Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/478

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KreuzzeituBg, foundation XII-



Krey, Albert, hagiographer XI- 358c

Krick, Nicholas-Michel, mission- ary XIV-720C; death IX-747b

Kriechbaum, Jakob Freiherr von, in Austria XIIH47d

Erieg, encyclopedia V-415C

Krieger, Johann Ph., and Caris- simi IU-348d

Kriemhild, saga. See Grimhild

Krishna, deitv II-733C; XI-391b; legend III-33b; and Vishnu II-USc

KRISHNAGAR, DIOCESE OF VIII-702a; statistics VII-730a

Krisper,ScotistXIII-613a; XIV- .595a

Kristenret, in Iceland I-746d

Kristinous (Algonquins) III- 241c

Kristinsen, confessor IV-725b

Kristnisaga I-J17b; VII-618d

Krivina, Lonovics von. See Lono- vics van Krivina

Krivitches, tribe XIII-233b

Krii (Krizevac). See Crisium

Krizevci. See Crisium

Krizhanitch, George, missionary XIII-2.56b; writings XIII- 270b

Kroess, historian. Society of Je- sus XlV-lOOb

Krogh-Tonningh, Knud Karl, Iheologian VI-703C: XI-121a

Krogius, physiologist _X-140b

Krokek, monastery XVI-77b

Kioksfjaroarheioi, expedition to 1-4201

Kiol, Martin, physician and as- troncHu-r IV-4b5d

KROMER, MARTIN VIII-702b; XII-iy7a; and Canisiua XI- 7G0c; Ermland episcopate V- 522d; and Hosius VII-174d

Krone, coin XI-156b

Kronion, martyrdom V-Uc

Kronos, deitv. See Cronos

Kronstadt, fortress XIII-232C

Krooi. See Kru

Kroonstad, town, Orange Free State XI-2fi8a

Kroping, Mils Matson, in China Ill-(i83b

Kropotkin, Peter Alexeivitch, Prince, Nihilist leader I-453a; XI-75b; XIV-64d; and .Anar- chist parties IX-213C; La Re- volt I-452d

Kropp, Lutheran XV-603b

Krose, H. A., statistician VII- 650a: XIV-276a; 271a; 272b; on suicides XIV-327d; statis- tics, religious XIV-276d

Krosno, immigrants from VI- 747a

Krote, Doctor. See Crotus

Krotoshin, edition Palestinian Talmud (1866) XIV-438a

Eroum, Bulgarian king XIII- 692d

Krowicki, Polish wTiter XII-19/a

Kru, race IX-217a; ethnological classification Xn-626d'; fetish- ism VI-55C

Kriidener, Baroness von, and Tsar .\lexander I Vn-399a

— Freifrau von, and Pietism XII- S2a

Krueger, A., on Minucius Felix and Tcrtullian X-336b

Krug, encyclopedia V-415b

— Trangott, and Adam Heinrich Mailer X-fi27b

Kruis Verbonden, Catholic tem- perance society XIV-485d

Krumbacher, Karl, historian VII- 262d: on .\kominatos I-239d; on" .Alexias" I-.'i31b;onArethas of CsEsarea I-701c; on George Hamartolus VHoSd; 4.56b: on Georgius Syncellus VI-4n4a: on Greek Christianity III- 114a: on Greek Fathers III- 120b; on Greek hymnody VII- .597d: on Michael Psollus XII- .54,5b: on Photitm, works XII- llia; on Romnnos XIII-1.54b

Krumpen, Stygge, Saint. See St\-t;i,'e Krumpen.

Kriinilz, encyclopedia V-41(ib

Krunkenberg, Peter, physiologist X-VMd

Krupetski, Athanasius, Uniat Bishop of Przemysl XII-533b

Kruszwica, town, Poland XV- 6S0d

Kruticki, metropolitanate XIII- 262d

Kryloff, Ivan Andreievitch, Rus- sian author XIII-271d; 273c

Kryn, Indian chief X-380a

Krynski, philologist XII-200C

Kryolite, mineral VI-777d

KryoUth. .See Kryolite

Kryski, Felix, Chancellor of Po- land XIV-245C

Krystufek, historian IV-600d

Krytyka, periodical, Poland XI- 6S8a

Krzeslau. See Creslav

Krzycki, Andreas, .\rchbishop of GnCHcn Vl-:.91b


Krzyzanowski, General, in -Ameri- can Civil War XII-207d

Ksatriyas, caste, Vishnu destroys II-148C

Kshatrivas, caste VIII— 461d

Kshatriyas, caste n-731d; VIII- 731d; IX-559b

Ktetoel, angel II-24a

Kthawa d' Burrakha. See Bur- akha

Ktima, town XI-t57d

KtistolatriE, heretics X-491d

Kubala, historian XII-200C

Kuban, river. Russia XIII-234d

Kubasoof, Sergius, writer XIII- 270b

Kiibeck, Freiherr von, on com- mittee Il-i;i0b

Kiibel, Lothai van, in Freiburg Vl-2()7b

Kubinyi, Franz, and Ipolj-i VIII- 97c

Kublai Khan, Chinese emperor III-669C; 682a; X-4S1C: and Christianity VIII-i74b; and Dalai Lama III-32a; embassy II-655b; and Nicolo Polo XII- 217b; Papal embassies I-781a

Kubu-kubu, in Fritsch's classifi- cation XII-625C

Kuchin. See Loncheux

Kiichler, Albert, Danish painter IV-732b

Kuczynski, Pauline Anne VII- 1.5Gb

Kudara no Kwanari, artist VIII- 314c

Kudatkubibk, dialect, poem X- 481b

KudriavceS-Platonoff, philoso- pher XIII-27.5a

Kudur-Lagamar. See Chodorla-

Kudurmabug. See Chedorma- bug

Kudumakhunte, Elamite chief V-33Sd

Kuehling, Lisette, of Sisters of Notre Dame XI-131C

Kuehn, Eusebius. See Kino

K'uei Huan, military assistant governor X-480C

Kuenen, Abram, Biblical critic IV-493d; on Biblical introduc- tion Vlll-SOd; on Deuterono- my XI-658a; on Ecclesiastes V-246c; on Great Synagogue XIV-381a; on Old Testament text XIV-527d; on Scripture IV-162a

Kufa, See of. foundation I-669d

Kufald. See Jubilees, Book of

Kufrah, race XII-626C

Kuge, Japanese nobility VIII- 298d; 312b

KUgelin, Conrad, and Blessed Elizabeth of Route V-391c

Kugler, and Joost van Cleef IV- lOd

Kiihn, Euseblo. See Kino, Euse-

Kuhn, F., Orientalist VII-359b; and Felix-Jean-Baptiste-Josepb N4ve X-777d

Kuhn, George R., and Catholic Benevolent Lepinn ni-4.52c

—JOHANNES VON, theologian VIII 7li:ia: \lV-,59l)b: and An.lh.w l-l(,sc: Haianism II- 212a; Hvzuntine .Vrt III -96a: and Clemens IV-12d; and Drey V-lOOc; editor Tttbingcn Theologische Quartalschrift XI-678a; on existence of God XIV-.570a; and Schazler XIII-.525a: and Strauss I-

622d; at Tubingen university XV-84a

Kuhne, Eusebius. See Kino, Eusebius

Suilenberg Seminary XIII- 519b

Kuinoel, commentator IV-161b

Kuis, race XII-626d

Kujavia, Poland XII-lSlc

Kujavien, Konrad of. See Con- rad, Duke of Masovia

Kujawia, See of XV-681a

Ku-jen, Chinese degree III-667a

Kujlowski, Julian, Bishop of Stanislawow XIV-247b

Kujunjik, site of Ninive II-7d

Kukai. .See Kobo daishi

Ku Khan, of China. See Kork- han

Ku Klux Klan, in Tennessee XIV-510a

Kukolnik, Russian poet XIII- 272b

Kukulcan. See Quetzalcoatl

K' u-lan, sub-prefecture Apostolic X-4S2C

Kulanapan Indians, habitation VII-754b: missions X-370C

Kuldja-I-li III-677C; treaty of III-684C

Kulhwch and Olwen, in Mabino- gion IX-481a

Ku-liang, Chinese book III-668a

K*u-Iien. See Urga

Kulin, ruler of Bosnia II-695d; Catharism III-436d

Kulinski, Thomas Theophilus, Bishop of Kiekc VIII-636c

Kulja. See Hi

Kullmann, and Bismarck VIII- 708b

Kulm. See Culm

Kulmann, Elizabeth, Countess Rostoptchina, writer XIII- 273c

Kulmus, Johann Adam, anato- mist X-137C

Kultur, periodical, Vienna XI- 670b

Kultura, periodical, Poland XI- 688b

KULTURKAMPF VIII-703d; Xn-136a; XVI-21b; Aca- demic Pius Associations in Ger- many XII-140a; Baden XVI- 23b; causes VIII-7(>4a; Chris- tian Charity, Sisters of III- 711a; church fabric III— 44c; Cologne, church IV-119d; course VIII-700c; Divine Prov- idence, Sisters of V-52c: Eber- hard V-242c; Freemasons IX- 7Sld: Germany IX-233d; XV- 655b; 717d: in "Hesse VII-300a; XVI-23C; Hungary VII-557d; in Italy XI-684b; Jesus Christ, and Poor Handmaids of XII- 254c; Limburg IX-261b; Paul Majunke IX-558a ; .Archbishop Melchers X-156c; Most Precious Blood, Congregation of XII-374a; papal infallibility XV-307d: and Polish emigra- tion XII-205a; Precious Blood, Sisters of the XII-375a; Prus- sian XII-531b: XV-656a: Re- demptorists XII-686b; result XII-.502C; Sancha Ciriaco Ma- ria XIV-757d; Saxony XIII- 503a; Schorlemcr-.Alst XIII- 589a; in Switzerland XI-691C; of von Zuyduryk VII-190b; and Windthorst XV-656b

K'u-liin. See L^rga

Kulun Nor, lake, Mongolia. See Dalai

Ku-iu-pa, residence of Vicar Apos- tolic III-677C

Kumanis, in Transylvania XV- 21a

KUMBAKONAM, DIOCESE OF VIII-710C; India, statistics VII-730b

Kumiai, churches, in Japan VIII- 309c

Kummernis. See Wilgefortis

Kummukh, land of Vn-307a

Kummukhi, and Sargon II II-14b

Kuna, India, mission XII-2.36a

Kunaisho VIII-29Sc

Kunaikwan VIII-298C

Kunaikyo VIII-29SC

Kun-Bum, Butldhist monastery Vn-.510c

Kuncevy<E, Josaphat, ^Saint. .See Josaphat Kuncevyc. Saint

Kundeck, Joseph, labours in Indi- ana VI-148a

Kundig, H., in Ohio III-775d

—Martin, in Milwaukee X-319b

Kunemann, Alphonsus, Prefect -Apostolic of Senegal and Sene- gambia XIII-716a

Kunersdorf, battle IX-664d; XII-523d:XIII-248b;

Kimg, Chinese degree of nobility III-666d

— Chinese measure, value III- 6S7a

— Prince XIV-447b; circular on missions III-671b; death III- 685a: treaty III-6S3d

K'lmg-fu-tze. See Confucius

Kung Pu, Chinese board III-666a

Kungsberg, Hans von. See Miil- ler. Johann

Kung Ti, emperor III-6S1C

Kung Ti (T'ung) emperor I li- es Id

Kung-tung, island, lighthouse III-663d

Kiing-tze. See Confucius

Kung-Yang, Chinese book III- 66Sa

Kuni, Japanese imperial family VIII-29Sb

Kiinigl, Kaspar Ignaz, Count von. Bishop of Brixen II-794b

Kunigonde, Blessed. See Cune- gundes.

Kunigunde, Saint, empress I- 751b; VII-22SC; VIII-16d; IX-466d; X-248C; XIII^12a; canonization II-243C; marriage I-7oIc; and PfefJerkorn XI- 786c

Kuni-Satsuchi, in S h i n t o i s t mvthologj- Vni-304c

Kuni - Tokotachi, in Shintoist mythologj- V1II-304C

Kuno, Bishop of Prseneste, at Council at Soissons I-37c

— Abbot of Prtim. and Cfiesarius of Prtim III-13Sd

— Bishop of Ratisbon, foundation XV-530C; and Gerhoh of Reich- crsberg VI-472b

— of Falkenstein, Archbishop of Cologne IV- 118b

Kunrat of Megenberg. See Kon- rad of Megenberg

K'un sin, military governor X- 4S0c

Kunstfreund, periodical, XI- 670b

Kunszt, Joseph, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bacs VIII-595C

Kuntze, architect V-526C

Kiinzelsau, Corpus Christi plays X-350a

Kupal' skija, songs XIII-266a

Ku Pa-tai, Chinese official, and Christianity III-670C

Kupelian, Monseigneur, conver- sion IX-172a

Kuper, Admiral, and Kagosbima VIII-312d

—Island, schools II-793a

Kurachi, Brahmans in I-186d

Kurai, Japanese dignities VIII- 299a

Kurbski, Prince Andrei XIII- 269b; and orthodoxy XIII- 262b

Kurck, Arvid, Bishop of Abo VI- 77a

Kurdistan, .Apostolic delegation of Propaganda XII-457d: and -Ark 1-72 la; campaigns II-12c: campaigns of Sargon II II-14b: Dominicans, mission of XII- 36SHb; ecclesiastical organiza- tion II-202d; Mohammedans in X-^25d: Nestorians in I- 136d; Turkish possession XV- 97d. See Mesopotamia, Kur- distan and -Armenia. Delegation -Apostolic of

Kurds, in Asia Minor I-7S9d; ethnological classification XII- 626c; in Turkish Empire XV- l(X)b

Kurigalzu I, King of Babylon II- 18.;a: brick (ill.) II-lSTb

—II, King of B-abvlonia II-Uc

Kuriles. See Chisima

Kurillison, in Liturg>- of St. James I-573C

Kurjer litewski, periodical, XI- 68Sb

— Lwowski, periodical XI-687d

— polski, periodical, XI-6SSb

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.