Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/440

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V-327a: eighteenth century VIII-105b; famine (1845) VIII-lOSc; 136c; (1846) III- 457c; (1S47) X-47d; Four Mas- ters, Annals of the VI-163d; free-tribesmen II-753d; and Gilbert VI-554d; and Henry II VII-222a; Jamaica, deporta- tion to VIII-272b; and James II VIII-105a; as a kingdom I- 159b; and Mc(?arthv, Justin XVI-57C; Mac Hale IX-499c; Middle Ages I-276c; VIII- 104c; Norman Conquest (1169) V-174a; O'Connell XI-200d; 202b; O'Conor IV-65C; O'- Hagan XI-224b; O'Leary XI- 240a; IV-65C; O'Neill, Hugh XI-252C; O'Neill, Owen Roe XI-253b; O'ReUly XI-294C; Philip 11 I-159b; Ponce XII- 227c; Rebellion (1641) VIII- 103b; (1798) XIII-128a; and Sarafeld XIII-478b; social or- ganization II-753C; the Stuarts VIII-102d; Temperance move- ment XIV-4S6d; 4S9d; towers, round II-491d; Tudor period VIII-102a; Union, since the VIII-107C; and Ward, Hugh XV-550d — Legislation VIII-115a; divorce V-66c; Encumbered Estates Act Vni-109a; juvenile courts VII I-588c; land, confiscation of I-112b; Land laws I-227d; II- 756c; Land League Vin-112b; land tenure VIII-778b; mar- riage, civil IX-693b; Penal Laws I-731d; VIII-105d; 106c; XI-614d; XIII-126a; Roman Catholic Relief Bill (1793) XIII-125b; (1829) XIII-125b; seal of Confession XIII-660b; University Act V-177a —Lila-ature VIII-116a; XVI- 49a; Acta Sanctorum Hiber- niasI-Ulc; Acta Triadis Thau- maturgse I-llld; Aengus the Culdee I -173a; Anglo -Irish VIII-124C; annals I-533c; Archdeacon I-694b; Book of Armagh I-734b; Arthur I- 755b; Atkinson II-51a; Banim, John II-251C; Banim, Michael II-252a; Sellings II^16a; Bovce, John II-725d; Bracken II-72Gb; Brady II-727d; Breu- an II-758a; Brendan, Voyage of II-758c; Butler XVI-15a; St. Carthage, poem of III- 385a; Carve III-.395a; Clvnn IV-74C; Colgan IV-99d; Curry IV-573C; Dalton IV-609d; David Scotus IV-645d; De Vere IV-763a; Digby IV-791C; Donatus of Fiesole, Saint V- 129c; drama VIII-12,8d; Duffy V-187a; early Christian VIII- 116d; 120b: early European VIII-119a; St. Fi'acc VI-66d; folk - literature VIII-122c; French VI-271b; Griffin VII- 32b; Gahan VI-334d; Gallwey VI-370d; Gilbert VI-554d; his- torical VIII-120d; Hooke VII- 465b; influence IX-33a; Kava- nagh VIII-613a; KeatingXVI- 48b; Keon VIII-626a;Kickham XVI-19C; Lanigan XVI-51b; Latin literature in IX - 30c; Lynch IX^71b; Mac Carthy, Bartholomew XVI-57a; Mac- Carthv, Denis Florence IX- 4,Sld; Mc Carthy, Justin XVI- 5rc; Mhc Ciirthy, Nicholas Tmi. I\ ls,-ib; Mc Gee IX- ■I'l-'d; M. (;,.M«hcgan IX-493d; M:i.lI,Llr IX IMa; MacNeven IX-506C; Magrath IX-537c; Mahony (Father Prout) XII- 504c; Mangan IX-589c; manu- scripts VIII-UOc: 117a; IX- 623b; XI-107b; Meehan X- 145d; modern VIII-123a; Moore X-.553b; Mullany (Brother II-1G6C; Murray. Patrick X 646c; Nu- gent XI I.->l)b; ll'Hracin XI- 19.3b; 0'l!ru:i.lair Xl-I93d; O'Call.'mliiiti \l I'lhl; O'Con- nor M ■iiili .Muirv XI- 2li:.b;( < \' I ' \l 2n.';d;

(I'D.'iK I I, \! .1 \ I -206b;

O'DciH... ,,, \ I _'!".! I I'Dugan XI-212C; ()', .Tcihn XI-

224a; O'Hanlon XI -224b; O'Meara XI-250d; ;0'Mollov, Francis X-442c; O'Reilly. Bernard XI-293c; O'Reilly, John Boyle XI-294C; O'Reilly, Myles W. P. XI-294d; O'Su'l- livan Beare XI-348b; period- ical. Catholic XI-681d; pagan VIII-llSc; poetry VIII-121b: 121d; Ponce XII-227c; Press VIII -115a; Sadlier XIII- 323d; Sagas VIII-117d; 119c; ScotuB Xni-680c; Shell XIII- 754b; Stanihurst XIV-248a; Sullivan XIV -329a; Truth Society, Catholic XV-78C; in the United States VIII-142b; Wadding XV -521b; 523d; 524a; Walsh XV-540d; White XV-6I2d — Miiionin coMnril in IX-776d — /?'■/' ;r ' ' Anglicans I- llHb; ij.'a, IMMb: 092d; 733a; B.'ipii-i- ll-_',!ib; Druidism V-llj4a. XII-4Ulb; Presbyter- ians XII-393C; Unitarians XV- 155c — Science: Arthur I-75.5c; Casey III-4Q0a; Gierke IV-51b; Cof- rigan IV-396c; Curley IV- 573a; Curry IV-573C; Dicuil IV-778d; Dungal V-192c; Mac Neven VIII-143a; Mollov X- 442d; in the United S'tates VIII-142a; 143a; Vergihus XV-353d — Sociolofiy: foundling system VI-160b ; leper-houses IX- 184b; public institutions VIII- 114d — Statistics VIII-114a; blindness V-306a; 308d; illegitimacy VII-65gb; infanticide Vlll-ld; population. Christian I-499b ; suicide XIV-327d —John, Venerable VIII-466b; and Blessed German Gardiner VI— 475a: martyrdom V-475d — John, Archbishop of St. Paul XI-344C: XIII-368c; in Civil War VIII-140C; Congress, Catholic in the United States IV-250a: Congress (Eucharis- tic) at Montreal X-549c; and Faribault plan XIII-583c; and Irish immigrants VIII-137d; and labour I-6S4d; in Milwau- kee X-319d; seminary X-331a — Richard, and Goodman VI-

647a —(IRONMONGER), 'WILLXAM, ■VENERABLE VIII-130b; and Gates' Plot XI-175C —WILLIAM, of Crofton Hall

VIII-130b Iren. See Hirena Irensus, name X-674b —SAINT, Bishop of Lyons VIII- 130c; VI-.395C; IX-472b; on Acts I-120d; on adoption I- 149a; Allard I-317d; Apocry- pha I-614d ; Apostolic. Churches I-634c; 635a; Apos- tolic Fathers I-638a: Apostolic origin of the Faith XIV-522c: Apostolic succession I-648c; 649a; VII-340C; 341c; XIII- 532c; and Autun II-144a; bea- tific vision XIV-33Sd; Blessed Sacrament XII-7,S4a —Blessed Virgin VII-675d; XV- 460b: 472b: Divine motherhood of XV-466d; perpetual virgin- ity of XV-44SC — and Centuriators III-535b —Christ: Cross of IV-520a; Di- vinity of VII-711b: Nature of VII-712d; sacrifice XIII-3iric — Christians. Roman XV-40Sb —Church: Faith of XIII-532b; infallibility of VII-793c: Ro- man I-634d; 641d; XI-749C: unity of XIII-530d; XV-136a; 136d; 18Ud — church dedicated to, Canada XI-.56.5d; church dedicated to. United States XI-.565a; on Clementine Epistle IV-lOd; on confession XI-627d: Creation XV-53a; creed I-630d: Easter controversy V-22Sb; XII- 263d; XV-lOSc; and .St. Eleu- therius V-378d: on episcopal ofTicc II -,582b; EncratitesV- 412d: Kucharistic sacrifice X- 1 Od ; exegesis V-609c : faith, rule


of V-767c; and Florinus XII- 219d; and Gains X-.-j23b; Gnosticism II-327a; Vl-fimb- Gospel of St. Matthew XVI- 62c; Gospels III-275b; VI- 6o7a; on Hebrews. Epistle to VII-183a; heresy XIII-394b; Holy Ghost VII-410C; St. Hyginus VII-593d; Ignatian letters VII-646b: on Jehovah VIII-330a; St. John, exile of I- 596a; .St. John. Gospel of VIII- 439b; on St. Linus IX-272d; liturgy I-396b; on Logos IX- 330d; on St. Luke IX-424a; and Marcionism IX-649a; on St. Mark V-352a; IX-675d; XI-749a; on the Mass X-llc; on St. Matthew X-63c; on Mil- lenarianism X-30Sb; on mira- cles X-345d; Monotheism X- 501c; on Nicolaites XI-67a; XIII-741d; on original sin XI- 314d; Pastoral Epistle XIV- 731b; 733b; St. Peter, martyr- dom of I-641c: XI-752d; St. Peter, bishopric of XII-262d; St. Polycarp XII-219d: 220c; pope, authority of VII-797d; pope, supremacy of XII-263b: popes, list of I-446d; XII- 126b; 272a; on the priesthood XII— 415b; on redemption II- 56a; on regeneration XII-715a; and Rite. Ephesine III-493d: 497d; and Rite. Galilean VI- 357a; on Scripture XIII-636d: 639b: and Simonians XIII- 797a; Sophia, Gnostic VI-595a; on soul XIV-155a; Spiritual- ism XIV-229d: and St. Teles- phorus XIV-477b; Testament, New XIV-533b; Testament, Old III-271d; on Thessalonians XIV-630c; tongues, on gift of XIV-777a; on Trinity XV-50c; Version of the Bible XV-367c; Victor, Pope IX-152b: XII- 220a; St. Vincent IV-13b — deacon in Etruria. martyr III-

690d — martyr, and Quinctianus XII-

613b — Bishop of Egara, and St. Hilar-

ius VII-348d — Bishop of Gaza Vl^Ola — Bishop of Harpasa VII-141d — anti-Bishop of Jerusalem VIII-

358a — Count, Bishop of Tyre XV- 112a; anathematized V-20a; deposed V-19a; 496a; Nesto- rianism, documents on VI-15b; and Nestorius V-494c; X-757d Irenaion III-55oa: library I-

105d; mona-stery I-10.5C Irenarchus, Saint, martyrdom

XIII-667d Irene, name X-674b — Saint, Roman matron III- 514d; and St. Sebastian XIII- 66Sb — Saint, of Thessalonica, birth- place XIV-634b; in Thcra XIV-029b — Saint, sister of Pope Damasus I VIII-44b; burial place III- 514a — Byzantine Empress III-105d: 107a: and Adrian I I-155d; and Anna Comnena I-531a: II- 44d; and Charlemagne III- 371c; 614c; and Constantine VI III-614C; Holy Thorns, gift of IV-.>4nd: Holy Tunic of Christ XV-;ill7a; Iconoclasm Ill-CUb; nn.l Leo IV of Con- stantinople VII-fi22b; Sicilian wars Xin-77.5a; and St. Tara- sius XIV-451C —Tsarina of Russia XIII-246b —SISTER VIII-131C Irenicus, controversy VI-767d Irenion, Bishop of Gaza. See

Irena-ua, Hishnp of Gaza IRENOPOLIS \ni-131d Ireton, Henry, VIII-104a Iria (Flavia), town, Spain, and St. James IV-lSSb; relics of

vill-2snb Iriarte, Est6ban de Vin-132a — Ignacio de, puinfcr \'III-132a — Juan Pedro de ni-17nd — Tom£s de, writer XIV-200c Irinucleus. See Trilobites

Irisarri, Hermogenes de, poet

XIV-206C Iris de Paz, periodical, Spain XI-

690d Irish, ethnology XII-626c —IN COUNTRIES OTHER

THAN IRELAND VHI 132b —in Africa, South VIII-154C;

Whitty, Rose XV-615b — m Australia II-114b; VIII- 145d; 146b; Church VIII-146d- penal colony Vni-14.5d — in Canada and Newfoundland in-229b; VIII-14Sa; Burke, Edmund III-79c; Burke, ThomasIIl-79d; Burke, Nicho- las III-80C; Carbery III-330b; cholera epidemic (1832) VIII- 160b; colonies VIII-149d; Con- nolly VII-118b; XIII-35Sc; Dalton VII-133d; Dollard XIII-355C; French and Indian war VIII-14Sb; Hannan VII- 118c; Hingston VII-359c; Lambert XIII-356b: Mullock X-629d; O'Donel XIII-356b; O'Keefe donates seminary XI- 256d; and Plessis VIII-149C; Scallan XIII-3.56b; statistics VIII-150d; Sweeney XIII- 355d: Walsh VII-118a — in England Vni-151b — in Scotland VIII-lo3a — in Great Britain VIII-151b; 153a; 153c; Chadwick III- 551b; Cotter XII-297b;D.alton IV-009d: Gnlhviv VI-370d; Keon VIII-liL'i;a, (I'li.ilh IX- 314d: Russell XI n-J.lllc ' —in South Amerim \III-155d; Brown II-SU4c; O'Higgms XI- 225c —in the United States VIII- 132b; antagonism towards VIII-143d; art VIII-142a; Ashton I-776d; associations VIII-143C: Barry, John II- 310d; Barr>-, John, Bishop II- 311d; Barry, Patrick III-312a; Blenkinsop II-597b; 597c; Bradley II-727a; Byrne, An- drew III-93a; Byrne. Richard III-93b; Byrne, William III- 93c; Carey III-346b; Casserly III-40.3d; Catholic Church VIII-144d: Cavanagh III- 468b: charitable works VIII- 143b; colonies VIII-137d; Con- necticut IV-254b: Conwell IV- 349d; Corcoran IV-356d; Cromwellian persecution "VIII- 132d; Devereux. John C. XVI- 33b: Devereux, Nicholas XVI- 33c; Donahoe V-115c: Egan V-324d; Emigrant Aid Societies V^02d; emigration VIII-133a: England V-470b; Farley. Car- dinal XI-25b; Fitzmaurice V- 519b; Gilmore VI-561a: Glen- non XIII-362c: Grace, Thomas XIII-294C; Grace, WilHam R. VI-714b; Guiney VII-72b; Heeney VII-190a; Hennessy V-180b; Heslin VIII-710a; Hibernians VII-320b; hier- archy VIII-145a; Illinois VII-; XI-662a; Hogan VII- 383c; Hughes VII-516b; Ire- land XIII-3G8C; Irish Emi- grant Society. New York V- 403b; VIII-137b; journalists and puhli.^hers VIII-142c; KeaneV-lSOc; Kenrick, Fran- cis P. VllI-GlSa; Kenrick, Peter Richard VIII-61Sa; lit- erature Vin-142b: Loughlin II-800d; Louisiana IX-382d: Mc Faul XV-37b: Mac Neven IX-.'MlUc; M:,os:,chusntts X- 24d: L'l.a M ,.,..i-M. \III-293b: \ ;i'il. Mid; Mnv- lan. .^i^ I !: :i \ i'".'b: Mulh.'.l- land .\ i.-'ia, .Miill.inpliy X- 626c: Mullen V-519a; Ne- braska X-732b: New Hamp- shire X-7,S9b; O'Callaghan XI-194d: 0'rimnorXII-122c; O'Connell Xni-29lb: (VFnrrel XV-37»: <i'HMr:i .Mil li33d; Ohio XIV 7i;0a; ( I'Kcene XV- 762b; O'Kcillv. J,.lin Bovlo XI- 294c: O'Reilly. Patrick XIV- 237b;0'RorkeXI-321d;O'Sul- livan X-411d; Pennsylvania VIII-134C; Phelan XII-12.5b; physicians VIII-143a; Purcell

Largo type indicatca titles of articles; other typos, topics treated; (ill.) ^illustrations.