Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/527

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tion Xn-179c; on indulgences VIII-533a; on parables XI- 465d; on penance XI-622d; works IX-oti7d

Maldonado, Lucas, martyr X- 391b

— de Talavera, Rodrigo Ana, and Mozarubie Rile X-612d

Maldonatus, John, missionary Xlli-rijlia

MALEBRANCHE, NICHOLAS IX-r»tisb; oSlc; causality III-464C; on colours XH-62C; on creation IV-471C; on evil V-651b; and F^nelon V-36a; free will VI-261c; light XII- 61b; Monism X-484b; mysti- cism X-()64d: Occasionalism VII-G83b; XI-196b; Ontolo- gism XI-2o7b; portrait IX- Jl'.sc; Spiritualism XII-32C; XlV-22<ld

Malecite Indians. See Maliseet

Malecki, Antoni, writer XII- 2t»b;

MALEDICTION IX-569b; in Scripture IX-569b; Sec Curs- ing

Malek-Aschraf, Sultan, at Acre lV-.V..'b: in Syria VIII-363a;

Malek Kenel, Sultan, and St. Fran<-is of Assisi IV-615C; and Frederick 11 lY-SoOd

— Shah I-785a; conqueror XI- 718b

Malenochroi, racial type XII- 624b

Malermi, Niccola, Bible III- 20oa: .XV-371b

Malesaxdi, Gregorio, Bishop of Cesena III-547a

Malesherbes, Chretien-Guil- laume de Lamoignon de V- 42(lb; VIll-TiU'.c: .\ll-lj:illd

— Mme. de, foundation X\'- 272b

Malesset, Cardinal de, Bishop of Palestrina Xll-113b

Malestroit, truce of (1343) IV- 23d

Malet, Claude Francois, general X-697C

Maletius, Bishop of Thebes XIV- 563b

Maleventum (Benevento) II- 477c

Malferrat, "Bertrand de, .Arch- bishop of .\rles, at .\vignon II- 1.59d

Malgaigne, Joseph Francois, sur- geon X-142a

Ma^ara, mission I-16Ic; VI-

Malguil, at I.agny VI-325C

Malherbe, Francois, councillor l.X-.-)fi9d

—FRANCOIS, poet IX-569d; II-«;23c, VI-194d; and "Pali- nod" XIII-2lla; portrait IX- 570a

Maliarpha. See St. Thomas of Mylapur

Malibran, Marie-Felicite-Garcia, singer VI-(>S3c; monument to IXC.43d

Malice, of children VIII-587a; oath of IV— l.")2c; and scandal XIII-507b; and sin XIV-5a;



Malichus I, King of Petr


— n. King of Petra XI-777d — m. King of Petra XI-777d Malignants, pariv IV— IfKlb Malik, deity X-444a Malik ibn Fabm, Arab chief I-

fi6.Sc Malikites, Mohammedan sect

X-42.5b Malinconico, Carlo, frescoes, Gal-

lipoli. Cathedral yi-3fi7b Malines. See Mechlin Maljnke, tribe l-182d Malinovsld, archpriest XIII-

264a Malinowski, philologist XII-

MALISEET INDIANS IX-.570b: I-39b: XI-<V14d: 64.Sb; XIII- 355b: mi.-wions X-3S0d

Malissoles, Berger de. Bishop of Gap II-2n7b

Ma - Li - Sun. See MorrLson, Robert


Mallarme, Stephana, poet VI-

203b Mallemort, Gerard de. Arch- bishop of Bordeaux II-683a Malleolus. See Hemmerlin — hfereticorum, St. Anthony of Padua I-.557a; Bremen II- 125d: Canisius IV-4 4 2b; Johann Faber of Leutkirch V- 741c Mailer, Mariano, Lazarist X-

367b; Mallersdorf, monastery XII-

65Sa Mallet, missionary, martjTdom

III-671C — Edmond, historian VI-277C — Francis, Bishop of Salisbury

XIII-401C — Francois de, baron, and Liber-

mann IX-223b — James, death V-477d —Paul, in Nebraska X-731C — Pierre, and Nebraska X-731C — du Pan, "Social Contract"

IV-337a Malleus haereticorum. See Mal- leolus hireticorum MalleviUe, Cerisy de I-89a MaUeviUer, Anne de II-291d Mallinckrodt, Detmar von IX-

571a —HERMANN VON IX-571a;

III-7na; XVI-20d —PAULINE VON IX-571d; foundation Ill-711a; VII- 24na MALLING ABBEY XVl-6na Mallon, J. J., editor XI-073a Mallory, Anne Vlll-7c —STEPHEN RUSSELL IX-

572a; XV-6!3a Mallos Vl-142b Mallows, in Bible XII-154C MaUoy, L. S., priest II-234C MaUuch. See Malchus MALLUS, See of IX-572b Malmedy Abbey, and St. Poppo XII-275a; and Wibald XV- 615d MALMESBURY IX-572b; Ab- bey I-2S0b; IV-541a; VI- 674a: Conference II-83d —MONK OF IX-573a Malmfrid, Queen of Norway

XVI-7t)a Mahno, truce (1848) IV-729c Malmocco, and Venice XV-334a Malmy, Pierre-Francois de Paul,

Trappi.1t XV-250d Malo, Saint. .S^-e Machutus,

.Saint Maloet, Pierre, Maurist X-71d Malolos, Augustinians at IX-

599a; parish IX-598d Malombra, Riccardo, juriscon- sult XI-3S7b Malon, Socialist XIV-64d Malon de Chaide, author XIV-

2(K)b Malone, J. J., and odes II-I20b —Simon IX-573a —Sylvester, priest II-800b —WILLIAM IX-573a; VIII-

158a Maloney, Daniel, priest V-180d —Martin J. Xin-6.34a — Maurice T., jurist VII-657d — Home, Scranton XIII-634a Malorossiani. See Ruthenians MALORY, SIR THOMAS IX- .573c; III-469C; V-462a; VI- 42Sb; Grail legend VI-719d Malou, Bishop of Bruges IX-

397b; and thcologj- XIV-596a — Jules, Belgian premier II-401c;

402c — Pierre, in New Jersey X-792c Malouminek Indians. See Me-

Malpaphini, Giovanni, and Hu- T i:inism VII-.539a

Malpas, Cluniac monastery IX- 3 Ilia

MALPIGHI, MARCELLO, anat- omist lX-57:!d: I-460b: II- 57,3b: 574d; 642d; I.X-240d; -X- 131c

Malpiglia, Andrea Chini, Bishop of Tournai XIV-798d

Malplaquet, battle (1709) VI- 506a

Malsec. Guy de. Bishop of Poi- tiers XIl-179a

MALTA I.X-574C; arcosolia I- 699a; Augu.stinians VII-282c;

Bible Society II-544d; cata- combs ni^27b; English pos- session VIII-234a; governor's palace, Valetta (ill.) IX-.574: Historj', CiWl IX-575a; His- tory Ecclesiastical IX -576b; Hospitallers III-627d; IV- 556a; I.X-47a; Italo-Greeks in VI-755C; Napoleon X-689a; opera house, Valetta (ill.) IX- 575c; and papacy XV-28Sa; 289a; population IX-S76b; Porte des Bombos, Valetta (ill.) IX-575b; siege (1565) VII-479C; Synod of (1703) VI-688a; Tametsi IV-2b

— Knights of. See Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem

Malte Brun, statistics, religious XIV-276a

Maltese Cross (ill.) IV-538

Malthus, Thomas, political econ- omist XII-214a; 21Sc; 237a; and Darwin V-656d; XII- 28i)a: on population XII- 277a

Malthusian Theory XII-277d; 2S0c

Maltitz, John VIH of. Bishop of Meissen XI-149b

Maltrait, Claude. See Maltret

Maltraversi, Nicold, Bishop of R,,;Ki" dfll Fiiiilia XII-718b

Maltraverso, Bernardo, Bishop of Piiduii \1 :)si,d


Maltzew, Alexis von, on Holy Synod Vll-431a

Mains, Etienne-Louis, on light .XII-(35c

Maluselli, Gerolarao, in Ravenna Xll-fi67a

Malusha, Olga XV-l;17d

MALVENDA. THOMAS, exe- gete I.X-577b; IV-160d; XV- 370d; Thomism XIV-702d


— Great IX -577b: architecture Vl-675d

—Little lX-577d

Malvezzi. Vincenzo, Archbishop of Bologna ll-640b

Malvito, work, Naples Cathedral X-6S3C

Malwa, kingdom VII-724d;

Malwel, Pol de. See Limbourg, Pol de

Malzac, and Protestantism XI- 491a

Mama, patriarchal family V- 233a

Mama, Mar.Catholicos of Seleucia III-4.54C

Mamas, Saint, martyT III-133d: XIII-221C

— Bishop of Isaura Nova VIII- 184d

Mambours V-745a

Mambre, vale of I-51b; VII- ls4b; altar 1- 360a

Mambre, Zenobe, missionary \'Il-2l6c

Mambuha X 12d


— Amand, publisher I.X-578C

—Charles, publisher IX-.578b

— Ernest, publisher IX-578C

—Paul, publisher IX-578d

MAMELUCO I.X-578d; Brazil Vll^eb; in Paraguay XII- 6S9d

Mamelukes, in Arca^ I-687c: in Cilicia I-739a; in Syria VIII- 36.Sa

Mamerot, Roche, and Mary Queen of Scots IX-765a

MAMERTINE PRISON IX- 579d: jailers 111-5120; chapel of St. Peter (ill.) IX-facmg

Mamertum, See of XI— 17c

MAMERTUS, SAINT, Bishop of Vienne IX-.580a; I-69d: VII- 27b; and litany IX-2S7b; and Pange Lingua XI— 141d: and Rogation Days Xlll-UOd

— Claudianus. See Claudianus Mamcrtus

Mami-ahoyin, tribe II-60.3a

Mamiani, Delia Rovere Terenzio, Count Vlll-220a; and Pius IX I-5sla

Mamikonians lll-lOOd

Mamilianas, Saint, mart>T XI- 420b


Mamilla, Birket, Jerusalem VIII- 35 Id

Mamin, Demetrius XIII-274b

Maminot, Gilbert, Bishop of Tisi.ux Xl-t05b

Mamissa (Mopsuestia) X-555c

Mamlikats XI 7lsd

MAMMACHI, THOMAS MA- RIA I.\-57Sa: XII-368Gb; XIV-595b; and Febronianism VI -24c; Master of Sacred Palace X-39c; on Rosary .XIII- 186d: Thomism XIV-703a

Mammals, early V-664d; fossils .XH12a

Mammalus II-428b

Mammas, Gregory, on Roman tlicoloKV Vl-768b

Saint. S,r Mam.<is , m:irlvr Xlll-742a


Mamoe X-75sd

Mamortha (Flavia Neapolis) Vlll-jsla

Mamre, Vale of. .S'le Mambre

Mamun, 'Abd-allah al Iman al Vlll-;iiiiid

MAN l.X-oSOd; abduction I- 32b; and abstinence I -73d; acts of I-il6a; acts of, and human acts I-11.5d; Actus et potentia I-124d; adoption. Divine I-148b: ages, seven I-206d; in Albigensianism I- 268b; Alexander of Hales on IX-581b; and angels I-476d; and animals I-130c; and an- thropoids V-667a; antiquity III-732a; V-666c; XV-706d; in Apocalypse I-596b; appetites I-656a; Aristotle on IX-581b; and association II- 2d: -Augustinianism IX-581b; and authority II-137c; in Babylonian cosmogony IV- 406c; Bonaventure on IX- 581b; character III-584d; Christ as I-131c; in Christian- ity XV-690d; Church and State XIV-250d; and civil authority II-13Sb

— crealion I - 130a; IV - 474c; XIV-5S4d; Berosus on I-131a; in Filipino myth XII-Hd

— Deutinger on IV-762a; and dualism V-170a; Duns Scotus on V-196C; IX-581b; duties V-563a; IX-55b

— end of IX-582b; proximate VI-638d; in Thomism XIV- 667c; ultimate XI-665d

— Eriugena on V-521b; eternal, in Gnosticism VI-596C; evolu- tion VI-.5.3a; fall I-130b; first I-129a; form VI-138b; fossils XI-412a; in Gnosticism VI- 594c; and God I-130C; and grace XIV-585C; Giinther on VII-86a; 86d; habits VII-102b; Hobbes on II-I40b; Huxley on V-793a

— and immanence, absolute VII- 682d; relative VII-684d

— individuality VII-763d: in- stinct VIIl-53a; Kabbalistic conception of VIII - 590d; knowledge of God I-219d; and love lX-398c; in Manichseism IX-592b; of natural state XIV-77c; nature IX-580d; and Naturism X-717c; in neo-SchoIasticism X-746d; om- nivorous I-73c; organs, rudi- mentary V-668c; Origen on XI-307d:310a;origin IX-SSld; palKontology XI-413d; in Pan- theism XI-449b: in Platonism IX-581b; Plotinus on X-743a; predestination XII-378d

— primeval V-66.5a; in Gnosti- cism VI-S96b

— rights of. Patristic teaching XII-214d; and reason XII- 674a: Rousseau on II-140b: VI-199b: in III- 4fi4a: I.X-.5S2b: soul of, Seleu- cians Xlll-fiSSd: Spencer on IX-.582d; niid -i.bstMiuv XIV- 323a;andSvii.b.,li,ii, 111 647c; Theosophy. t..:i.liini; of .\IV- 627c; in Thomism IX-.-)Slb: XIII-.552a; XIV C67c; in Totemism XIV-790C: Valen- tinus on XV-256b; and woman XV-687d; 688c; in Zoroaatrian- ism I1-155C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.