Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/480

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L., abbr. I-26d

Laak, Jesuit writer XIII-364b

Laaland, island, Denmark IV-

722d; XVI-64b Laaland-Falster, Lutheran dio- cese IV-723C Laale, Peter, writer IV-730C Laas, Ernst, and Positivism XII-

33d La Asuncion, founded I-703d Labacco, and Antonio Da San Gallo, the Younger XIII-444b Labadie, Jean de III-366C; VIII- 717a; XIV-69a; and Spener Xll-80d Labadieville, and Congregation of the Immaculate Conception XI-14b LABADISTS VIII-717a; XIV-

69a La Bahia, town. Texas III-3C La Balme, monastery XIII-163C;

341b LABAN VIII-717b; 261a; idola- try VII-637b; name X-676c; and Rachel Xn-630a; Tera- phim V-51a — town VI-441C Labanath, town VI— 441c Labanoff, Prince XVI-63d Labarca, Placido, Vicar Apostolic

of TarapacA XIV-451C La Barde, Denis de. Bishop of

Saint-Brieuc XIII-340C Labaro, periodical XIV^GSb Labartu, incantations XI-198a LABARUM VIII-717d; IV-298b; X-488C; (ill.) VIII-718; mono- gram of Christ XIV-376C; or- igin IV-523a; and Valentinian I XV-255a Labasi-Maiduk, King of Baby- lonia II-184C La Bassee, siege of I-702C La Bastia, altar-piece I-371a Labastida y Davalos, Pelagio An- tonio, bishop XIV-74Sd; XV- 749d LABAT, JEAN-BAPTISTE VIII- 71Sb; -.nd Charles Plumier XII-169a Labbe, Joseph, missionary III-

LABBE, PHILIPPE VIII-718d; VII-533d;andHuetVII-513d; Thomism XIV-702d

Labdalon, Castle of, Syracuse, Sicily XIV-396a

Labelle, Franfois, and Assump- tion college. Montreal X-548c; colonization work III-237d

Labeo, Roman jurist IX-87a

— Notker. See Notker Labeo

Laberenz, homiletic writer VII- 447a

Laberius, Saint IX-719a

Laberthonniere, Pere VII-686d; as editor XI-677c; on absoVite immanence VII-686a

Labewolf Pancraz, sculptor XIII- 646c

Labib, Gabriel, Coptic scholar V- 233c

Labicum (Monte Compatri) VI- 244c

Labienus, at Mylasa X-660c; at Stratonicea XIV-315b

Labissonniere, Isaac, pioneer, Minnesota XIII-368a

— Joseph, pioneer. Minnesota Xnl-368a

Lablache, Luigi, singer VI-683c; XIV-.5.54a

La Blachere, pilgrimage XV-4940

La Blanca, .itatue, at Vitoria XV- 49na

Labome, James, martyr XV-28c

Laboulaye, and Liberalism IX- 2 1 Ha

LABOUR AND LABOUR LEG- ISLATION Vin-719b; ancient systfin VIll Trie; arbitration I-6K2b; arl'ilratinn. St. Augus- tine rule n-71)d; 81)b; in Bel- gium II-403a; St. Benedict's teaching II-468d; Benedictine


view II -456c; and Boycotts VIII-726b; Brahministic view I-772d; Brownson's views III- 2a; Buddhist view I-773a; III- 33d; children VIII-587a; VIII- 723c; and Christianity VIII- 720b; XII-214d; XIV-36C; Christian view I-761d; III- 595d; III-596d; 597d; XIV- 616b; and Church influence I- 6S4d; and Cleveland, Grover XV-175C; and closed shop VIII-727a; commissioner of (United States) I-685a: Con- dition of, and Leo XIII IX- 607d;XII-783b; emancipation of Serfs VIII -721c; English wage slavery VIII-722d; Feu- dalism VIII -721b; Fischer's activities XVI -41a; in Ger- many XV-656b; Greek VIII- 719d; guilds VIII -722a; and inventions VIII -722c; and Judaism III-593d; and Le Play XII-163C; 163d; and limitation of apprentices VIII- 728a; and limitation of output VIII-727d; manual, Benedic- tine rule II-43SC; 440c; medie- val VlII-721d; and medieval conception III-600a; and mi- gration X-292d; X-293b; mod- ern VIIl-723b; and monasti- cism 1-7 70c; 7 71a; VIII- 7Jn,! [I,.,;, .frisrn, St. Augus- tii:. nil T'ltl; 80b; neces-

XII f.'ij,:, SI Paul's teaching Ill-.")01b; pro-Scholastic teach- ing XIV-617d; and property XII-463d; XII-166a; Refor- mation VIII-722b; Ricardo's theory I-22Sa; Roman Empire VIlI-721a; Rome VIII-720a; and strikes Vin-725a; Syndi- calist Association XIV-38oc; Theodosius XIV-579b; unor- ganized I-6S2d; women VIII- 723c; XV-692b; in Wyoming XV-727a

— Bureau of. United States, created XV-17.^c

— Representation Committee, in England XIV-6.")b

La Bourdonnais, of Rennes XII- 773b

Laboure, Catherine, Venerable, visi.m IIl-IJ07c; 6.59c; XI-18Sb

— Guillaume, cardinal, at Rennes XI 1-77 Id

Laboure, Zoe, vision of Miracu- lous Medal X-115b

Labourers, rights of I-96a

— in the Vineyard, parable XI- 464d; (Fcti) VI-52C

Laboureur. See Croix du Dira- nache

Labour Exchanges, Syndicalist XIV-38(;b

Labour Leader, Socialist organ XlV-n.ib

Labour Party, in England XIV- f).5b

Labours of Hercules, painting by Campi ni-224d; by Zurbaran



LABOUR UNIONS Vin-724a; I- fi.S2c; aims and results VIII- 724b; arbitration I-682c; Cath- olic membership XIV-7Ia; con- ciliation IV- 19 lb; and employ- ers I-BS2d; in England II-2b; methods VIII-724d; moral aspects VIII - 724a; results V1II-724C; and secret socie- ties XIV-74a; and Socialism XIV -64a; and Syndicalism XlV-3S,ic: Theodosius Floren- tini on XIV-579b; Voluntary Association 1 1 -2d

Labrada, Juan de, Fra, Bishop of Cartagena in-384b

Labrador, Cartier's expedition in-392d; and HelKiland I- 419b; Indians in-229d; mis- sion V-S40b; mission of de la

Brosse II-802a; and New- foundland X-782b — Joseph Sanchez, Jesuit mis- sionary X-96a — Juan, painter X-.557c Labranda, town, Turkey X-

660c Labre, Francois-Joseph, and St.

Benedict Labre II-442b — Jean-Baptiste, father of St.

Benedict Labre II-442a Labrecque, Thomas, Bishop of Chicoutimi III-658c; XIII- 731d Labrosse, Jean-Baptiste, mis- sionar,v. See Brosse. Jean-Bap- tiste de la La Broue, Bishop of Mirepoix, founds "Appellants" XV- 129d; and "Unigenitus" XV- 129b LA BRUYERE, JEAN DE VIII- 728c; VI-197c; IX-372d; .-ica- demician I - 89b; and Bourda- lone II-718b; and Mignard X-290b; on Molidre X-135a; and Port Royal XII-296C; on Rabelais Xn-620a Labuan, island II-687b; mission

II-687C Labubna, author "Addai" I-

612d Labume, James, death V-47Sa Labynitus I, King of Babylon

II-22Gd — n. Sre Xal.onidus LABYRINTH Vin-728d; of Holv Citv VI-o:,4b; of King Minos Xl-6."i(id; of Reims cathedral lV-123b Labyrinths of France, term XI-


729a La Cadie. Sec .\c.adia La Calzada. See Calahorra and

La Calzada

La Caille, Abbe de, astronomical

researches II-28b; and Benoit

II-482b; and Lavoisier IX-


La Camarzia, town. Italy I-307C

Lacapenus, Romanus. See Ro-

manus I Lacapenus La Carita, church, Venice I-

37.5d Lacarriere, Bishop of Guade- loupe VII-44C Lacasse, Jesuit, in Ungava XV-

127b La Cava, abbey II-44(jb; and Cassmese Congregation II- 44Sa Lac Buade (MiUe Sacs) VII-2I7a Lac de Fugeres, Louis Paul Al- bert du VIll-729a Lac-des-Deux Montagnes, In- dian Alission, Canada. See Oka LACE VIII-729c; on albs I -252b; on altar-cloths I-3o2b; on amice I-429a; Bruges lll-6d; on Communion cloth l-356b ; in corporals I-35oa ; design Vill- 730b; engraving Ill-ti.J.Sb; Genoese Bobbin (ill.) hand- made, classification VIII-729c; VIII-729c; history VIII-729d; machine VIII-732b; on sur- plice XIV 344a Lacedaemon, Sec of. See Sparta LACEDONIA, DIOCESE OF

V111-732C La Cclle, Abbey of .\I-762d Lacepede, Bernard Gerraain- Etienne de la Villa, Comte de X-604C La Cerda, cardmal, and Jesuits

IV-34d Lacerda, Fernando Correia de.

Bishop of Oporto X1-261C Lacerna, cloak VIl-464b; cope

IV-463b ^. ,-,

La Cerq, Maximus, death X-l(-c Lacerre, 'V'icar-.\postolic of N. W. Sze-ch'wnn XIV-420C

Lacey, town, Washington, St. Martin's priory II-452C

— Brian, martyr. See Lacy

— John. See Constable

—Richard V-477c

LA CHAISE, FRANCOIS D' ADC DE VIII-732d; and An- thelmi I-553b; and Coleman IV-97C; and Harlav-Chanval- lon VII-13Sa; and Louis XIV IX-374a; XIV-89c; Saint-Cyr school IX-550a

La Chaise, Pere. See La Chaise, Frangois d'Aix de

La Chambre, Philippe de. Car- dinal de Boulogne Xn-612a

Lachanodracon, general V-491b

La Chapelle, Church of, Brussels V-735b

La Chapelle St.-Mesmin, semi- narj- IX-.533d

La Chardeniere, Elizabeth VI- 530d

La Charite-sur-Loire, abbey II- 410c; V-2.59d; founded X- 778d; Huguenot refuge VII- 531d

Lacharme, priest, Confucian scholar IV-225b

La Chartreuse d'Auray, France, deaf-mute institute XV-669d

Lachat, Eugene, Bishop of Basle n-340b; IX-40Sd; XIV-3(>ib

La Chatre, Pierre de, .\rchbishop of Bourses Vlll-lSa

Lache. See Lahmu

Lachelier, and Kantianism XII- 34a

La Chenaie, town. France. Con- gregation of VII-6Slb; Lacor- daire at Vni-733c

Lachenbauer, Johann Baptist, Bishop of Briinn III-12a

Laches, Athenian X-216d

  • Lachesis, in Greek mythologT,'


La Chetardie, Joachim-Trotti de, rector of Saint-Sulpice IX- 200d

Lachibari, Scipione, architect VI- 367b

Lachine, canal II— 425a; III- 234b; 407b; epidemic (1847) Vin-150c; massacre IV-732d; VI-310C: XV-311b

Lachish, Kingdom of I— 434b; and Josuc VIII-524d; Sennacherib conquers II-14C

Lachmann, Carl, Biblical critic XIV-532C; critical method V-291a; and Lassberg IX- lld; on New Testament IV-

Lachme, deity II-SUc; IV-406b-

VI 1-31 lb Lachmos, deitv II-514c Lachner, Franz XIII-lSc Lachrymal glands I-460b Lacie, Walter de, hospital VII-

4S4d La Cierva, director of charities

XIV-lS9d; 201c Lacis, lace VIII-729C Laclede, Pierre Liguest, in St.

Louis. Missouri Xni-357c La CUeUe, embassy VII-226C La Cloche, James VII-7nid Lacombe, Albert ll-591c; and

■\lhert;i. Cinada XIII^82b;

an.l Miarii.ic (luvon VII-92d:

Oia v.\-~um U iib3c:IV-477d:

X .iN-'h. :ivoa — Frantois. iju.ctist XIl-610a La Conception, .Xttignaouantan

strnnKh.ildVll-,574d Laconia, Greece, oracle X-73.'ib Lacops, Jacobus, martyr VI-

651d; i'..i2a Lacordaire. College of, Buenos

Aires Ill-.i7b: \ll-370b — JE AN-B A P T I S T E-HENRI-

DOMINIOUE Vlll-733a; and

Cuhiii IV-7sd; on cross XI-

4Stib; aiul llnminicans X-SHc;

Xll-3.V,>d; .-i7llb; 75Sb; XIV-

639c; and Flavigny abbey VI-

type indicates titles of articles; other tj-pcs, topics treated; (ill.) = illuotrations. 464