Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/554

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VI-732C; and Jesuits lll-233d; and Mascoutens IX-76Sd: and Quapaw XII-592d

Miani. See Angelo-Emiliani

Miao-tze, and Chinese III-682b; classification XII-626C

Mibsam. See Mabsam

Micab. See Micheas

Micaiab. See Micheas

Miaskowski, Joseph Boucza, Bishop of Warsaw XV-555d

Micallef, Bishop of Gozo VI- 687d

Micara, Luigi, cardinal, Bishop of Frascati I-225a; VI-244C; as Bishop of Ostia and Velletri XI-346d; Preacher Apostolic XII-SMc; Bishop of Tibet- Hindustan I-225b

Mi-careme VIII-738a

Mice, plague, Philistines I-723a; wild, plague of II-15b

Michabo, in American cosmogony IV-412C

Michaeas, Abbot of St. James XV-721C

Michael I, Rhangabe, Byzantme Emperor Ill-lOod: XI-50d; and Bulgars VII-623b; and St. Ignatius of Constantinople VII- 647b; and PauUcians XI-o84c

■ — n Balbus, Byzantine Emperor III-106a; Xi-51c; XIV-o77a: Iconoclasm V-399b; VII-624a; and Louis the Pious V-17c: VII-625b; 66Sb; and Paschal I X-242b; and Theodore of Studium XIV-574b

— m, Byzantine Emperor III- 106a; i07d; VII-624C; X-242c; XII-44b; and Basil I III-108a; and Boris III-107b: and coun- cUs, ecclesiastical IV-427a; and St Ignatius of Constantinople VII-647b; Rastislav XI-247a; at Selymbria XIII-692d

— ^IV, Byzantine Emperor III- 107d; 108b; in Sicily XIII- 775b; and Zoe X-273b

— V, Calaphates, Byzantine Em- peror III-107d; 108c

— VI, Stratioticus, Byzantine Em- peror III-lOSc

— Vn, Parapinakes, Byzantme Emperor Ill-llOa; and At- taliates II-60c; and Gregory VII IV-54od; and Psellus XII- 54.5a

— Vm, Palaeologus, Byzantme Emperor III-lllc; n2a; and Arsenites VI-768a; and Arse- nius Autorianos I-754a: and Beccus II-3S0c; Constanti- nople.walls of IV-303a; crusade IV-552a; excommunication IV- 552a; IX-725a; and Genoese IV-551d; XV-337b; Gregory X IX^77c; Notitia, episcopa- tuum XI-123a; and Phocaa XII-41a , ,

— Profession oS Faith: dead, prayers for IV-653a; and in- fallibiUty VII-798a: and judg- ment, particular VIII-5.50d; and Resurrection XII-792C; Sacred Scripture, authorship of XIII-636d

—and Rome IV-304d; VI-765d; 799b; Vni-430c; and schis- matics II-380d; and Urban IV XV-214a; Vespers, Sicilian XV-384b

— K, Palseologus, Byzantine Emperor III-lllc

— King of Bulgaria. See Boris I, King of Bulgaria

— (Chorybut Wisniowiecki), King

of Poland XII-lS(ia; and

Church xn-191b; XIV-61d

— Feodorovich, Tsar ol Rusvsia

X-592b — Romanoff, Tsar of Russia X-

.594a; XIII-246d — loatler of Bohemian Brethren

II-616d; consecrated II-617a — Maronitc patriarch IX-G87C —Trinitarian martyr VIII-164b — Bishop of Athrib and Malig

IV-597b — Bishop of Busiris. See Chail —Bishop of Curium IV-57.3a — n, Despot of Kpirus 111-1120 — Bishop of Erythrffi V-.'J27a — Bishop of Hicrapolis (Phrygia)

VII-322C —Bishop of Hj-ptepo VII-604C


— Patriarch of Jerusalem VIII- 368c

— Syncellus of Jerusalem, in Iconoclast persecution VII- 624b; as Abbot of St. Sabas XIV-577a

— Metropolitan of Kieff IX-464c; XIII-261d

— I, Bishop of Metellopolis X- 234d

— n. Bishop of Metellopolis X- 234d

— Saint, Bishop of St. Paul- Trois-ChSteaux XV-250b

— Bishop of Philadelphia XI- 793b

— Dom, Regent of Portugal XII- 304d; XIII-385d: Azores II- 16Sd; and Mendoc^ III-699a

— Grand Zupan of Rassa. See Michael Voislavich, King of Servia

— Bishop of Ratisbon XII-657d

—Prince of Sen-ia XIII-734b

— Saint, Bishop of Synnada XIV- 387d; on Photius of Constanti- nople XII-43d

—Bishop of TiberiopoUs XIV- 717c

—Bishop of Tius XIV-747a

— Abbot of Valladolid XV-25,8b

— Bish.)p nf Wlorlawek XV-681C


—Oscar XIV-:i40c

— Anthony of St. Aloysius, Vicar ApostoUc of Mangalore IX- .589b

— I, Apafy, Prince of Transyl- vania XV-21C

— CffiRULARItrS, Patriarch of Constantinople X-273a; IV- 303c; excommunication XIII- 537d; and Humbert I-349d; XII-290C; and John of Trani I-104a; and Latin Church II- 172b; IX-162a; XIII-65a; and Leo IX IX-162a; Psellus XII- 545a; schism IV-545d; VI- 739a; 764a; 765b; Xni-534a; 535c; 537b; XV-139c; un- leavened bread controversy Il-172b; V-.58.5a; VII-494b

— Carvalho, Blessed, martyr XlV-UOa

— Confraternity. See Knights of Michael, Order of

-de la S. S. Trinidad XIIIH102a

— de los Santos, Saint. See Michael de Sanctis, Saint

— DE SANCTIS, SAINT X-274b; XV-406d

— Nacaxima, Blessed, martyr XlV-UOa

—OF CESENA X-274c; VI- 246d; XV-116d; Germany VI- 494c; and John XXII VIII- 43Ic; and Poverty, Rule of VI-468C

— of Corbeil, Bishop of Sens Xni-717d

—of Isselt, historian Vll-122b

— of St. Catherine, theologian XIV-620C

— of Sebaste, Patriarch of Etsch- miadzin V-571d

— of Synnada. See Michael, Saint, Bishop of Synnada

— of the Rosary. See Magrath. Miler

— of Tregury, Archbishop of Dublin III-132d

—of Valencia IX-249b

— Pal^ologus, Emperor of Nicffia. See Michael VIII, Palaeologus, Bvzantine Emperor

— Psellus. See Psellus

— SCOT0S X-275b; VI-468b; X1I-49C; XIlI-623a

— the Amorian, Bvzantine Em- peror, .s-.r Michael 11 Balbus —THE ARCHANGEL, SAINT X-27.5d; l-lTsc: .^Iphon-o I, victory of Il-ttitb; on amulets. Gnostic I-443d; as .\ngelic Healer X-27Cb; Angelus bells I-488C

— A-pparilion.s: Michalion X- 27fic; Monte Gargano I-170d; VIlI-222a; IX-588C; X-276d; Mont-Saint-Michel X - 276d ; Xlll-lSla —in AtI I-485c; X-277a; altar- piece XIII-372C; Borras II- 687d; Calandra IX-i92b; Francucci VII-694a; Imola

VII-694a; Kessels VIII-629c: mosaic (ill.) XII-665d; Pichler XII-74C; Raphael XII-641a; 646c; Reni Xin-171b; Reni (ill.) X-276d ; Romano VI-572b ; San Sepolcro XIII-452b — bannock X-277a; Brussels, patronage VII-56c; Chairo- topa, miracle at X-276b; chap- els, mortuary III-507C — Churches: .\ustralia XI-566a; Belgium XI-564c; Canada XI- S65c;EnglandXI-563b; United States XI-564d —St. Colman's hymn III-198C; Colossi, miracle at X-276b; in Daniel, prophecy of IV-622d; feast of III-163C: X-277a; Feast of the Dedication of VII- oOc; Joan of Arc VIII-409d; in litanies, ancient I-4S6a; Mass in Bobbio Missal III-502b; in Mohammedanism X-426c; and Moses, Legend of I-<i03b; X- 275d; novena XI-143d; plague, legend VI-7S2b; Rabanus, hymn of VII-602c; Russian songs XIII-2G7C; and Satan I-479b; veneration X-276b; work of X-276a — the Brave, of Wallachia XIII-

226a — the Caulker, Byzantine Em- peror. See Michael V Cala- phates — the Drunkard, Bvzantine Em- peror. .Sff Michael III, By- zantine Emperor — the Great, Patriarch of Anti-

och. See .Michael the Syrian — the Paphlagonian, Byzantine

Emperor. See Michael IV — the Phrygian (the Stammerer). Bvzantine Emperor. See Michael II Balbus — the Syrian, Patriarch of Anti- och I -302b; X-490a; chronicle XIV-41Sb; death X-493b; on Maronites IX-686d; writings XIV-413a — Toz6, Blessed, martyr XIV-

110a — Voislavich, Iving of Servia

Xni-732b — Xumpd, Blessed, martyr XIV-

110a Michaelbeuem, monastery II-

450d Michaelhouse, college, Cam- bridge III-212a Michaeli, Venetian ambassador

XIII-3.36d Michaelion, sanctuary, Sosthen-

ion X-276C Michaelis, Gustav Adolph, physi- cian X-140d — John D., excgcte 1-56 Ic; VIII-

80d — JohnH.,exegeteIII-303a; IV- 161a; V-288a; IX-462C; XV- 372d — Sebastian II-3aib Michaelismesse, at Leipzig IX-

139b Michaelites \"I-246d Michaelius, Joannis VII-393d;

XII-710d Michaelmas Day X-277a Michaelstein, Cistercian founda- tion VII-129a Michaelsverein X\'-7.54b Michaiah. S'-e Micheas Michal. .SV.- Michol Michas. See Micheas Michaud, John Stephen, Bishop of Burlington ni-82a; XV- 357a —JOSEPH-FRANCOIS X-277a; IV-.-i44a; :in.l l.aurentie IX-

«ld; portrait X-277b

Michaux, Maximilian, R. M., professor, at l.ouvaln IX-397b MICHEAS, of Ephraim X-277c MICHEAS, son of Jemla X-277d ; XII— 17Sa; predicts Achab's defeat I-lOlc MICHEAS, prophet X-27Sa; XII-17Sd; in canon of O. T. Ill-270d; till.) Vll-facing 112; me.^sianic prophecies X-278b; on Blessed \'irgin Mary XV- 4l)4Cd; 4('i4Da Michel, Andre, on Christian art V-249a; on St. Denis XI-487b; on Madonna of Verrocchio XV-365b

—Charles XV-62Sd

■ — Domenico, Patriarch of Grado

XV-340d — Franfois, Bishop of Salimbria

IX-2o2b —Jean, physician (d. 1495) X-

278d —Jean, physician (d. 1501) X-

27Sd —JEAN, poet X-278d; X-348d — Jean, Bishop of Angers X-278d — Johannes, Franciscan XI-

759a ■ — Mark II, Bishop of Venice XV-

340d — Martin vn-3S.5a — Xavier, priest in Richmond

XIII-."iOd; Virginia XV-lo7c Michelade, massacre XI-S3b Michelangelo Buonarroti. See

Buonarroti Michele, mosaicist X-5S9c Michele, Giovanni, Bishop of

\erona XV-3l)2a — Fuschi. See Michael of Cesena Michelet, Jules, writer VI-202c;

VII-701b; at College de France

IV-114a; on France VI-166d;

Jesuits XIV-82b; 10.5a; on

Knights Templars XI\'-495c MicheU, Nicolo, Bishop of Squil-

lace XIV-239b MICHELLANS X-279a Michelina, Metelli, Blessed XI-

739b Michelino, Domenico del, painter



— Friedrich, philosopher VII-87b

MicheU, Lewis, colonist VI-475C

Michelotti, Biondo, Lord of Peru- gia XI-736C; and Todi XIV- 734c

MICHELOZZO DI BABTOL- OMMEO X-279c; and Dona- tello V-lllia; Prato pulpit III- 297c; Riceardi Palace ^T-688d

Michelsberg, abbey X^53c

Michiel, Vitale, Doge of Venice XV-337a

— n, Vitale, Doge of Venice XV- 337a

Michiels, A. I-629a

MICHIGAN X-2S0a; aborigines III-690a; A. P. A. I-127c; Baraga II-2S2d; 283b; Bo- hemians II-621a; cemeteries X-282a; commerce X-280C; Croats XIV-52b; divorce X- 282a; education X-280c; fish- eries X-280b; French Ameri- cans ^T-273a; Geography X- 280a; Germans VH76b; hia- torv X-2S0d; Hollanders VII- 394b; Indians XII-321b; insti- tutions X-2S2a; legislation X- 281c; liquor laws X-281d; XIV^91a; manufactures X- 280b; marriage X-2S2a; mining X-280b; mis.sions IV-75Sb; X- 3S7d; oaths X-2S1C; Poles XII-20.5C; prisons X-282a; property, ecclesiastical VII- 720d; X-2Sld; publications. Catholic XI-692C; punishment, capital XII-569C; Redemptor- ists XII-684a; reformatories X-282a; religion X-281b; seal (ill.) X-280b; seal of confession X-281C; XIII-fi62b; Slovenes XIV-56C; statistics X-280b; 282b; XV-176a; S\ro-.\rabian Orthndn^ Chiirr-li VI - 773c: Lniv, --1.N I\ 7.v,la; X-2S0C;

Will- \ JMd -Catholic, |»ii,„li,al XI-695C —Essay, i..ri..,li.ul XI-<;92c Michilena, Arturo, painter XV-


Michilimackinac, French trading post V1I-216C; X-2S0d; 379c:


Michipicoton, mi.ssion XIII-487d Michi Waban, in .-Vmerican cos- mogony I\'^I2d Michmash. .^'"^ Machinas Michmethah. .s\f Machmethath MICHOACAN, ARCHDIOCESE OF X-282C; IX-177c; Assump- tion, octave of II-6d — Kingdom of X-251b; Nufio de

GuzmSn X-253d — Province of X-269b —State of X-250C Michoacana, race X-250d

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill,) = illustrations.