Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/582

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Nemours, Louis Charles d'Or-

leans, due de II-400a Nemra. iSfe Bethnemra Nemrim, Moabitc city VI-143a;

X-410a NEMROD X-741a; Il-lla; 185b: IV-o75c; XI-S4a; and Assyria Il-lla; and Babylonia II-185b Nemthequeba, in Chibcha folk- lore ni-653a Nenizi (Nazianzus) X-72Sc Nenn, Saint IV-B35C Nermingen, Anselm von. Bishop

of Augsburg n-74d Nennius, writer XV-5S3a Nenu, deity IV-407b Nenut, deitv IV~i07b Neo, Saint VIII-790b — Bishop of Laranda IX-3c Neo-Adamites I-135b Neo-Adoptionism I-151a NEOC^SAREA, See of (Pontus Polemoniacus) X-741d; III- 537d; basilica I-346C — Council of (c. 315): Aretius, Bishop of Polemonium XII- 204a; on celibacy III-484C: X- 470b: deacons, number of IV- 648a: on infant baptism II- 270d; Longinus Xll-235a: on parochial clergy Xl-oOla: sus- pension XIV-345d NEOC^SAREA, See of (Syria)

X-741C —(Philadelphia) XI-793a Neo-Cynics, eclecticism V-276b, Neodvisly Narodny Slovensky

Spolok XlV-55d

Neo-Hegelianism, and Xaturism

X-719a; soul, theory of l-527a:

theosophic principles XIV-


Neo-HeUenism, German VI-524C

Neo-Lamarckism V-B58c: VII-

255a; XI-414b Neo-Lutherans V-644a Neo-Malthusianism XII-279b Neo-Manichaeans I-267d; in

France I-268c Neon, Bishop of Selinus XIII-

692c Neonas, Metropolitan of Seleu-

cia Trachiea XIII-689d Neo Patra, Duchy of III-42Sd NEOPHYTE X-742a; adoption, grace of I-149a; baptism II- 274d: in early Church I-153a: garment of I-251b: Jewish IV- 776c; major orders, exclusion from I-727b; in symbohsm I- 334b Neophytus, recluse IV-590C — Bishop of Heraclea VII-243a —Archbishop of Nicosia IV-590C —Bishop of Soh XIV-134d NEO-PLATONISM X-742b; of ^neas of Gaza I-17.3_a: Ain- monius Saccas IV-45c; X- 742c; and Arabian philosophy Il-lola: 675b: St. Augustine II-Soc; 86b; of Avicebron II- 157a: of A\*icenna II-157C; 158a; Bruno, Giordano III- 17c: and Christianity X-742b; emanationism V-398a: fatalism VI-697b; of Ficino VI-67c; lamblichus X-743c: influence X-744C: metaphysics X-2;i0d: monism in X-483b; mysticism XII-31d: ontological good VI- 637b; Plethon, Georgius XII- 166b; Plotinus X-742c; Por- phyry X-743b; Proclus _X- 744a: Quietist doctrine XII- 609a; and Renaissance I-S3d; Scepticism XIII -517b: and Scholasticism X-745a: Sylves- ter, Bernard XIV-372b; Syne- sius of Gyrene XIV-386c; soul, conception of XIV-155C: and Theosophy XIV-626d; WiUiam of Moerbeke XV-634b Neo-punic inscriptions XIII-

71(lb NEO-PYTHAGOREAN PHIL- OSOPHY X 74.5b; and Chris- tianity X-74.5C; co3molog,v VII-o94b; X-745d; ethics and religion X-745d: speculative system X-745d: Theodoric of Ch.irircs XIV-576a; theology X-74.5d NEO - SCHOLASTICISM X- 746b; XII-34b: doctrinal inno- vations X-747d: Dollingcr V- 98a: and education X-748b;

kinetic theory I-97b; name X- 746b; psychology X-746d: and sciences X-747c: theology X- 746c: traditional elements X- 740c

Neot, Saint XI-563C

Neoterici II-113a

Nepal (Nepaul) I-317a: 773a: VII-726a: Bernini's work II- 511b; Buddhists III-29a; ec- clesiastical organization II- 538d: Jestlit missionaries in VII-41d

Nepenthe, Homer on I-448a

Nepete. -Sec Nepi

Nephalia, Temperance Society XIV-4S4b

Nephalius, .Monophysite X-490d

Nephath Dor. .S'ec Dor

Nepherites, King of Egypt V- 34:ib

NephiUm ■\I-432b

NEPHTALI, son of Jacob X- 749d; XIl-630b

NEPHTALI, TRIBE OF X- 749d: Vl-342a; XV-39c; and Gedeon VI-402d; in rational XIV-305C

Nephthys, deitv IV-407d: V- 3:i2d: 344c: 334d; 34.5b

Nephtoa (Nephtoah) VI-443a

Nepi, town. Adrian IV and Bar- baross:. I- l.")7c: captured XIII- lUlic; (Mrliti.-Liti.,ns XIII-444C

—AND SUTRI, .<.-.s of X-7.5Ub

—Ni'pi lll-:«.-.b; XIV-324d

—Siiln: Council of (lOif)) II- 429b: IV-17d: VI-791b: VII- 229c; X-75UC

Nepomucene, John. Saint. See John Nepomucene

Nepos, bishop V-12b

— Bishop of Avranches IV-456a; and Millenarianism X-309a

— Juhus, Governor of Dalmatia XIII-180a: 180b

Nepotianus, Bishop of Clermont IV-54a

— Bishop of Tarazona XIV-452C

Nepotism of Alexander VI I- 290c: of Alexander VII I- 294c: Alexander VIH I-295c: and Clement IV IV-19c: and Clement XI IV-29d: and In- nocent XII II-159a: Paul IV; Bull IV-439d; of Pius II XII-128C: of Sixtus IV XIV- 32d; of Urban VI XV-217b; and Urban VII XV-218c; of Urban VIII XV-219d

Ne prastereat, Bull VIII-432d

Neptune (Poseidon), deitv XV- 534d

— in Art: Van Diepenbeeck IV- 786b: Gegenbauer VI-403d: Lateran XIII-165C; Sansovitto XIH-454a; Vatican XV-282c

— Messina, fountain X-217b: XIII-737C: oracle XI-26od

—planet II-26d; V-740a: Le Verrier IX-205d; satellite II- 27a; Secchi XIII-669c

— Temple of: Corfu IV-363b; Lepanto IX-181d; Ouchestos XI-265d; Ptestum VIII-221d: Rome XIII-176d: Tinos XIV- 73f,c

Neptunists V 1-4 53a


Nequinum (Nami) X-7(Ma


Nerab, .\ r a m a i c inscriptions XIII-710b

Neraz, John Claudius, Bishop of Siiu Antonio XIII-425C; and Brownsville III-4a

Nerbudda, river VII-723b; 724d

Nerchinsk, treaty III-683a

Neregel Serezes. See NerigUs-

Neresheim, Collegiate Church X-773b

Neretva. Ser Nan-nta

NERE0S AND ACHILLEUS, DOMITILLA AND PANC RA- TIOS, .-^ainta and Martvrs XI- 751b; III-513c; XIV-.-)0.5d; church X-587c: in Damasino inscriptions VHI-44c; tomb III-.50.5a: XI-781b

Nergal, deity II-12d; 17b: 177d; Xlll-725d: in IV Kings II- 30b

Nergal-sar-usur. Sec Neriglis-

Nergalsharezer. See Nerigliasar

Nergal-usezib, Elamite chief II-

1.5b Neri, faction IV-628b; VI-106d: in Pistoia XII-117c; in Siena XII1-7S0C — and genealogy of Christ VI-

410d —ANTONIO X-752a — Caterina XII-lSc — EUsabetta XII-lSc — Francesco XlI-lSc; XVI-72C Nerias II-319d Nericia XVI-70d Nerida, Abbey of, and St. Adrian

of Canterbury I-160c Nerighssar, King of Babylonia 1I-1S4C: and Evil-Merodach II-227C Neriko. See Nericia NERINCKX, CHARLES X-752b; and education in U. S. XIII- 580b: and Flaget VI-9.3c: in Kentucky II-200d: VIII-624a: IX-386C: and Loretto Sisters of IX-360d: on Trappists III- 7S7a: and Van de Velde III- e54b — Sebastian X-752b Neritono, Guglielmo, Bishop of

Lacedonia VIII-732C NERO, Emperor X-752c: in Acts of Sts. Peter and Paul I-611d; and .\ntichrist I-560c : in Apoca- lypse I-598b: 598d: astrology II-21a: and Belial Il^OSb; and Christians IX-738d: chronology IV -13d; circus XIII-176b; 369d; coinage XI-1.54a: CommocUanus on IV-165d; death I-598b: and Jews VIII-250C; and Magi X- 402c; and necromancy X- 73od; Nicopohs XI-70c: obel- isk of IV-441C: and St. Paul XIII-380d: XIV-730d; and Poppsea II-364C: portrait X- 753c: Rome, Burning of XIII- 167b: and Simon Magus XIII- 798b: at Subiaco XIV-321b: TertulUan on XIV-521a; and Vespasian XV- 379d — Caius Claudius', and Hasdrubal

V-7S5a — Tiberius Claudius, and Tiber- ias XIV-71Gb: and Emperor Tiberius XIV-717d Neroccio di Bartolemeo, Vecchiet-

ta XV-31Sb Ne Romani, Bull of Clement V

IV-192d Neron, Pierre Francois. See Piirro Fnuir.iis X.'-ron, Blessed Neroni, Bartolomeo, sculptor

Xlll-77!)a Neronis, Palatium XIII-370b Nerra, Foulques, count I— 4S9c NERSES I, Armenian Patriarch

X-754b; episcopate I-737b NERSES n, .\rmenian patriarch X-754b; and Chalcedon V- 234 d NERSES m, .-Armenian patri- arch X-7,Vtb NERSES IV, Armenian patri-

arrli X-751C: 1 -7:!sc NERSES OF LAMBRON, .\rch- bishop of Tarsvis X-754d: syno- dal discourse I-738c; XIV- 461d Nerucci, Ottavio, scientist XIII-

7S2b Neruda, Jan, writer IV-600C Nerva, Marcus Cocceius, biog- raphv IX~f.72b; charity III- .596a: XII-238a; and Jews VIII-390a; and Sitifia XIV- 30c: and Trajan XV-15c Nerve, and alcohol I-274b; 275c; anaesthesia I-448a; and Bell I- 460d: and Descartes IV-747c: and Erasistratus I-458b: and Galen I-458c: in Hippocrates I— 45Sa: and Schwann XIII- 593c: Willis I-460b Nervii, tribe VI-94C Nery, Bathista Correa, Bishop of

Porto Alegre Xir-2.S9d Nescience, and Arcesilaos I-

216c Nese, Cellino di XII-117C Nesib (Nezibl VI-443a Neskainlith, Indians XIII-7fl4b Nesle la Riposte, Abbey of XV-

67d Nesmieloff, philosopher XIII- 275a

Nesmond, Henri de. Bishop of

Bayeus. and Callv III-189a: VIII-447b Nesqually, Diocese of. See Se- attle, Diocese of —Indians Xni-665d Nesroch (Nisroch), temple of II-

15c Ness, Rupert, Abbot of Otto-

bcuren XI-35SC Nessa XII1-202C Nessan, Saint, Bishop of Cork

IV-371b Nesselrode, Countess XIII-259C — Franz, Bishop of Fijnfkirchen

VI-322d Nestabos, martyr, at Gaza VI-

401a Nestle, Eberhard IV-163a: V- 292c; on Acts I-122d; on Elo- hirn V-393c: textual criticism XIV-534C; on Tobias XIV- 750c Nestor, Saint, Bishop of Pergi

XIII-778a — Saint, Bishop of Tremithus

XV-30b Nestor, chronicler Xni-243b: on Christianity XIII-254a; 20Sa; XIV-44a — Russian Orthodox Bishop VI-

772d: Alaska mission I-249d — poet IX-:3b

NESTORTDS AND NESTOR- IANISM X-7.>5a: Ill-.")5.5b: IV-303b; V-232d: VI - 7B2c; VII-258b; 713a: X-7.55a: 755d; XV-137d: 245a: and absolution I-66b; abstinence I~71d; and Acacius of Beroea I-80d; and Acephalil-lOOd: and.\coemetED I-105C: in Acts of St. Bartholo- mew 1-61 Ic; and adoption- ism I-150b; 150d; affinity I- 179c; and Alexander of Hier- apolis I-2S5b: Alexandria, Council of (430) I-JOOd; and Alleluia VI-717c; and Amphilo- chius of Sida I— 43Sd; Anaphora of XIV-414d; and St, Anatolius I-457d; in Antioch I-S6Sc; An- tioch. Councils of I-570a: Ara- bia I-666d: 669d; 674b; in Ar- menia I-737c; XIII-78C; in Asia Minor I-790a; Association for the Advancement of XI- 725b: and Brahminism I-771b; and Cassian III-404d: catho- licos III-154b: St. Celesline III-47,Sa; in China III-609a: V-232d: X-759c: XIII-3!c: Chorepiscopi XVI-25a; Chris- tologv I-215C: X-494c; 7o6a: XI-o75b: XIV-572C: church I- 780d; condemnation VII-792a: IX-155d: X-757c: conversions I-781b; VI-176b: Coptic MS. XVI-:iOa; Council. 3rd General IV-4J".,i, .ini.i-iii X-758b; and>' I ' : I ' "'■ :a: X-75llc; and il' : ■ -— 1 \ -t>52a: and the tlr.tA 1\ i V'.i: deposition Ill-lOla; \l-7r,7d: and Diam- per XlV-68.>b: doctrine X- 757b; and Dominicans XII- 36SEa: in Ephesus XV- 470b: Ephesus, Council of IV- 425a: V-491d: and Epini- kion XIII-433a: and Eucharist VII-422d: 490b: XIV-415a; and Eusebius I-258d: V-622a; and Eutyches V-631b: extent I-781C; extreme unction V- 721a; 724a: and Fathers of the Church XlV-5S9a; Feast of, James Sarugh X-493d; and Gregory Nazianzus VII-14C: and Henoticon I-S2d: VII- 21Sc: and h\-postatic union XlV-OOOd: and Ibas, Bishop of Edessa VII-614a; and icons VII-669C: in India Xlll-SSSb; XIV-6S2C: influence I-7S0C: and Isidore of Pelusium VIII- 185c; at Jerusalem VIII-371a; St. John Damascene on VIII- 460d; and John of Antioch Vni-46Sc: andjudgmeniVIlI- ,551b: and Julian of Eclanum VIII-558a: XI-607d: in Kurdi- stan I-376a: and Lamaism III- 32b; St. Leo X-7o7d; Leoutius ByzantinusIX-lSla: Liberatus of Carthage IX-215d ■Lilurg,/ I-136c: VI-76.3b; IX- 196b; 303b; 313b; XIII-69b;

Large type indicatca titlea of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.),^ illustrations.