Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/555

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Michol. wife of David M5d; IV-642d; VIII-64Sa

XII_7n4a; burial lV-4G5a;

X-2f«; and Ljejskl X\ -I'iUa

MICM ACS V,2*3d : 1-31 Ic . n i

Xcadia l-90d; «> Caf -"'f ," '^-l 229d: ideograms ("U X"-**^' lanBuage I-39b; and Member-

II-S02a; Capuchins IIW-'?^ Freacli I-5r>2d-. Leclercq IX- 109a; Le Lo"««^,,{^ ^*-'°- Father Vincent I--?WD —in Nova Scotia MI-HiO. at

Richibuclo XIII-3oob Mico, poet Xl-Sob —Edward, martjT V-4( 'a Micone. See Mykonos Mifpah. «!? M?^P'>^I_5371, Microbes IV -'l^*-.^^ =^'° MicrocephaU ^ -b?8°,, . Microcosus XlV-p»4o MICROLOGUS X-28Da; XV 5sb; by Baeumer I\r20-a. Bernold of Constance n-^l'». on Communion-Antiphon 1\ 170a; ConBteor IV-— -a. o° Gloria VI-5S3d; Guido of \r?™o Vll-fiOa; X-2Sob; on Offertory XI-21Sb; Respon- sonum Xn-7S8b JJ^re^r. vSte ApostoUo

of Vl-.-..-.7b Micronesian Race ^I'^^-^J Microphotography III-414<1

Microscope l-4t>0d. "^'^J: Fortunato's use of VI l^sOj invention II-574C: and medical in\euiiw ,o,.. Roeer Bacon science X-lilc, 2;"»"^' ■"„. i : Xlll-Uob; and lorriccin X1V-7S4C

Micv abbev XI-319a

Midabaria.Saint. Abbess of Bum-

M'id"asVK.n?"'/'^'>«^» I^^"^ Middeldorpf, Albert Theodor,

surBi'nn X-14-'b Middendorf , Bernard, missionary

MIDDENDORP, JAKOB X- MWddburga (Middlesbrough) X-

286a Middin. SVf Me.Uin ^_

"l^^bfxft^7^ab;^Jf%b; abbesses I-8d; abbreviation, methods of I-21c; Academies I-83C- advocatus ecclesuE 1- lOSe; Alcuin I-276C; use of I-428c; anatomy I-458c, annals, eeelesiast.c^l I-531b antiquity, view pf .V-779D, ar chitecture, .ecclesiastical V 260c; art, ecclesiastical V-2olb, Irts^ Uberal I-760b; associa- tions II-2a; 3b; astrology n- 20d; 21c; 22»>; XIl-o4b Au- gustinism II-99d; Bacon, ^ger XIII-11.^; beads XlII^ 185c; bestiaries Ht:'"'^*^.;'?^. II-M6a; bishops lI-*3°-.°'?5. Dhcmv, penalties for II-sp>d. Ki^Building Brotherhood II-7Sld; Bulls lll-5'2d; h.mal Ill-77d- burial ronfraternities III-7sb; Byzantine l.terature II -1 23a : Calatrava. Order of Ill-U9d; calendar HI-lMd.

Canon m-2(>od; ™;d;"»'iVfl

title Ill-333b; casuistry 111 41Rb; catechetical "V<'™ction V 7Sc; cemeteries I"-^*?: censorship of books I'I-5f'f • censure. ecclesiastical HI- M2b; chalices ni-.'i62b; char-

g'hriMiS- XTI-^Olb; civili- lation VI-Ci07a; coinage XI- l.Wb: commerce llI-9Ha: com- munism IV- 180b; confession Xl-62fia: corporate bfc V U 7I9b; corporate owners hip A-

579a; cosmological theories IV- 415d; cosmopolitanism lii- 701b; 702a; courts, ecclesiasti- cal Vnl-547a; Damsh Utera- ture lV-730c; day, method ot reckoTiine lV-fi3Sa; demonol- ogy U • "T "' lnl"-'> ^j^._


draii' I j,| ^ \ 1 II-

l57c'\=mpluy.r and employee Vll-'eSd; exegetes V'lII-SOa; feudaUsm VI-58d; fine arts vn-fi9a' Flagel ants Vl-»9<1, Friars Minor VI-292C; Gesta Romanorum VI-539d; Gaul rimrch in VII-20a; and Giraud S'BomeUVI-570b; and God- frey of Bouillon VI-624C Gothic ""hitecture VI-66Db Gothic Art \I-672a. Greek writin,' Xl-!i'lb; t.ncori.m C\r.r.< M ■"• ■' ' ',"!

Glnl' ■ . .|'_

lUtid. 1. :; . ' ... J,

Communion \! , -■'J; ,', i Sepulchre. Ivmghts ot Nil 427d- holy water fonts Vil- t34?;hospitalsVII-4Slb;4S5c; hymiody Vll-OOtte; impos o«  VII-699C; In Commendam VII-719a; individualism V U- 7filc: inlid-1- ■^'l^J.- -^^jUstT-

T:' ^ •-■< i.'.ivvni-

%,,.-, ■'■. ^1/. ^:.ri;l VIII- 9-Jh- i\ ' ' : . " ill use

Vili:2:,sh I ■ ^'N •'•"■d.;

XIV-7i.:Ja . ■ '„.'°

astind vm '-c ';, V h-

lise Xll-71-:d; jus spohi \ Ul S71b; kiss Vlll-ima; labour VIII-721d; land tenure VUl- 777b; lamps and candles VIII-71i9b; Lateran Council Vni-lOc; Latin literature IX- 26d- 27a; 29a; 33c; Law. inter- national IX-74a; laws, ecclcsl- ^tcal influence IX-67d; lay confession XI-623c; Lent IX-152d; leprosy IX-96d; isjh- I p\ TX-2nSa; Litanies



i\ :il2b

States °.f.ih\-TS?"-<27d-^^X' 261b; su cide XIV-327a. laD ernacle XIV-424a; Tancred XIV^42c; temporal POwer VI- 664d; toleration 761c; 7feDj 771b; trials, ecclesiastical VIII 547a; Truce of God XV-69a, iunic XV-88b; Lltramontan- ism XV-125a; Union ot churches VI-766a; .Umversals XI-91d" universities Vlll- 446d; 'Xll-361d; university degrees I-759d; "^"7,^01- 236a; Vatican researches Vm 64d- vestibule XV-3S»a. anu ihe -wake" III-77b; warfare I-271d; III-105b; water, litur- ^cal use of XV-564C; womeii XV-691b; wood-carvmg Av

Middleburg, town, Zealand XI- Middfebury CoUege. Vermont Middlem«e, Humphrey, Bles- sed. Sec Humphrey Middle-

— Thomas VII-544C -_„<-„


OF X-286a; XVI-3Sa Middlesex, hospital, London IX

Middle State, doctrine XII-

Mfd'eiteton, Alice Xiy-r.91a -Ambrose VIIl-SOOc —Anthony, martyr V^7bb,

_Cony"e'^II-564d; X-345d —Peter, anatomist I-4Wa —(Middletown), Richard of. ice

Richard of Middletown —Robert, martyr \-4<0c. VU

—Thomas, dramatist I-448b;

—Thoinasl sheriff IV-59b

— WiUiam, martyr V-478b .

—William de. Bishop of Norwich

-V. aott^ trial Xni-6.51d Middoth XIV-436a; 437c Mide, society III-690C Midewiwin X-193d Midgard, in Norse cosmogony

Mideard-Serpent XV-.Wa . Midhat Pasha. Grand


Mierlo, Godfried van. Bishop of

Haarlem VII-95b Miers, Mary Madeleine VI-

Uiet battle VII-589a Miestchanskygorod X-o9ia Mieszko. .s.. Mieczyslaw Mieu, Sister VII-7(Sd Mip7co See Mieczyslaw JJioAZZI, CHRISTOPH AN- TON X-288a; XV-419d; and Freemasons II-127d: and Jes- uits II-127a: memorial II- r'Sb- and Vienna University XV-423a; Waitzen episcopate XV-525b Migdalel. See Magdalel Migdol. .See Mageddo Migeon, Mana Louisa Xll-2o/c Migetius. heretic I-150b MigganeUi, papal nuncio XI-

Mighrlan, Mardiros. Armenian missionary Xlll-Sld

Migliorati, Cosimo de'. See Inno- cent VII

—Giovanni, Bishop of Ravenna

— Ludovico VIII-19C; Sinigagha XIV-13C

nni-'ie xV-l^ld, M .-.

lX-53ib;manus(-nptslX-til4c; 622b; mass X-23a; medals X-112C; mendicant mars X-183b; xn-731d; meta- physics X-231b; monasticisra §;-il71a; XII-501b: morahty plays X-557C; Mortmain X- 579a: mortuary rolls IH-l"?' Neums X-763d; Nimbus XI- 80d; Northmen XI-1.17b no- veni XI-142b; Nuptial Ma-ss IX-70.ib; OfTcrtory XI-21Sb. organ X! 1^' ,

church' - ' 323b; 1'

IX-7.5a:!-■■'■ ,

500a; and I'assimi inu^-i. -v S2.5d; Passion Plays Xl-^uic. patron saint XI;447d; philos- ophy IX-239b; X-231b; XII- 27b; 32a;;Physiologus XII 69b; plain chant XII-144a, Platonism XII.-.162a; Poland XII-lS3a; pohtical economy Xn-214d; poor-rchef in \u

Preachers, Order .,f X ' •-^°: 3«8Cb; preaching '"> 1^410. orcdcslination XIl-3'8a. Sriesthood XII-40?b; prima- cies xn-»24a; prisons XII- 4lic- 431d; privdeges. ecclesi- a'stickl XII-139b; processional hvmns XII-449a; property, cc'cTesiastical XUr»6?a: .P^- thonotary Apostohc XII-o03a . psychology X \-lood pun ishment. capital Xll WO. purgatorial societies Xll-o.rfa rationale, use of XU-fiolc. rc^ ics. veneration of Uquaries Xll-763a; Ren.ais- aance XII-769b: science XII- f8c%erldomXIV-38a; slavery XlV-3Sd; stained glass XIV 242c; State and Church IX 58b; XI-45.3b; Xll-iOlb

Midia, PetroniUa de, witch XV-

MidiM (Arabia) I-664c . Midias, tj-rant of Larissa XI

Midi^h (Medea) X-n6b Midinettes XI-493d Midland Review XI-i)94a Midlands I-i;;d^ \ I-o.:)lb Mid-Lent VI I--i^a ,

Midon, Vicar Apo^^fhc of Central

MIDRASHIMX J-^'-'d ly. '"•']'=: V-701d; XI \ ' ; ^ ,'^.'

monology 1 '^^;

definition X :, :

X-287a; (,' ^ 'J':

Shemoth X-2S, ti; >h'Mnu.-, -v 287c; on Torah XlV-<»oa

Miduu son of St. Darerca IV-



Miechowit.1. iviRi"'"^' ■ ■ ,„u,.,l Mieczyslaw 1, KmK "' ' "'»'"'

SrL'w '-Iv464c; marna|e VII-548C: Posen Vl-oaun, Wla<lislaw XV-680C


at St. Louis .1 ■'"-"'V.;,^'" 364a; Wyomine X\-'--'c

Mieges, Notre Da™* ^e. Sec Notre Dame de •^l;'^<-„ .

Mielot. Jean, canon of St. 1 eter s I ille lX-2.Tld

bishop of Bremen VI1-128C

.\l\-l.iC Mignan, Robert, captain 1 1-tfa MignaneUi Palace XII-460C Mignard, Paul, priest IX-/2<a -KERRE X-289b; birthplace XV-tiSc- and ComelUe the Elder IV-374a; Mo|i6re, por- trait X-434c: portrait X-289C, Val-de-Grace XI-4Sbb Mignardes X-289d Mignard of Avignon X-289d — ae Roman. See Mignard.

MIGNE, JACQUES PAUL X-- 290c; encyclopedia V-4ua. •■ L'Univers Religieux Vl- 188a; X-514C; patrologies VI- 16c; and Pitra XII-119d, "Praeloquia" II-655d; on precentor XII-372b; Summa The- ologiea X1V-668C . . M°gneault, P. M.. missionary

III-Slc: XI-222d .

Mignet, Francois. hist^orianVl- 202c; and Jesuits XlV-lUoa, "National" XlV-63oc Mignucci, Pompeo, Bishop oi

Aequapendente I-109a MIGRATION X-291b; Canadian XII-599a; eause.s X-2M/D. characteristics X-2aza. com mbsioners VIII-137b; cona- tions X-291C; Croatian IV- 513b; in early history X-291b. and education X-294d; exclu- tion acts X-296d; French legis- lation X-295c; geographical X-298b; German lepsl.ation V-295d; Hungarian \U-o40D Irish VIII-132b; 136d; 14od, I alian legislation X-295c; le- ilr e°ontr^ol X-29.5a; males, preponderance of X-^J4C on ein X-297C; Polish XIl-19t>c, fortuguese XII-303a; of re li- ^ous XII-756d; Russian XIII- 234b- to South Ainenca X-

X 'isa: Italian VUl-.iO.ia, i .n; 297b; sta- - ■'92d; 293d I, in XV-692b

, \ -6.59d

M.eron. See Magron

Mil^el (Christian name). See

Mirhael — Constants XV-43,d Miguelete, Valencia (ill) 1' Mi^jlez!" Miguel. historian

Mihael, Sachlumian ruler Aiv

Mtha^lov. Alexander. Nihilist

MmilyVdeApsia Victor. Bishop

of Lugos l->-"",„n-7l2b Mihiere. ■J"^""'?.? vni-626c M'hniarse ",«■,; 3Y' ^^ „

5Ji?r^i;XlSn^: Seem..

Indiana Mikado XII-410C