Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/568

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Month's Mind, Blessed Virgin Mary II-Ta; and British Church IV-657b; Dies Ira IV- 7S7c; origin III-76b

Monthyon, Antoine Jean Bap- tiste Robert Auget, Baron de. See .MontyoQ

Monti, Innocent de, cardinal. See Monte. Innocenzo del

—Philippe de, musician XV-592b

— Tommaso dai, and Cotrone IV- 423a

— Vincenzo VIII-252b; IX-634C Pavia, University of XI-594b and Pellico, Silvio XI-609b and Pichler. Giovanni XII-74C and Porta, Carlo XII-2S3a

Monti-Arajon, monastery VII- 513c

Monticelli, monastery I-213b; XII-252b

Monti di pieta. See Montes Pietatis

Montigny, town, Alsace, in Epis- copal gymnasium I-344b

— ambassador, Indo-China VII- 776a; Siam XIII-766C

— Franfois Jolliet de, missionary X-3SSC; XIV^29c; 429d: 777d: in Louisiana XI-6a; and Natchez XIII-343b

Montijo, Eugenie de. See Eugen- ie, Empress

Montjan, Madier de, and Thiers XIV-03.5d

Montjeu, Philibert de. Bishop of Coutances IV-455d

Montjoie, oriflamme XI-306a

—Order of X-305d; XV-45d

— Notre Dame, battle-cry XI- .306b

— Saint Denis, battle cry XI-306b

— Saint George, battle cry XI- 306b

Montlhery, battle (1465) III-69c; IV-liac

Mont Libre (Mont-St-Michel) X- 5.3 lb

Montligeon, France, and confra- torniiy for dead XII-575a

Montlosier, Francois Dominique de Reynaud, Comte de, " Actes des Apitres" XI-675d; burial IV-54b: X-514c; and Jesuits XIV- 100c

Mont-Louis, and La Chaise VIII- 733a

Montluc, Jean de. Bishop of Val- ence VII-531b; XV-250b; Col- loQuv of Poissv XV-366d

—Joachim de, at Mcaux X-98c

MONTMAGNY, CHARLES HU- AULT DE .\-.->43b; I-235b; XVI-.")9c. and Chastellain, Pierre III-637d; Iroquois III- 232c

Montmajeur (Mont Majour), Maurist monastery I-23Sc: X- 71c; St-Croix. Church I-660a

Montmart, Johann of, and Anima College I-514d

Montmartre, Paris. Association of Prayer and Penitence XV- 154b; Basilica of Sacred Heart XI-186C; XIII-43C; XVI-8b; bell II-423d; Confraternity of the Sacred Heart XIV-123a; St. Francis Xavier XI^89c; St. Denis, station of XI— iSlb; St. Ignatius Loyola VII-641a; (ill.) VII-6; Jesuits XIV-84c; pilgrimage XII-93d; ahrine XI-J8SC

Montmedy, fortress, Verdun XV- 352a

Montmelian, shrine, France II- 378c

Montmevrey, monastery XIII- 682c

Montmirail, town, France, battle (1814) X-698c; Lazarists X- 3.59c; St. Thomas Becket at XIV-l.Tsb

— (MONTE-MIRABILIi, JOHN DE X, .\l\ i:ud

MONTMORENCY, ANNE, FIRST DUKE OF X-.544a; XII 707b; Guise, Francois de Vn-7.')b; portrait (ill.) X- 544b; Three Bishoprics XV- 351c; Leclerc du. Tremblay IX-lOSb; at Saint Quentin VII-74d

— Francois, Duke of, and Guise,

— Henri I, Duke of, in Toulouse XIV-796b

— Mathieu de XII-295d; Con- stantinople XV-430d

—Falls, battle X-526C

Montmorency - Laval, Francois de. See Laval

Montmorency - Laval, Louis de, Bishop of Metz X-249b

Montmorin, Bishop of Langres XV-08d

Montogon, deity IV-686d

Montolieu, Maurist monastery

Montone, Braccio di XI-736c; XV-2_'2a

Montopoh, seminary XIII-132d

MONTOR, ALEXIS-FRANCOIS ARTAUD DE X-.544d; I -99b; Concordat of ISOl IV-2()5b

Montorsoh, Giovanni Angelo V- 134d; IX-.522b; X-217a: and Doria. .\ndrea VI-420d; in Genoa VI-420C; in Messina X-217b; in Naples X-683d; Neptune, Fountain of X-217b

Montoshu, sect. See Shin

Montot, De, Wessobrunn XV- .59 Id

Montoya, Antonio Ruiz de. .SVe Ruiz de Montoya

— Pedro de. Bishop of Osma XI- 339d, Council (1598) Protestant X-525a; Peace of (1622) VII-533b

—DIOCESE OF X-545a; XII- 79d; St. Anthony of Padua I- 556d; antiphonary I-578d; S80b; Carmelites III-358d; catechism XV-SoBb; cathedral (iU.) X-545a; Councils of (1162) X-546a; (1195) X- 546a; (1215) I-269b; X-546a; (1224) X-546a; (1258) X-546a; Dominicans XII-361a; found- Ung asvlum VI-159c; hospital III-.598C; papal court XIV- 326a; pilgrimage XII-93d; Poor Clares XII-253b; Sale- sians XIII-399b; and Urban V XV-215d

— Theodore de. Bishop of Li^ge IX-237C

—UNIVERSITY OF X-547a; I-380b; 458d; chemistrv III- 582a; law-school XII-71b; medical school X-127d; schol- arships X-180c

Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, Duchesse de, and Lully, Jean Baptiste IX-429d

— Antoine Marie Philippe Louis d' Orleans, Due de, and Cabal- lero ni-12,5a

— Catherine Marie de Lorraine, Duchesse de, and League IX- 99b

Mont Penchant, monasterv III- 207c

Montreal, town III-52d; 232c; XVI-.59C; .\illeboust, Charles Joseph d' I-235d; Ailleboust, Loms d' I-235b ; Bourget Mon- ument (ill.) X-549c; Cham- plain III-568a; cholera II- 593b; EngUsh (1760) XV-159C; Hurons VII-576a; Irish VIII- 1,50c; Iroquois IV-732d; VIII- 170c; Maisonneuve, statue (ill.) Ill-facing 234; Treaty of (1701) III-183b; VI-389c; XV- 662d

—ARCHDIOCESE OF X-547c; II-721C; Blessed Sacrament. Society I-1.54C; XIV -Ilia; Bullion, Ang6lique III- 52d; Canonesses III - 296c; cathedral, bell II-423d; cathe- dral (ill.) Ill-facing 2.34; Char- ity. Brothers of III-60.5a; Charity, Sisters of III-609b; College of X-.548C; XIII- S68a; colleges 111-2408; X- 550b; Council of (189,5) XIII- 697d ; Eucharistic Congress (1910) X-549b; Franciscans XIV-644C; Grey Nuns VII- 31c; Guibord, Joseph III-510b; Hospitallers VII-477C; Hotel Dieu IX-.584b; Indians III- 240d; Laval University III- 237c; IX-48c; Laval Univer- sity (ill.) IX— 18; map X-facing

546; Notre Dame, Church of (ill.) Ill-facing 234; Notre Dame Convent I-321a; Notre Dame de Lourdes (ill.) X-548a; Protectories XII-493a; Recol- lects IV-722C; Sacred Heart Convent VII-134C; XIV-112C; schools XIII-565C; seminaries II-213d; X-550b; XII-S95d; XIII-700a; 700c; statistics Ill-238a; Sulpicians III-235d; XI-241d; XlII-379d; 697d; Syrian Greek CathoUcs VI- 751d

—Company of I-235b; III-232c; X-547d; XI-127a; XIlI-379c

— Gazette, periodical XI-672b

— Star, periodical XI-672d

Montressor, Frances I-320d

Montreuil, town II-121a; treaty (12991 XII-4C

MONTREUIL, Charterhouse X- 5.->0c

— Albero de. See .\lbero de Mon- treuil

— Jean de, humanist VII-541d


Montreuil-Bellay, monastery X- 71b

Montreuil-sur-Mer, and St. Win- wallus XV-659d

Montrichard, shrine II-602d

Montrocher, Guy de, theologian I.\-9.5a

Montrol, Our Lady of. See Our Lady of Montrol

Montrose, John Graham, Earl of. See Graham

Monts, Pierre du Guast, Sieur de I-90d; IX-.545d; X-.37Sb; XI- 135d; XII-287b; and Cham- plain III-567d; and Jesuits II-541d; at Port Royal XI- 13.5d

Mont - Saint - Andre, monastery, Tournai II-579c

— S. Bernard College, Sorel III- 60.5a

— Sainte-Genevieve, Paris I- 74Sb

MONT - ST - MICHEL, abbey, Avranchcs X-.551a; 71b; 276d; St. Aubert IV-i56a; (ill.) X- facing 552; pilgrimage XII— 93d; plan (ill.) X-551d

Mont - St - Michel, monastery, Peronne XIII-5S9d

Mont-St-Michel, Missionaries of, ApostoHc Schools XIII- 5S6d

— St-Quentin, monastery VIII- 772a; X-71a

Monts de piete. See Montes Pietatis

Montserrat, monastery II-44Sd; 449b; VII-280d; XIV-180d; library II-458a; pilgrimage XII-93d; sanctuary II-290a; VI 1-64 Oa

Montserrat, island, Irish colony VI1I-132C

Montson, Jean de, Dominican XI-489C

Montsoreau, Marie - Charlotte Albertine de Sonrches de IV- 468d

Montuejols, Raymond de. Bishop of St. Flour XIIl-34Sa

Montufar, Alonso de. Archbishop of Mexico VIl-44a; X-259d; and Inquisition X-263a; 264a

Montursius, Angelus, exegete XIII-737b

— Angelus, sculptor XIII-737c

Mont-Valerian, hermits III-207d: Vll-280d

Mont-Voiron, hermits VII-2S0d

Montwimer, Cnthariata I1I-43.5C


Monutphus, Saint, Bishop of Tonercs VI-633c; VIII-757c; IX-236b

Monument, London V-450c; in- scription I.\-344d

Monumental Crosses 1V-534C

Monuments, abbreviations on I- 21c; aheccdnria I-35b; altars I-357a; :ii;0a; Assyro-Baby- lonian 11 sb; in cemeter- ies III-.')0*.ta; Cliri.stiau. See Christian Arclia-ologj-; Egyp- tian V~337c; epigraphical I- 87c; VII-370d

— sepulchral, acclamations I- 99a; Alpha and Omega I-332b; cross IV-526a Monumentum Adulitanum. See

Adulis, Inscription of — Ancyranum I-464d; 513b — arcuatum, in catacombs I-

34 6d Monymusk, monastery XIII-

332c Monypenny, Isabel II-372b MonyValarde,Romualdo, Bishop

of Tarragona XIV-460d Monza, town, and Conrad of

Hohenstaufen VII-456d —cathedral VII-423a; IX-338d; X-300C; 647b; ampulla; I- 440b; ampulte (ill.) 1^39; diptych V-23b; Evangeliary V-641C; Iron Crown of Lom- bardy X-672d; metal-work X- 220d; oil flasks XV-462a; re- Uquary I-220c; V-412C; Sacra- mentary I-397b; vases IV- 528a — Ramirez at III— 412b; Templars X-534a; Treaty of (1626) XV- 220b Monzon, John of. See John of

Montesono Moobobi, tribe I-44b Moodgul, town VII-592C Moody, Josue, Bishop of Erie,

conversion II-706b Moon VIl-207d; Alexandre on I-299c; in Apocab-pse I-596d; Apollonius of Perga II-25d; Arabian philosophy I-675d; in astrology II-19a; 23a; XIV- 335c ; astronomy, Babylonian II-25c; Bardesanes on II-294b; and calendar III-158d; V- 480c; and calendar, Jewish II- 30a; Copernicus XII-54a; and earth XV- 186c; and earth, magmatic XV-704d; eccentrics and epicycles II-25d; Galileo on VI-34'3c; in Gnosticism VI- 593d; 596a; houses of II-19d; Le Verrier on IX-206a; little, Jewish I-444b ; in Manichseism IX-592d; mansions of II-25C; 31b; in masonry IX - 779c; Nicholas of Cusa XII-52C; nu- tation XV-185a; in Old Testa- ment II-30a; photographed II-28a; Ptolemy on XII-47c; Riccioli on Xll-lOb; Secchi XIII-669d; Simonian doctrine XIII-797a; tides XII-55b; Vinci, Leonardo da XII-53a — worship: ancient Irish \TII- 99b; Assyrian II-17b; Baby- lonian I-JSOd; II-177d; lS7b; VIII-193d; Blood of Indians II-603C; Chinese XIII-311a; of Hottentots I-lS4c; Huron VII- 572b; Indian 1-4 lOd; Peruvian XV-70C; Phcenician XII-»2d; Sabean XIII-286a; Semitic II- 175b; zodiac II-25C; Zoroaa- trian II-153b; 155b — WiUiam, and blind V-310b;

type (ill.) V-310 Mooney, John A. XIV-335b — Thomas J., .Australian pioneer Vlll-147c; Ci%'il War VIII- 140c Moor, Antonis Van Dashorst.

See Mor — Hugh, ma^t^■^ V-476a; X-

5S2c — Michael. Se e Mo ore, Michael MOORE, ARTHUR, Count X-

— Charles H., on Gothic Archi- tecture VI-665d; 666a; on fly- ing buttresses VI-669c; on Gothic .Architecture VI-673b; on Gothic .Architecture in Ger- man\' \T-676d; on Perpendicu- lar Architecture VI-675d; on St-Etiennc, church of VI-670C

— Edward, on Dante IV-631d

— Edward, of Drogheda, and .Mellifort X-168d

— Ellen X-555a

— G. E., ethics IV-272b

— George Foot, exegete IV-161b; 502d

— James, Bishop of Ballarat II- 223b; XIII-106a; and apal- achre VI-llSc; 119d; in Florida VI-116d; and Franciscans VI- 300a; and missions X-385b: South Carolina XIV-735b

Largs type indicates titlea of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.