Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/601

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XI-233a; statistics XV-

Oklahoma City XI-233b

O-ko-ta. See Aguda

Okruzhniki Xn-t;49c

Oksza, Nanker IV-46oa

Oktai, Tatar Chief XIII-244d

Oktoechos, liturgical book IV-

jl5d; IX-303a: X-177d

Okuma, and University of Wa- seda VIII-302d

Oktjro kyo, Japanese politician vni-:!15c

Okwaou, fetish VI-57d

Olaf , Saint. See Olaf Haraldsson, Saint

—poet VII-CISC

^King of Dublin V-172d

— I, King of Norway. See Olaf Trygg\'aS3on

— n. King of Norway. See Olaf Haraldsson, Saint

— HI, King of Norway. See Olaf Kyrre

— V, Iving of Norway and Den- mark XI-USc; and Iceland VII-616b

— I, King of Sweden, and St. .Inschar I-544d

— m. King of Sweden. See Olaf Skotkonung

—I, Bishop of Roskilde XVI-71d

— Bishop of Strengnas XVI-76d

— Archbishop of Trondhjem XI- 119b; XII-7Wb

— Cuarann, King of Dublin V- 172d

— Hakonsson. See Olaf V, King of Norway and Denmark

— HARALDSON, SAINT, King of Norway XI - 234a; and Christianization of Norway XV-64a; and Einar Skulason's poem VII-618c; and Iceland VII-6I6a; and Nidaros. See of XV -64b: patron of Norway XI-118a; relics XI-118a; and Richard of Normandy XI- IWc; and Rudolph. Bishop XVI-65b; and the Skalds VII- 618b; and St. ThogerXVI-llc; torab XV-64d

— Kyrre, King of Norway XI- 118b; 121b; Orknevs XI-317a; Selo XVI-9C; and Trondhjem cathedral XV-64d

— Magnus, map I-421c_

— Saga, New World discoveries 1-4 17c; and winter solstice I- 419a

Olafsdrapa, Skaldic poem (Hall- fred Ottarsson) VIl-618b

Olaf Skotkonung, King of Swe- den, baptism XIV-348C; 351a; XVI-75a

Olaf sson, Amund, Bishop of Faroe Islands V-789C

—Ami, Bishop of Skalholt VII- 617a

Olafsson, Thorleif, Bishop at Bergen XVI-9d; at Viborg XVI-81b

Olaf Svendsson, Danish prince III-307C

— the Quiet. See Olaf Kj-rre

— the White. See Olaf, King of Dublin

— Tryggrasson, King of Norway I-417d; Xl-USa; XVl-75a, 76b; 78d; and Christianization of Norway XV-64a; confirmed V-394b; death commemorated Vll-618b; Faroe Islands, mis- sions V-789C; Greenland, mis- aions I-417b; and Leif the Happy VI-778d; and Olaf Haraldson, St. XI-234a; and Hallfred Ottarsson "s poem VII- 618b; Selo church XVI-9C: and Stefnir Thorgilason VII- 616c

— ^Trygveson (Trygresson). See Olaf Trj-ggi-aason

OUguibel, birthplace XV-489d

Olah, in llebrew sacrifice XIII- 31 2d

OLAH, NICOLADS, Archbishop of Gran XI-234b; VI-722C; and Brassicanus II-744C; re- forms VII-.5.«d

—Stephen XI-234C

Olabus, Nicolaus. SeeOUh, Nic- olaus

O'Lahy, John, martyr VIII- 106a

Olamentke Indians X-371c

Glaus, Archbishop of Trondhjem.

See Olaf Olav, Saint, Norwegian Catholic

wecklv XI-12IC Olave, Saint. See Olaf Haralds- son. Saint O'Laverty, Lewis, martyr VIII-

IfiSa Olavi, Joannes IV, Bishop of Abo

VI-77a Ola vide, Pablo Antonio de, writer

XIV-2t>la OLBA (OLBASA) XI-235a; See

Oropus Olbe. See Olba Olbeau, Jean d". See Dolbeau Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Mat- thias, astronomer II-2Gd Olbert, Abbot of Gemblours VI- 40Sa; and Burchard of Worms III-64b

Olbia, See of XV-60a

Olbianus, Bishop of Eliea V-371C

Olbos. See Olba

Olcott, Henry Steal XIV-627a; and Thc.sophical Society III- .549d

Old Age Pension Act, in England Xll-2o4d

— Behevers, sect X-595a

— Biloxi, Iberville at l-240d

— Brotherhood of the Secular Clergy. See Old Chapter

— Cairo, monastery II-323c: mosque of Kait Bey (ill.) V- facing 100

Oldcastle, Sir John, impostor vn-700a; Lollard leader IX- 33.ib; and Nettcr, Thomas X- 764c; Stubb.') on V-441b

OLD CATHOLICS XI-235b; in Austria ll-137a; in Baden II- 197d; baptism II-2r>4b; Bava- rian movement XVl-22c; in Berne II-508a; 509a; charges against Church XII-775b; de- chne XI-2.30b; Dollinger III- 481d; V-9Sd; GUnthcrians VII- 87d; Haneberg Vll-127d; Mav Laws VIII-707d; and Pusey XII-583b; reunion negotia- tions XV-147C; at Rotterdam VI-771b; statistics XIV-277b; in Switzerland II-340b; IX- 40Sd; XIV-3(i4b

—CHAPTER XI-236d; II-.590a; XI -237a

Oldcorne, Ahce V-t7Sa

—EDWARD, VENERABLE, mar- tyr Xl-2:i7b; VIH.38C; and Ahinctnn I-44a; and Ashley, R.ilph I-77r,d;and Garnet VII- .S4a; (ill.) XI-237b

Old demand Notes, I'nited States of America XV-174a

— Dominion (Virginia) XV-451C

Olden Barneveld, Jan van VII- l<»a

Oldenberg, Hermann, Orientalist VlI-3.Wb

OLDENBURG, grand duchv, Gcrmanv XI-237C; area XI- 237c; capital XI-2.37c; Centre party XVI-23d; church prop- erty XV-205C; 205d; Con- cordat (1830) IV-204b; name XI-237d; population Xl-237c; under Propaganda XII-4o7b; punishment, capital XII-.5fi9d: statistics XI-237C; and West- phalia XV-6(>»c

— (Aldenburg), town, Germany XI-239a

— Ancient See of. established V1I-121C; XI-239a; monastery Vl-OSld; Premonstratensian convent VI-.';33b

—Heinrich XIV-21.8a

—House of, in Sweden XIV-352b

—See Aldenburg

Old English Chronicle V-4.Wd; 40()a

Oldenzaal, College of XIII-519b

Olderico, Bishop of Cremona IV- 483c

— Biahop of Lodi IX-322d

—Count of Susa XIV-345C

Old Gate, VIIl-3S4d

OLD HALL (ST. EDMUND'S COLLEGE! XI :;;tib; Xlll- 7'X)a; Challoner 111 ol.od; and Douai XIII-.572b; .-,7.33; XV- 2.33c; foundation XIII-.573a; Griffiths VII-3.3C; 3.3d; Ohiates I— i05d; origin V-4.57b; Povn- tcr XII-3.30C; Pugin XlI-5(iOa:

seminary. Diocesan XV-597a: seminary, ecclesiastical XIII- 697b; Talbot XIV - 432a; Weathers XV-572d OLDHAM, HUGH XI-239c: V-

709a Old Jewry, London IX-343b — Latin version, St. Matthew, Gospel of X-58b; Septuagint XV-3(i7d; Wisdom, Book of XV-GlJOd; 6S7b — Leighlin. See Magh Lene — Lights, Presbyterians XI1-394C — Lutherans IX— 459c; on justifi- cation VIII-.57Bb — Man of the Mountain XII-218b —Mines, mission X-401d —Nick, origin I.X-.501d OLDOINI, AUGUSTINO XI-

239d Old Order Brethren (Tunkers)

XV-91a — Oscott (Maryvale) V-740d —Philosopher, Lao-tze XI V-447a — Point Comfort, college, Virginia

XV-454a — Pool. See Lower Pool —Ritualists. See Old Believers — St. Joseph's, Willing's Alley,

Philadelphia Il-286b — St. Paul's, London XV-653C — School Baptists. See Primitive

Bapti-sts — School Presbyterians XII-

394b . — Servia, Serbs and Croats in

XIV-50b — Side, Presbyterianism XII-

394a — Slavonic Liturgy I-583a —Style, in chronology IV-637d — Testament. See Testament,

Old Oldtown, Maine, Indian mission I-39d; II-25SC; XI-645b; XII- 287d Old Turks, poUtical party XIV-

400c — Two-Seed in the Spirit, Pre-

destinarian Baptists II-281b Oleari, Bartolomeo, Archbishop

of Florence Vl-24Ga O'LEARY, ARTHUR XI-240a; XV-593d; in Cork ni-326d; in London ni-32(ia: St. Patrick's founded VIII-152a; and Wes- ley Vl-OSla — Daniel Florence VIII-157c — John, Fenian leader XVI-

49c —Patrick, writer VIII-124d —Peter, writer VIII-123d Oleg, Russian prince IX-464C; XIII-243C; 243d; at Kiev XI- llOd; and Vladimir the Great XV-497d Olegarius, Saint, Bishop of Barce- lona lI-2S9b; 2.S9c; Tarragona episcopate XlV-lSOc; 460a Oleg of Kursk, Russian prince

Xin-244c Olena, .See of VI-738d; VII-33a OLENUS, See of Xl-240b Oleomargarine, adulterant I-

162d Oleomi, Indian mission X-371a Olerius, Bernard, Carmelite III-



neus) .\l-lM0c; lV-4(;4d; 465d;

Xn-19()d; and Dlugosz V-69d

Oleszkiewicz, portrait of Pulaski

XII-561b Oleum Martyris. See Oil of

Saints Olewig, Caspar (Olevianus) V-

763a O'Leyn, Matthew, martyr VIII-

l«Oc Olfactory nerves I-4.59C Olga, Saint, Russian Queen IX- 4r.4c; XIII-243d; baptism Xin-2.54a; conversion VI- 764d; and missionaries I-127b: and Vladimir the Great XV- 497d Olgerd, Lithuanian prince IX-

■^Mc: .\lll-24.';a Olhone Indians, mi.saion X-372a Ohd, Cristobal de .X-2.'i.3d Olider, Caspar, Theatine VII-

292b Olier, Amand, Vicar Apostolic of

Central Oceania XI-200d —JEAN JACQUES XI - 240d: XIV-612b;639d;XV-251a;and

Aiguillon, Duchess of I-234a; at Ardillier's slirine l-700d; baptism XI-48Sd; and Ber- nard , Claude II-496d ; and Cau- let III-458c; "Company of Montreal" III-232c; IX-S84b; X-574d; and St. Cyran V- 219a; on duelling V-185a: on Eudes V-596a; and Faillon XIII-380C; and Laval IX^6a; Leo XIII XV-154C; Notre Dame des Miracles Xl-488d; and retreats XII-796b; and Compagnie du Saint Sacrement IV-I84C; seminaries XIII- 696b; 699c; St. Sulpice XI- 490c; XIII-378C; Thompson's fife of XIV-703C; XV-251a; and V(5ron XV-360a OUffe, Thomas, Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Bengal III-lS3d; death Ill-l.Ma OLUenberg. S.r H(.henl>urg OLINDA, ARCHDIOCESE OF XI-242C; XV-2.J3b; XVI-36b; Benedictine monastery II— 449c Olipa, Bishop of Segorbe XIII-

684b Oliphant, Laurence XV-7G0d Olissipo (Lisbon) IX-2Slc Ohtsika (Bodone) ll-(il)9d Ohva, Saint, martyr XI-420b OLIVA, monastery XI-242d:

XII-520b; XV-682a Oliva, Bishop of Vich XV^()6b — GIAN PAOLO XI-243a; XIV- 85c; Chinese calendar XIII- 522a; and Gonzales VI-635d; XII-}42d; portrait XIV-89a; and Segneri XIII-683b — Juan Martinez, canon XIII-

4(;iid —Peace of (ItillO) VI-505b OLIVAINT, PIERRE XI-243b; 4y0b; IV-169a; and Montalem- bert X-51ob; and Puiseux XII— 561a — lecttires VI- 188b OUvant, legend n-682c Olivares, convent l-55Gb — Gasparo de Guzman XIV- 184a; and Cano lll-251a; and Castro y Bellois lll-115c; and Philip III Xn-303d; and Ri- palda Xlll-62b; and Rubens XIII-215C; and Thirty Years War XIV-648d Olive XI-433C; in Old Testament xni-2S9b; wild, in Bible XII- 155d —Saint XII-729b Olivean Indians VII-756d Olive Branch, in catacombs I- 439a; with dove (ill.) V-144d: symbolism II-576c; III-421d; 422d Oliveira, Cavalheiro d*, writer

Xll-310b — Correa de, poet XII-310d — Julio Francisco de, Bishop of

Vizeu XV-I97C — Xavier, Mathaeus d'. Arch- bishop of Goa VI-604b Olivella, church, Palermo XI-

419b Olive Oil, in altar-lamp I-354b; n-226a; III-696C;




697a; symbolism III-697C Oliver, (Elmer) astronomer and

aeronaut IX-572d —GEORGE XI -244a; XIV-309d Olivera, A. de. See Anthony of

the Mother of God Oliver of Terrada, General of

Order of the Holy Ghost VII-

416b Olives (PakawA Indians) XI—

403a — Mount of. .Sec Olivet, Mount — Our Lady of the. See Our

Ladv of the Olives Olive Sunday XI-132C OLIVET, MOUNT XI-244b; I-

7li7a; VIIl-3Sld; basilica I-

7l)7a; height VIII-344C; (ill.)

Vlll-facing 340; name X-

67.Sa; Nativity service V'-50.ic;

Palm Sunday services XI— 433a ;

Virgin Mary, tomb of XV-471C Olivetan, Pierre Robert d', and

Calvin III-196a; VII-528d:

version of the Bible VI-530b;

XV-372a OLIVETANS XI-244d; I-702c;

II-i59b; 461d: 504c; Bcnedic-

Roman numeral indicatea volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.