIV XIV-90a;

on Probabiliorism VIII-22c;

XII-t42c; 442d — y Poveda, Bartolome, Bishop

of La Plata VIII-799b Gonzalo, Bishop of Segovia XIII-

685c — Count of Sobrarbe X-721d — DE BERCEO VI-636a; XIV-

— de Sta. Maria,bishop XII-I57d — Miguel, Bishop of Segovia

XIII-085C Gonzalvo, Abbot of Celanova X-

477c — Hernandez de Cordova. See

Cardova — Henriques, Blessed, martyr

XIV-109d Gonzalvus Fusai, Blessed XIV-

110a Gonzate, Damiano da, sculptor

XI-505a . , , . ,

Gonzoff, Gennadius, Archbishop

of Novgorod XIII-266d GOOD VI-6.36b; Amalrician teaching I-379d; and appetite I-e56b; Aristotle's theory VI- 637a; 637b; 640b; and being VI-637a; as end V-32Sd; VI- 636b; andlevil VI-637C; God as VI-636d; Hedonistic concept VI-638C; in Manichaeism IX- 591d; moral VI-639aj neo- Platonio theory VI-637b; on- tological VI -636c; Patristic teaching VI -637b; physical XlV^b; Platonic theory I- 175b; 761a: VI-636d; 637a: XII-161b; Scholastic doctrine VI-637C: in secularism XIU- 6 7 6a; theophilanthropism XIV-624C; and the true VI- 637c; ultimate VI-639d; will, object of XV-624b; Zoroas- trianism Il-155d —THE HIGHEST \I-640b; Alexander of Hales I--298d ; Aristotle's theory VI-640d: VII-131d: Cvrenaics Vl-D4txi; deontologism VI--641C; Epi- curus, theory of VI-641a; Eu- dffimonism VI-640C: 642a; Kant's theory VI-641d; and Megarians X-146c; Platonic theSrvVI-641c;XII-161b; Soc- rates," theory VI-640C; Spencer on VI-641b; Stoic theory VI- 641d; utilitarianism VI-641b —John II-801d . .

—John B., Episcopalian mission-

arvXIV-142a:705a — John Mason XIII-27C — WiUiam, Jesuit XlV-90d Goodacre, Hugh, Protestant Archbishop of Armagh l-(31a; 732d , ,

Good and Evil Government, fres- coes IX-35Sa; XI-39Sd —Counsel, Our Lady of. See Our

Ladv of Good Counsel —Death, Fathers of the. See

Camillians —FAITH VI-642d .

—FRIDAY VI-643a; Agios O Theos I-211b; Agnus Dei 1- 221a; aliturgical I-314a; an- cient rite IV-103b; .bugia I- 348b; calendars, ancient lu- 163c; candlesticks , I-SoOj: cereilionies IV-530a: VI-644b; XlV-560b; Cross, Adoration of IV-524C; 532b: VI-t>43d; ?™cifixveill-352d;devotiona

custom VI-M;"i: V"'!lX cCcT I-19".i; old English

Rite VI-359b; 360b: 365a, genuflexion yl-127b: Gospel VI-660a; and Holy Grail Vl- 700b ■ Holv Places, collection for lV-10.5d; Improperia Vll- 70'!d- ami lectors l.X-lllc; [es'ons Vl-64.3b:. IX-197a; litanv IX-287a: liturgy Vll- nVc- Mass prohibited IX- 7qsb- in Mozarabic RitcJ^" r.llia-: Pange L',nK"\. '," r^Tld" 4l2a; Pn-ssiou plays Xl-J.5ia. Pcniientes Xl-tatia. pemten- tiarv. duties of V"-'^'?.; '" Per^grinatio Sydyia- X'-';--'*: post-Niccne Church I-107c,

1:;;,;^— i^^eT^aicTof a^cle^^^^the^^^P^^^ (Ul.) = lustration.