Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/484

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Landes, department, France,

map Vl-faeing 188 —Bishop of Clovne IV-72d — Marie des VIII-766b Landesdirektorien, object XIV-

272d Landesunion of Mecklenburg,

formed X-lOSd Landevenec, Maurist monastery

VII-602C; IX-144b; X-71b;

XII-612C; founded XV-6S9d;

rhythmical office XIII-28d Laadewednack, Cornwall, Angli- can parish XV-6o9d Laadi, Fabiano, Vicar Apostolic of

North-Western Hu-pe III-

678a — Lelio, Bishop of Nardo X-

704a Landinians, in Austria-Hungary

II-121b Landino, Cristoforo, humanist

Vn-5:j9d; and Politian XII-

2i:ib — Francesco, organist Xl-liOlb Landivar, Rafael, Guatemalan

writer XIV-207b Land League, Irish vni-112b:

XVI-12c;in England VIII-152C Landlord, compensation to I-

22Sb: Socialistic theory XII-

21.")d Landlordism, misdeeds I-228d Landmann, George. See Agricoja Landmarks, in Masonry IX-

Land'Monitor, in Bible I-520d Landnamabok, history of Iceland

I-tl7a-. VII-fjl8d Land Nationalization Society, in

England I 22Sb Land Office, Washington, D. C.

XV-S.V.Id LANDO, I'ope VIII-784a; XII-

273d Lando, Bishop of Messina X-217b — Bishop of Sezze XIV-518d — Condottiere, and Albornoz VI-

559b — Michele di, leads revolution

VI- 108a Landoaldus, St., and St. Lam- bert VIII-757b Land of Promise. See Promised

— of Stone. See Helluiand — of the Rising Sun VIII-297a Landolfo, Prince of Beneventum,

and Gregory VII VI-793c; at

Salerno XIII-c!96d —Archbishop of Milan X-300d — Bishop of Turin XV-94C — n, Bishop of Brescia II-760c;

and John X VIII-425C Landore, Beranger de, and Fri- ars Pilgrims XII-368Ea Landos, Agapios, hagiographer

VI 771d; VII-107b Landouart, Abbey of XIII-340d Landowners, in Ireland I-112b Land papers. Calendar of the XI-

19.ia Landrada, St., and St. Lambert

VIII-757C Landramnus, Bishop of Tours

XV-2C Landrecies, Claude de Guise in

VII-74b Land reform, agrarianism I-226d Landriana, Gerardo di, cardinal

IX-:!2:ia Landriani, Marsilio, Bishop of

Vigcvano XV-426b Landric X\"-434b Landriot, Bishop of La Rochelle


VIII-7S4a Landrofilo, James Philip, Servite

XIII-7:i7c Landry, Saint Xin-354c — .Saint, Bishop of Paris VI-

142d; Xl-»Sld; and Hotel

nicu VII-4S2b —Saint, Bishop of S6cz XIII-

118 Id —Saint, Abbot of Soignies III-

210c; X -ysd — John Theophilus, president of

,St. John the Baptist's church

and college X-3fl7c Landsberg, church II-78a: Jesuit

College, founded II-76a; in

Thirty Years War XIV-«53c — Uerrad of, See Herrad of

Lands berg

Landsberg, John Justius of. See


— League VI-500d

Landsberger, Johann, friendship with Esch V-52SC

Landscape art, and Paulus Bril II-7S7b; and Puvis de Cha- vannes XII-585a; and Cima III-772C

Landser, Redemptorists at XII- 684b

Landshoefding, Swedish official XIV-347d

Landshut, town, Church of St. Martin I-751b: Tabernacle XIV-424C

— Jesuit college, and Allioli I- 325a; and Ingolstadt, univer- sity VIII-Sc; and Maximilian I X-76d

Landsknechte, attack Rome IV- 25c

Landsperg, Herrad of. See Her- rad of Landsberg

Landsperger, Johannes Justus. See Lanspergius

Landsteiner, writer XI-534::

Landsthing, Danish IV-723c; 729c

Landstuhl, Poor Child, Sisters of the XII-251a

Land-surveyors, Roman I-334b

Landtag, and church property VIII-70SC

LAND TENURE, in the Chris- tian Era VIII-775a; allodial lands VIII-782b; ancient VIII- 719c: in ancient Ireland II- 763d; 756b: ancient Jewish II- 550d; Beneficium VIII-7S0c; emphyteusis VIII-779a; feudal- ism III-592a: VIII-777c; feud- aUsm, decline of VIII-783a; Georgia, colony of VI^Blc; Glebe VI-582d; and Land Ownership VIII-783b; Medi- terranean VIII-776d; Middle Ages VIII-777C; military VIII- 779a; by minors in England VII-Slc; Mortmain XI-579a; Normandy VlII-781b; Post Renaissance history VIII-783b; regulation in the United States XV-165c; Roman VIII-776C; 779c; seniority VIII-780b; of serfs VIII-781d; Teutonic VIII-778d; tribal system VIII- 77Sa : various theories of I- 228a

Landuin, Prior of Grande Char- treuse, and St. Bruno III-15b; death 1 1 1- 16a

Landulf (Landulphus), Count of Aquino XIV-663d

—Bishop of Cremona IV^83c

— Saint, Bishop of Evreux V- 671b

—Bishop of Pisa XII-lllc

Landulphus Senior, on Ambros- ian Rite I-395b

Landward, Bishop of Minden X- 323b

Landwehr, introduced bv Fur- stenberg VI-326a

Lane, Denis, printer XI-674C

— Joseph, in Oregon Territory XI-291b; presidential nominee XV-171C

Laneau, Vicar Apostolic of Siam III-675C; XIII-766b

—Rene, Maurist X-71d

Laney, Benjamin, and Crashaw IV-467C

Lanfaut, Alexandre, Jesuit XIV- 99b

LANFRANC, Archbishop of Can- terbury VIII-7S4b; III-299d; 301b; XVI-6fla: and D'Acherv I -102a; and .\lexander III- 286d; and St. Anselm I-546C ; I- 547a; at Bee II-379b; and Be- rengarius II-187b ; IV-322c;and St. Dunstan relics V-201d; and fabrication of Bulls V-21c; and Pope Gregory VII V-432b; founds hospital VII-484b; and Irish Bishops V- 1 7.3a; and lay confession IX-94c; and Milo Crispin X-317d; and Odo, Bishop of Bavcux XI-210a; and .St. Osmund XI-340b; and Palm Sunday procession XI- 432d; as philosopher XII-37a; and Pontifcv summus XII- 270b; and Roscelin XIII- 189d: use of books IX-2.30b; revision of Vulgate IV-394d;

XV-370b; and William I of England XV-643d; B46b; at Winchester Council III-485d

Lanfranchi, architect XV-93c

— , surgeon X-128a

— Uberto, cardinal. Bishop of Pisa XII-lllc

Lanfranco, jurist XI-593d

• — Saint, Bishop of Pavia XI- 593d

—GIOVANNI VIII-786d; XIV- 2S4c; at Carracci academy III-376a; work in church of St. Clare, Naples X-683d; work in Laval university, Quebec IX-!8d; and Sal va tor Rosa XIII-184a; Vatican XV- 2S6b

Lanfrid, and Benedictbeurn ab- bey 11-44 la

Lanfridus, duke, Lex Allemanni I.\

Lang, Andrew, on Andrew of Wyntoun XV-724C; on Anim- ism XIII-319C; on Australian deities, morality of IV-688b; on exogamy XIV-794a: on Joan of Arc VIII-413c; on monotheism I-529C; IV-686C; Sacrificial theory XIII-317c; on Scotch Protestants VIII- 68.3a; Scotland, History of, I-41c; on Totemism XIV- 789b; 789d; 791d; 792d; 793d

— Elizabeth, Oblate Sister of Providence XI-184C

— Franz, at University of Vienna XIII-5S8d

— Friedrich Albert, on Material- ism X-46a

— Gerhard, at Buffalo III-3Sd

—MATTHEW, Cardinal Arch- bishop of .Salzburg VIII-787a; in Augoburg II-75a; and Aus- tria VII-88d; and Berthold of Chiemsee II-520C. at Fifth Lateran Council iX-19a; as Bishop of Gurk Xni-413d

• — Matthias, Abbot of Marienberg IX-668d

Langa, F. Soto di and St. Philip Neri XI-270b

Langdale Lord, on Law of Testi- mony XIII-657C

— Charles, and Stonyhurst XIV- 309d

Langdon, John, Bishop of Roches- ter, Enffland XIII-102b

Lange, Fridericus. See Martin Conrad

— Helene, suffragist XV-693b

— Joachim, on Pietism XII-81C

— Johann, disputation II-79a; marriage IX— 448d

— Johann Peter, Non-Catholic commentator on the Bible IV-161b; on caricatures of Lucas Cranach IX-457C; on Jesuits XIV-82b; on Luther IX— 447c; 450b; on Miracles X-340c; Synoptics, theory of XIV-391b

— L. P., Millenarian views X- 309d

— Sven, Danish writer IV-731C

Langeais Chateau X\' 4b

LANGEN, RUDOLPH VON VIII--7S7c; .III Hililical intro- duction \' II I -sib; on Clemen- tines IV-13b; Germany, re- vival in XII-767d; as Human- ist X-639d: and Old Catholics XI-235d; on Synoptics XIV- 392a

Langenbeck, Bemhard von, sur- geon X-I42c: and Johann von Nusshaum XI-I71b

— Konrad Johann Martin, physi- cian X-Ula

Langendries, Petroni la X-752b

LANGENIEUX, BENOIT - MA- RIE, Cardinal, Archbishop of Reims VIII-78Sa; XII-727a; at Congress V-593b; and Leo XIII XII-491C

Langenstein, Henry of. See Henry nf Langenstein

Langer, Karl, anatomist X-137c

— Robert von, and Gegenbauer V1-403C

—Rudolf von, hunianisl VII-.54Ia

Langevin, Adelard L. P., .\rch- l)i.-hop of .Saint Hoiiitacc XIH- 340a; 483a; 570a; and Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary XIII-59a

LANGHAM, SIMON, Cardinal Archbishop of Canterbury VIII-7S8b; I-246a; III-300a; V-396d; Abbot of Westmins- ter XV-59Sd; as Bishop of Palestrina XI-421C; and Simon of Sudbury XIII-799b; S. Sisto Vecchio, titular of XIII- 17ob

Langhans, W., and Ambros, History I-38.3C


LANGHORNE, RICHARD, VEN- ERABLE \1II 7s!)b; martyr- dnni \-477a: .\I-175c

—William \lII-7S9b

Langhveldt. See Macropedius, George

Langle, de, Bishoo of Boulogne and Unigenitus I-95b; IV- 96d

Langles, Louis Mathieu, and Ch6zy 1 1 1-05 Id

Langley, Christopher VIII-789C

—RICHARD VIII-7.S9b; mar- tyrdom V-4 7r,a

— Thomas, Bishop of Durham V-211d

Langlois, Adrien, Maurist author II-462C

— Antoine, missionary II-593C; XIII-440C; 666a

— Benoit, Capuchin, portrait by Gerard Andran II-71C

— Charles, and Jean Francois Millet X-3I0d

— John B., and Ren6 Massuet X- 37c

— Marguerite VIII-740C

— Simon Alexandre and Ch^zy III-051d

Langobardi. ■ See Lombards

Langogne, pilgrimage X-180C

Langosco, Guide de. Bishop of Pavia XI-.593C

Langport, England "Hanging ChapL-1" III-578a

Langres, Council of V-520c; 521d; Vn-.^2.->b

—DIOCESE OF VIII-780d; St. Benigmis Il-144a; cathedral apse I-6.")9d: chapel III-576d; map Vl-facing 188; and Dijon IV-794d; and tomb of St. Remi XII-727b

— Gerard de, Latin Archbishop of NicMMa IV-.W()d

Langrez, Francois Marie, founder, Sister.s of llio Perpetual .A.dora- tion XI-(»Sb

Langside, battle IX-765a; XIII- 619c

Langstroth, Hannah J. V-l.">9c

Langtoft, Peter de. Chronicles in Rolls Series VIII-120c; IX- 60Sd

Langton, Henry de VIII-791b

— John, Bishop of Chichester VIII-791b

—Simon de VIII-791b

—STEPHEN, Cardinal Archbish- op of Canterbury VIII-791a; 793a; III-299d; IX-531d; Bi- ble division IV-19ob; VII- 175c; XIII-639a: at Bur>- St. Edniu- r. TTI s.'id; and Cam- brrii \ I -. "b and Cantor V-:;^| . iions provin-

cial .Mil lib and Innocent III Mil l..b. uR- of, by Mat- thew Paris XI-499b; and Mag- na Charta V-43Sb; and Pan- dulph XI-441a; 441c: and Pontigny. Abbey of XII-233d; XIII-719a; and Peter Lom- bard XI-768d; and St. Criso- gono titular church XIII-171b; as scholar VIII-791a; asstates- VIII-791d; and St. Thomas Becket translation VIII-.i32b; "Voni Sancic Spi- ritus" XV-342b

— Thomas, bishop XIII-401b; XV-BSOc

— Walter ile. Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry IX-232d

Language, .^dani. Nicholas I- 134d; Albanian I-2.T4a; Ameri- can aborigines 1-41 la; Baby- lonian II-lS"b; Bantu I-1S2C; in Condillac's s.vstem IV-211b; De Bonald 1-2 16a; east and west XIII-53.">c; educational complication XIII-55Sd; figur- ative Exegesis V-693; French, and French academy I-89c;

Large type indicates titles of articles; other tj-pes, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrations.