Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/514

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Louvre XV-770b; and Charles V XI - 4S3a; Comminea, tomb IV-164a; cuneiform tablets II- 8d; Didot printing-press IV- 783b; Egj'ptian antiquities III- 569a; and Goujon IX-190d; Henri de Guise at VII-78b; and Lescot IX-190d; and Levau IX-205b; library fire I-702d; Moabite Stone X-210c

— U'orts: Allo^iI-32od;AlunnoI- 37^a: Baroccio II-303c: Bellini II^lGd; Bonvicino II-67Sd; Borgognone II-686a; Bril II- 787b; Canipi III-224C: Canova III-298d; Contarini IV-324d; Corneille IV-373d; Correggio I-318d; Costa XIV-740a; Cou- stou IV-4o5c; Heim VII-199c; La Fosse VIII-740C; Mantegna XIV-740a; Michelangelo III- 62a; Montagna X-511d; Peru- gino XIV-740a; Poussin XII- 323c; Le Sueur III-16d; Ten- iers, the Younger XIV-508a; Titian XIV-743C; 743d; 744b; 744d; Velazquez XV-325d; da Vinci XV-443b; 443d; Vivorini XV-492C; Zurbaran XV-770b

Louys, Epiphane, Abbot of Esti- val X-201C

Lov,, abbr. I-24d

Lovan., abbr. I-24d

Lovat, Lord, Fort Augustus Abbcv I-42a; II-453a; VI- 146a

Love, Divine attribute II-64b; God, essence of XIII-88a; and Holy Ghost I-149b; 658c; 65Sd; VII-412d; 414d; XV- 55d; 56a; and Trinity, dogma of XIV-584C

— psychological; Baader II-174d: Cartesian system I V-747d ; and character III-586C; and friend- ship VI-708C; Kabbalistic sys- tem VIII-590b; Kant VIII- 606a; in Manichaiism IX-592a; passion I-656c; XI-534C; XIV- 6I6a; Quesnel XII-603a; XV- 129a; and zeal XV-753a

LOVE, theological IX-397c; III- 593a; XV-474b; act of I-112a; specific act IX-397c; and alms- giving I-329c; and anger I- 489b; and attrition II-66b; St. Augustine on VI-692C; Bede on IV-339d; Bossuet on IV- 747d; brotherly. St. Paul XIV- 631d; Catholic teaching I- 370a; XIV-614b; Christian law I-768c; III-717a; and Chris- tianity XIV-.537a; and Christ's commandment I-768c; IV- 153c; VII-29.3b; XIV-537a; and contemplation XIV-621d; and contrition IV-339b; and Eucharist V-586d; and St. Francis de Sales VI-221a

—0/ God III-592d; IX-397d; XV^74b; and St. Augustine IX-398b; Christ's Command- ment IX-398b: and Man VI- 706b; monastic X-460b; and salvation XIV-767a

— and grace VI-705c; and grace, sanctifying VI-707b; heroicity of VII-293b; and justice III- 593b; and justification VI- 703a; VIII-577a; motive IX- 397d

—of neighbour III-592d; IX- 398d; XV-474C; casuists' the- ory IX-399b; and non-Catho- lics XIV-767b

— and the New Law I-768c; IX- 72d; de Nobili to Hindus on IX-560C; origin IX-397C; per- fection, Christian XI-665d; XII-749b; XIV-614a; 614c; antl the poor XII-237a; range IX-.397d; in religious life XII- 749d: Sacred Heart, devotion to VII-164b; and sanctity XlII-429a; and scandal XIII- 507b; scat IX-.397C; and se- crecy XIII-C73b

— of self: St. .\ugustine IX-398c; St. Gregory the Great IX- 398c; and suicide XIV-326d

—and sin, mortal VI-709c; sin. remiaaion of I-«3d; St. Thomas III 599d; IV-747d; IX-398a: XIV-667d; and tolerance XIV- 764c; 764d; 7B7c; and virginity XV^58c; virtue III-592d;

virtues, theological XII-740d; and Zeal XV-753a — Feast. See Agape Lovejoy, Elijah P., and anti- slavery XV-169d Lovelock, and Newfoundland

XII-397C Love of God, college III -770d —of God, Sisters of the III-770d Lover, Samuel VIII-128a; por- trait Vlll-facing 128 Lovere, Taddini. collection II-

084d Loverga, missionary XIII-355a Lovers of the Cross, congregation

XI\'-8()a Lovinus, Bernardino. See Luini LOW CHURCH IX-399b; I-

.503c Lowdham, surgeon X-133a Lowe, family, in Maryland II-

229b — Aloysia, Mother XIV-28d — E. Louis II-801d — Sir Hudson, and Napoleon X-

698d — Johann Heinrich, and Giinther

VII-S7a — John, bishop. Rochester XIII-

102c; St. Asaph XIII-3.3,3b —John, Venerable I-135d; V-

476a — Philippa, martyr V— 178a — W. H., .ind Mishna XIV-437d Lowe, Karl, composer VI— 113a Lowell, Armenian Catholics at XIII-82a; French Catholics in II-707a; Irish population VIII-136a; and Jackson VIII- 142a Lowenbruck, Abbe, and Sisters of

Providence XII -.509a Lowenburg. See Lemberg Lowenstein, Leopoldine von, princess, and Elizabeth Asso- ciations V-38Sd Lowenstein-Wertheim, Johann Ernst, Count of. Bishop of Tournai XIV-79Sd Lowenstein - Wertheim - Rosen - berg, Karl von VI-247c; and Bishop Blum IX-261b; Catho- lic Congress IV- 247c; and duel- ling V-185C; and Kaufmann Vni-610c Lower Bethoron VI-436a Lower Church. See Crypt Lower French Congo, Vicariate Apostohc of. See Loango River — Nicola, British Columbia, In- dian reservation XIV-704d —Pool, Palestine XII-235b Lowicz VI-590C; deanery XV-

556a Lowland Mennonites X-190c Low Latin, and French VI-190b — Mass. See Mass Lowrie, Walter, manual III-707c; on statue of St. Peter XII-295C LOW SUNDAY IX-400d; and ■Alba" I-251b; in Celtic Rite III-.501b; G.<illican Rite VI- 360b: Gospel VI-680a: lessons IX-19Sa Lowth, Robert, Bishop of London IV-16Ib; on Hebrew poetry XII-175b; parallelism XI- 47.3d — William, Biblical commentator

IV-161b Lowther, Sir Charles, Haiiy's

system V-309d Loxa Bark. See Jesuit's Bark Loxodrome, and Nunez XI-163d Loyalty Islands X-781c Lo-yang, town III-664C: 681c Loyard, missionary XII-287d;

.\in-.i55a Loyko, Felix, historian XII-19Sa Loyola College, Baltimore II- 230c; 23.3d; I.X-760d; XIV- 102a; 331b — College, Guipuzcoa XIV-175d —College, Montreal III-240a;

X-549a — Ignatius, Saint. See Ignatius

Loyola — Juan de Salinas, missionary I-

6Slb —School, New York XI-27b — University, Chicago VII-655C;

XV-203C — University, New Orleans XV-

203d Loyson, Charles Jean Marie, on celibacy III-483b; marriage

III-182a; and Montalembert X-515d; at Notre-Dame ca- thedral X-509b

Loyzance, Joseph, and Auries- villell-Uld

Loza, Pedro, Archbishop of Guadalajara VII-43a

Lozano, Abigail, author XIV- 206 b

Lozinski, Ladislaus, novelist XII- 201a

Lre., abbr. I-23a

L. S., abbr. I-24d; 26d

Lte., abbr. I-23a

Lu IV-224a

Lua fLuanus; Molua), Saint, BanHi.r .\bb.v 11-2513; oratory of VIII-r,42a: and St. Colum- banuH IV-13sa

Luaces, Joaquin Lorenzo, poet XIV-207d

Luang Prabang VII-767c; 774a

Luanus, Saint. See Lua

Luard, Captain, and missionaries X\'-20.5b

LUbbecke, battle ni-613a

Lubbock, Sir John, on primitive man, religion of I-529a; on matriarchy XV-689c; and sex- ual promiscuity III-638c; IX- 694a; on Totemism XIV-789d; 792d

Lube, Dean, and Catherine E. McAulev X-199d

LUBECK IX-401a; cathedral VI-677a; church in IX-402d; decline IX-402b; guilds VII- 70b; Hanseatic League VI- 498b; VII-70C; 70d; indepen- dence IX— 401b; monastery, and St. Gottschalk VI-681d; and Propaganda XII— 457b; Reformation IX— tOld; .See es- tablished VII-121C; Smalkal- dic League XIV-58b; Treaty of (1629) IV-728c; VUlc; XIV-652a

— Arnold of. See Arnold of Liibeck

Lubentius I, Archbishop of Bre- men VII-121C

— n. Archbishop of Bremen VII- 121c

— Bishop of Castellammara di Stabia III-408b

—of Trier, Saint VII-29Sd; and St. Maximinus X-77b

Lubericus, Bishop of Urgel XV- 223c

Lubienski, Constantino, Bishop of .Sejnv Uugustdwo) XIII- 259a; 68Sb

— Matthias, bishop, at Gnesen VI-.591b; and Sarbiewski XIII- 471c; at Wloclawek XV-6Sld

— Count Roger XI-68Sb

— Stanislaus, historian XII-197b

Lubin, Saint, Bishop of Chartres II-602C; III-635h; XI-319a; XII-180d

— David, agriculturist VIII-227b

Lubker, dictionary V-417d

LUBLIN, DIOCfiSE OF IX- 403a; IV-464d; XIII-2.59d: diet of IX-293C; XVI-54b; XII-18.5C; map Xlll-facing 264; and Sosnowski XIII- 259a

Lubomlf ski, George, general XIV-«lc

Lubranski, John, Bishop of Po- sen. college VI-591a; and Ref- ormation VI-.591a

Lubricum vita genus X11-752C

Luby, T. C. Xvr-49c

Luca, Antonio de, cardinal, and Annali dclle .aoienze XI-6S4C; and Leo XIII I-177c; and Vatican Council XV-.304b

Luca Fa Presto. Sec Giordano, Luca

—GIOVANNI BATTISTA DE, caKlinal IX-404b; as canonist IX-66a: on Roman Congrega- tions Xin-136c

Lucaciu, Epaniinondas, Cleve- land Vl-7,51a

Lucan, and Nero X-753d

— Patrick Sarsfield, Earl of. Sec Sarsfield

Lucanus, Saint. .Sec Luke

— Saint, martjT XI-319c: 4S9a

— Gnostic VI -599a; doctrines I.X-648a

Lucard, Brother, and St. John Baptist dc la Salle VIII-44.5C

Lucarini, Virgilio, college XIV- 234d

Lucaris, Cyril, Patriarch of Con- stantinople. Brest, Svnod of XV-131d; and Calvinism VI- 770d; career VIII-366b; and Charles I IV-SOc; Codex Alex- andrinus IV-SOc; Constanti- nople, Councils of IV-312b; elections VI-769a; on Euchar- ist V-57Sb; and Protestants XV-147a; and Sacraments IX- 709d: as theological writer VI~ 771d

Lucas. Saint. .See Luke

— Anthony, Lazarist X-357d

—Claude H., Norbertine XIII- 77d

— Fielding, and Directory V- 27b

— Fielding, Jr., and Directory V- 27b

— Francesco, and education of blind V-307b; 310a

—FREDERICK IX-404b; and Duffv V-187b; and "Tablet" XI-674a; 682a; XV-o97b; and Whitly, Ellen XV-615c

— Herbert, Three Hours XII- 258b

— R. C, sculptor XIII-118b

— de Roucy, Blessed, Abbot of Cornillon IV-379C; foundation XIV-132a

— of Prague, and Bohemian Brethren II-617b; death II- 617c

— of Tuy, bishop XV-105c

Lucayos. .See Bahama Islands

Lucca, Cistercian Abbey. See Loccum

— town, and Boscovich II-692c; captured VI-107b; Dante IV- 629d; independence XV-163d; Mastino II XV-361b; and Pisa Xll-llOd

—ARCHDIOCESE OF IX-405a; Cardinals, convention of VII- Ib

— cathedral: choirs III-693d; (ill.) 1X^05; pulpit (ill.) XII- 565

— chapter of, antiphonarv I- 579a; Dominican convent II- 316a; Passionists XI-525b; Piarists IV-58d; St. Thomas of Canterbury's relic IV-53C; Volto Santo XV-699a; and St. Zita XV-762b

— Mathias Johannis de XIII- 74b

— Piero de, and Julius II VIII- 563d

— Ugone da, and anaesthetics I- 44Sb

Lucchesi, artist XII-107d

Lucciaga, Manfredo, II-760C

Luce, Guillaume de. Bishop of Mailezais IX-I13b

— Simeon, on Joan of Arc VIII- 41,3d

— Thibaud de, Bishop of Mailez- ais IX-4l;!b

Lucelle Abbey XIII-396a

Lucena, author XII-308d

Lucenti, Cavaliere, engraver X- 335c

—Bishop of Coimbra IV-95b LUCERA, DIOCESE OF IX-

406b Luceres, tribe XIII-UiBb Lucerius, .\bbot of Farfa XIII-

354c Lucema juris, epithet V-74d — juris pontificii, epithet V-74d Lucemafes. psalms XV-381d Lucemalis. iS'-e Vespers Lucemaria hora. .See Vespers Lucemarium. .See Vespers LUCERNE I.\-406d: and Aus- tria lX-407a; and Old-Catholic movement II -340b; St. Charles. Academy of IV-678b; —Church in IX-40Sd; collegiate,

church ll-340d; —College. Jesuit XIV-36,3c: and Gilglcr VII-61a: and Hemmer- lin VII-214d; independence IX-407C; institutions II-340d; IX-409a; Josephinism IX- 4C)Sb; lake XTV-35Sb — League, Borromiean XIV-363c; League. "Sonderbund" XIV- 360d; League, Swiss XIV-359C

Largo type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.