Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/438

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XII-517b: psychological study XII-o48d; Rosminianism XIII-195b; 196a; and aenaa- tion VIII-68b; and sin XIV- 7c; 10c; speculative VIII-6Sd; synteresis IV-271b; St. Thom- as V-7o0b; XIV-699d; 700a; and truth XV-t72d: and vir- tues XV-172d; and will I-115d; 219c; XV-172d; 505d Intellectualism, and Empiricism V-407c; and Pragmatism XII- 335b; Scaramelli XIII-ol4d; Scholasticism XIII-5oIa Intellectus adeptus (acquisitus).

See Intellect, acquired — agens. Sec Intellect, active — possibilis (patiens). See Intel- lect, passive

Intelligence I-125a; Alexander of Hales I-298d; and animal instinct VIII-52a; 52d; and Arabian philosophy I-67od ; and belief II-408c; and char- ism of tongues XIV-777C; of God I-219a; .5.59b; in Kabba- listic system VIII-590b; Mai- monides' philosophy IX-540d: Mani's cosmogony IX-591d; Universal, Avicebron's philos- ophv II-157a

IntelligentisE (angels) VII-763b

Intelligible, Aristotle on I-715a; in Ontologism XV-114C: in Simonian doctrine XIII-797a

— world, Avicenna II-15Sa

IntemeUi, tribe XV-.'i43a

Intemperance XI\' IsTa; XV- 472c; an.l povrrtv XII-:i2^d


Intenta Salutis, Constitution of B.miface IX V-70Sb

INTENTION VIII-Mb; of Ad- oration, Perpetual I-153c; and domicile IV-2d; and sin XIV- 8b

Interamna (Terni) VIII-219a; X- 704b

Interamnia (Teramo) XIV-514b

Inter apostolicas, Constitution of Gregory XIII III-312a

— Cffitera, Bull of Alexander VI I-414a; XI-4o5b

— cseteras, Constitution of Alex- ander VII V-689d; XII-387a

Intercession (liturgical prayer) III-259a; 260a; 262d; 265b; Addeus and Maris, Liturgy of I-137b; Apostolic Constitu- tions I^OSa; 571d; Byzantine Rite IV-318a; Gallican Rite VI-3.58a; 362c

INTERCESSION (mediation) VIII-70a; of angels I^77d; 486a; VIII~71c

— of Holy Ghost: in early Church I-lOSc

—0/ Jesu$ Christ VIII-70b; Socinian teaching XIV-113d

—of Saints II-364C; VIII-70C; in African Church I-194b; Anglicans Vin-7!a; Bocken Il-eOSc; Calvinists VIII-72C; Faunt VI-18d; objections VIII-70d; patristic teaching VIII-71d; in Royal Declara- tion XIII-213b; Scriptural proof VIII-71C; Tridentine teaching VIII-70C; 71a; 71b; XV-3.5a; Virgin Marv, in Anglo-Saxon Church I-olOc

—of souls in purgator\' XII-579C

-^EPISCOPAL VII!-72d; in early chnrcli XIl-431b

— of the Blessed Virgin, Russian fairs XIII-239d

Inter cetera. Constitution of Benedict XIV XII-614b

— cetera. Constitution of Leo X XII-7,52c; 7.iSc

— cunctas, Constitution of Bene- dict \I XI -028b

—cunctas, Hull of Martin V IV- 201d; V-71lid: XI-(i2:ic

INTERDICT VIII-7.3b; III- 52Sb; .529b; .529c; 531a; Apos- tolicre Scilia I-646a; authority for VIII-74a; iiiahopa II-.589a; cemeteries Ill-SOOd; Constitu- tions of Clarendon I-802b; France I-051b; general local VIII-74a; general personal VIII-74C; Germany VI-49(d;

kinds VIII-73C; and Mass, celebration of X-22c; modern instance III-509b; particular local VIII-74C; particular per- sonal VIII-74C; in Roman law IV-453b; IX-S5d; XII-566C; Siena I-388c; Sweden XIV- 352c INTEREST (legal) VIII-77a five per cent contract VII-22d Jewish prohibition ni-593d, and monopoly X^97d; and political economy XII-214c; in Saint-Simonism XIII-378a; Simon Stevin XIV-293C, usury XV-235C INTEREST (mental) VIII-75C; pedagogics VIII-76a; will XV- 625c

Inter felices. Bull of Innocent IX Xin-426d

Interference, Grimaldi's discov- ery Vil-35a

Inter Gravissimas, Bull of Greg- ory XIII IX-250C

Interieur de Jesus et Marie, Soeurs de 1' (Marseilles) IX- 717d

Interim Religion. See Leipzig Interim

INTERIMS. V'nl-77c. See Augs- burg: Leipzig; Ratisbon; Zella

Inter innumeras sollicitudines. Encyclical of Leo XIII VI- 17Sb; IX-51d

Interior grace. See Grace, in- Interlaced ornament, in Anglo- SaxuTi art l-512a

Interlocutory sentence, appeal I- tj52b; 653a; 653b; 654c; 655b

Interlude, in Moralities X-558C

Intermediate Education Act, Irish Vlll-llOd; XIII-578a

— State, in Jewish eschatology I- 55d; V-532d; Plato V-531a; Zoroastrianism II-156b

Interment. See Burial

Interminelli, Castruccio, Duke of Lucca VII-5Sb

Intermountain Catholic, period- ical. Salt Lake City XI-695d

Inter multiplices. Bull of Leo X X-536b

— multiplices. Constitution of Pius V VIII-37C

— multiplices. Encyclical of Pius IX XII-424a

— multipUces, Bull of Pius X XII-232b; 23:jb; 3S7b: 503b

Internal Schools XIII-555C

— Sins. See Sin, internal

International African Association IV-22SC

—Agricultural Institute VIII- 227b

— Alhance of Social Democracy I-452d

— Anti-Alcoholic Association XIV-484C

— Arch£eological Congress XIII- 374d

— Association of Workmen I- 452d

— Catholic Association XIV-485d

— Catholic Society, Alsace-Lor- raine I-345b; Westminster XV-.597b

— Congo Association IV-228d

— Congress against Alcohol XIV-492a

— Congress of Education II-167a

— Congress of Eugenics XVI~40a

— Council of Women XV-692c

— Ethical Association V-561a

— Journal of Ethics, periodical xn-3:jc

— Law. .S.f Law. International

— Meteorological Institute IX- 20i;a

— Prison Congress, Wa.ahington XII-43.JC

— Railway Anti-AIcohoIic Associ- ation XIV-4S4C

— Socialist Association XIV-3S.5d

— SociaUst Bureau, Brns.sels XI\' 63c

— Societies of Franciscan Studies Vl-230b

— Society of Physicians XIV- 4S4C

— Workingman's Association XIV r.3b


Intemuntii, in early Church IV-

o74c Inter pastoralis. Brief of Paul V

IV-53b Interpolations, Hypothesis of.

Inter prsecipua nostri apostolatus munera. Bull of Leo XII II- 340b — praecipuas machinationes. En- cyclical of Gregory XVI VII- 8b Interpretation, Nestorian liturgi- cal book IX-303b — of law XV-7(34b; Roman Con- gregations I-123C —of Scripture VII-271b; 271d; St. Ambrose I-387b; private XII-496C; XIII-532C; 675c — of tongues III-590C Interpreters, as order XI-2S0a Interregnum, German VI-493C Interrogationes, baptismal I-

632b Interrogation point XIV-215d Interrogatory, in ecclesiaalical

trials IV-lo2d Inter solUcitudines, Bull of Leo X

lll-521b Interstate-Cortunerce, arbitration

in I-6S5a — Commerce Act XV-175C Interstices, for minor orders X-

333c Intervals, musical VII-65d; Pyth- agoras I-7(>2d Intestacy XIII-652C; in Roman

Law IX-S3b Intestine, in anatomy study I-

458a; 458b; 459c; 460b Inthronisticon V-479d In throno justiti£e. Bull of Pius

IV XI1I-206C Intichiuma, in Totemisni XIV-

792d Intimiano, Ariberto, Archbishop

iif Milan X-3fM)d Intinctio panis, in early Church

IV- 178a Intitulatus I-312d In To~che. See Intorcetta Intolerable Acts XV-161C Intolerance, in Australia I-140a; of Church VII-262a; XIV- 765c; 766a; of Cromwell 1-9 lb; dogmatic XIV-764b; 765d; towards error XIV-765c; and infallibility VII-794d; political XIV-765a; practical civic XIV-764d; as \-irtue XIV- 763c Intorcetta, Prospero, missionary

III-673b Intoxication XI-544C; XIV-30.5C Intra, Providence Sisters in XII-

509b Intrados, of arch I-688a; Roman- esque architecture XV-654a Intrepidi, Accademia de I-S4a INTRODUCTION, BIBLICAL VIII-7SC; divisions VIII-7sd; history Vni-79d; method VIII-'79b; Middle Am-sVlII- SOa; modern Vlll-SOb; Pa- tristic times VIII-79d; scope VIII-78C; Sixtus of Siena XII- 368Gb INTROIT VIII-Slc; .Mleluia XI- 517b; Ambrosian Rite I-400d: antiphonal chant I-575a; XII- 144d; 787b; Carmelite Rite XIII-73b; Celestine I III- 478c; Celtic Rite III-199b; Christmas interpolation XV- 65d: and dating system IV- 638a; in eariv Liturtri- VI-715a; Gallican Rite VI-361c; Gaud- ete Sunday VI-394C; Mozara- bic MassX-6l9b; music X-3d; Protestant formula XIII-67C; Requiem Mass XII-776d; Ro- man Mass IX-798C; Rorate Cceli XIII-1S3C; Sarum Use Xni-4.80a; Syrian Rite, East XlV-4l.5a IntToitus et exitus camerEe, in Vatican archives XV-2S7C; 2SSd Intronati, Accademia degl' I-S4a Intropta., I-2:Ja Introspection I\'-275c; Xll-.")48a INTRUSION VIII-82C Intubation XI 21 2d INTUITION VIll-S2d: XV- 473a; ArLstollo XIII-517a; Brown.son Ill-3a; Cartesian

system IV-745b; mysticism XIII-550a; Pestalozzi XI- 743a; and religion XII-744d; Rosminian theory XIII-195c; Spencer I-369d; theosophic doctrine XIV-626C Intuitionalism (Intui tionism) VIII-83a; and individualism VII-761C; Scottish XIII- 517d Intuitive contemplation IV-325C Inuit. See Eskimo In universalis ecclesiee. Bull of

Pius VII IX-145d; X-202a — universi christiani. Bull of Pius

X XVI-.50C InvaUdes, Church of the. See

Saint-Lnuis-dcs-Invalides —Hotel des, Paris, dome V-lOld Invention, theorv of I-764d — of the Cross 'lV-523b; 523d;

63()a: VI-r.44b; VI1I-357C —Feast lll-li;:;c, lV-524a; 532b; S36b; XlV-7(ii.b; in Bobbio Missal IlI-.5U2b; Gallican Rite VI-36Ub; Greek Church III- 166b; Pange Lineua XI-442a; Theatines XIV-557b Inventories, f^i \'atican Library

XV-287b; 291d; 292c Inventor rutili, hvmn IX-430b; Durham Rite V-214a; Sarum RiteXIII-4Slc INVENTORY OF CHURCH

PROPERTY VlII-S4a Inverness, Scotland. Church in I- 706d; Irish population VIII- 154b Invertebrates, Van Beneden's

Study XV-26CC Investigador Portuguez, periodi- cal XI-fiS8d Investigation, Commission of,

England IV-57nd INVESTITURE, CANONICAL Vlll-Mc; in l.nnfficc VIII- 6Ga: .'^1. Bruno Ill-14b; feudal VI-f,3d; Hinrv II I - 158b; Henry 111 VIl-229b; of high- priests XI!-4U7d; and regale, droit de Xn-712d INVESTITURES, CONFLICT OF VIII-S4d; VI-490a; VII- 231a; St. Adalbero XV-719C; Alexander II I-550C; St. An- ae!m of Canterbury I-54Sb; St. Anselm of Lucca I-550c; Aus- trian bishops II-123a; Benzo I-252c; Caflistus II III-185c; VIII-S7d; Canossa VIII-85c; cause XIV-513a; Clement III, antipope MII-86a; England V^32c; Vlll-SSd; France VIII-89a; Gebhard III. of Con- stance VI-402a; Gelasius II VIII-S7d; Gerard. Archbishop of York A'I-466b; Germany XIII-412C; Giffard VI-552b: Gilbert Foliot VI-556a; God- frey of Bouillon VI-624C; Greg- ory VII VI-794b; VIII-84d; Gregory VIII, antipope VIII- 87d; Giirk VII-88d; Henry IV VIII-85a; S6b; Henry V I- 127a; VI-490C; VIl-232c; Hugh the Great '\'II-524c; Hungary VII-551b; influence I-534c: Innocent II and Inno- cent III VIII-SSc; Ivo of Char- tres VIII-257b; Lan franc VIII-786b; Louis IX IX-369d: St. Otto of Bamberg XI-353C; Paschal II VIII-S7a; Xl-SlSa; patronage, right of XI-560c: Prague XII-339b: result III- 701c; Urban II VIII-86d: Trier X^'-43a; Wenrich of Trier X\'-58Sa; Westphalia XV-fi02d; Worms, Concordat of VII-456d; Vin-8Sa; Worms, Diet of I-127b: VII- 23:ia; VIII-S5b; writings Vlll- Siic Investment, with scapular XIII-

5(l9b Invincible Armada. See Armada.

— iterance Vll-fvlSb Invmcibles, Irish secret society

Vll!-n2c Inviolata, anliphon in-24«c INVITATORIUM VIII 89b: Ma- tins T.Tcc MV-515b Invocabit. Sun.hiy Xll-."iN9a Invocation. See Intercession — of Artemis, papyrus XI— 403d

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics trsated; (ill.) ^ illustrationst