Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/541

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Mass-priest, Anglo-SaTOn III-

4Sr,d Mass pro pace Vri.ilc; 152d Mass-thegn I-,")(lsd MASSUET, RENE .\-37c; VI-



ni-70d: XI-399d: 400c: por-

er^it X-3Sd Masta, Protestant missionary X-

Mastai-Ferrettl, Andrea, Bishon

of Pesaro XI-739b — Giovanni Maria. Sec Pius IX Master (Christ) Vlll-SSSa —in Masonri,- IX-772C; 777a — General, Dominican XII-42Sb —of Arts. .See Arts, Master of —of Ceremonies, Pontifical Mass

XII-232d —of Hungary IX-369b; XI-539b — of Parma r -ilsb —of the Ape l\ -lib — of the Bartholomausaltar XI-

3fl0d — of the Chamber, Papal II-09b —of the Death of Mary XI-399d — of the Holy Family XI-3<l9d — of the Passion of LyversberE

Xl-SO'id —of the RoUs XIII-20SC —OF THE SACRED PALACE X-39a; XIII-144b; 153b; XV- 281a: archives XV-290b: as censor III-.343a: 521b; 522c; 524c; St. Dominic V-lOSa; Dominican I-263c: XII-362b; 368Ba; duties X-39b: and Holy Office XIII-137C: privileges X- 40b: rights X-39c — of the Sentences. See Peter

Lombard Masters, Richard, martyr XIII- 63c: and "Xun of Kent" II- 319b Master-Soul XIV-ri2(5c Master- Workmen's Union, Berlin

Il-lO.jb Mastiaux, Kaspar Anton von.

jourii.ili.t XI (; Mastic tree, in XII-1.54d Masthn, Michael, astronomer

XV-,s:ib MastrUli, Andrea, Bishop of Mes- sina .\-217c — Marsello MASTRIUS. BARTHOLOMEW X-40c; IV-31.=ld: and I'onoo XII~227d: .S,„ti,im XIII-lil2d Masuccio, architect X-t'i,S3b Mas'fld ibn Sa'd ibn Salman

writer XI-720b Masuria (Mazurenland) XII-

2o.5d Masury, Grace Il-SOId Mat.,abbr. I-24d Mata, Carlo Felice de, Bishon of

SanScvcroXIlI-453c Matabele, tribe I-182d; XII-

62lid; XIII-25C Matabeleland, conquest XV-

Matacan Indians VII-75Sa MATACO INDIANS X-40d- IX-

42')a: .\IH-4.-.7d: XIV-749d Matadi, ,„isMon IV-236a; XII-

Matelica, town, Italy V-744b: nnnt X-335a: monastery XIV-

—Diocese of. See Fabriano and

.Matelica Mateos-Gago, Francisco, wTiter


—Juan Antonio, writer Xl-686d

Mater, .Sequence XIHS.5c


^.";i„'-'01a; cathedral I-

101b: See Acercnza Mater AdmiribUis, fresco, Rome

lll-t)59d — Amabihs (Seitz) XIII-17.ic — Boni Consilii School, St. Louis

— Dolorosa (in art). Campi III- 224c: Dolci V-93d: Marchesi IX-C43c; Wachtcr XV-521d

^-Dolorosa, altar, Calvary III-

— Dolorosa, church. New Orleans XI~I3a Domini, shrine, near Masegna

—Domini, shrine, Nocera XI-87b Material sin. .s'ce .sin ninfcHnl MATERIALISM X-41c- V-407d- arul itliriMiL II Kid; -tic; and aiMiii-hi II :,.-;d: .m.l Celsus a„.l , l„.vrcul ifff 6olb: contemporary XII-2SC; and Darwin X-44a: and deter- minism IV-757a; and energy ^^*■*^• Kpicurua X-42a: and faith V-,.-,;)a: G.-r.Iil VI-471d; German X 42d: XIl-li.-,2b: and God I-217b; (In.k XIV-726d; Hackel on \lI-.-,i.4c; Hvrtl oij \ I-tilld: ami immortality \I <;s.b. and X-44b; I.'ibniz I\,a: and meta- E.lV!'"'" -^---"d; and mind .X- J-La: 322c: and miracles X- 340d: and Modernism X— 420d- and monism X-486d: and Platonism XII-162a: and psy- chologi.sts. Fnn.h XII-.546d; andrat.„n:,hM„XIl-i,.-,3b;and Hc.,urn-,t„,n XII-7^l2c: and science X-43b: .-Secularism XIII-676a; and sin XIV-6c; and soul I-527b; X-484a; AlV-156a; 156c; and Spiritual- !(';VVXH22«,'">d fheosophy X.IV-627b; and utilitarianism \ Hj41b; Vatican Council XV- 30Sa Materialization, Spiritistic XIV-

221c Materia prima, .•\ristotle I-716a-

Duns .Scotua V-19()b — quantitate signata XII-591d — signata, in Thomism XHI-

Mater Matuba, temple, Rome

MATHATHIAS, son of Absalom

X-47a; l-liob MATHATHIAS, musician of

Asaph X-47a MATHATHIAS, ancestors of thnst .\-47a: VI— 410c* 410d MATHATHIAS, musician of

David X-47a MATHATHIAS, and Esdras X-

47a MATHATHIAS, father of .Mach- abees X^7a: VIII-348c: 387d; 500a: IX-493C MATHATHIAS, son of Nebo

X-47a MATHATHLAS, son of SeUum

MATHATHIAS. son of Simon the nigh priest X~17a

Mathefelon, Johel de, Bishon ofK.ini-iXII 72l.b

Mathematics I-7ii4d: Agnesi I- r?^,V^""""'"' l-437d: Andr6 I-JoUb; in ApostoUe Schools Xlll-o8Ga: Aristotle I-717a- St. Augustine I-762a; Avicen- na Il7l57d: Bayma II-360a; Boethius Il-filla: Bolzano 11- 643d: St. Bonavcnture I-7(;3c: Boncompagni II-(i.")4d- Bos- covitch n-691b: (idle Bruno V-74l)a;Carbonneile III-331C: Cardan III-332c: C.a.'iey III- 400a; 400b: CastelH IIl"-408d; Cauchy III-4.57b: Cavalieri III-468a: certainity of XIII- 518a; in China XIII-,520b; Comemus I-764b: demonstra- tion I-457b; Descartes IV- 745a: Dupin V-20ob: in Egypt


OF .\\ I-i;sd Matador n[-.-)2b Matagalpan Indians VII-7.",r.d Mataguayo Indians X-40d XII-

B90c Matale, church VIII-.-,97a Matamoros, Mariano, priest X-

5ti.3d: otjlia Matani, Antonio, physician XII-

112c Matanie. See Rosarv MATANZAS, DIOCESE OF

.XVI .ifia Matapan, battle I.X-lS2a; XII-

■30lb; mission XIV-I4.5b Matar, Patriarch of Antioch. .Sec

Agapiiis III Matara Indians IX-429a Matarellus, Nicolaus X-414d Mate \ll 17c: .\n-69.3a MaTe-sing III-t;\Od Matejko, Jean Aloysius, painter

Mateju, Theophilus, author XII-

fiS7a Matel, Jeanne Chezard de. See

Ch'zard de .Matel, Jeanne Matelda, Saint. See Mechtilde

XIII-I7(id — Monacharum I-7c — Monasterii I-7c Maternal Charity, Association of

Matemian, Saint, Bishop of

Maternity, Divine .XIV-o85b; Aphraatcs on I-,593d; churches dedicated to XI-564d; and Hypostatic Tnion XI\-Ss.3b: Manicha-ism I.X-.593d -OF THE BLE3SED VIRGIN

MARY, FEAST OF .X-46b Maternus, Saint, in .\mbrosian

canr.ii I 4ll.'a —Saint, Bishop of Cologne IV- 1160: V-I2.3d; at Aries IV- 117d: .N'amur ,X-679d — subdeacon V-594c — Bishop of Lod^ve X-546b — Bishop of Trier I.X-362d — Firmicus. .Sec Firmicus Ma- ternus - Julius Fermicus, astrologer II-

21b: 22d: Vl-SOb Mateur (Mater) X-41c Math, of WcNh cycle IX-4Sla Matha John of. Saint. See John

of .Matha Mathan l-r>3Hd; VIII^87a- in genealogy of Christ VI-»10b Matharan, India (ill.) VII-

facing 730 Mathat, in genealogy of Christ

VI-4ll)c: 410d Mathatha, in genealogy of Christ

VI--110d Mathathias, name X^6d

V-350b: Fagnano V-752a°, .^ Germany I-764c; in Greece I-760d: 761b; II-20b: Halma VII-120c; Hermite VII-279c- Hopital VII^69d; infinity VIII-6d; St. Isidore I-762b- Jacotot VIII-2Gfia; Jacnuier VIII-266d: In flir. VIII- 742b: Laphirr \ m 70.,^ ,,„d logic I-7Citc, M ,■,,,,„,, [T. 21b: Nunc, M i., ;,i t „.,„im XI-37Sd: Plaio l-7„ib- I'ytha. goras XII-.-,s7d: K.atio ' Stu- dtonim XII-il,-,.->a; Hoger Bacon xni-ll.ia: in Home, ancient I^/ Mvirc \l\-lr,7a: Ste- vnnM\' :"' ;c. liitaKaliaXIV- 401d; ToMi,-ll, XIV-784a; Tosc.„.,.|l, M\ 7s, ;b Mather, Cotton, on Algonquin Indians 1-31 Ic; and Ann Glover II-703b; on Hunt X- 2ob: and witchcraft XII- ■i67d: XV-ii77b Mathem \IV-.i42c Mathesius, on Luther IX-438d;

biild; 4t(lc Matheswintha III-406b Matheus I, Bishop of Vizeu XV-

49l'ic —n. Bishop of Vizeu XV-496d Mathevet, Jean, missionary .X-

38()d Mathew, Arnold Harris, Earl of

I.andafl XI-2.3fia: XIII-535b —James, lawyer IX-349d —Knights of. Father. See Knights

— THEOBOLD 'x-47b- XII- 41Sd: .Moran on XIV-3n7b; in New Orleans XI-13a; por- trait X-47c: temperance move- ment XIV-4S.3b: 4S9b; in rniteHStafc, XIV 491a Mathews, Charles Thompson.

architect XI-2r,b — Elkin XVI-4Sa Mathia, Saint .\V-6Sa Mathias, in Josephus I-I2Id — of Drzewice, Bishop of Wlo-

clawek .XV-(i81c —See .Matthias Mathieu, C. L. II-.57(ib -FRANCOIS DESIRE X-48b: II-.i2.5c; at Angers I-489c; at London Congress V-594a: at Pont-a-Mousson X-681a; por- trait X-»8; at Toulouse .XIV- 79fic: 707c — M6Iani9. See Calvat. M^lanie — O. E., rector of Laval Uni- versity IX-49a -Pierre, canonist IV-394a; IX-

64a; 226c — d' Arras. See Matthias of Arraa


Mathiez, on French Revolution

Mathilda, Saint. See Matilda Mathiolus, Petrus Andreas, phy- sician X-129C Mathona, Abbess of Tawney II-

Mathurin, Saint XIII-719d Mathurins. .\'., rrinitiriins MATHUSALA -MATHUSAEL) ->.-,V'H^'7'^"'l I" -143a I4.3b; XI-S8a: .548a; chronol- ?F t¥rT?' "I-732c; and Henoch VII-218a Matienzo, auditor XV-767b Matignon, Francis Antony, mis- sionary II-7(Mb: IV-7.3Sd:and Chcy.rus II 7il,-a: III-6S0b; an,l .Montaicnibcrt X-S1.5b: in \crn..,nt Ill-slc: XV-3.5GC ~xnT" ) '^°5'on, Comte de Matilda, (jliccn of England, wife VT,^";^?-,.' I-5'*8b; IX-316C: A-IlI-blob —Queen of England, wife of

Stephen VI-19d ""S'Te" nj England, wife of "^Iharn I II-358d: IX-ieic;

—SAINT, Queen of Germany X-

49a: III-13d; XI-3.54a —German Empress I-127b; lS8d; VII-220d; XI-105C; and FoUot VI-556a: and Stephen IX-342C —Abbess of Caen XIII-208d -Duchess of Saxony XI-357c —of Anjou, Abbess of Pontev-

rault VI-130b —OF CANOSSA X~4nb- XV- KHc; 21(lc; and .MesanVler II I-2M,c: anil St A,,«,.l„, „t


Roman numeral indicates volume: arabicTpage; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.

I-.'i.jOd: an.lBonizo of

  • "t"I[r""3d; Carpi III-374C;

death .\III-780b; Ferrara VI- 46c; and St. Gregory VII III- 298a: and Guibert VII-64a; and Henry IV of Germany VI- «0b; VII-231d: and Henrv ly (ill.) V 1-793: and Henrv V of Germany VI-490c: VII- 232c; and St. Hugh VII-S25b; at London Congress V-594a; and Lothair of Germany VI- 491a; Modena X-413b: monu- ment (ill.) X-."il)a: and papacy VII 1-2320 : X I \-2(ac : and Pisa. Bawni di .\ II- line; and Pis- toia XII -1 17c; tomb II-511a; .Mil- 372b: .\V-220b; and Victor III .XV-411b —of Tuscany. See Matilda of

Canossa —of Vianden IV-258c —.See Mechtilde Matilde, Sala, Vatican XV-27Sb-

2S0a MATINS X--M: in Aberdeen Breviary II-777c: "absolu- tions \I-426c: Ambrosian I- .399a: .399d; X .-,2b: anliphon {:"5a: .-.7.,,, :,7;i, \,K,lysis

II-112b: 1; ..,;., x"52b!

vo'.T"^' '"' " "'" ^"i-

321d: I),o IV-737C: in

early ( hnrr j, \ .-,1b: Callican

\ Clona Patri V-151a;

Gospel \ l-i;.=,9d; hymns II-

112b: .\III-lS8b: introductory

pra.vcr IV-76lc: Irvingitc

Church VIII I7.-.a: Ie,,.nns in

IX-19,Sb. ; ■ IX-

294d: Mo. ,|fb-

618a; mil, . nic,.'

divine XI - i ... of

the Dead 111 /::c; I ,\ 214d-

X-51d: XI-22Ub: origin X-

5Ia; Pange Lingua XI— 441d;

Paschal Tide XI -517b: and

Prime .XII-421C: and Primer

.XII-42.5b: psalms II-7(;9d: re-

aponsory psalm \I 7I.-|b: Hex

.Sempitcrne {■.T^litum XIII-l7b;

Roman \ r,\c: .Sacra Jam

.Splendent .XIII-292C: in Sarum

Use Xlll-tSOc; Stabat .Mater

XIV-2.39C: symbolism X-52b:

Te Deum XIV-470a; in Tcne-

bra; XIV-506a: I'rba beata

Jerusalem .XV-222C; Verbum

Supernum Prodiens XV-348a

MatlactliatI X-2.52a

Matlalzahuatl, disease X-83c

Matoga, Caspar, priest XII-205a