Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/570

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Morgan, John Hunt, Civil War

I-241b — John Pierpont, and Catholic University III-456a; Coptic Versions of the Bible XVI- 79b; Coptic works XVI-28a; manuscripts IX-620a: manu- scripts, Biblical XV-519C —Lady Vni-127a ■ — Lewis Henry, on Totemism

XIV-7S9b; 791a; 793b — NeUie IX-361a — Philip, martyr. See Powel,

Philip — PhUip, Bishop of Ely V-397a — Philip, Bishop of Worcester


— Thomas, deist IV-682c; and

Mary Queen of Scots IX-765C

— Thomas Hunt, anthropologist

IX-69-la; on evolution V-o5Sd;

669b; on exogamy XIV-794a

— WUIiam X-568c; Bible XV-

373d Morganatic Marriage. See Mar- riage, Morganatic Morgantown, university at XV~

fi06b Morgarten, battle IX-407a; XIV-

359c Morgenstor, periodical XI-6S0d Morghen, Filippo X-568d — RAFFAELLO X-568d; por- trait X-56Sd Morgo. See Araorgos Morgobos, in Burgos III-67a Morgott, Franz V-366b Morguier, La, monastery X-

71c Morhange, Christian Brothers in

Vlll-.iSa Morhof, Daniel, encyclopedia V-

41.ia Morholt, legend IX-124b Mori, Attilo XV-3S6d — Francesco Antonio, jurist XIII-

7S2c — Motonori, daimio of Choshu

VIII-312d — Zaccaria, Bishop of Terracina,

Sezze and Piperno XIV-51Sd Moria, Mount VIII-345d; Abra- ham VIII-175b; Adonias on I- 14i;d; and Temple XIV-499C Moriale, Fra, and Rienzi XIII-

53d Moriarty, Bernard, martyr VIII-

16i;d —Daniel, All Hallows I-315a —DAVID, Bishop of Kerry X- 569b; VIII-62Sa; and Newman X-798a — Michael, Michigan X-282C — Thaddaeus, martjT VIII-167d Morice, Adrian Gabriel, mission- ary X-3S3d; XIII-764d; XIV- 431d; on Totemism XIV-790d; 792d — Jean Marie Alexandre, Bishop

of Cayos IIH69d Moricho, Thuringian count XIII-

595a Moriconda, Alfonso, Bishop of

Trivento XV-B3a — Giulio Cesare, Bishop of Tri- vento XV-63a Moriconi, Pietro, Bishop of Pisa

XIl-lllc Moricus, of the Concigeri, and St.

Francis VI-223a Morienna, Saint, at Faughart 11-

785b Morienval, ambulatory of VI-

070c; architecture VI-C73d MORIGI, MICHELANGELO X- 569c: XI-401b; St. Philip, church of, Naples X-iis;ic; por- trait X-509d; and Riliera XIII-31b; 32b; at Syracuse XIV-395C; at Trapani XV- 23b; Vatican XV-283b Morigia, architect XII-665b — ^Jacopo, Venerable II-302a — ^Tacopo Antonio, Bishop of Pavia XI-593d; and St. An- tonio I-5S8a Morigny, Aljbev of XV-366C Morike, Edward VI-527a Morillo, Miguel de. Inquisitor

VIlI-:itid —Pablo, m \'.-nczncIa IV-122d MORIMOND, ABBEY OF X- .570a: III ir.nb; I\' 79.5b; VII- 198c ; VIlI-79()c; and Cala- trava III-152a: and Escale Dieu Abbey XIV-453C


Morin, Augustin Norbert, jurist

III-373C; XI-672C — Gerard XV-5Sla — Germain, on Alcuin I-279a; on Amalarius of Metz I -376b; 376d; on Ambrosiaster I-406c; on antiphonary, Gregorian I- 580d; on Aquileian Rite XVI- 3d; and bishops, researches XV-518d; on Lenten Mass I- 314c; on Te Deum XIV-469a —JEAN X-570b; IV-160d; on creed IV-171C: on Gregory B8eticu3VII-9d; onmusic, eccle- siastical I-580b; on Old Testa- ment XIV-526d; on Orders, Holy I-494a; XII-416c; on Penance, Sacrament of I-65b; Polyglot Bible Xn-222d; on theology, positive XIV-593d; on reordinations XII-774b; on rites XIII-72b; on Roman PontiBcal I-191c — Louis, in Nebraska X-731c — Samuel, foundation X-103b Morini, tribe VI-94C; and St.

Bertin II-522b —Austin M. XIII-737a; 737c — Mario, and University of Mo-

dena X-41oa Morino, John, theologian X-363d Morinville, Canada XIII^82d Moris, Mexico, mission XIV~13a Moriscos VIII-36d; XII-3a; XIV-7S3a; and Inquisition I- 625a; under Philip II XIV- 184a Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse-

Cassel V-524b —Ruler of Biiren XV-004a — of Sandizell, Bishop of Freising

X-632a — of Saxony, Prince XII-705a: and Henry II of France X-247c — the Learned, Landgrave of

Hesse-Cassel VII-300a Moritzburg, Augustus the Strong

V-15Sa Moritzstadt, episcopal residence

XI-242C Moriz, Ferber, Prince-Bishop of

Ermland V-522C — Rodrigo Aganduru, missionary

Xn-15c Morlaix, pilgrimage XI-477d Morley of Blackburn, Lord, on

Newman V-450b Morlot, Francois, Cardinal-Arch- bishop of Paris IV-034C; XI- 484d; XIII-731C; and Patrick Manogue XIII-294C; at Tours XV-2C Mormant, battle X-69Sc; semi-

narv X-361C MORMONS X-5-Oc; XII-709d; in Alberta XIII-484C; Apostle X-573d; in Arizona, statistics XVI-5C; baptism X-571a; Book of VII-703a; in Dakota XIV-102b; and Gentiles VI- 422c; and Harney IV-752d; in Idaho VII-629C; in Illinois VII-656d; in Michigan X- 281b; polygamy X-573a; prophet X-570d; Smith, Joseph VII-703a; statistics XIV-2SOa; and Subbotniki XII-650b; and toleration, religious XIV-770d; Utah XllHWd; XV-174b; 239a; 239d; in Wales XV-537a; in Wyoming XV-726b Mormyrus XI-377d Mornay-Duplessis, Philip de I- 621c; X-9Sd; birthplace XV- 366d: and Du Due V-lSla; and Duperron V-203d; Xl\- 593c — Louis-Francois-Duplessis-de, Bishop of Quebec III-234a; V- 137c; XI-6C; XII-,594d — Pierre de. Bishop of Auxerre

XIII-718C Morne des Capucins, Cap Haitien

Ill-:)()sd Morning Advertiser IX-345C —Freeman I-5l)4d — Gift XV-69."ia — Hymn, Conslitutiones Apos-

tolica- VII-.597b —Office, earlv Church IX-3Sd — Post I.\-34.5c — Star, periodical, London XVI-

,57d ^Star, periodical. New Orleans II-120b; XI-14a; 695a; XV- 41b

Moro, Bishop of Amida X-493b — n. See Torbido, Francesco — Antonio. See Mor, Antonio

Van Dashorst — Ludovico, II X-3IIOa Moro, Province of .\II-14c MOROCCO, PREFECTURE APOSTOLIC OF X-574b; Do- minicans in XII-368Dc; Jews in I-185d; VIII-399C; map I- facing 180 — Missions X-575a; of St. Berard II-485C; Franciscan VI-293b; Protestant I-lS8a — Mohammedans in I-186b; X- 425d; 574d; statistics XIV- 280b MORONE, GIOVANNI X-57.5a; 414b; XI-103a; 421d; XII- 290d; Xni-291c; .iugsburg. Peace of VIII-564d; and Can- isius XI-760C; and Collegio Germanico - L'ngarico XIII- 132d; and Colonna, Vittoria IV-128c; and the EngUsh Col- lege V-472d; and Germany XV-31c; and Gropper VII- 36d; at Hasenau V-35d; and InquisiiiDn XI-.'iSlc; and Paul IV Xll L'iKib: ..ihI Pius IV XII-l.'!lc; |,ir,Ii,.ri,,n IV-^38a; at Rati^li.iii V-3i;b; and Sado- leto X-575b; and .Sander, Nich- olas Xni-436a; Trent, Council of XV-34d; and Westcott XV- 592b — Pietro de. See Celestine V,

Saint Moroni, Nephite X-570d —Anna XIV-311b — GAETANO .\-57t;a: V-417a —GIOVANNI BATTISTA X-

576c: II-i;7Sc Moros lll-471b: Xll-lOd Morosini, Dorothea I-4Q4d — Fortunate, Bishop of Treviso

XV-39a — Paolo IX-725C — Thomas, Patriarch of Constan- tinople IV-5.50a; XI-551a Morotius, Carlo Giuseppe. See

Morozzi Morotoco Indians XIII-424a Morotrophium Vni-39c Morozzi, Carlo Giuseppe, Bishop of Saluzzo VI-65C; XIII-406b Morphine XI-542C Morphogeny II-572C: 574b Morphology II-572b; and anat- omy H57d; Bichat on II- 574a; and evolution V-666c; Fortunato of Brescia on VI- 148c; and quaUty XII-589d Morr. .See Myrrh Morra, .\lberto di. See Gregory

VIII — Giacomo Pugliese da VIII-

246d —Pietro II-47Sa Morrealese, Pietro Novelli XI-

419c; XV-23b Morrell, Edward V-159d; .XV-

454a — Louise, benefactions V-159d;

XV-454a Morrice, Dr. See Clenock Morris, Vicar ApostoUc of the

Mauritius XV-121d —JOHN X-576d; V^74d; and Dublin Review XI-673d; XIV- 225a: XV-597a —John B., Bishop of Little Rock

I-424b; 1X-295C —JOHN BRANDE X-577b; II-

414a: Xl-336a: 374c —Lewis X-791d —MARTIN FERDINAND X-

577c —Martin P. lV-250d -Robert .\V-164a —Samuel Ill-380d — W. B. 1-1. 5Sb

—William I-17.5d; influence V- 2.56b; social beliefs l-453a; and socialist league XlV-6.5a; I'to- pia XlV-(.92c; XV-244a —William Placid lI-46:Sa Morrison, Richard XI1-313C —Robert 111 -679a Morrisset, Joseph Xlll-355b Morrissey, Andrew XI- 132c —Thomas VI 11 lii7c Morristown X-7S(la: XII-122d Morrone Mountain XV-264d Mors, B, M. V. See .•\ssumption. Feast of

Mors, countship XV-603a

— Dietrich von. Archbishop of

Cologne VI-607d; XI-384C MORSE X-577d; Ill-490b: IV-

3.52a: (ill.) X-facing 220 —HENRY, VENERABLE X-

578a; IV-35.5b —Samuel F. B., inventor VIII-

142a Morsel, ordeal XI-277d Morselli, Enrico Augustine XII-

3.3d: XIV-223a Morsztyn, Anarew XII-197C Mortagne, Walter of. Sec Walter

of Mortagne Mortagne-sur-Sevre X-71c Mortain, Robert of XV-4S0b —Vital de .Xlll-4S9b Mortality .XIV-572c Mortal Sin. Ste Sin. Mortal Mortar. See Machtesh Mortara, town, battle XIV-266b;

monastery I-261a —Edgar II-271C Mortar-board II-577d Morte, Manuel, and Eguiara v

Eguren XVl-37b Morte d'Arthur in-469c: Malory V-462a; VI-719d; IX-124a; 573d; in Scottish literature XIII-623c: Tennvson II-364a Morteira, Saul Levi XIV-217b Mortemart, Pierre Grouin de. Bishop of Viviers IV-23d; XV- 493d Morte meyn. See Mortmain Mortgage IX~.S4a Mortier, Bishoj) of Gap IX-252d — Adolph Casinius Joseph X-

09(lb: 69.Sc MORTIFICATION X-57Sb; I- 709a: benefits of X-578d; ex- ternal X-.578d: XIV-615d; in- ternal X-.578d: XIV-615d; of saints I-770d; St. Francis de Sales on VI-221C; and perfec- tion III-5S6c: XIV-615d: and silence XlII-790a: and sin X- 578c; spiritual direction V-24C Mortillet, Louis Laurent Gabriel

de III-732b Mortimer, Alfred XIV-673d — Christian XIIl-301a — Edmund March, 5th Earl of I- 490d; Angksea Priory I-490d —Ralph 111-292C —Roger V-321b; VI-552a Mortival, Roger de, Bishop of

SaUsbury Xni-401b Mortlach, See of 1-4 Id MORTMAIN .X-579a; aUena- tion in Ill-592b; and charity X-581a: in England X-579b; in France VI-180a; X-579c; and Frankalmoign X-SSOc; modern legislation X-581d; post reformation X-580d; at St. Claude XIlI-342a: statutes of Ill-.5!lld: VI-02b: X-580a; 5Sllb; Tamiei-i .XIV-446b; in Utiilrd Stilt, .s X-.-,Sld Morto da Feltre IX-367 Mortogh O' Cionga, King, Ver- sion, New Testament XV-373C Morton, A., Egj'ptologist XI-

305a — James Douglas, regent VIII-

684a; XIlI-619d — JOHN, cardinal. Archbishop of Canterbury X-582a; III- 300a: V-397a; 442b: and Thomas More XIV-689C: and More's Utopia X1V-I.92C —Levi P. I-427d; XV-175d — Nicholas .X-5S2b — OUver P. Vll-741a —ROBERT, VENERABLE X-

.582b — Robert, Bishop of Worcester

XV-7(>4a — Thomas, Bishop of Durham

Xlll-727a —William I-448C; X-142b Mortua manus. See Mortmain Mortuary Chapels III-577b; XII-

7S2a —Rolls XIII-208C Mortuologium X-734b Morvan, Notre Dame du. See

Notre Dame du Morvan Morvaux, Franco de, .\bbot of

Aulne .\Vl-5d Morville, Hugh de, Bishop of Coutunres IV-455d; V-167C; VIll-644d Morysin, Richard IV-97b

Large type indicates titles of aitioles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ iUtistrations.