Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/407

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Heirera, Juan Mufioz y, Munoz y Herrera, Juan — Pedro and Bafiez II-248a —Teresa de XI V-ilc'.Ob ^^,„^ — BARNUEVO, SEBASTIANO DE vn-2'J5d , . ,, .

— y de la Iglesia, Jose Maria Martin, cardinal. S..- Martin de Herrera y de la Iglesia, Jose Maria „


DE VII-296a; 7o6c Herreros, tribe VI-515b HERRGOTT, MARQUARD

VII-2911C; II-4tUb Herrick, Robert, V-4i;4d Berries, Marmaduke Constable

MaxweU, Lord Xl-lS'ib Herrings, batde (1429) \ III-

410b — procession, Reims XII-72SC Herrisvad, Abbey of XVI-JOc Herrlich, Michael, Abbot of Gott-

weig VI-0S2d Herrmann, Abbot of Zwette XV-

771d Hermhuters I-565d; n-618a; IX-459c; XII-81d; 709c. See Bohemian Brethren .

Herron, George Davis, socialist

XIV-67C Herrys, William, and Crashaw

IV-H)7c Herschel, Caroline, astronomer

IV-olc — Sir John, astronomer Alll- 069b

Sir William, astronomer II-

26c; 27b; 27d; 28c; 29b; X-86b: XIV-481a: at Cambridge 111- 212b; nebulas XV-187a; planet VI-88b , „ ,

HerscheU,Farrer,first Baron, and

Russell XIII-230C HERSFELD, monaateij; VII- 296d: IX-530d; Xiy-712c; architecture V-259d; foimded VII-298d ; St. Godard V I-621C , Gunther VII-85a; library IX- 34a; Lullus bell II-422d; and Osnabruck XI-341c; St Poppo XII-27.5b; and St. Wigbert

—Lambert of. See Lambert of

Hersfeld Herst, Richard. ,Sec Hurst Hertford, college, Oxford XI-

366b: 368d — councU (673) I-o06b; IV-68c,

XIV-.571a —William Seymour I-76od HertUng, Georg F- 'O" JI-5.1:»k ! X-749b; XI-679d; XVI-22b; 22d , ^

Hertogenbusch. See Bois-le-Duc Hertogenrade. See Rolduc HerUepool, monaaterj- yll-3>0c Hertwig, Oskar, biologist Ml- 254c; cell theory II.-:o74d; on evolution V-669b; hfe, theory of IX-240d ,. . ,

Bertzka, Theodor, pohtical econ- omist XV-244a HeruU, tribe IX-337d: Ash- bach's hist„r>- I-773C; in Italy XIV-2c; at Pavia XI-.o92d Herulphus, Saint, Bishop of Lan-

gres VIII-790a Herumbert. S'; Erkambert Hervaus (Herve), Samt X-t)82a.

-JbJ,;?o'f'valla;lolidXV-2.Wb —Natalis. .Sff H-rvf of Ncde-llac HERVAS Y PANDTOO LOR- PNZO V11-297C; Xll-tl'Jc; 6?6C°XIV-I76b 200d Ca.a- logo VI-4.53C; vn-,4Sd; on deaf routes V-317a; on Mon- toya XIII-224a; on Piro Indi- ans XII-1 10a


— Jn^'iafis^l'oarter XIV-64d; 67b —Biahop of Reims XII-72fia — Francopoulos, Norman adven- turer VI-.i39b . . —of Nedellac, logician IX-JUTa,


He^^*e*y, Bishop of Bangor II-

— Lord A., Bishop of Bath and Wells VII-204d


—Walter VII-.TOSd

Hervia, Antonio de, Bishop 01 Cartagena Ill-384b

Hervier, P^re, and mesmerism VIl-G05b . . .

Hervieu, Julien-PIacide, mission- ary III-673C , ^ . J,

Hervilly, Louis Charles, Comte d , general XV-272a

Hervordia, Henry of. See Henry of Horford . ~ t^-

Herwald, Bishop of Llandaff lA- 316a; 316b

Herwegh, poet VI-.'J2/a

Herwig, Bishop of Meissen X-

— King of Seeland VI-S18d Herworden, Henry of. See

Henry of Herlord Herz, Franz, in baxony Xlll- 501c

Herzan, cardinal XII-132d; and Gerdil VI-471C . .

Herzegovina, Archepiscopal juris- diction I-691d; Cathari III- 437a; Franciscans X-599a; name X-599d; statistics II- 697c; Turkish conquest II- 696b; X-.599d. See Bosnia and Herzego^^na -ti-i-

Herzen, Alexander, and Nihilism XI-74d ,^ .

— Franz, Bishop of Steinamanger XIV-2S5a

Herzfeld, church IX-41oc

— Sofia von. Nihilist XI-75b

Herz- Jesu-kirche, Nuremberg

HerzoE, Eduard, Old Catholic Bishop of Berne XI-236a: XIIl-535a „, u V .

lohann Jakob, Church histo-


riau V-417b; VII-379C Robert, Bishop of Breslau II-

He'sban (Hesebon) Vni-196a Hescham Abbey (ill.) \III-fac-

Hesdin, Jacquemart de IX-626C HESEBON VII-298b; I-433d; VII-332a; VlII-196a; X-410a: XI-791a; Israelites capture I- 434b; location VI^40c —Pools of XII-235d Heser. See Asor (1) Heshbon. See Hesebon Heshman. See Hassemon Heshuha, in Manichffiism IX-

592a Hesiod, poet IV-Jlla; VIII-794a Hesketh, Ildephonse, martyr V-

477b Hesli, in gcnealogj' of Christ VI-

410d; X-670a Heslin, Thomas, Bishop of

Natchez X-710a; XI-14a Hesinona VI-»40c Hesperia, Italy VIII-208b Hesperinos, Byzantine Vespers IV-Sl.'ia; VI-661d , ^ „, . Hesperius, Prefect of the West

Hesperus, in Old Testament II-

30c: 31b —Bishop of Met J. See Sperus Hesron, father of Caleb IH-p^c —town, Juda VI-440C. See Asor Hesronita, John, and Savarj- de

Braves VI-331C Hess, Nihilist leader I^53a —Gerard, author XV-o76d — Heinrich, painter XII1-591C,

687d —John, reformer XIV-248d HESSE, Grand Duchy VI 1-298':; XV-707d: St. Boniface li- 656d church in VII-298d: 299d; extension VI-499b: VII- 209a: in Customs Lnion Xll- 52Sa; ecclesiastical organizii- tlon I-342a; and the KuUur- lampf VII-300a; X'VI-23c: Landgrave VI-.504a; and Prus- sia Vll-300b; XII-530C; refor- mation VII-299b: and Thur- "^a VII-299a; and Waldeck XV-527b .

Hesse, Benedict, theologian IV-

46.5d _ ,.

— Eoban. See Hessus. Hchus

Eolanus —Henry of. the Elder

Hesse-Cassel, landgraviate VII- 299c; XIV-655a; Poor Hand- maids of Jesus Christ XII- 254c: and Prussia \I-512a, Syncretistic Strife XIV-3841)

Hesse-Darmstadt, Grand Duchy VII-298d; 299c; joins Customs Union XII-528a: and Walden- sians XV-530b; and West- phalia XV-601C

Hesselo of Toul, and Notker XI-


XlV-593b; Baius II-209C: on

fundamental articles \I-319b;

at Trent XV-33d Hesse-Nassau, Prussia Vl-ol-a;

VII-SOOc; 298d Hesse - Rheinfels - Rotenburg,

landgrav-iate VII-299d Hesshusen, Tileman, German

Lutheran XI-760d Hessi, Saxon chieftain III-613a Hessians VII-29Sd; in American

Revolution VI-476b; XV-

Hessoun, Joseph II-621d; in

United States II-622b Hessus, Helius Eobanus \ 11-

541a; and Crotus IV-539C; at

Culm IV-566c; writings IX-

31c —Hermann Schottenius IX-28a Hestia, diity IV-0S5a Hestiator lX-:iO«c Hesvan (Heshwan). Sec Mar-

HESYCHASM VII-301a; Akin- dj-nos VII-302b: Athos Il-oOa; VII-302a; Barlaam VII-301d; Barlaamites VII - 302c; Bla- chema;, Synod of VII-302d; Buchiras VII-302c; Cantacuze- nu3VII-302c; Constantinople, sj-nods of VII-302b; contem- plation, theory of VII-301a Ephesus, Synod of VII-302d, Gennadius II VI-417a; in Greek Church VI-768a: VI- 302d; opponents of Vll-3ina, origin III-112d; FalamasVII- 301d; Quietistic tendency Xll- 609b; Simeon of Studion \ 11- 301b; in Thessalonica XIV-

Hesychastes, Johaimes, Saint.

See John the Silent, Saint Hesychian MSS. IX-629b Hesychius, martyr aI-:;09c —Bishop of Cotenna IV-421d —Bishop of Salona XIV-207d:

and Pope Zosimus lX-2t)JC -Apostle of Spain XIV-177a

-Henry 01, me ■>■"> Henry of Langenstem — Hermann I, Landgra" 384c

of XI

Apostle 01 i^pa-u " VrVr T<1K

—Bishop of Tanagra XIJ-tf2b —OF ALEXANDRLA VII-303b:

lexicon Vl-.WSa —OF JERUSALEM VII-303d;

37.3b; Septuagmt XIII--24a:

and New Testament XIV-

532a; and Theodore of Antioch

XIV-573a —OF SINAI VII-304d Hetairai, of Greece III-639a; XI-

389c . . ,,, Philike, secret society vi-

736b; 7.39d Hetan XV-719a Hetenneis IV-421d .

Heterianus. See Ethcnanus,

He"r Hebrew letter VII-176c;

XIV-.^i29c Hethalon VI-440C . .

Hethan H, Duke of Thuringia

HETHITES VII-305b: T-433c: and Asshur-Nasir-pal II- 12c in Cappadocia I-<84b; and Egypti?SsV-339c:340b;Vn_ 306b: monuments \ u-.5'Joc. origin III-570C; in,Pfj;<S«  VI-432b; religion VII-305d; and Sargon II II-Hb

Hethlon. See Hethalon

Hethorpe, England, charterhouse III-ti34a , „, ., , ,

Hetimasius, Bi.^hop of Philadel- phia XI-793b .

Hetman, Polish Commander-in- chief XIV-61d .

Hetnub, alabaster quarries V-

Hetoum, Armenian king VIII- Hetti, Archbishop of Trier XV- 4.3a


307d; 364a Hettites. See Hethites Het Walletie, mother-house Aa-

verian Brothers XV-72Sb Hetzel, Abbot of Mettlach V-

Hetzenauer, Michele, Biblical commentator V-292d; XIV- 5340 . , . ,..,

Hetzer, Ludwig, Anabaptist A V- 372d ^. ,^, ,

Heuck, M. Clara, Sister of Notre Dame XI-131b


Heuisler, Charles, judge II-231d Heule, Augustus Van, Vicar Apos- tolic of Western Bengal III-

Heung-Shan Island IX^Slb Heures de Turin, illuminated

Heuristic method XIV-120b:

146b ^ . . ..

Heume, Jan van, physician A-

130d; 131d .

—Otto van, physician X-132a Heuse, Marie d', Comtessc lA-

223b Heusenstamm, Sebastian von,

.\rchbishop of Mainz V 11-2990 Heuser, Herman J. VI-4S3d Heussgen, Johann. See (Ecolam-

padiua. Johann Heuvel, van den, professor lA-

Heuwald. See Ewald

Hevel, John, and Gassendi VI-

Hevirfelt, battle (635) XI-349a

Hevidius XV-460b

Hevilah (Hevila) I-664c; 664d.

VI-440C „ ., ^ Hevilath. Sec Hevilah Hevites, tribe I^33c; m Gaza

VI-399d; location VI-440c:

origin in-.i70c Hewald, Saint. See Ewald Hewath Hekhmetha, of Bar He-

HEWETT, JOHN vn-309b; and

Hartlev V!I-14fic —William VII-309b HEWIT, AUGUSTINE FRAN- CIS VII-309c; conversion Al- 24b; and Doshon I\-<50d; and Hecker VII-187a; X-3i;Sd; and Cardinal MoCloskey IX-188b; Redemptorist mis.sions U- 213c- X-394a: XII-6S.ic —John. Sec HewPtt, John —Nathaniel \- 1 1-30nc ; and tem- perance movement XIV-491a Hewson, John, Governor of Dub- lin Vni-151c . , ^^„

William, physiologist I^60c;

X-133d Hexachordal system \-430<I,

XV-244b TTpTad chemical II-;>3c hIxAEMERON. BIBLICAL VII-310b; 1st day \II-310b; 2nd dav VII-310C; 3rd day VII-310C; 4th day VII-SlOc: 5th dav VII-310d; 6th day VII-310d; adornment \ II- 310c; allegorj' VII-31l5b, bt. Augtistine VII-315C; Babylon- ian source Vll-SUb: Biblical Commission VII-313b; Con- cordists VII-315d: Day of Rest VII -311a: Eg>ptian source VII-312b; and geology VII-314b: Hebrew folk-lore VII-312d; Kant \II-31.5d. Laplace VII-31.5d ; , n}<^»ni"B VII-313C; ongin ,).ll ■>,.°' Persian source MI-312C; Philo VII-31-5b: Phcenician source


second c'reationVII-310b: text VII-310b: vision V 11-3140 -of St. Ambrose I-393a of St. Anastasius Sinaita 1-

of Bartholomew of Lucca II-

-^f St. Basil ll-SSSb

—it James of Edessa MII-277d

—of Pisides HI-\21<« ,„

of Suneson IV-730b, lA-

43.5a Hexagon XI-S2d ,,, „„j Hexagrams, Chmcsc 111-6670

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b,