Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/586

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IV-191b; divorce V- riage IX-693d; on seal of ( fession XIII-660c' XV-692C; 690c NEW ZEALAND, literature XI-

43a — Population: Bohemians XIV- 49c; Christians I-499b; Irish VIlI-lHa; Maoris Xl^Ib —Rdigions: Anglicanism I^99b; Presb\-terianismXII-393d; sta- tistics XIV-278c; 279b — Zealand Tablet, periodical V-

192a: XI^3b Ney, Michel, general X-697C; Xni-249b; and Berrver II- S17a; and Napoleonlll X-699d

Neyret, Theophilus Sebastian, Vicar Apostolic of Vizigapa- tam III-153d; X-368C; XV- 496b

Nezib. See Nesib

Nezigin, in Talmud XIV^37a

Nez Perces. .See Sahaptin In- dians

Ngai Ju-ho. See Aleni, Giulio

Ngai-sin, family IX-5S6b

Ngan-ch'a She-sze, official III- 6()6c

Ngan-hwei, province, China III- 604d; 665a

Ngan-k'ing, town, China III- 665a

Ngansi, Chinese Turkestan XV- 96c

Ngaji Wen-sse. See Magalhaens, Gabriel de

Ngari, Tibetan province XIV- 718d

Ngauruhoe, volcano XI— 40c

Ngen-k'i-yu, title III-666d

Nghe-an, pro^-ince, Indo China Vll-776d

Ngnuoc, in Loatine rehgion VII- 774b

Nguyen-an. See Gia-long

Nguyen van Hue, insurrectionist Vll-767a

— van Nhac, insurrectionist VII- 767a

Nheengaibas, tribe XV-416b

Nhlakapmuh. See Thompson River Indians

Ni, Luthgarde, Corean martyr IV-361d

Nia (Thebes) XIV-562d

Niagara Falls, height XI-29c; Raguoneau XII-633d; reces- sion XV-70Sb; 707a

— Falls, town, Canada, Carmelite convent III-365C

— Falls, town, N. Y., seminaries XIII-700d

— on-the-Lake, town, Canada, mission XIV-781d

—University, N. Y. III-39C; XI-32C; 32d; XIII-699d; 700b; XV-204b; founded X-367b; XIV-549a; (ill.) Ill-facing 38: Vincentians XIII-69Rd

Niall, Irish Iving, and St. Colum- ba IV-136a; and St. Maelrubha IX-520d; and St. Patrick VIII- 99d

Niam Niam, ethnological classi- fication Xn-626c

Nibbana. See Nirvana

Nibby, A., archaeologist I-86d; S7b

NibelungenUed II-61d; VI-ol8d: XII-99C; XV-573C; facsimile (ill.) VI-521

Nibiru, in Babylonian cosmog- onv VII-311C

Nibo, Bishop of Soli XIV-134d

Nibshan. iSce Nebsan

NlCSk XI-43d; battle (194) XI-739C; crusaders IV-546C; XI-775d; earthquake III-I38C; Greek Empire I-785b; IV- 304b; XIII-732d; XIV-633C; Koimosis III-95b: siege (1097) VI-625a; XIV-442C; Turkish possession I-785b; IV-303d

—COUNCIL OF (325) XI-44a; V-425a; acts V-360b; VI- 407c; St. Alexander I-296b; on Antioch, church of I-568d; appeal, right of I-652c; ar- chives I-696C; Arius I-709a: 719a; St. Athanasius II-37d; British bishops at IIl-493d: XV-S82C; canons in-282b; VI-7S6d; IX^82c; on celi- bacy X-470b: Constantino III-700a; convocation IV-


428d: on deacons IV-649b: on Divinity of Christ VII- 711d; dying, reconcihation of XI-631C; on Easter V-228C; on eparchies V-484b; on Eucharist, reservation of IV- 177a; on Holy Ghost XII- 174b; Homoousion II-37b; VII-449b: on Hypostatic Un- ion Vn-611a; historical im- portance of II-37b; investi- gated III-557a; on lapsi IX- 3a; on Lent I-69a; XII-o89a; on liturgical posture VI^25b: Mass, celebrants of X-12b; on Meletian schism X-164C; XIII-533C; Nature of Christ VII-713a; papal legates at IX-118d; Paul of Samosata condemned XI-589d: on pen- ance VII-7S5d: on priest's com- munion V-5S9b; on prisoners XII-431b; on Provincial Coun- cils XII-515b: on scrutiny XIII-641C; Subintroductje con- demned I-202c; Sylvester I XIV-371a; on usury XV-235d; on Viaticum XV-397d; on women XV-698a

—COUNCIL OF (787) XI-J5d; lV-425b; V-17b; XVI-25a; I-19a; acts VII-624d; on adoration I-152d; .\drian I I-156a; Alcuin I-27Sd; on altars I-563d; on Basilian prayer IV-313b: and canonical collection IX-61a; canons III- 282b; Caroline Books III- 371b; on cloister IV-63d; on Cross, Adoration of IV-o24c; 530c; and Frankfort, Council of VI-237a; Germanus I on VI-t84d; Iconoclasm III-614b; VI-763a; VII-622c; on images III-106b; VII-671C: St. John Damascene VIII-460a; Leo the Isaurian condenmed X- 667c; on painting, religious XI-395c; on relics XII-737a; Tarasius XIV-451d; Theodo- sius XIII-324d

Nicsean party, in early Church I- 79b

Nicander, Saint, Bishop of Myra X-661a

Nicanor, Saint, IV-590a; XIII- 741c

— Governor of Judea, and Deme- trius Soter IV-707a; and Judas MachabeusI-273d;VIII-541d; IX-494b

—Gate of XIV-.503d

—Day II-556d; XII-581a

NICARAGUA, REPUBLIC AND DIOCESE OF XI-46d; I- 415d: aborigines I-410a; 411b; Betanzos, mission of II-530C; canal I-430c; Concordat IV- 197c; 204c; XII - 136b; es- chatology V-528d; explorations IV-753C; VI-450d; Franciscan missions VI-298C; Indians VII- 756a; Las Casas, mission of III-398C; Motolinia in X- 602a

Nicarao, chief XI-47a

Nicasius, Saint, Bishop of Di6 XV-250C

— Bishop of Dijon XI-44C

— Saint, Archbishop of Reims XII-72.5C

— Saint, Bishop of Rouen IV- 4.56a; xn-61.5b; XIII-209a


Nicator, Seleucus. See Seleucus I

Nicchione, Vatican Palace XV-


II-640d; VI-671d; XII-.564d; and Agnelli I-212b; and .\rnol- fo I -750a; Lucca cathedral, work in IX-405a; X-683b; Orvieto cathedral, work in XIII-779a; Pistoria cathedral, XII-117b; 117d; pulpit (ill.) Xll-facing 562; and Renais- sance art III-771c; Siena cathedral, work in XIII- 779b; Trapani XV-23b

Niccoli, Niccolo de, humanist VII-539C; IX-B14b; and Pog- gio Bracciolini XII-17Sa

Niccolini, Angelo, cardinal. Bish- op of Xll-lUd

— GiovEinbattista, writer VIII- 252d

Niccol6, Francesco, leader of

Fraticelli VI-24Sb — of Gavello, writer VIH-248c Nice, town, Asia Minor. See

NicEea — town, France III-6Sb; treaty

(1796) XIII-193C —DIOCESE OF XI-48b; VI- 396a; cathedral (ill.) XI-49a; map Vl-facing 188; and Mon- aco X-447b NICENE AND NICENO CON- STANTINOPOLITAN CREED XI-49b; 45a; 49c; I-94a; IV- 425a; in Anglicanism I-499c; and Apostles' Creed I-631C; 632a; in Armenian Rite XIII- SOd; ascetics support I-770a; Constantinople, Creed of IV- 30Sb; on creation IV-47Ia; in Dominican Rite XIII-76b; in Eastern Churches IV-479a Ephesus, decree of V-494b Gregory of Nyssa on VII-18a in Henoticon I-S2d; Irvingites accept VIII-174d; Lutherans accept IX^58a; music X-lb; notes of the Church III-758d; Resurrection XII-792C; in Roman mass IX-797a; "Trini- tarian tenet XV-53b; Trope XV-66a Niceno, Diego, Ba,silian II-324b Nicephorium (Callinicus) III-

IS.ib Nicephoras I, Byzantine Emperor III-105d; 106b; IV-303a; death III-107b; and Charle- magne III-616d; and PauU- cians XI-584C — n Phocas, Byzantine Emperor I-lOlb; III-107d; 108b; 109d; VI-767b; takes Candia III- 245a; Crete, conquest of VI- 654b; crowned XIV-452a; death III-108d; reUgious pol- icy VIII-207a; Tarsus XIV- 461c — in Botaniates, Byzantine Em- peror Ill-llOa; book (ill.) III- 123d; union with Rome IV- 54 5d —SAINT, Patriarch of Constan- tinople XI-50a; II-323b; VII- 375a; 623b; death VII-624b; deposed X-242b; exiled XII- 449d; on painting, rchgious XI- 39ob; relics X-242d: in Thasos XIV-556C; on Xerophagy I- 71a — Protosyncellus of Constanti- nople XV-131d — Bishop of Cotrone IV^23a — Archbishop of Cyprus IV-591a —Patriarch of Jerusalem VIII-

361d — Metropolitan of Kie£f XIII-

267d — Bishop of Limyra IX-265b — Saint, Bishop of Miletus X-

303d —Bishop of Pogia XII-178d — I Russian Metropolitan XIII-

254c — n, Russian Metropolitan XIII-

254d — Blemmydes. See Blemmida,

Nic-phorus — Bryennius, historian I-531a — Callistus, Church historian

VII-37.-ia — of Ephesus, intruding Patri- arch of Constantinople I-754a NICERON, JEAN-PIERRE XI-

51d Nicetas, Metropolitan of Athens

II-44C; 45b —Bishop of Cefaia III-476b — Saint, Bishop of Chalcedon

III-5.54d — ritular Bishop of Chona; IV-

131b — I, Patriarch of Constantinople

(d. 780) VI-762C; VII-622a — Patriarch of Constantinople (d. 877). See Ignatius of Con- stantinople, Saint —Bishop of Cvdonin IV-SSlc — Bishop of Flavias VI-99b —Bishop of Horaclca VI 1-2 13a —Bishop of Meia, Srr Xcctarius —Bishop .,f Pliocira Ml -4 lb NICETAS, Bishop of Rcmcaiana Xl~52b; Xll-76:ic; creed I- 631c; 632a: III-449c; 450a; on Te Deum XIV-169a

Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.

—Bishop of Santa Rufina XII-

290b —Bishop of Serrffi III-119C;

Xni-731c: catena III-434b —Bishop of Sidon XIII-77Sa —Bishop of Synnada XIV-3S7d —Bishop of Tamassus XIV-440b — Saint, Bishop of Vienne VII-

— Akominatos. See Akominatos

— of Constantinople, Greek cate- nist IV-160a

— Pectoratus III-122b: XIV- 317a; conversion X-273d; on Latins X-273C

Nicetius, Saint, Bishop of Lyons IX-472d; jubilee of IX-47Sa

—Bishop of Mdcon IX-507b

—SAINT Bishop of Trier XI- 52c; 53a: XIV-469b; XV-42d; and Fortunatus VI-149a; Te Deum XIV-469a

NICHE XI-53C; over altar tomb I-357a

Nichijoshonin, Japanese Bud- dhist IX-745a

Nichiren, Buddhist sect VIII- 305b

Nicholas, M., Bishop of Achonry I-103b

—I, SAINT, Pope XI-54a; IV- 427b; Xn-270b; 273c; on abstinence I-G8d; on adop- tion I- 147c; on baptism II- 263d; 269d; Breton hierarchical controversy XII-772d; and Bulgarians I-103d; II-538c; IV-264d: as canonist IX-67d; on Church and State VI-487b; and St. Cyril XII-765d; depo- sition attempted IV-311a; on duelUng V-1S4C: XI-277b; and False Decretals V-778a; and Formosus VI-139d: and Giin- ther of Cologne VII-88b; Hinc- mar of Reims VII-356d; 357b: Holy See XII-268C: and St. Ig- natius of Constantinople VII- 647d: Joannes X of Ravenna XII-666C; on marriage IV-lb; IX-704C; on papal elections XI-156d; Photian schism XV- 139b; and Photius of Constan- tinople VI-763d; VIII-484c: XII-44C; XIII-537b; and St. Rimbert XIII-57a: S. Maria in Cosmedin, Church of XIII- 170b; tomb XIII-372d; on tor- ture XV-675b; and Zacharv of Anagni I-449a

— n (GERHARD OF BURGUN- DY), Pope Xl-.i.Sb: 32od: 327d; XII-274a: XIV-263a: Ambro- sian Rite I-395c; St. Anno I- 541c: birthplace XIV-454C; on enthronization V-480a; and Guiscard VII-73a; and Hilde- brand \'I-792b; and Hugh of St. Victor VII-52oa; "In Nomine" XII-271d; on married clergy III-4S6a; and Mozarabic Rite X-6I2a; on papa! elections I- 286b: III-33.5d; XI-456d; XIV-324d — m (GIOVANNI GAETANI ORSINI), Pope XI-56b; 326c; Xll-274b: XV-488a; Arms (ill.) XI-56b; Bologna, policy regarding II-639d: and Charles of Anjou XI-32Sa; China, mis- sion to III-670a: and Colomia, Giacomo lV-126b; and Conti III-341b: ecclesiastical court XIII-206C; "Exivit de Para- dise" VI-212C; and Francis- cans VI-211C; 246d: 283a; as Roman senator XIII-169a; S. Maria Sopra Minerva, Chtu-ch of XIII-172d; restores Scala Santa XIII-173d: Siena XIII- 780c; on Syndic, Apostolic XIV-3S5b: Vatican buildings XV-27(id —IV (GIROLAMO MASCI). Pope XI-57b: Xll-274b: and St. .-\gnes of Montepulciano I-214a: and B. .Agostino Novel- lo I-224C; Apostolici con- demned l-647b; Arms (ill.) XI-.'t7b: on Bologna University II-t>I2b: Bosnia, mission to Ill-436d; and cardinals III-

jtob; China, mission to III-

670b: and Conrad of Ascoli IV-258C; and Dominicans XII- 369d; ecclesiastical court XIII-