Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/432

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Incarville, Pierre de III-673d

Incas, Indians XII-604d; and Avmara Il-lfiob: and Cabcllo do Balboa m-120b; and do Betanzos II-531a; and Ecuador II-32a; languaEe XIV-204b; in Peru I-41IJb; VII-757c; XII-60.">b; and Francisco Pi- zarro XIl-141c; Prince in royal costume (ill.) XH-605; Re- ductions XII-r>97c

Incaustum, nature of IX-615b

Incendio, Stanza dell*, and Vati- can XV-2S6a

—del Borgo, Raphael XII-644d

INCENSE VII-710c; and Addeus and Maris I-137b; 137c: altar of I-361c; in Ambrosian Rite I-401C; in Apocalypse I-221c: 302a; and Baal II-175d; and bells II-273d; 420d; at Bene- diction Il^eSb; blessing of I-572c; and Buddha III-31a; and burial III-75a: in burial, Greek Church III-78a; in Carmelite Rite XIII-73b; and cemeteries III-508b; censer III-519b; in church IV-105b; and crosses IV-535d; and em- balming I-196d; and England I-502a: in funeral 75b; 76b; in funeral of children III-76a; and Gal- ilean Rite VI-365d; and Gospel VI-662a; 662c; inGreekChurch I-359d; 365b; in Irvingite Church VIII-175a; in Juda- ism I-361C; XIII-313a; in Maronite Rite XIII-S3C: and Matms XIII-4S0d; and Missa Cantata IX-799b; nature VII- 716c; and Offertory XI-218d; in reliquary I-351c; and Ritual- ists XIII-91b; 91d; in Roman Mass IX-797b; in sacrifice XIII-310b; 318c; symbolism, and altar IV-279d; symbolism, and manner VII-717b; in Syrian Rite, East XIV-415a; use VII-716d; at yespers XV- 381c; and worship XV-710C

Incensing, of altar I-346a: 34Sa; 35«b; manner of VII-717a; and Tantum Ergo XIVH145C

Inceptio (Inception), at univer- sity I-759C

INCEST VII-717b; and exog- amy XIV-793d; sin of IX- 438c; in Zoroaatrianism II- I56a; 156d

Incestuosi IX-132b


—Joseph Vir-717c

Inchcape Rock, bell I-686c

In-chen, dynasty Iir-681d

Inchenhofen, Bayaria, and Leon- ard of Limousin IX-178d

Inchiquin, and Rock of Cashel VIII-lii7c

Inclination, in Byzantine Rite IV-318b

Inclusarium Regula, facsimile I- faring 4(14

Inclyta Fratrum, and Sacred Pal- ace X-Mb

IN CCENA DOMINI, Bull I- r,4(,c; VII-717d;<ifri.-mcnt \I Xir-mic; and irn.r IV-12(,a; and Honrv Granville Kitzahui, Duke of Norfolk XI-103C; and heresy III-521C; and Luther IX-447C; of Pius V Xir-130c; of Urban VIII XV-219b. Sic ^Laundy Thursday

Income, and French clerical sys- tem I-796d; and religious XII- 325b

—Tax law, Wisconsin XV-664a; r.04d

In Commemoratione Omnium Defunctorum xn-777a

— COMMENDAM Vn-719a; iiTid Chuir!, property VIII- 7i:.d: Drllinrs work ■lV-097d. ,S'..- (-Mini,,. 11. iaiory Abbot

Incommunicants, umeteenth cen- tury Xlll 534d

Incomprehensibility VII-17.3a

In conferendis. Constitution of Pins V lV-2(mb

Inconsutibilem tunicam, imperial Constilulion VIII-.34b

Incontinence, rlerical, and Alex- ander II I-286d; and Leo IX IX-161b


Incontinency, bigamy as II-561C

Incontri, Giuseppe, Bishop of Vol- terra XV-505C

Incontro, Monastery of, and Leonard of Port Maurice IX- 179a

Incoronata, Church of the, Lodi IX-322d; and Ambrogio Bor- gognone II-6S5d

— Chapel of the, Mantua IX-612C

Incorporation, in California VII-720C; in Great Britain VII-721a; in Canada VII- 721b; of Catholic Societies XIV-71b; Maryland VII- 720b; Illinois VII-720C; Indi- ana VII-721a; Michigan VII- 720d; New York VII-720a; Ohio VII-720b; Pennsyl- vania VII-720b; West Virginia VII-720d; Wisconsin VII- 720c; Catholic, in Wisconsin XV-6G5b

—OF CHURCH PROPERTY, Civil Vn-719b; in Alabama I-243d; history VU-719b; In- diana VII-743b; in Rome IV- 11 Id; United States VII-719C

Incorrupticolas X— 491d

Incorruption, of Christ's body X- 491d; XII-793C

Incredulo senza Scusa, Segneri XIII-683C

Incubation, of dreamers V-154b

Incumbent, of benefice I-169b

Incunabula V-286c: in Casana- tense library III-397b; in Cor- sini library IV-32a; in Vatican library XV-292b

Incurables, Hospital of the, Paris XI-491b; XV^36b

In Curionem, of Cicero IX-538b

Ind., abbr. I-24c

I. N. D., abbr. I-26d

Indaletius, apostle of Spain XIV-177a; and diocese of Al- meria I-32Sa

Indebitus cultus. See Worship, improper

Indefinite, and Agnosticism I- 217b

Indemnity Act, England IV-390c; Ireland Vin-107b; XIII-127d

Indenture Quintipartite, regula- tions of X-791b

Indenturing, of orphans XI-323d

Independant, L*, periodical. Fall River VI-275d

— L% periodical, Fitchburg, Mas- sachusetts VI-275d

Independence, American, era of I-41.5d

• — Declaration of, American (1776) XV-162b; 456b; and Australia II-lI4a; and Charles Carroll Ill-SSOd; and German commerce VI-507c; Irish sign- ers of VIII-138C; and .slavery XV-169a; Venezuela XV-328a

— War of, American, and Irish VIII-13Sa; Claude Henri de Rouvroy at XIII-377a; Winnebago Indians in XV- 657d; Wisconsin Indians in XV-663a

— War of, Dutch, and the Hague VII-109a

—War of, Greek VI-739d

—War of, Spanish XIV-lS5a

— Wars of, Prussian, and Na- poleon \'I-.509d

Independent Catholic Chaldean Church XIV-414b

— Gazateer, Philadelnhia III- 346d

— Labour Party, in England XlV-fi.-ib

— Methodists X-241b

—Order of Good Templars V- I'.SOb; XIV-4S4b; in Canada XIV-492C

Independents, Dissenters IV- 2;39d; in Englanil XI-90a; in Poland XII 2i)r)b; Puritan party XII-.5S1C

Inderawood (Beverley) VIII- 47na

Indeterminate Sentence XII- 235c

Indeterminism, in philosophy lV-75i;d; Xn-29b

Indewurde, Richard of. Sre Ing-

Index, periodical II-707C —to Vatican Archives XV-287b; 289c

— Congregation of the XIII-

136c; 143a; Acts I-124a; Bible XIII-640C; Copernicus IV- 353d; VI-344d; 345d; estab- lished III-522b; XII-768d; XIV-34b; Galilei VI-344d; 345d; XIII-605b; Quirini XII- 614d; religious life Xn-7S5d; scientific marks Xni-607c

— expurgatorius. See Index of Prohibited Books

—OF PROHIBITED BOOKS VII-721d; in-520b; 521a; 251c; XIII-143a; Alva y Astor- ga I-372b; apostates I-625b; dispensation III-524C; and ex- communication V-686c; Greg- ory XIII VII-2b; Leo XIII XV-309b; Marini IX-669d; object XIV-766C; obligation III-524b; Pamelius XI-435C; Pius IV XIII-640b; Plantin XII-149b; Society of Jesus XIV-103C; Sulpician XIII- 380b; and theology XIV-580d; Thou XIV-707a; Trent, Coun- cil of XV-35b; Vatican Council XV-304b; Wessel XV-590c; WessenbiTK XV-.591b

■ — oleorum Vll-423a

— Tridentinus III-521d


— Archceology VII-733d: inscrip- tions XIV-681b; swastika IV- 517c

—Archilecture VII-733d; domes I-690a; temples XIV-496d; 497c

— astrology II-19d

—Church in VII-728C; age, ca- nonical I-207b; 208c; Augus- tinians VII-2S7c; banns of marriage II-256c; Capuchins III-325a; Carmelites III- 363b; Charity of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of III-609c; Charity of Our Lady Mother of Mercy, Sisters of III-610C; Christian Brothers of Ireland III-710d; clergy VII-730d; divorce V-61b; Dominicans XII-368Ea; double jurisdic- tion VII-730C; Franciscans VI- 293d; 294d; Gregory XVI VII-9C; hierarchy I-225b; 316d; VII-730d; Holy Family, Sisters of Vll^OSa; Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools VIII-60C; Jesus Mar>-, Religious of VIII-38,5d; St. Joseph, Sisters of VIII-515d; Loretto nuns Vin-55c; mar- riage IX-701d; martyrs, first II-344a; monasteries I-771b; Passion commemoration XI- 635d; Presentation Sisters XII- 397d; Propaganda XII^57d: Retreat, Houses XII-796d; St. Vincent de Paul Society XIII-390C; Salesian Society XIII-399b; seminaries XIII- 700a; Society of Jesus IV-J41d; XIV-94b; 103c: statistics VII- 729d; XIV-271d; Tertiaries XIV-63Sb; St. Thomas Chris- tians III-561a; V-234b; XIV- 678d

— climate VII-723c

—Education V-296c; VII-727c; Catholic VII-732C

—ethnology XII-626C

—Geography VII-722d; VI-440d; Agra I-225a; Aimer XVI-34b: Allahabad I-316c; area VII- 722d; Assam I-793d; Bassein II-343d; Bettiah II-53Sd; Bombay II-044b; Calcutta III-152b; Changanacherry III-573a; Cochin IV-76c; Co- imbatore IV-95a; Dacca IV- 601b; DamSo IV-610a: Erna- kulam XVI-3Sc; Goa VI-602d: Hyderabad Deccan VII-592c; Kafiristan and Kashmir VIII- f)91b; Kandy VIII-596C; Kot- tayam XVi-.50a; Krishnagar V 111-7 2a; Kumbakouam Vm-71(lc: I.rihore VIII-742d: Laiis Vni-7',Md; Madras IX- 51.ia: Madura IX-519c; Mala- bar IX-.-)5Sa; Malacca IX- .562c: Mangalore IX-i5SSd; map Vll-facing 736; Mayotte, Nos8i-B6, and Comoro X-90d; Mysore X-661d; Nagpur X- 669a; Poona XII-235d; Quilon

XII-610d; Rajpootana XII- 635b; Simla XIll-796a: XVI- 36d; Trichinopoly XV-40d; Trichur X\'-41b: Vcrapoly XV-345b; Vizagapatam XV- 4g6a

—History VII - 724c; Albu- querque I-270c: and Arabia I-666d; Bardesanes's work II- 293d; British VII-725d; and Ceylon III-547d; Chinese trav- ellers III-668C; Danish colo- nies IV-72SC; Dubois's work V-17Sb; Franciscan explora- tions VI-448d: French VII- 726c; government VII-726c; 738c; Ilbert's work VII- 736c: and Japan VIII-317b; Joppen's work Vn-725d; lep- rosy IX-182b; political organi- zation VII-725d; Polo's works XII-218C; Portuguese VII- 726b; Prester John XII-401a: State Council IX-740C; Steph- ens XIV-292a; and Tibet XIV-720a; Toscanelli XIV- 787c

— language VII-724b

— Legislation: adultery I - 163c; dancers IV-619b; guardian- ship VII-51d; infanticide VIII- Ic; juvenile court VIII-588C: marriage VII-735b: monogamy II-564d; polyandry IX-694c; polygamy IX-695a; religious toleration VII-734b: seal of confession XIII-660d: single- tax I-228c: suttee XIV-762c; usury I-227c; XV-237d; wo- man XV-689d

— Literature: Barlaam and Jo- saphat legend II-297a; Ber- nini n-511b: Beschi II-526b; Catholic publications VII- 732d; Chfzv III-651d; period- icals VII-732d; Vedas XV- 318b

—missions VI-603b; VII-731b; Baptist II-2S0d: St. Bartholo- mew I-611C; 670a; II-314a; Bible Societies II-544d; Buston III-89a; Madura IX-519c; medieval I-7Slb; Nestorian I- 136d: Portuguese IV-76C; ProtestantVII-733a: Society of Foreign Missions XIV-8"0d: statistics X-376a; success VII- 731b; Swedish Protestant XIV- 350b: St. Thomas I-611b; XIV-658C

— philosophy XII-30d

—Population I-777d; VII-724b: Jews I-779d

— Religions and Sects Vn-727d; XII-409a; ancestor-worship IV-687C; Anglicans I-499b; asceticism I-772b; Brahmin- ism I-779a; Buddhism I-779a; III-29a: 31b: cosmogonies IV- 409b: deity IV-685c; Hinduism VII-358b; immortality VII- 687b; metempsychosis X-235C: 236d: Mohammedanism I- 779b; X-425d; Parsis II-154a; X I - 5 S c ; Presbyterianism XII-394a; priesthood, female XII-417b; .statistics I-499b; 782b: VII-72SC; 733b; theos- ophv XIV-626b: totemism XIV-7S9b

— John of. See John of India

INDIANA (State) VII-73Sb; AI- louez I-326a; arbitration I- 6S5b; area Vn-738b; Bohe- mians II-621a; divorce VII- 743a; education VII-739a; French VI-273a: Germans VI- 476b; Greek Catholics VI- 747b: 74Sa; 751a; history VII- 739d: Hollanders VII-394b; juvenile courts VIII-5S7b; liquor traffic laws Vn-743a; XIV;^91a; marriage Vn~743a; missions, Indian A-3S7d: ne- groes XII-62Sb; periodical literature XI-692C; Poles XII- 20.'>c; population VII-73SC; religion VII-741b; religious denominations VII-74!d: re- ligious institutions Vll-743b; religious legislation VII-742b: resources VII-738d; schools. Catholic VIl-743b; seal of (ill.) VII-739C; seal of confession XIII-662a; Slovaks XIV-55c: statistics XV-176a; statistics.

Large t>'pe indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated: (ill.) = illustrations.