Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/389

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I^aulug II-7S7b: confessor V- i:i4a Guise, Franfois-Alexandre* Paris d(! Lorraine VII-78d; at Rouen XIII-210d — Frangois de Lorraine, second Duke of VII-74C; Tfib; 77a; 78d;d(athIlH4:id; VII-S31C; XI-320b; portrait Vn-75b

— Henri I de Lorraine, third Duke of III-144b: VII-77a; 79d; P^ronne. League of IX- 98d; portrait VII-79 — Henri de Lorraine, fifth Duite of VII-SOc; X-t)S6b

— Henri de Lorraine, Archbishop of Reims XII-72(id

— Jean de. Cardinal of Lorraine I-2(J9b: VII-74C: IX-413b; 474b; X-249a; SSOb; and Gif- ford, William VI-553a; at Va- lence XV-250b: at Vaudemont IX-364b; Bishop of Verdun XV-3olb

— Louis 1 de Lorraine, Cardinal of X-249a; Xin-717d; coni- mcndatorv' Abbot of Montau- ban X-52oa; death VII-76C: 78b; Reims XII - 72Cc; and Sandvs. John XIII-439b; Sens XIII-717d

— Mary of. Queen of Scotland. Sff Marie of Guise

Guitar, and Espinel V-542c

Guiteau, Charles J. XV-175b

Guitechlin. See Widukind

Guitelinus, as Bishop of London IX-347C

Guitem, Abbot of Melleray X- ll'i7c

GUITMUND, Bishop of Aversa \"II-S()d: and Berengarius U- 4SSc: IV-322C; and impan- ation VII-694C; works VII- gla

Guiton, Mayor of La Rochelle V1I-533C "

Guittone d'Arezzo fGuittone del Vival, poet l-7()2b; VIlI-247a

Guizot, Francois - Pierre - Guil- laume VI-2ii2c; X-.il4c: Bal- mes II-224d; and Beugnot U- 539d; and clergy VI-182c; and hagiographical society II-637b ; on Jansenism V-219a: and Jesuits Vll-Sd; and Lenormant IX-loOd; and Liberalism IX- 212d; on Motley I-372a; policy VI-174C; and Raoul Rochette XIII-104d; and Rossi XIII- 204b; and Royer-CoUard XIII- 214b; societies II-2a; state, re- ligious foundation XIV-770b; and Thiers XIV-635C

Gujerat, kingdom VII-725a

Guksun. See Cocussus

Gukumatz IV-413a

Gulden XI-150a

Guldengroschen XI-155a

Guldenstubbe, Baron de XIV- 222b

Guldere-Dagh (Mount Solyma) XIV-r>17d

GiUdhom, Cistercian abbey XIII -)43b

Gulf Coast, srttli^mpnt I-24nd

—OF ST. LAWRENCE. VICAR- IATE APOSTOLIC OF VII- 8ia; statistics I!I-2:',sa

Gulfrit, Bishop of Liandaff IX- 31Ca

Gulf Stream V-0n7d

Giilich, Nicholas IV-U7a

Gulielmo. See William

Gullath \I-J39d

Gulliver's Travels V-466b

Gullveig XV-.507a

Gulstanus. See Goustan, Saint

Giilzow, s>'nod XII-220b

Gum, antimensium consecration I-.34SC

Gumbert, Saint, I^rd of Cham- penois II-.519a

Gum-bum, monastery- III-CG.5b

Gumersindo, martyr XIV-178d

Gumjnere, F. B. I -.".29c

Gummersbach. Joseph VII-2.j3c

Gumuldjina IX-i^.!c

GUmiishlu Liman (Myndus) X- 60 la

Gunband XII-764a

Gun-barrels III-633b

Guncelin, organ builder XI-300b

Gun-cotton Xl-ClOb

Gundafor XIV-6.i8c

Gundar. See Gunthcr; Guntram

Gundecar. See Gundekar II Gundecharus. See Gundekar II Gundegang. .Sff Chrodegang Gundekar II, Blessed. Bishop of

Eich.-<l;itt \'-3r,4d: IX-226b;

(ill.) X\"-4llfic; Mil of XI-229C Giindel, George, and Holzhauser

VII-440a Gundeland, .Vbbot of Lorsch IX-

3ci4d Gundelberga, Lombard Queen II-

605d Gundemar, Bishop of Tarazona

XIV-452C — CouncQ of, XIII-78Sa; XIV-

758c Gundemiro, Bishop of Vizeu XV-

49«c Gunderic, Bishop of Siguenza

XIII-7S8a Gundiac, King of Burgundy IX-

580b Gundigran, Saint. See Chrode- gang Gundikar, King of Savoy XIII-

492b Gundioch. See Gundo\'ic Gundiok. See GundoWc Gundisalvi, .Vrchdeacon of Se-

Kovia I\-<.4Sc Gundisalvus of Valleboa, Fran- ciscan general XIV-231d Gundissalinus, philosopher XII-

Gundleus, Welsh hermit X V-585C

Gundobad, King of Burgundy VI-361a; IX-207d; and St. A Vitus Il-ieic; and duelling V-1S4C

Gundobald. See Gundobad

Gundovic, King of Burgundy IV- 60d; XIII-492C

Gundrada, foundress V^35a

Gundulf, father of St. Anselm I-546b

— mavor of the palace, and St. Arnulf I-752b

—Bishop of Rochester XIII- lOld; 102b; XVI-fiOa; at Beo II-379d

— of Arras, Catharist III-435d

Gundulfus. See Gondulphus

Gundus VIII-42.3d

Gunen (Conana) IV-lSlc

Gunfridus, Bishop of Volterra XV-5(>5c

Gungunu, King of Sumer and .\kkad II-lSlc

Gungunyane, Zulu chief XV-766C

Gunhild Vll-229b

Guni .X-749d

Gunidu, Kincof Shirpurlall-lSOd

Gunkel, Herman, exegete. Anti- christ I-560d; Genesis I-54c; Old Testament I-54a; Penta- teuch XI-657a; on Virgin birth XV-451b

Gunn, James VII-629d

Gunnar VII-TilSd

Gunnbjom \'I-77Sb

Gunner, Bishop of Viborg XVI- 79b

Gunning, Peter, and John Spen- cer XIV-214b

Gunnlaugr, poet VII-618b

Gunnolo, Saint. See Winwallus,

Gunoldigen, Peter von IX^OTb Gunpowder, Bacon. Roger XIII- 1 1 .ib ; Bvzantine.s 1 1 1-99a ; 10.5c; Chaptal III-582a; and chivalry III-692d; Schwarz, Berthold XIII-593C —PLOT VII-81b; Bawden II- 357c; Church VII-82d; con- spirators (ill.) VII-83b; Digby, Sir Everard IV-792b; Gar- net, Hcnrv- VI-.387b; VII-83C: XIII-653b; and penal laws XI- 013a: Talbot, John XIV-432d; Tierney on V-t49d Gunston. See Gonson Guntbaldus, Bishop of Rouen

MI1-209C Gunter, William, martyrdom V-

47lia; X-.5S2C Guntha VI-395

Gunthamund, Vandal King XV- 208d; and Dracontius V-153a; toleration V-r,n.3a Gunthar. See Gijnthir: Guntram GIJNTHER, BLESSED VII-84d —son of Clodomir I\-ti7c — Bishop of Bamberg II-24.3b; pilgrimage IV-.54.5c; V-739C; Xri-92b; 98b

—Bishop of Hildesheim VII-353b — I, Anthony, Count of Kevern-

hurgXln-594b; 594c — ni. Count of Kevernburg I-

260c — Archbishop of Magdeburg IX-

52Sd — XI, Prince of Schwarzburg

.XIII-594b; 594d —ANTON VII-85b; Baianism II-212a; beatific vision VIII- 075d; Christology I-215c; XIV-601a; Cleme'ns IV-12c; condemnation VII-87c; crea- tion VII-86C; criticism VII- 86d; followers VII-87a; God VII-86b; influence VII-S6d; and knowledge VII-SGa; op- ponents VII-87b; Pantheism VII-86b; and Pius IX III- 462c: IX-581C: XII-136C; and Revelation Xlll-lb; and Tran- scendentalism XV-18C; Trin- itarianism VII^09b; XV-52d: works VII-85C — Peter, and Melanchthon X-

151b — Frederick Charles, Prince of Schwarzburg - Sondershausen XIII-.594C Giintberism II-13Id GiJNTHER OF COLOGNE VII- 88a; IV-117d; and Ansgar VII- 88a: deposed XI-54c: and Lo- thair II VII-8Sb — of Salzburg, and Notker XI-

126b — the Heavy-Jawed. See Giin- ther XI, Prince of Schwarzburg — Victor, Prince of Schwarzburg-

Rudolstadt XIII-594b; 594c — See Guntram

Gunthram. See Giinther; Gun- tram Guntner, Biblical introduction

VIII-81b Guntram, Saint, King of Bur- gundy VI-239C; IX-715C; XI- 319d; XIII-354b; and St. Columbanus IV-138b; edict VII-20a; and Gregor\' of Tours VII-19d; and Lombards XIII- 354a; and St. Theodore of Mar- seilles IX-716b: tomb II-525C —of Adelsreute XIII-396a —See Giinther Gunwalloc XV-659d Guodila, Saint. See Gudula Guodloin, Bishop of Liandaff IX-

316a Gupta Empire VII-724d Gurbaal \I-439d Gurdestin, hymnodist VII-602d Gurgano IV-13Ka Glirja, mart\Tdom V-282c GURK, DIOCESE OF VII-88c:

statistics Il-l.Uid Gurney, Joseph John, missionary-

VI-3n6b Gurowski, Adam XII-207c Gurrea, Aime de VI-213d Gursar, King of Shirpurla II-

ISOd Gurtweil, orphanage II-199d Guru XIII-789a Gurval, Bishop of Aleth XII-

772a Gurvan, Bishop of Liandaff IX-

316a GURY, JEAN-PIERRE VII S9b: XI\-i'.llb; ..n ,\i[iurt I-4.i4d; on Aznr ll-llisa; Hallerini'a work .Wl-tid; on Castro I'alao III— 415b: on vocation X\'- 499d Guseff, philosopher XIII-275a Gusha, sect VlII-30.5b Gushamu. See Gossem Gushnasaph, magi IX-528C Gusinie I-2.54d Gusman. See Guzman Gusmao, Alexandre de XII-3inb — BARTHOLOMEU LOU-

RENCO DE V1I-S9C Gussanville, Pierre, on Grego- rian Ch.'int \ l-7sl)b Gustav-Adolfs-Verein V-r,44c Gustave. Sr,- Cisiavus Gustavian Patrimony XIV-349C Gustavus I (Vasa), King of Swe- den IX-401C: XI-119a; XIV- .349b; 3.i2d; XVI-77b: invades Denmark IV-728b: religion IX-460a; religious policy VI- 77a: XII-70fib; at Vadstena XV-249a; Westeraaa XV-.592C


— n (Adolphus), King of Sweden VI-41d; XIV-353a: Augsburg II-7(;a; Breitenfeld IX-139d; and Christina III-722b; death VI-^2a; XIV-654b; and Ger- many VI-502b; XIV-653a: Magdeburg IX-524d: portrait XIV-650a; religion IX-460a: religious policy XII-706d: and Thirty Years War VI-503C; XIII-500b; XIV-64SC: 6S2a: 725c: and Wallenstein XV- 539a

— m. King of Sweden XIV-349d: 353b: Constitution VII-25C: foundation XIV-297C: tolera- tion edict XIV-297d

— TV (Adolphus), King of Sweden XIV-353b

— V (Adolphus), King of Sweden XIV-353C; 34 7d

— Adolphus I, King of Sweden. .See Gustavus II (Adolphus)

— Eriksson, .s'ee Gustavus I

— of Wasaburg. See Gustavtis I

Gustrow, duchv X-108d

Gutalagen XIV-3.54d

Gutaland. See Gotland

Gutberlet, Konstantin, philos- opher I-97b; II-.54b; X-749b

GUTENBERG, JOHANN VII- 90a: colour printing VII-91d; forty-two line Bible VII-90d; XII-766C; and Fust VI-326d; inventions VII-91C: monument, Frankfort (ill.) VII-91C; por- trait VII-90b; Schoffer XIII- 547a

— Johaim Gottfried H. See John Godfrey of Wiirzburg

Guthe, exegete IV-502d: Marian prophecy XV-464Bd

GUTHLAC, SAINT VII-92b; I- 541c; shrine XII-90C

—authorship IV-582b

Guth-na - Bliadhna, periodical, Scotland XI-6S9d

Guthorm. See Guthrum

Guthrie, George James, physiol- ogist X-I41b

— James, covenanter IV-461a

Guthrum, Danish King X-674d:

tical legislation I-507a: in Wes-

sex I-310a Guthrum, Jarl VII-203d Guti. See Kuti Gutierez, Alfonso, missionary

VII-2S7a Gutierre de Olea, Bishop of C6r-

dova. and Seville XIlI-744d — de Toledo, Bishop of Oviedo

XI-:t03d —Jaime XIV-228a —Juan Maria, writer XIV-206d — Isidoro Clemente, Vicar Apos- tolic of Amoy III-678b — Osorio, founds monastery X-

477d — Ramon, jurist XIII^62b — de Pineres Madiedo, German,

writer XIV-205d — Gonzalez, Gregorio, writer

XIV-2fl5d — Najera, Manuel, writer XIV-

203d — Ponce, Ignacio, writer XIV-

205d Gutium. .See Kuti Gutschmid, Hermann Alfred,

historian XV-S4b Guts-Muths, Johann Christoph

Friedrich XI-797a Guttenberg, John Godfrey of.

Bishop of Wiirzburg. See John

Godfrey of Guttenberg Guttes I^0.3c Guttierez, Jeronymo, Mozarabic

priest X-til2d —Juan, jurist XII-I.5Sb GUttingen, John of. Sec John of

Guttingen Guttu V-510C Gutvalla, Cistercian abbey XVI-

.54 b Gutzkow, Karl, writer VI-526d Gutzlaff, Karl Friedrich August,

missionary III-679a; Bible

XV-374b' Guvina, Andrea, wood - carver

XV-699b Guy, Venerable. Bishop of Auxerre

XIII-71Sb — Bishop of Beauvais II-378a —I, Bishop of Cambrai V-221C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.