Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/596

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O., abbr. I-27a

—Japanese title Vni-298b

— in Mozarabic Rite X-616C

— Adonai, antiphon XI-173b

Oak, in Bible XII-155b; and Dniidisni V-162C

— Church of the. See Kildare

— Order of the Crown of. .Sec Crown ijf ( l;ik, I irder of the

— Synod of the. See Chalcedon, Council of 1403)

— Virgin at the, pilgrimage, Reims XII-730a

—Boys VII-320C

Oakeley, Charles XI-173a

—FREDERICK XI-173a; XV- e73b: and Bellasis II-414a; and Dublin Review XI-673d; in Oxford Movement XI-374c; and Whitty, Robert XV-615d

Oakes, Urian, on Toleration X- 7S7c

Oakland, California, St. Joseph, Church of II-691b: St. Jo- seph's School V-319b; St. Mary's College 111-1733

Oaks, Sisters of the. See .Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the

O ANTIPHONS XI- 173b; in Anglo-Saxon Church I-.510b; Cvnewulf. paraphrase IV-.582a

Oasis, Great (Dakhleh) V-330d

— SmaU (Bahriyeh) V-330d

Oates, Samuel XI-173d

—Titus V^Sla; conversion XI- 174b; imprisonment XI-175d; at St. Omers XIV-309d; scourged VI-92d; testimony against IV-97c

OATES'S PLOT XI-173d; V- 4.'; VII-701d; XII-275a; XII1-213C; XIV-433d; 713c; and Adelham I-141b; and Anderson I-466d; and Arundell I-765d: and Baker II-212C; and Belasvse II-394b; and Corker I V-372C ; discovery XI I- 170d; and Downes V-148d; executions XI-175C; and Ge- r.ard VH67c; and Godfrey XI-175b; as history XI-175c; and Ireland, Wilham VIII- 130b; and Jesuits XIV-92b; martyrs V^77a; and Shaftes- l)ury'XI-175a; and Talbot, Peter XIV-433d; and Test OathXI-179c; XIII-213C; trials II-309d; and Wall XV- 537d; and Whitbread XV-B(l9b

Oath, civic, at Douai V-139d

— false. See Perjury

—Masonic IX-780b

— Mission, and Scots College XIII-632b

— Missouri Test. See Test Oath, Missouri

— of Allegiance. See Allegiance, Oath of

— of calumny III-190b; in eccle- .siastical trials IV-4.52b

— of malice, in ecclesiastical trials IV-452C

OATHS XI- 176a ; breach of X I V- 772a; and obligation XI-I7fid; and ordeal XI-27,Sa; in secret societies XIV-72a

—Law, Canon: V-U74c; of pas- tors XI-.538d

— />««). C'inl: affirm.ation I-179c; in Alabama I-243C; and Ana- baptists I— 44.'ic; and Apostolici I-<'.47c; and appeals I-6.53b; Armagh, Book of I-734a; and Bogomili II-lifl7a; and Bohe- mian Brethren II-617a; Cath- ari III-437a; Connecticut IV- 2.5.'>b; in coronation, English IV-3S4C; in c(»r(mation rite lV-3S.'Ja; and Essoncs V-.'J47b; and Holyoake XIII-670b; It- aly VIII-235d; and Jews II- 55.5a; and Mennonitea X-19()d: Missouri X-400a; and O'Con- nell, Daniel XI-202a; as proof XII-455C; Quakers VI-30.5a;

of Talmud XIV-437b; Ver- mont XV-357C; and Waldenscs XV-528d; Wisconsin XV-60.5d; and witness XV-(i77d

— Confraternity against. Holy Name Societv Vll-420d

—ENGLISH POST-REFORMA- TION XI- 177a: Abjuration. Oalli iif Xl-179a; Allegiance, Oalli of .\1-I77c; 178a; 178c; and Iri^hOath Xl-179d; repeal XI-180b; Su. •<-,,n. (lath ,.f XI-177b; Xl\-lll.l)a: Suprem- acy XI-177a; Ol.a; Xll 7(isd; XV-537d; Test Oiith Xl-17«b; TheoIosii-LiM XI-lsDb

Oats, and VII I'.da

OAXACA (ANTEQUERA), ARCHDIOCESE OF XI-18()d; I-553a; VIl-505a; X-2G9b; aborigines 1-4 lib; and Burgoa HI-05c; Capuchins lX-565d; cathedral XI-181b:Catholicity, Oaths against XI- 180b; Jesuit College IV-776d; map X- facing 268

Ob., abbr. I-2.')a

Obadiah. .S.. Abdias

Obaldia, Jose Domingo, in Pan- ama XI-43'.la


OBBA Xl-lSld

O'Beachain, Hugh, Bishop of Inniscathv Vlll-(i41d

Obed, name X-n7fid

—son of Ruth XIII-276b; Christ, genealogy of VI-410b

Obededom X-677a; and Ark I- 723c

OBEDIENCE XI-181d; IV-430c; to civil authority II-138a; and Decalogue I-768b; of St. Jo- seph XV-465b; to parents XI- 479d; in religion, Christian Xn-743a; and Quietism XII- 610a; and schism XIII-529b; of secret societies XIV-72a: St. Thomas on Xl-ldld; and Waldenses XV-528d

— Oath of, of James I. See Alle- giance, Oath of

—RELIGIOUS XI-182b; I-16b: IV-329d; XII-452a; 750a; 750c; 753a; asceticism I-770b; St. Benedict, Rule of II-440a; to bishops XII-756a; canonical rule XI-182c; Carthusian III- .3.89b: evangelical, foundation XI-lSL'd; l.istorv XI-lS.3b: Ji suits Xl\' S2b;'l05b; hmita- ttim.s .\I-Is2d: monastieism X-lGla; 4USa; 487d; moral significance XI-182d; philos- ophy of XI-183a; to rule XII- 761d; in secularization XIII- 67.Sb: of secular priests XIII- ItirA: til superiors XII-755a; 7.-ilib; X'isitatiiin Order XV- 4sld

OBEDIENTIARIES XI-l83d; monastieism I-14b; priories XII-42SC

Obeid Allah, Fatimite dynasty XV-89a

O'Beime, James, wriier VIII- 124a

Obelerius, Bishop of Olivolo XV- 34(Jc

—Doge of Venice XV~336b

ObeU VI-574a

ObeUsk, at Axum II-163d; in Constantinople IV-305d; St. Peter's XIil-371c

Oberaltach. .s. . ( ll.iTaltoich

Oberaltaich. .sv, ( ihcmlteich

Oberalteich, al<bev ,\ll-658a; suppression X-l.Wc

Oberammergau, Passion Play Xl-5;!la; (ill.) XI-facinK 530

OberUn College, Ohio, co-educa- lion IV-S9d

Obermeyer, O. L. II-230C

Obermiinster, Convent of, Ratia- bon Abbev, privileges of I-9a; and St. Wolfgang XV-6S3b

O'Bem, Edmimd, martvrdom VIII-107d: at Roscommon XIII-191a

Oberto, Archbishop of Milan X- 301a

—Bishop of Potenza IX-719a

Obertyn, battle (1531), and Biel- ski 11 olillb

Obidos, Gongalves de. Bishop of (Ipnrti. Xl-201b

Obinus, Bishop of London IX- 347c

OB. IN XTO., abbr. I-27a

Obispo, ruins XV-70C

Object, in analogy I^49c: 450d; and imagination VIl-672b; and right XIII-55d; and truth XV- 75a

Objective and knowledge VIII- 674a; psychology, and Spen- cer's I-97a: psychology, theo- ries I-96c;and"TorricelUXIV- 784c

Objectivism XII-28b; and phi- losophy of common sense IV- 167b

Oblatse. See Oblati, Oblata>, I Iblates

Oblate Brothers, in Africa XVI- .SOa

— Brothers of Mary Immaculate XVl-47b

— Fathers of Mary Immaculate, in Saskatchewan XVI-49b

Oblates. See Oblati, Oblata'. Olilates

OBLATE SISTERS OF PROVI- DENCE XI-lS4b: Xll-iaod: in Baltimore II-233d: XIV- 332c; negroes, school for XII- 62Sc

— Sisters of St. Francis de Sales, foundation XV-lisd

— Sisters of the Holy Family XI- l.S9b

— Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Mary Immaculate. See Ob- lates of Mary Immaculate

Oblates of Mary, Piedmont XI- 189b

— of Mary, Viterho Vn-.'i92b

—OF MARY IMMACm,ATE XI-IN4C, l-l.VId, iti .Mrica 1-

19la: l\-i;ilc: Vlll iri,-,b: .Xl-lSUb; X\'l-S0a; Alaska l- 250a: Apostolate of the Press XI-l87a; in Asia XI-186b; in British Columbia XV-267b; in Canada III-239a; XI-l85c: XII-596C; in Cevlon VIII- 269b; at Cimbebasia XVI-68b; ends and means XI - 185a; establishments XI-lS5d; in Europe XI-186a; Eymard, P. J. V-73.5C; Fabre, Joseph V- 743b; foundation IX-716C; Garni. Andr« VI-3S4d; in India Vn-730b; in India, map Vll-facing 736

—among Indians XIII-764C: DtoSs IV-7l9a; Iroquois III- 458b; Puyallup XII-586C; Quamaichan Xn-.590a ; Sanetch XIII-439C: Tait XlV-431a

—in Ireland VlII-113d; and Mazenod X-94a: members XI- 184c: lS.-)b: missions X-375b; name XI-184C; in North Amer- ica Xl-186a: in Oceania XI- ISfib; organization XI-184d; origin XI-184C; pilgrimages XI-186C; principal undertak- ings XI-185C; recruiting XI- 18,5a: .sanctuaries .\I-186c; in Saskatcliiwan XVl-49b; semi- naries .Mil 7l)l)c; 701c; slaves, work for XIV-39b; statistics Xl-lSiia: in Temiskaming XIV-479b: in Texas XIII- 425d; XlV-.')49b; in Washing- ton X'V'-.'>64a

— of Our Lady of Rbo. See Am-

— of St. Alphonsus Liguori II-605C — of St. Ambrose. See Ambro- sians

-OF SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES .\l-ls7b; foundation lX-7."i4c: X-2l)Sb: at Troyes


XI-18Sa; 164c: Benedictine, scapular privilege XIII-509a; 510a; definition n-153d; men, Congregation of XI-l89a; Phil- ippines. Congregation of XI- lS8d; Daughters of the Seven Dolours; XI-189a; and monas- tieism XI-188b: St. Frances of Rome XI-188C: St. Frances of Rome. Rule II-464C; women, congregation of XI-188C Oblationarius XI-217C Oblation of the Host Vn-495a Oblations. .S" ( )fferings Oblayers VIl-491a ObUgado, Rafael XlV-207a OBLIGATION Xl-lS9c; of ad- viiratis Xl-lrt-'a: analysis XI- Itlllb; and riins.icnce XI-190a; ol contracts IV-335C; judge Xl-lOld; and law, natural Xl-lrtiib: of lawyers XI-192a: of plivsicians .Xl-I92d; pro- fessional XI-19ld: and right Xlll-.ub: and Stoicism XI- I9l)d: Ten Commandments Xl-191b: of a witness XI- 192c Obhvion, Act of I-112b; VIII-

102d Obodas I, King of Petra XI-777d — n, Kmg of Petra XI-777d -III, King of Petra .XI-777d



O'Bolcan, Nuada, .\bbot of Tuam

\V-s:ia Obona, Santa Maria de XIV-

istld Obongos, tribe, and Fritsch XII-

Obo"th VH43b

Obotrites, tribe X-107c; XIV-

49a; Berno, Apostolate of II-

512b: conversion II-757a; in

Hamburg VII-l21b O'Boyle, Daniel, martyrdom

VIIl-l()8a — Nial, Bishop of Raphoe XII-

647d — Niall, martyrdom VIII-167a — Thaddseus, martyrdom VIII-

ItSUc Obra, church at, Antoniewicz,

tomb of I-585C O'Brady, Patrick, martyrdom



I9:3a: annals l-.533d; VIlI-99a: on Bangor monks XV-583d; birthplace Vlll-643c: at Clon- macnoise IV-66c: Clonmac- as Abbot of VIII-121a; at Doiremelle VIII-644a Obrecht, Edmond M., Abbot of Our Ladv of Gethsemani, Ken- tuckv Vi-541c; at Mariannhill



— Jacobus. .S'ff Hobrecht, Jaco- bus Obregon, Bernardine Xl-193b OBREGONIANS .\I-193b; XIV-

1)4 3a O'Brennan, Teigue Cornelius, in

Cana<la VllI 14.8a OBREPTION XI IrtSc Obriadnyia piesni, Russian songs

XIll 2C..-.d ^ ,

O'Brian, John Thomond, m South

Anu-rica Vlll-157b O'Brien, Antonia, in Kimberley

Vlll Ii4.^ic —Charlotte Grace V-403C — Constantine, Bishop of Kulaloe


Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) ^ illustrationa. 580