Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/599

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O'Duibheannaigh, Conchobhar.

.Sf^ O'DevHiiy. Cornelius O'Duignan, Peregrine VI-164a OduUam. ^'tt' AduUam

O'Dunan, Archbishop of Cashel lll-401b

O'Dwyer, Edward Thomas, Bish- op of Limerick IX-263b; and Newman X-798b

—JOSEPH XI-212d; VIII- 143a

— Patrick, pioneer pnest, Ohio IV-oija , „

— William, Abbot of Holy Cross VII-107a

Odyniec, writer XII-200b

Oea, See of XV-t50a

{ECOLAMPADIUS, JOHANN XI-213a: at Basle II-339c; and confession V-762b; death IX- 454d; on Eucharist V-576b; and Glarean VI-577b; and Mass X-12a; and Melanchthon X-151d: New Testament canon III-27Sd; and Paracelsus XI- 408b: and Reformation IX- 452b: wife III-26b: and Zwmgli XII-705c; XV-774a

(Ecology II-o72c

(Economos, Greek writer \ I- 77 Id

CECONOMUS, EPISCOPAL XI- 214b; III-596d; V-2d; in By- zantine churches VI-760C: as clerics X-333a: duties V-745a: in Eastern Uniat Churches VII-323C

(Ecumenical Coimcils. See Coun- cils, General

— Judge, title I-302C

—Patriarch V-231c; VI-759d; XI-549C; XIII-536c; XV- 101a

(ECUMENIUS, Bishop of Trikka XI-214C; as Greek catenist IV- IfiOa: works I-701b

Oedgrim, Bishop of Skara XVI- 7ob

(Edipus XII-734b: at Thebes, Greece XIV-562C

— iTiarC IngresVIII-9c;MilletX- 311a

Oegineta V-lo2d

Oehlenschlager, Adam Gottlob, poet IV-:i32b; 73 la

Oehlschlagel, Lohel, organ build- er XIV-312C

Oekloster XVI-lld

(Elflaed, Queen of Edward the Elder V-232a

Gem, Cistercian foundation XVI-lb

Oembs, Tritheist XV-62a

O Emmanuel, antiphon XI-173b

Oengus, Saint. See Aengus

Oenomanos, and Pelops lV-581d

(Enotrians iltahcs) VIII-224a

Oenrio, Huron town VII-371a

(Epea. See Soli

Oerger, on Martin Luther IX- 439c; 440a

Oerlaam, ethnological classifica- tion Xll lii'tid

Oersted, Hans Christian XII- lUb; XV-7.Vte; at Copenhagen, Inivcrsity of IV-352b; and electricity XV-o04b; experi- ments W3Sa

Oertel, Abraham. See Ortelius, Abraham

— Eucharius Ferdinand X-140d

—JOHN JAMES MAXIMILIAN Xl-21.".a: VI~ls:id; XI-«90c

— M. J. X 140a

Oertelmans, Damiaen, and Paul- us Bril n-7H7a

Oesel, Island XIII-232C

Oeser, Friedrich, and Winckcl- mann XV-65tM

Oessler, and Ptolemy's geog- raphy XV-531C

Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschrift, periml- ical VII-3S0d

Oest. Verein gegen Trunksucht, Temperance Society XIV-484d

Oetinga. See Oettingen

Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph Xll-SId

OETTINGEN XI-21.5a; cathe- dral, date XI-520d: "Golden Horse" X-223b; Redemptor- iat monastery XII-f.8fib; shrine XV— 4G2c; shrine, and Eisengrein V-3B9b

Oettl, Geotg von. Bishop of Eichstatt V-365C

Oettli, Samuel IV-494C; and Biblical criticism XI-657C: on Pentateuch XI-656d; 660b

CEuvre de I'Adoption, Paris XI- 492c

— de la Misericorde, and Bonis II-712a

— de Saint-Henri, Paris, founded II-.52oa

— de Saint-Nicolas, Paris, found- ed 1 1- ".2.5a

— des bergers XIII-34Sc

— des Catechismes. See Volun- tar>' Catechists, Archconfrater- nity of

— des Cercles Catholiques d*Ou- vriers Vl-lSSd; and Comte de Mun Xll-lt;4a

— Internationale de la protection de la jeune fille, in Germany I- 34.5b

Oexle, Caspar, Salem Abbey XIII-39Ub

O'Faherty, Daniel, writer VIII- 124a

O'Falvey, Donchus, martyr VIII- IfiSa

Ofanto (Aufidus) IV-3.50a

O'Farrell, John A. II-624a

—Jasper VIIl-Mld

— Michael Joseph, Bishop of Trenton XIV-332b: XV-37a

— T., in Long Island Il-SOOb

O'Farrelly, Agnes, writer VIII- 124a

O'Felan, Bishop of Kilmacduagh VI-373a

Ofen. See Buda, town

O'Feral Clan, and Ardagh I-f)99d

O'Ferrall, Anthony, martyr VIII- 167d

— Bernard, martyr VIII-137d

—John, martvr Vni-167d

—Louis, conf^'"' r ^'TIT lfi7d

OFFA, KiTi.- .1 M. - ! . \l 2I.5b; I-3IIIC; \ ;_'■'. I \ J ;jc; and Churi-h i\ li'ib. Mil 762a; Dyke XV-.5.i.ia. a.,,! iis:l.ert V- 32.5b; St. Ethelbert V-553b; pohcy, religious V-555a: and pope Xl-774a; and Rome I- 509d: IV-294b; and Saint Albans XIII-329b; and West- minster Abbey XV-598a; York, Council of (787) I-506d

Offaly, Barons of. See Fitzgerald, Maurice: Fitzgerald, Thomas 10th earl of Kildare; Fitzgerald, Gerald

OffamigUo, Gualtiero, Bishop of Palermo XI-420C

Offeldus, Thomas. See Thomas Alfield

Offenburg, deanery I-342a; epis- copal residence II-340a

Oflence, Mount of VIII-344c; XI-244C

Offerenda, Psalm XI-217C

OFFERINGS XI-21.5d; 217a; 219a; Xn-t7lld; Carthage lit- urgy 1 19sb: charitable II- 24t)a; Cliri-liin Xl-217c; in early niiii.l, III; funeral 111 -77d; \"I :;_'lc: .Imi-I, XI- 21 6d : 2 1 7a ; .\ 1 1 1 .'. I id , .Nazar- ite XI-J17a, I'eute. ,,.,t. Feast of XI-661d: Semitism XI- 215d; and stipends XIV-296C

Offertorium. ,S>€ Offertory

—Psalm XI-217C

OFFERTORY XI-217d; IX- 310b; Alleluia XI-.517b; Ad- deus and .Maris I-137a: Am- brosian Rite I-401b: 401c; anti- phon I-375a; XII-787b; Apos- tolic Constitutions 1-5710; bread and wine IV-10.5b: can- onization ceremony II-750a; Carthage, Church of I-19Sb; in Celtic Rite III-499c: 5(X)a; chant VI-71.5a; 7S0a: XII- 144d ; in early Church I X-307d ; in Galilean Rite VI -.362a; in Good Friday services VI-643d; in Greek Church I-».52a: III- 575d; in Greek Rite, antimen- aium I-,56.3d; history XI- 218a: and Lavabo IX-44c; St. James, Liturgy of T-.572d; St. Mark, Lilurg^' of I-.304d; 305b: Mozarabie Mass X-6I9d; music X-.3d; IX-797a: 798d; and paten XI-.541C: Prayers XIII-674a; present u.w XI- 218c; and Reformers XII I-fi7b: in Requiem .Mass XII-777b: in

Roman Rite, IX-793b; 794d; symbolical ceremonies III- 53Sd; in Syrian Rite, Eastern XIV-415b

Offerus (Adokimus), and St, Chrialophor III-728d

OFFICE, DIVINE XI-219a; VI- 534b: X-462c: abbreviations I- 22c: Acathistus I-92b; Aco- louthia I-103d: in Advent I-165d; in African Church I- 198d; 199a: Agios O Theos I- 211b; albs worn I-251d; Alle- luia I-319c; .^Ima Redemptoris Mater I-326c; and Amalarius of Metz I-376C; St. Ambrose I- 394d: .\mbrosian I-397a; 399d; Ambrosian hymns I-393Ab; antiphonary I-576d: Antiphons in Greek Liturgy I-576b: Apol- ysis I-023c: Apostles' Creed I- 632b: Athanasian Creed II- 33c; attitude VI-424d; Ave Maris Stella II-149b: Ave Re- gina II-149b; Benedictine XI- 220a; Benedictine Invitator- ium VIII-89b: Benedictus II- 473b; Blessed Sacrament eK- position V-714b

—Byzantine IV-315a; Gospel read VI-659c: Lessons XlV- 382d

—called canon III-256a: canons III-485C; IV-114b: Canticles III-301d: Capuchin XIII-77a: Carmelite XIII-72d: 73c; Car- melite tertiaries XIV-638a; Celtic III-497C: cenobites X- 482b; chants VI-780a; Chris- tian institution XV-712a: Cis- tercian XV-348b: Clovesho. Council of IV-69a; Cluniac addition IV-74b: commemora- tions IV-lSSc: Complin IV- lS7b: composition XI-220b: confiteor IV-223a; creed, reci- tation IV-479C: cross, sign of the XIII-785C; Deo Gratias IV-737C; De Profundis IV- 738d; development XI-219C: directories V-25b; distractions V-47c; of Doctors V-75b; Dominican XII-357a; XIII- 76b: Dominua Vobiscum V- 114b; Durandus V-207c; St. Ephraem V-499c; Esdras V- 538b; excommunication V- 682d; form, primitive XI-219b; XV-712a; Galilean I-396b: VI-360C: Gerona synod VI- 530b; Gloria Patri V-loOd: Gospel read VI-659d; hermits X-461d; on Holy Thursday X- 68c: hours, canonical IV-I87b; VII-500C: IX-3Sa: .X~.50d; XI-87b: 97b; 222b; .XIH24b; XIII-747b; XIV-.514d: XV- 381a: hours, origin of I-lOoc; hymns I-326c; 392d; 393a: 393c: II-112a; 149b; XI-334c: 441d: XII-607a: 676d; 718c: 782c; 7S2d; XIIl-17a; 17b: 18.Sb: 292c: 321d; 410c: 429d: XIV-2:i'.id; 44.5b: 179b: XV- 222b: 34 ib; ;i4sa; :i',«'>a; illus- trated l-:i9()b; introduct- ory prayer IV'-761b: In\'itato- rium Vill-89b: Jesuits XIV- 84d; Saint John the Baptist, Feast of VIII-491a: Lamenta- tions VIII - 339c; Lauds IX- 3Sa; Lectionary I.X-IlOc; Ilia: Lessons IX -197c: Magnificat IX-.534b; and Mass XII-778a: Mass, con- ventual IX-790C:, exe- Quial XII-779C; Matins X- 50d: meaning XI-219a: mendi- cant friars X-488b: menologia X-192b; Miserere X-353a; 353c; monastic VI-659d: IX- I98c; monaaticism, eastern X- 469d: .Mozarabie X-617a: Noc- turns XI-87b; None XI-97b; Nunc Dimittis .\I-l(iOa; nuns IV-342a; XI-160b; 166c:. 525a; XII-2.52C: 254a; O Antiphons XI-17.3b; Ordo XI XI-287b; O Salutaris Hoslia XI-334C; Pange Lingua Gloriosi XI- 441d: Pa.ssionists XI-52:ia; Pa«.sion Offices XI-.527b; Pas- sion Sunday VI-574a; Pater Nostcr IX-3.56d: Pentecost XV-015a; Poor Clares XII- 2.52c; 254a: precentor XII-


372a: Precious Blood, Feast of the XII-373b; Premonstraten- sians XIII-77C: Presentation, Feast of the XV-464Fd; Prime XII-J24b: Psalms XII-543b; 544b; Quieumque Christum Quseritis Xn-607a: recitation III-48.5C: IV-114b: VI-530b: VII-5(X)c: recitation, perpetual I-206a; recitation by religious IV-342a: XI-166b; 166c: 525a; XII-756d; Rector Potens Ver- ax Deus XII-676d; reform of XVI-14a; Regina Cceli XII- 7 1 8c ; Rerum Creator X I I-782c ; Rerum Deus Tenax Optime Vigor XII-782d; Reaponsories XII-787d; Rex Gloriose Mar- tyrum XIII-17a; Rex Sempi- terne Caelitum XIII-17b; Rhythmical Office XIII-27c; Rorate coeli XIII-183b: rosary hymns XIII-188b; rubrics XIII-216b; Sacra Jam Splen- dent XIII-292c: Sacris So- lemnis XIII-321d; Salve Re- gina XIII -409a: Salvete Christi Vulnera XIII-410C; Sanctorum Meritis XIII-429d; Servites XIII-78a; Sext XIII- 747b; Stabat Mater Do- lorosa XIV-239C: synonyms XI-219a: Syrian Rite, East XIV-416b; Syrians, Uniat IX- 303d; Tantum Ergo XIV-445b; Te Deum XIV-4C8C; 470a: Te Lucis Ante Terminum XIV- 479a; Tenebra; XIV-506a; 506b: Terce XIV-514d: Urba beata Jerusalem XV-222b; Veni Creator Spiritus XV- 341b; Verbum Supernum Pro- diens XV-.348a; Vespers XV- 381a: Vexilla Regis XV-396a; and Virgin Mary XV^63c: Virgin Mary, Feast of patron- age XI-560b: Visitation, Feast of the XV-^81a: Votive XV- 57Ca; and Wadding, Luke XV- 523b: and week XV-576a Winchester College XV-642a York XV-735b; See Breviary —Holy. See Holy Office; Inqui-


—Saint. See Saint-Office

— des lumieres, at Jerusalem

XV-3S1C — of devotion XII-275d — of the Blessed Virgin, Little.

See Little Office of the Blessed

—OF THE DEAD XI-220b: II- 77Ic: III-73C: Alleluia, use of I-320c; VI-7I6d; All Souls' Day I-31.5d; Carthusians III- 389c; Dominican Xni-76c; history Xl-221a: indulgence VII-78Sd; Invitatorium pro- hibited VIII-89C; Libera Me IX-214b; liturgical week XV- 576a; Matins X-51d: Miserere X-:!53a; obligation XI-221b: origin III-77c: Plenarium XII- 164b: Primer .\ll-42.5b

—of the Sepulchre XV-107d

— Public, bribery II-779a; Jews excluded XIV-762b

—Roman, ca,ses XIII-136b

Officia, of Rome XVI-18c

Official, Ecclesiastical, early Church VII-343d; Judge VIII- ,546d; vicar-general V-4d: Vienna Conference Xin-596c

Officii, Constitution of Gregory XIII IX-lI7d

— Nostri, Bull of Benedict XIV .XII-440d

Officiorum ac Munerum, Consti- tution of Leo XIII II-134d; .586b; III-522a: ,523b: VIH- 722a: X-39d; XII-354a; XIII- 143b

Officium, in Mozarabie Mass X- fi21d; in Sarum Rite XIII- 480a

OfGda, Conrad of. See Conrad of Offida

Offredi, Omobono di, bishop IV- 4H3d

Offro. See Offems

O'FIHELY, MAURICE, Arch- bishop of Tuain XI-221C; V- 74b; XV-82a

O'Fihily, Jesuit, Paraguay XIV- 9.3b

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.