Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/454

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ti72a; Krain VIII-G90c; lan- guage VII-17Ga; Lateran Coun- cil (1215) IX-lSd; learning popular I--13(ib; legislation II- 554d; Vlll-lb; Leo the Isau- rian VII-620b; leprosy IX- lS2b; lessons in synagogue IX- 193a; Levirate IX-694d: lim- bus patrum IX-256a: litera- ture II-551d: VII-176a; litur- gj', Christian IX-308d; Logos IX-329b; Louisiana IX-383b; Liibeck IX-401a; Lucerne IX- 409a; St. Luke I-120c; Luther IX-457b; XIV-767b; Lutzk IX-464a; Machabees VIII- 3S7c; magic XI-198d; Mala- bar IV-7Gc; marriage Il-548c; V-40b; IX-G97d; 698b; XV- 464Gb; Mass X-23d; Maasorah X-35d; St. Matthew, Gospel of X-G3c; Mecklenburg-Sehwerin X-109d; Messias X-212d; Me- tempsychosis X-23Ga; Middle .\ges VIII-394b; migration X- 297d; MUlenarianism X-307d; Miserere X-353b; Moabites X-410a; modern Vin-396a; Mohammed I-673c; X-424c; Mohammedans VIII -391d; Monotheism X-500d; Morocco X-574d: Mosaic legislation X- 582c; music II-551d; Name, DiWne VIII-329a; Nasorgeans X-707c; Nazarite X-727a; Nicholas of Lyra XI-63b; Niger XI-73C; nomadic life II-553b; oblations XI-216b; 216d; octave XI-204a; oint- ment XI-229d; Old Testa- ment XIII-637d; onolatry I- 793c; oracles XI-265a; or- deals II-55.5b; Palestine VI- 432c; VIII -398c; Paradise XIV-519C; Parasceve XI- 476b: Pasch (Passover) XI-512d; Pastoureaux XI- 339d; patronage XI-560d; St. Paul XI-570a; XIV-G30a; 630d; Paul IV XIV-762C; Pentecost XI-661b; Persia II- 185a; VIII-3S6b; Pfefferkorn, Johannes XI-786b: Pharisees XI-7S9C; phylacteries XII- 46d; Plymouth Brethren XII- 173b; Poland XII-181d; 183d; political antiquities II-552c; polvgamy II-548d; Pombai Xll-224c; popes XIV-762b; Prague XII-343d; prayer VI- 424a; XI-219b; Preadamites XII-370d; priesthood III- 481c; Xn-411b; prophecy I- 43Ga; XII-743C; Prussia XII- S20a; purification of Mothers XV-46oa; Purim XII-580d; Rabbinism XII-617d; reform VIII— i03a; refuge, cities of XII-712a; religious communi- ty VII-3G5C; religious duties XV-465d; responsory psalm VI-715b; Resurrection XII- 792c; Roman supremacy VIII- 38Sb; Rome III-505a; XIII- 167a; 17.5d; XV-380a; Ru- mania XIII-227c; Russia XII- 20.5b; XIIT ?M,i ?:-M ;.-,nc; Ruth,B.."l, • M Ti '1,,- bathXIII J .1 .U.^ar

Xni-289a: i i • ,^ IV-

497d; sacrihcc .\lU-.;l.'b: Sad- ducees XIII-323b; Salerno X- 12Ga; salt XIII-403d; salva- tion XIV-767a; Salzburg XIII- 413b; Sanhe.Irin XIII-444C; Sankt Pollrn XIII-147d: Sar- dinia XIII-17.-.d: Sr-lic.lasti- cism I-r,7r.d: XIII -,Wsd; Scribes XIII tililc; Scriptures II-543i; XIII-63Sd; 6.36b; .reasons III-lG7d; Scptuagint IX-227d; XIII-722b; Seven- Branch Candlestick XIII- 741b; acxt XIII-747b; shekel (ill.) Xl-facing 1.52; Sibylline Oracles XIII-770b; slavery II-549C; XIV-36a; slaves, Christian XIV-38a; Solomon XIV-13.5C; soul XIV-1.54b; South America VIII-398d; Snain VI-723d: VIII-178C; IX-51Sa; XIV-182d; Spartans XIV-209d; statistics XIV- 276a; 2Sld; stones, precious XIV-304d; stoning XIV-308d: Switzerland VIII-398b: XIV-

3U.5a : symbolism II-577a; XIV- 374a; Synagogue XIV-379d; Syncretism XIV-3S3d; Syria XIV-400C; 401b; 405b; Taber- nacle XIV— 424c; Tabernacles, Feast of XIV-425d; Talmud XIV-43od; TargumXIV^54d; 455a; temple, Egypt XV- 4ri5b

JEWS AND JUDAISM Temple, Jerusalem XIV-499a: Aggeus I-210b: Caligula I-46c; visits to XV-4G5d

— Tennessee XIV-511a; Tertul- lian XIV-522d; Texas XIV- 550b; Thabor, revolt XIV- 552b; theocracy XIV-568a; tithes XIV-741b: Tobias XIV- 749d; 751b; Toledo, Council of (638) V-602C; toleration, religious XIV-762b; Torah XIV-779d; 780b; 780d; Tor- tosa XIV-785d; Totemism XIV-789b; tribe XV-39b; Turkish Empire XV-lOOa; ia2b; Tyre XV-lllb; United States VIII-399a; United States XIV-53a; XIV-280a; 280c; universal dissolution VIII-552d; uranography II- 30b; Urim and Thummim XV- 224d; usury XV-236a; Valen- tinian III XV-255d; Vespasian XIII-176d

— Vestments XV-3 8 8d; and Christian vestments XV-38Sc: Ephod V-497c; of high-priest XII-413a; of priest XII-411d; Vieira XV-416b; St. Vincent Ferrer XV-438b; St. Virgilius XV-448a; \irgin birth of Christ XV-451a; virtues I- 768c; week XIV-335c; week, liturgical XV-575d; as wit- nesses XV-G78a; woman XV- 690b; worship XV-710d; Zion- ists XV-76ac. See Israel, Israelites, Hebrews

JEZABEL (JEZEBEL) VIII- 404d; 199a; I-lOlb; XII-478c; XIII-llGa; 777a; XV-llOb; and Elias V-381d

Jezer. See Jazer; Jeser

Jezdijird HI, Persian King VIII- 391b

Jezcnias VIII-334a

Jezrael (Jezrahel; Jezreel), son of Corner XI-337b

— (Issachar) VI-441c; Plain of XII-21d

— (Juda) VI-441C; Achab at III- 353b

Jezykowicz, Louis XII-204d

Jhabna, mission XII-635C

Jhalrapatan, mission XII-G35C

Jhargram, mission III-155a

JIBARO INDIANS vni-405a; V-279C; habitation Vn-75Sa

Jibuti, mission XIV-1.39d

Jicarilla Indians I-592c; VII- 751a

Jihanghir, rebel XV-95d

Jilis of Milan, poet XIII-737C

JiljiUya VI-439b

Jim VI-441C

Jimena. See Ximena

Jimenez. See Ximenes

Jimenez and Hidalgo, Miguel XVI-45d

Jimeno. See Ximeno

Jimmu Tetmo, Emperor of Japan VIII-298a: 311b

Jimmu-tenno-sai, national feast VIII-305a

Jimzu (Gamzo) VI-439C

Jina (Jnatriputra) VIII-270a

Jingo, Enipri- 311b


Jinns (Genii.

of Japan VIII-

l, VIII-314a Al.vssi„i;i I-7(Jb; I..KV I I Slid; Blood Indians Il-lilWc; Mciliamnie- dana VIIl-191a: .\-42Gc; sav- ages I-527d; Semites I-477d Tiphtah. See Jephtha Jippensha, writer VIII-314b JirSk, Alois, canonist IV-600d Jirasek, Alois, writer IV-GOOc Jironza, governor XI-451d Jirsik, Johann Valerian, Bishop

nf Bnilwcia Ill-.ild: IV-GOOc Jisr Bcnat Yaqflb Vlll-.lOlb Jisr el Mijdjamieh VIII-.501b Jisr es Semakh Vnl-.501b JisresSidd VIII .501b Jivaro Indians. See Jibaro

J. K. L. See Doyle. James Warren

J. M. J., abbr. I-24C

Jnatriputra VII-72Sb; VIII-270a

Jo., abbr. I-24c

Jo, measure VIII-322d

JOAB VIII-406a; and Abisai I- 44c; and Abner lH1.5d; VIII- 64Sc; and Absalom I-59c: GOa: and Adonias I-146C; X-711b; and Ammonites I-432C; exe- cuted II-246b; interpretation X-677d; at Rabbath I-132a

Joachaz, King of Israel II-13a; VIII-199a; 199c; 655b; 65Gc; 657d -King of Juda VIII-347d; G54b;



JOACHIM, SAINT VIII-40Ub; VI-411a; .\V 4ii4Ed; Boccac- cino's ptiinting.s II-GOGd; churches XI-5G5a; 565c; 566a; S66b; feast VIII-lOGc; in Gi- otto's frescoes VI-567a; Greek Church III-166C; tomb XV- 464Fa

Joachim, high-priest VIII-554b; XV-741b

— Elector of Brandenburg II- 739b; XII-519C; 520c; human- ism VII-S4(5c; and Wimpina XV-649C

— n. Elector of Brandenburg II- 739c; 740a: and Agricola X- 204b; Commendone IV-156d; and Luther I-565b: Ratisbon V-36b

— ni. Patriarch of Constanti- nople VI-769a; 770c; Protest- antism VI-771a; Servian Church XIII-734C: Union of Christendom XV-147d

— IV, Patriarch of Constanti- nople VI-769a

— King of Juda. .See Joakim

— Patriarch of Moscow XIII- 256b

— Bishop of Rhizus XIII-19d

— Frederick, Elector of Branden- burg n-739d

Joachimism (Joachimists; Jo- achimites). See Joachista

JOACHIM OF FLORA VIII- 406c; VII-409b; and Adami XIII-400d; and Adam of Per- seigne I-134a; Alberti on I- 263a; on Antichrist I-561d ; and Clareni I-484d; condemned I- 727c: IV-425c; VI-282c; IX- 186b; congregation III-783a; Gervaise's life of VI-535d; heresy II-649c; mysticism X- 664c; and Peter Lombard XI- 769d: and Telesphorus of Co- senza XIV-477d

— of St. Anne. See Wall, John

—See Joakim

Joachimstal XI-156d

Joachimstaler, coin XI-155a

Joachin, name X-677d

—King of Juda II-184a: VIII- 200b: III-316C: VIII-.347d: 6.54b: 655d: 656d; 657d; 6,5Sb: and Baruch II-320a: in geneal- ogv of Christ VI-410b

Joachists VI-282C; VIII-407b: XIV-230d; 231b

Joacim. See Joachim

Joada, name X-677d

Joakim, King of Juda II-184a; III-316C; VIII-G54b: 656d; 657d; 658b; and Jeremias VIII-335C; Moabites X-410b; and Nabuchodonosor VIII- 200b; Nechao VIII-347d. See Joachim

Joakin. See Joachin

JOAN, Popesa VIII^07c; II- 428a: Bartholomew of Lucca on 11-3 1Gb; Martin of on IX-734a

Joancs, Vicente II-687c

Joann., abbr. I-24c

Joanna, in genealogy of Christ VI-410d

— Chusa's wife IX-.583C

— Cima's wife III-772C

—at Resurrection XII-790b

— Archduchess of Austria X-121d

— Queen of Bohemia VIII 467d

—Princess of CastiUc VI-2I.5a

— I, Queen of Naples X-685d; and Alfonso of Aragon XIV- 182a; Avignon II-158d; Avig- non cardinals XIII-539d: and Clement VI IV-23d; Golden Rose VI-630C; and James of

Majorca XV-214C: Muro-Lu-

cano castle X-t;4lib: and Peter

of .\quila XI-77L'b. and Urban

V XV-214b; and Urban VI

XV-217a — n. Queen of Naples IX-725C;

X-6S6a; and Ciccione in-768c — n. Queen of Navarre X-722b;

XI-43Sb —Queen of Spain XIV-152C — Sister, Visitation nun XV— 483c -de Castro, vife of Pedro I the

Cruel Xin-391d — Enriquez, Queen of Aragon

III-428d; X-722C — Ines of the Cross, Sister. See

Asbaje, Juana In^s de — of Aragon, mother nf St. Fran- cis Borgia VI-2i:id — of Aza, Blessed V-lOGb — of Castile, .laiiL'ht.r ,,f Henry

IV of f:,siil,. HI-41-'a; VIII-

177b: X\ 71sd — of Navarre, wil'r of Henry IV

of England Xlll-653a — of Navarre, wife of Philip the

Fair VI-9.5b: X-722b: XII-4b:

and Hotel Dicu XIV-132b: and

Joinville Vin-49.5d — of Parma, religious I-404d —OF PORTUGAL, BLESSED

VIII-4IHla — of Portugal, Queen of Castile

VIII-177b — of Portugal, wife of Don Juan

XnH27b — of the Cross, stigmata XIV-

296a — See Jeanne: Joan Joanna the Mad, Queen of Castile

III-70b: 625a; VI-214b: XIV-

183d: death VI-215a; and

Ximenez XV-73ac Joannas, sect XIII-287C Joannes Actuarius, physician X-

124c — Buttadeus, legend IX-126d — Damascenus, physician. See

Abu Zaki-rijja J.a'hja — DE SACROBOSCO VIII-

40>lb: lX-24sb: XII-49b — de Turrecremata. See Tor-

queniada. Juan de — Diaconus. See John the Dea-

— Eleemosynarius, Saint. See John the Almsgi^-er

— Andreas Eudsemon, and Bar- clay I 1-29 lb ; on deposing power XI-17Sd: and Richelieu XIII- 4Sb

— Majoris. See Mayor. John

— Misericors, Saint. See John the .\lmsgiver

— Monachus, See Lemoine, Jean, cardinal

— Parisiensis. See Quidort. Jean

— Scholasticus. See John Schol-

— Simeca Teutonicus. .See John

the Teuton — Sff John

Joannetio, Pedro ^■I-2S6d Joanneum Seminary XV-79C Joannicius, Bishop of Heraclea

VII-243a —Bishop of Nvssa XI-172d — Bishop of Sozopolis XIV-166d Joannikios, Bishop of Hebron

VII-lS,5c Joannikius, monk XIII-2o6b Joaimipolis, Rome XIII-16Sc Joannitsa, King of Bulgaria IV-


409d: I-6S6d: VI-lG9a — in Art: Chapu (ill.) Xlll-facing 646: Fnvatirr (ill.) Vni-412: Incrrs Till > y[]\ f:iri„K 408; I ( i.ii.xei, :ll -\ HI liis:Scher- r, r ilU ' \ 111 i.e iT.L- lOS — ;,iM I;-. -in II ;ii„l Brfhal ll-7.-.Jd. t .•,ih--tu» III III- I.S.Sa: capture Vlll-lllb; and Cauohon II-3.5Sd: .37Sa; and Charles VII VIII-llOc; XII- 729a; and Ciboule III-76,Sa; crusade IV-5.54b; death VIII- 4\M: XI-106b:andDupanloup V-202d: and Estoute\nlle XI- 59c: and Geraon VI-532d; home (ill.) Vlll-llOa; 411a; and impostors VII-700a: male attire XV-697a; Moulins -X- 60.3d; Orl6an8 XI-320c; Paris XI-483b; and Pierre de Ver-

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrations.