Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/585

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force X-798c; XV-620a; and

Wiseman III-758C: V-129c;

X-797a; XV-594b: B70d; 671a

Newman, Mary X-795a

—William, at Lisbon XIII-572b

New Melleray Abbey. See Mel-

leray, Xew — Men, Protestants XV-53oc —MEXICO Xl-la —Church 1111-7205; XI-4b;Cath- olics in XI-4c; St. Gertrude, veneration of VI-534d: Jesuits in XIV-102c; mission II-164a; 427a; VI-300b; XI-2d; mis- sions, Indian X-390a; missions, Jesuit XIV-103d; publications. Catholic Xr-692c: Pueblo of Isleta, Church at (iU.) XI-3

— Education XI-4a; geography, area Xl-la; geography, cliraate Xl-la

— History: aborigines I-592a: acquisition XV-166d; explora- tions IV-380a; V-541a; general XI-lc; language I-411b; pres- ent conditions XI-4a; Pueblo, revolt II-164b; Seal of (iU.) XI-lc; State XV-174c; as Texas territory XIV-546C

-r-Legislation: oaths Xl—td; relig- ious XI-4d; Seal of Confession XI-4d

— Population Xl-la; French in VI-273b; Indians XII-.i.>4d

— ResouTcos: agriculture Xl-lb: industries Xl-lb ; products Xl-lb

—statistics XI-4c; X\'-176b

Newminster, abbey, Northum- berland XIII-9Sb

Hew Minster, Winchester VI- S52c

—Moon, Feast of II-557a; III- 167a

— Netherlands, annexation XIV- 439a: English in XV-1.5Sb; Register of XI-195a

Newnham College, Cambridge III-21.5C

NEW NORCIA, abbey XI-5b; 731d;foundationII-448d;449a; 117c; nulliusof I-16d

— Nursia, abbey of. See New Norcia

— Norfolk, prisons II-115a

— Orleans, town, in American Revolution XV-163C: battle IX-382d; X-626C; Xl-lla; XIV-509C; ceded IX-381d; Xl-lOa; in CivU War XV- 172b; colony IX-379b; Croa- tians XIV-52b; education XI- 16b; founded II-560d; French and American period Xl-lOa; Margaret Haughery in VIII- 143b; Poles in XII-211b; school, winter XI V-334c; Span- ish Period XI-8b

—ORLEANS, ARCHDIOCESE OF XI-5d; IX-3S3b; .-Vrch- bishop's Palace (ill.) Xl-facing 14; and Baltimore Council II- 240d; benefice II-474b; Car- melites in III-369a; Cathedral II-592C; (ill.) Xl-facing 14; charities XII-247a; Council of XI-787C; on cathedraticum III-442a; Dominicans in XII- 369a; diocese erected X-410d; French Canadians VI-274d; Italians V-404b; VIII-204a; 205d; Jesuits XIV-102b; Jesu- its, statistics XIV-103b; and Louvain I— i2.5a; Loyola Uni- versity XV-203d; and Nebras- ka X-732d; negroes XII-629d; organization I-242d; Poor Clares XII-2.Ma; Redemptor- ists in XII-684b: St. Louis Cemetery (ill.) Xl-facing 14; St. Roch's Chapel and Ceme- tery (ill.) Xl-facing 14; School, Apostolic XIII-5S6a; semina- ries XIII-700b; statistics XV- 176c; Tamntsi, decree IV-2a; Ursulines in XV-22.8d: 230a; Vincentiaus in Xin-698d

— Philippines, Texas XIV-546a

— Phocaea XI 1-4 la

— Pomerania, island X-783C


Newport, town, Khode Island XlII-20d; church II-228d; VI- S4c; church, first XIII-22a:

Baptists II-279d; Baptists, Seventh Day II -281c; tower I-418C — Kentucky convent V-.53b — Christopher,inJamestown XV-

157d: in Virginia XV-455d —DIOCESE OF (England) XI- 18a; XV-537a: chapter II- 447d; Rosminian mission XIII- 201b; statistics Xl-lSb; Wegg- Prosser X\'-576b — Richard, Venerable, martyr

V-476d; XIII-610a — Richard de, Bishop of London

I.\-347c — News, town XV-451d; port

XV-4.),3b New Providence, West Indies,

stati-ifics ll-2(Mc — Richmond, Baton Rouge IX-

3slb — Riegel, Ohio IV-56b; mission

VI-479a — RocheUe, college XI-32C; XV-

229c — Rome. See Constantinople — Ross, college VI— 1Gb; episcopal residence VI— 46a; monastery I-7a; V-366C Newry, cathedral (ill.) V-160d; institutions V-161a; monas- ters, foimded X-168c; semi- narif.i at XIII-700C — Examiner, periodical XI-224C New St. Mary's, church, Jerusa-

ii-m XV-4f,4Ga —St. Mary's, Scotland XV-loSc — St, Mary's School, Presby- XII-.394b Newsham, Charles, at L'shaw

College XV-233d New Siberia, island XIII-232b —Side, Presbyterianism XII-

394a — Sion, Munster I-44fib —Smyrna, colony VI-117b; llSd —South Wales," anti-rlericalism

Il-llSb; art n-119b —Church in II-115d; 117a; XIV- 36ob; statistics II-117b; writ- ings II-119b — History XV-580b: aborgines II-119a; colony II-113d; con- victs II-114a; grant, Ro.val 11- 116b: prisons II-115a; popula- tion II-114a — Religions and Sects II-Il.'>c; Presbyterianism XII -393d; statistics II-U8a — Statistics: Coghlan II-119d;

education H-118a — Spain. .Sec Mexico Newspapers, precursors of I-

53 Id: 534c — Catholic: at Aachen I-2d; of .\ssumptionists II-104b; Au- gustinus-Verein II-106c; in Australia II-120b; in Baden II-199d; Baltimore, decree of II-237d; 238a; 239b; in Bar- celona II-290C; in Beirut II- 393d; Berlin II-495c: bishops, censorship of II-5S6b: Bo- hemian in United States II— 621d: Leo XIII, rule of III- 523d: See Periodical Literature New Style, in chronology IV- 637d; confusion of dates III- 739d — Subiaco Abbey, Arkansas II-

4.52d: VI-482a — Sweden, Delaware IV-692b;

taken XV-lo8b — Testament. .See Testament,

The New Newton, battle XI-33a — Massachusetts, Armenians in

XIII-.S2a — Benjamin Wills, Plymouth

Brolhrcn XII-172b —Sir Isaac, philosopher VIII- 60.3a: Xll-fild: and analvtico- synthetic method XII-30C; Arianiam I-710c; astronomy XV-185b; at Cambridge III- 212b; on colours XII-62C; God, belief in XIII-60Sa; on gravitation II-28b; I.\-53b; XII-62a; on heat XII-6fia: and Leibniz I.\-13Sb: on light XII- 62c: mechanic.*!, celestial XII- 61d; on molecular attraction XII-64d: on motion XV-184d; and ophthalmology' X-13.5C; and Scholasticism XIV-699b; Scholion V-42.3a; on scientific

research XIII-599a: on space

XIV-167C: on time XIV-726d

—JOHN, soldier XI-18d; XIII-


— John, of OIney, religious leader IX-400b

— John Henry, and Jean Picard .XII-73C

— Thomas X-795c

—Sylvester. See Norris, Sylves- ter

— Abbot, England, convent III- 296d

Newton's Ether, theory X-133d

Newton's Rings XII-62d

Newton Synod, Antinomianism I-565d

Newtown II-332a

— institutions II-228d; mission II-229a

Newtownbarry, convent XIII- 57Sc

Newtown Manor II-22Sd

New Troy, London IX-341c

— Universities Act, Irish \'-177a

— Westminster, Diocese of II- 792c; XI-19b: XV-267c: 267d; institutions II-793a

— Westminster, Vicariate Apos- tolic of, statistics ni-23Sb

— World, periodical, Chicago XI- 695a

—Year, Jewish XIV-J37a

—YEAR'S DAY XI-19c; Chinese customs IlI-('iS7d: dates III- 739b: Egj-ptian V-333a: He- brew Feast III-167d: XV-70d

New York, town V~130d: Alban- ian Orthodox VI-774b; Bul- garian Orthodox VI-774a; Bul- garians XlV-old; City College Xl-32a: city hall IX-150a: Columbia L^niversitv I-461a: Dutch possession X-791b; Dutch Reformed Church XII- 710d: Hellenic Orthodox VI- 77.3b: Hungarians Vn-545d; Irish Vin-13lia: Italian.s VIII- 2(Ma: juvenile court VllI-.5S7c; ,58Sc: lihr.arv Antiphonarv fac- simile I-lacing .'i7li; .\l-68b: orphans, rare of Xi-323d; po,st office V-!30d; Roosevelt Hos- pital Il-3.59b; Russian Ortho- dox VI-772d; Servian Con- sulate XIV - 54b: Stamp Act Congress XV-161a; Verrazano, statue of (ill.) XV -364a; water supply system VIII- 141d —YORK, ARCHDIOCESE OF XI-20b; 3:ic: Vl-47Sb; Ander- son l-4tir>c: 466d: apostolate III-4o3d; Armenian mission XIII-81d; Bahamas II-205c; Baltimore, Council of II-240d; Bayley's history of II-359c; Catholic Club III^52d; Cath- olic Protectory I-466c; XI- 324c; XII-492d; 493b; Cenacle house III-518d: charitable in- stitutions XII-247a; charities XI-28b; Charity, Sisters of III-607d: colonial period XI- 20b: Councils (1841) VII-516d; (1854) I -423c: VII -518a; (1883) IX-488b: education XI- 26b: Eucharistic meeting V- 593c: Eucharistic society I- 514b; Fordham University XV-203b: foundling asylum VIII-131C: foundling hospital VIII-131d: French Canadian parishes Vl-274d: Gesellen- vereine VI-539b: Greek Catho- lics VI-747b; Institute of the Brothers of the Christian SchoolsVUI-60d; ItaUanGreek Catholics VI-752b; Italians VIII-205d; Fr. Jogues VIII- 420b: Leopoldine Society XVI- 52c; Maronite Mission XIII- 85a; Masses, bequests for X- 33b; XVI-eic; missions VI- 478c; X-3S6d: Mount Saint Vincent (ill.) Ill-facing 606; periodicals. Catholic I-475b; XI-692C: Priests' Eucharistic League XII-423b; Redemptor- ists XII-684b: Rumanian Greek Catholics VI-751a: Ru- thenian Greek Catholics VI- 748a: Sacred Heart Convents VII-1.34C: St. John's Institute V-319b; St. Patrick's Cathe-

dral (ill.) XI - 1:,, r, J' - ,,, , ,,1 Societv ll-'i'i M: ,,.s

Xin-7linb; > u3

XIV-l()2a: KWb, s,„ 1,1. ,,i ihe Blessed Sacrurncut i-154c; XlV-llla: statistics II-229d; XI-28c; 31b: XV-176d: Svrian Greek Catholics VI-751d; Temperance movement XIV- 491b; 491c; St. Ursula of the Blessed Virgin, Society of Sis- ters of XV-228b; Ursuline Col- lege XV-229c; Varela VII- lo4b: XavitT Societv V-315b —YORK STATE XI-29b; II- 5Bod: XV-157d; aborigines I- 311c: 410b; 411b; agriculture XI-31d: A. P. A. I-426d: Bap- tists II-279d; boundaries XI- 29b; charities XI-39a: clergy XI-40b; climate XI-30d; com- merce XI-31c: deaf, statistics of V-319b; education .\I-31d: 32b: emigrant societies V— 103b: forests XI-29d: freedom of worship XI-39d; geology XI-

— Hi8(orvXI-32d; V-130b; early settlements XI-222d; Iroquois VIII-170d; Knownothingism XI-34b: slavery, abohtion of XV-169b — hydrology XI -30a; insane,

care of VIII-lOc — Legislation X1-34C: arbitration and strikes, tahiihitcd l-lis'tb: bequests and il- . \1 'h,

constitution .\ I . ' ; -

vorce XI-;v^(i Board of V-4(i:ib . I,. ;,., , \1 40b: insane VIII-42a: " liquor laws XI-39d: XIV^91a; mar- riage XI-38b: 38c: penal laws XI-617C; on property, ecclesi- astical VII-720a; punishment, capital XII-569C: quarantine system II-359b; religious VIII- 677c; XI-35c: seal of confession XIII-662b: taxation XI-39C; Thanksgiving Day XIV-556a: woman question XI-32a; XV- 695d; 696b

— Libraries XI-32d: manufac- tures XI-31C; mihtia XI-32d: mining XI-31d; mountains XV-157a; physical character- istics XI-29b

- — Population XI-30d; Bohemians II-620d: 621a: Croats XIV- 52b; foreign X-29Sc: French Americans \'I-L'7.'ia; French Canadian, \I--TJa: Germans Vl-47i;b.llnll,,n.l. i~\ Il-394b: 394c: Irish vill-i:;ib; I3i>a: Italians VIlI-204a: Jews Vlll- 399a: Negroes XII-028b: Poles Xll-210d: Slovaks XlV-55c

—public debt .XI-31d; railroads XI-30b: reUgioua corporations XI-34d; seal (ill.) XI-29c; statistics XV-176b: Syro-Arab- ian Orthodox VI-773c; Univer- sitv Medical College II-386b; wagon rnads XI-30d; water routes XI-3nc: wealth and re- sources X1-31C

— York Literary Institution XI- 26c: (ill.) XI-2,3d

—York Point, alphabet V-311d; (ill) V-311

— York Point, musical notation V :!i:id

—York Review XI-696b

— York Volkszeitung, periodical M\ r.Tc

-York Weekly Register and Catholic Diary Il-suiJa

—ZEALAND \I-4(lc

— Churcii in XI-41C; evangeliza- tion XV-580a: Franciscans VI-294b; missions II-68b; Propaganda XII— 157d: sem- inaries XIlI-700b; Society of the Sacred Heart XIV-U2c; statistics XI-42a: Mother Whitty XV-615b

— education XI-42C

— Groornphii XI -40c; Auckland II-l>8b: Diinedin V-191c; map Il-faeing 114; WclUngton XV- 580a

—History XI-40d; French attack III-699b: Weld XV-579b

— Legislation: arbitration I-684a; 68.?d; conciliation, industrial

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.