Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/581

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Neamus, Patriarch of Jenisalem Vni-359b

Neander, historian VII-379b; IX-i62d; and Agenda V-643c; on Benedictines II-45(ic: ag Biblical scholar IV-495b; on Gnosticism VI - S92d; on St. James, Epistle of XIII-162b; and Mohler X-430a: on Sozo- men VII-443c: tongues, gift of XIV-777C

— Joachim, poet VI-522c

Neandertal race ^-rll;5d: XII- 622b: cranium liU.l V-IWSd

N^ant, Francisca X I -Cwb

NeapoUs, town. .\in.-.i IX-lS.'jc

—town. Ma.-f.loiiia \'I--442d

—town. .<:ii.linia XIIl-47.".a

— quarl.T. Si.Uv XlV-39lia

Neapolitan Code lUsa

— Embassy, chapel, London XV- .593c

— Propaganda I-33.5d

Neara (Demosthenes) XV-690a

Nea Sion, pt-riodical VI-772a

Neath, C'istrrcian monasterv IX- 31i;a

Neaufle, Simon de, donation XV- 316c

Neba, deity II-30b

— Jebel. See Nebo, Mount

Nebajoth. See Nabatseans

Neballat (Nebala, Beit) VI-442d

Nebbia, Cesare, artist XV-L'9lib

Nebbio, Diocese of I-23Sd; IV- .397b

Nebi-Dahi (Little Hermon) VI- 430a

Nebi-Daud, Jerusalem VIII- 3r).'id

Nebi-Hachem» mosque, Gaza Vl-lOlc

Nebi 'im lll-268d; XIV-454d

Nebi-Samwil vni-344d; IX-789c

Nebi-Yunus II-7d

Nebo, deity I-4S0c: II-I7b: 188d; Babylon, temple at II-177d: I-4.S0c: prominence II-1S7C

— town. See Nabo

—MOUNT X-729b: I r.b: 3fild: VI-443a: Moses at VIII-196b; X-,597c; 729b; name X-678b; and PhasiraXl-791a

Nebobaladhsu-ik-bi 11 -227c

Nebo of Juda X-l'i7Nb

—of Moab X-C7Sb

NEBRASKA X-729c: admission to I'nion X-732a; agricultural statistics X-730a; Bohemians II-620d; Catholic immigra- tion X-732b; Catholic publica- tions XI-692C: education and religion X-730a; freedom of worship X-730b; French Amer- icans VI-273a; geography X- 729c; German settlements VI- 476b; Greek Catholics VI- 747b: history, ci\-il X-731b history, ecclesiastical X-732d Jesuit missionaries XI-249C laws affecting religion X-730b liquor laws X-731b; XIV- 491a; marriage and divorce X- 731ai Mormons X-572d; oaths X-730b; population X-729d; resources X-729d: seal of con- fession X-730C; XIII-662a; seal of (ill.) X-729c; Sioiuc Indians XIV-18a; 24b; State Cniversity X-730a; statistics X-729d; XV-176b; Sunday observance X-7.30b: Syrian Greek Catholic3VI-751d; Syro- Arabian Orthodox VI-773C; Vic.iriate estabUshed XI-249c; and Wyoming XV-727d

Nebrid n~n;3b

Nebridius, Prefect of Constanti- nople XI-249a

—Bishop of Narlionne IX-473a

Nebrija, Antonio de I-271C

Nebsan VI— 44:ia

Nebuchadnezzar (Nebuchodono- sor). See Nahuchodonosor

Nebulae, chssification XV-l,87a; in cosmolng\' XV-1.S7C; dis- coveries II-28b; Hcrschel's theorj' II-2.8C: Rossc's draw- ings XIV— ISlb: spectra of II-2Sd; spiral II-2.Sc; and stars II-29b

Nebular hypothesis XV-187b

Nebunaga. .SVc Xobunaga

Nccaev, Sergius, Nihilist XI- 7.-.a

Necatio infantum VII-419C

Neceb. See Adami

Necessarianism V-792d; X-733d: and determinism IV-7.36d

Necessary Doctrine V-443b

Necessitation X-733d; free will I-llOc

NECESSITY X-73.3a; degrees of XV-572a; and Divine Provi- dence XII-514a; and essence V-544b; and free will VI-261d; Kant's teaching I-216c; III- 432b: of means V-.5SSa; mcta- plt\-i:il. atiil predostinarian- i-i, Ml :;7'.c: moral X-733C; aiM : ..- .1 .MiL-ation XI-lS9d; ji(i\ ^11' il \ 7 :.ic: of precept V- .'iNsa: St, inozisuc teaching XIV- in theology X-733d; XV 24.5b

Neceta, and Te Deum XIV-469a

Necham, Alexander of. See Neikani, .M.xander of

Nechan, Saint I-077c

Nechao I, Pharao V-567c; VIII- 6o5c; XI-7SSd: XI-789b; and Assiu-banipal V-342b: and Jo- sias III-316b

— n, Pharao V-342c; VIII-347d; defeated II-lS.3d; Gaza VI- 400b; Josiaa VIII-323d; Pales- tine, invasion of VIII-200b; 334c

Nechepso-Petosiris II-2(M

Neches, mis.sion III-129d

Necho. S,-e Nochao

Nee insolitum, Bull of Alexander IV X ls4b

NECKAM, ALEXANDER OF X-7:!ta: XV l.i;i}d: t-.-oKraphi- cal rfsoarch Vl-4.5(la: as hvm- nodist VII-603C: in Rolls Series XIII-120C

Neckau, Melchior, and Anima College I-514d

Necker, Jacques, dismissal XIII- 9c: and clerical financial system I-790d

Neckere, Leo Raymond, de. Bishop of New Orleans II- 592c; Xl-lld; XIII-358d: University of St. Louis XIII- 364a

Neckham, Alexander of. See Xcckam

Necklace, of Marie Antoinette IX-(;r,r,b

Neclan, artist IX-2S4d

Necmenia 1 1 1- 158c

Necrolemures, in Hackel's theory XI-41.3d

NECROLOGIES X-734a; V- 23d

NECROMANCY X-73.5a; XIV- 339d: in Bible V-51c; X-733d; in Christian era X-736c; defined V-48d; and Mosaic law X-736b; in pagan coun- tries X-735b

Nectabus, Bishop of Ptolemais (Saint-Jean d'Acre) XII-55.3b

Nectan, Saint IV-63.5c

— Bishop of Aberdeen I-41d

— King of the Picts. and Colum- ban Monks XIII-631d; Easter celebration VIII-91b

Nectanabo I, Pharao V-343c; statue X-750b

— n, Pharao V-343c; magic XI- 198d; Pelusium, battle of XI- 610d; retreats V-507d

Nectar, and Eucharist V-573b

Nectardus X-113d

Nectarius, Saint, missionary IV- .53d

— Bishop of Avignon II-159c

—Abbot of the Cabules IX-17c

NECTARIUS, Patriarch of Con- stantinople X-737a; Constan- tinople, Council of IV-308a; and penitentiary, office of I- fi4b: V-640b; VI I- 13a

— Patriarch of Jeru.salem VIII- 366d

—Bishop of Mela X-422a

— Saint, Bishop of Nevers X- 77sb

— Bishop of Poitiers XII-178d

—Bishop of Rhizus xni-19d

— Saint, Bishop of Vienne VII-

Ned. II. po devitniku XII-614b — m. predpepelnicna XII-614b Nedarira XlV-437a Nedbread, ordeal XI-277d Nedeham, John, and Scott, Mont- ford Xlll-(i32d

Nedela Strastna XI-53.5b Nedellec, Hervaeus de, theologian

\l\-.-i'.lJb Nederlandsche Bond VII-.394d — KathoHeke stemmen, periodi- cal Xl-r,.slb — Vereeniging tot abschaffing

van sterken drank, temperance

union XIV-4S3d Nedjed XV-97d Ned. Kychavna XII-5S9a — Zapustna XII-614a Needham, Eustace VIII-789b — Lettice VIll-7s9b —John TurberviUe ■XIII-572d;

life, tli.orv of lX-240d; and

Spallanzani X1V-209C Needle, magnetic, Hartmann's

discovery Vll-146d Needlepoint lace, classification

VI1I-729C: (ill.) VIII-730b Neef, Joseph, and Pestalozzi XI-

743b — Christian Gottlob, musician

XV-2(1.5c Neefs, Abbot of Heeswijk VII-

191a Neel, John Peter, Blessed. See

Jolin Peter Neel Neele, John. See Roche, John Neenguiru, Indian XII-697c Neercassel, Johannes van, in

Netherlands, Vicar Apostolic

VII-38SC; VIII-293b; XV-

24Hd Neerda. See Nehardea Neerius, August, Crosier IV-

.'.17a Neerkassel, Johannes van. See


Neerpelt Priory XII-39Id Neeve, Roger, martyr V-477d Nef'a iMephaath) VI^42c Nefarii IX-132b Nefertem, deity V-344C Nefousa, tribe XIII-292b Nefud, desert, exploration I-664a Nega'im XIV-437C Negapatam, Jesuit college IX-

.5ti2b Negation, way of f-450a Negativism X-4SBd Negeb of Caleb. See Caleb — of Prameel. See Prameel Neglected Children's Act VII-

12:3c NEGLIGENCE X-737b; gross X-737c; ordinary X-737c; slight X-737c; St. Thomas on X-737b Negotiatores vini VII-71b Negrel, Sister Anne XI-698d Negrete, Juan X-259C — y Arquimbau, general X-332c NegriUo, race XII-624a Negritos, race, in Africa I-182b; animism I-!8-ld: characteris- tics XIl-62r,b: and Fetishism I-185b; Flow...-- -h. I', ,,iinn XII-624d: "1 ■.!':!■ ;l!,l

XII-13: .si.ii',- Ml I Ji'd: Topinard's ila~ il;r ,i i.-n Xll- 623d Negro. See Race, Negro

Negro Plot XI-35b; Catholics

accused X-792b Negropont (Chalcis) III-5.58d;

convent XII-368Ea; faU of

(1470) XI-.579b; XV-98a Negroponte, Francesco da, pain- ter XV-340b Negros, island IX-600a; XII-

lOd: Church in VIII-323d Negusanti, Gianfilippo, Bishop

of Sarsina XIIl-47,8d Negus of Abyssinia l-76a — of Ethiopia, and Prester John

XI! -402b Negust Aksum II-lG4a Nehardea, anademv I-779d; exile

of .I.'ws lll-317a Nehavend, battle XI-7I8a Nehelescol. See Escol Nehemet Alia, Syrian Patriarch

IX-24'.ld Nehemias iNehemiah), prophet

X-738a: .lenisalem. restoration

of I-:ii',lb; VIll-.34Sa —BOOK OF X-737d; Artaxerxes

III-319a: in Canon III-270d;

chronolog\- 1 1 1-3 19a: 73.5b;

contents X-737d; and Esdras

V-53.5C: in Jewish Scriptures

III-267d; literary character-


istics Vll-lSOa; in non-Catho- lic terminology I-604a: and Pentateuch XI-651c: schoha, Migne XV-276b: Targum, ab- .scnceof XlV-4,5.5b


Nehiel VI-443a

Nehivourik 111-24 Ic

Nehring, writer XII-200C

Neidhart von Reuenthal, poet VI- 5 19b

Neiel. Sec Nehiel

Neiffen, Berthold von, imperial vicar Vlll-432a

Neiges, Notre-Dame aui. See Not re-Dame aux Neiges

Neighbour, love of V-S63b; IX- 39Sd

Nei-ko, Chinese secretariat III-

Neill, Francis XIII-359b

Neilson, grammarian VIII- 122b

—statesman III-23.5C

Neisse, and Breslau II-762a: col- lege V-54c; institutions II- 76.5c

Neith, deity I-774c; V-343a; 344b

Neithart von Thiingen, Prince- Bishop of Bamberg II-244C

Neiva, See of VI-390b

Nejd, Arabia I-663b

Nejeb. Sec Negeb

Nekes, Franz, composer XI- 52(>d

Nekhabet, deity V-337a

Nekheb (el-Kab) V-337a

Nekrasoff, Nikolai Alexeievitch, poet Xlll-27.ib

Neku. .S'.. X.cli,.

NELATON, AUGUSTE X-740a; 142a: and von Nussbaum XI- 171b

Neleus of Scepsis I-718c

Nelfi, battle XIV-451a

NeUs, Comehus, Bishop of Ant- werp 1-5S9C

NeUssen, James, Prefect Apos- tolic of Batavia II-346C

Nelli, Martino, painter VII-55C

— Ottaviano, painter VII-55C: XI-399b

Nelson, Elijah. See Neville, Ed- mund

—Horatio, Aboukir III-297b; X- 689a; tomb IX-344d; XIII- 212d

— John, Blessed. See John Nel-

— Robert, non-juror XI-99b — Thomas, Jr., signer Declara- tion of Independence VIII- 138d — Thomas A. R. XIV-509d Nemanyich, family XIII-732b Nemausus. See Ntmes Nfimcova, Bozena, writer IV-


Nemedians, race VIIl-9Sd; in

literature VI11-119C Nemeira, Wady (Nemrim) VI-

443a Nemesianus, mart^T XII-736a — Saint, Bishop of'Tubunffi XV-

84c Nemesion, martyr V-llc Nemesis, in Greek tragedy V-

791d: Pichler's painting .XII-

74c: Prill, r- |ol-:li,L- XII- .11. "■ \'-660c


— Hi^i I .11' i \ lo^'c: and

Aristotle l-7i;d: neo-Pl.aton-

ism of .\-774c; soul, origin of

XV-1.5a Nemetes, tribe XIV-214d Nemetujvar, Lords of, feud XV-

.392c Nemi, Giordano of. See Nemore,

.lordantis de Neminem fugit. Encyclical of

Leo XllI XII-.59SC Neminem Latet, Decree of Pius

IX I-12SC Nemirovitch-Dantchenko, Was-

silij, author Xlll 273b NEMORE, JORDANUS DE X-

740b; statistics Xll-.50a Nemours, town. convention

(1.585) VII-78a; .5.32c; St.

John the Baptist's relic VIII-

490d — Dupont de, Pierre Samuel.

See Dupont de Ncmoura

Roman numeral indicates voltime; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.