Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/603

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Oneiros, worship of IV-683d One Mile Tavern, Baltimore,

seminary II-229d Oneniote-aga Indians VIII-lGSd O'Nerehiny, Jeremiah, martyr

VIll-lliTd Onerosa pastoralis officii. Bull of

Pius VI X^.'Oa Oneroso, Bull of Benedict XIV

XII-3SSb Onesimus, Bishop of Bersea II-

oiad; XI-79Sb; at Colossae

IV-131b; and Philemon XI-

79Sa — I, Saint, Bishop of Soissons

XIV-130d Onesiphorus, Saint XI-503c:


Onesti, Nanna XV-384d

One-White-Lodge, Indian VII- 575a

Onez y Loyola, Beltran Yanez de, Don. See Loyohi, Don Bt-ltran Yaflez de Out'Z y

Ongienda Kehasakcboua X- 313a

Ongniod X-4S0a

Ong-phat, Supreme Being VII- 7ric

Ongwanonsionni Indians VIII- 168d

ONIAS I, Jewish highpricst XI- 253d: and Arius IX-496C; XIV-209d

ONIAS n, Jewish highpricst XI~254a; VIII-387a

ONIAS m, Jewish highpricst XI-2.>4a; VIII-387b; and Ja- son VIII-325a; IX-493d; and Machabees IX-497b

ONIAS IV, Jewish highpricst XI- 254a; at Lcontopolis IX-lSlc

ONIAS, Jew of Jerusalem XI- 254b

ONIAS (MENELAUSi XI-254a; VIII-348b; 3S7b; IX-493d

Onion, in Bible Xll-155d

Onionem, town VII-57Sd

Onizuchi, Peter. See Peter Oni- zuchi

Onkelos. .See Aquila

Onneioute Indians VIII-IGSd

Onnes, Kamerlingh, astronomer XV-lS5d

Ono, Irish chief V-394C

—town VI-443b

Onod, Diet of (1707) VII-5o5b

Onolatry I-793b; IV-527b

Oooldus, Bishop of Kruszwica XV-680d

— Bishop of Wloclawek XV- 681b

Onolphus. See Wunelphus

Onomasticon, of Eusebius I- r.tSsb; Vl-540b: of Origcn XV- 4ii4Ab; of Philo XV-4li4Ab

Onondaga IV-W)Ia: Vaillant de GuesUs at XV-249C

— (Onondage-ga) Indians VII- 56.5d; Vlll-iesd; Chaumonot II-645a; and Hurons VII-.578a; Le Mercier IX-146d; Le Moyne IX-149d: missions X-312d; XIV-397c: 397d

Onorati, Onorato degU, Bishop of Sant' Angelo in Vado and Ur- bania XIlI-450c

ONTARIO XI-2.54b: agriculture XI-2»4d; area XI-254b; ceme- teries III-509C; charities XII- 241b; church XI-255d; cities XI-254d; climate XI-2D4b: divorce XI-256d; education XI-256a; XIII-563a; educa- tional statistics III-231b; XII- 599d; 600a; fisheries XI-255a; forests XI-255a; government XI-255b; history XI-2.>4b: immigration III-220c; incor-

? oration XI-255d: Indians il-229d: VIII-170d: X-3,s4a:

Irish Vin-149d: 131a; lakes

III-227d; legislation Xl-255b;

manufactures ill-228c: 220a;

XI~255a; marriage;

XI-2.56d; Masses, bequests for

X-30d: Methodism X-240a;

mining XI-254d; missions I-

235b; population XI-2Mc;

railways and canals XI-255b;

religious statistics III -241c;

a42a; reservations III -228c;

universities XI-256C —Lake III-227d Ontcominene (Ontcommer: Ont-

kommer). Sec Wilgefoitis

Onthoudersbond vas West Flan- deren, society XI\^-4S5c

Ontogeny II-572c; and evolution V-669b; Haeckel on V-638a

ONTOLOGISM XI-257b; XIV- 59(3a; condemned VI-616d; VII-172a; God, existence of VI-612C; XIV— 570a; God, infinity of VIII-6c; God, per- ception of VII-171d; and m- tmtion VIII-S3b; neo-Scholas- ticism XII-34b; and Platonic Reahsm XI-93c; theistic teach- ing Vl-609b; theological view XIV-583d; andThomismXIV- 674c; 700a; of Ubaghs XV- 114a; Zigliara on XV-759C

ONTOLOGY XI-258C; actus et potentia I-124C; actus primus I-125c: actus Purus I-125d; categories III— 433c; Duns Sco- tus V-195d; emanationism V-397b; essence and exist- ence V-543d; form VI-137b; the Good VI-631'.b; nature X- 227a; truth XV-73c

Onupbrius, Saint IV-774d

— of St. James, Carmehte III- 303b

Onyon, John. See Evnon, John

Onyx I-244b; .XlV-305b; in Bible XlV-305d; :j07d

Onze Pius ahnanak, periodical XI-t)Slc

— Wachter, periodical XI- 172b; (is la

Ooliab ll-526d; XIV-424d

Ooms, Bernard I1I-U74C

O Oriens, antiphon Xl-17.3b


Oosten, Gertrude van der. See Gertrude van der Oosten

Oosterhout Priory Xll-391d

Oostzann, Jacob van. See Cor- nelisz

O. P., abbr. I-27a; 2Sa

Opalenski, Andreas, Bishop of Posen VI-.591b

Opalinski, Christopher, poet XII- 197c

Opas, Cinnatnius, lector III- 421b


Opata-Pima, race X-2oOd

Opatas, language I— 411b

O Pater, Deus ateme, de csehs altissime, hymn Vll-r)()2d

Op. cit., aljbr. I-25a

Open Brethren. See Neutral Brethren

—Prayer XV-127C

Opera, and ecclesiastical music X-657d; origin XI-270a

Opera, Giovanni dell*, sculptor IX-131b

—del Congressi .\'n-137c; 139a

— del Duomo, Florence XI-397C

—del Duomo, Siriia .XIII-779d

— Pia Barolo, Turin XV-9.3b

— Pia Generale, M...lona X-413b

Operaio, periodical VI-752d

Operating Grace. See Grace, Co- operating

Operations, Surgical, and anaes- thetics I— 148a; and extreme unction V-727b

— of Christ, Monothelitcs on X- .503b

Ophel VI-443b; VIII-345d; 351c

Opher. See Gcthhepher

Ophera. See Ephra

Ophiomachus, in Bible I-.525a

Ophiomancy V-.'>Ib

OPinR XI-2.-.!ld; name I-fi64d

Ophites, -'t l\ 7iisc: VI-.597d; r,:isa: Vll-2.-,sa; Xl-70a

Ophni, t<.wTi Vl-44.3b

—son of Ileli VI1-204C; slain VllI-(14Sa

Ophovius lOphoven), Michael,

Bishop of Hois-le-Duc Il-(i25b:

and Wiehmans .XV-017a Ophra. See Ephra Ophthalmia neonatorum V-306C Ophthalmology X-1.3.5b; 141a Opie, John, portrait of Johnson

\' 4r,4 OpiUo, Bishop of Majorca and

Iviza X-.332a Opimia, basilica, Rome II-32r>a Opimus, Laurence, theologian

XIII-737b Opinion V-141a: in aequiproba-

bilism XII-J41C; 44.58; and

beUef II-408C; and certitude

III-539C; in compensat

XII-441d; and doubt V-141a;

in probabihsm XII-441b; 443d

Opinion Publique, periodical,

Canada XI-672C — Pubhque, periodical, France

XI-676a — Publique, periodical, Worces- ter, Massachusetts VI-275d Opis, battle II-12b; lS4d Opisthion XII-621C Opisthodomos XIV-497d Opisthograph Vni-43a; IX-G1.5a Opitone, jurisconsult XII- 112a Opitz, Biblical editor V-28Sa —Martin, poet VI-522a; -XIII-

791b Opium XIII-789C Opizo. See Oppizo Oplatki Xll-2()lid Opobalsam. See Balsam OPORTO, DIOCESE OF XI- 200b; and Braga XII-305C; cathedral, Way of the Cross (ill.) XI-260d; hospice XI- 430d; map XlV-facing 200 Oposura, mission XIV-145b Oppa, Bishop of Tuy XV-105b Oppas, .\rchbishop of Seville

XIII-744C Oppenheim, Lassa, jurisconsult

Xll-.Mlc;XV-t)!l.3a OPPENORDT (OPPENORD), GILLES- MARIE .XI - 261d; .Xlll-lOOd Oppert, Jules, orientalist II-9a;

1.S4C Oppertshafen, Bardo von, Arch-

hisliop of Mainz I.X-331a OPPIDO MAMERTINA, DIO- CESE OF XI-202a Oppizo, Bishop of Pi.^a XII-1 1 Ic —Bishop of Rimini .Xlll-.'iSc Oppizzoni, Carlo, cardinal, .\reh- bishop of Bologna Il-04()b; and Napoleon X-095b Oppolzer, Johann, ph\'siologist Il-130d; X-140a; 140b; XV- 423c Opportuna, Saint, Abbess of

Almen6ehesXIII-682c Opportimists IX-213b Opportunus, Bishop of Teramo

X1V-514C O. Pr., ahhr. I-2.8a Opstraet, theologian XII-442b Optaremus, letter I-594c; XII-

2(),Sc Optatianus, Bishop of Troves

.XV-67b Optatus, name X-674a — Saint, Bishop of Auxerre XIII-

718b —Bishop of Carthage III-386b;

VI-29b — Bishop of Chartrcs III-fi35b —SAINT, Bishop of Milevis .XI- 202a; X-3a4c; on altar XII- 784d; on altar cloths I-351d; IV-386d; and St. Augustine II- 529a; on Christ IV-218C; on Church and State XI-453b; and Donatiats I-.346C; IIl-72c: 449d: V-126a; 126c; I.X-2fl7a; .XI 1 1-53 lb; 53.3d: on heretirs VIII-27a; and Latin hterature IX-25b; popes, list of I-446d: on veil, religious XV-321C Optatus,Bishopof.SitifisXIV-30d — Bishop of Thamugadi (Tim- gad) V-127a; 127c Optics, Babinet on II-17Sc; Cam- pani III-222b; Cauchv III- 457d; Fizeau VI-88c; Frauen- hoferVI-2.50c; Frcsnel VI -2S0c Grimaldi VII-33a: Newtor XII-62b; Perntcr XI-B97b in physics, ancient XII- 47d: Roger Bacon XIlI-115a Schott XIII-5S9C Optimes, at Cambridge III-214a OPTIMISM XI -20.3b: of Ix-ihniz IX-137a; I.38a: and meliorism XI-263b; and Scripture XI- 2fi3b; of Stoics XIV-299C; St.




Optimum Maximum, Bidl of Piua

IX Xll-Odlc Option, market term XIV-2I2a —RIGHT OF XI-204b; XIV-

706a Opus, See of VI-73Sd —Leo XIII-77.5b — anglicanum, embroidery IV-

34Ib; V^OOc; examples IV-


Opuscoli, periodical, Modena XI- 684c

—periodical. Pisa XI-683C

Opus Dei. See < )ffiee. Divine

— musivum \'lll-4;ia; X-5S4C

Opvoedingem Onderwijs, periodi- cal Xl-oslb

O'QUEELY, MALACHIAS, Archbisli..]! of TuaiiL XI- L'mc; IlI-2'.<.-.d; \'11I- 107b; X\' .S2a

Oqui (Okij, among lluron.s VII- 572a

O'Quinn, James, Bishop of Bris- bane II-!2()b: 7S9d

Or., abbr. I-25a

Orabo mente Dominum, hymn I- 393b

Orache. See Mallows

ORACLE XI~204c; Advtnm I- 170a: of AlixiiiHl.r of Al.ono- teichos I-2'.l7d, m \|...iliii:iri3 I-elOc: anio,,;: \i:,l - M Jil,-)a: in Assyria .\ 1 J'td; l'.aLi.\lon

Greece XI-265c: among He- brews XI-265a; among Indians I^lOc: III-653a; Philisrine II-388d; in Rome XI-265c; XI-266b; in Old Testament I- 721d: verse, use of XII-176C

— of Reason, periodical XIII- 670b

Oracle-Priest XI-264d; XII- 410d

Oracles, Sibylline. See SibylUne Oracles

Oradini, Giulo, Bishop of Perugia XI-737a

O Radix Jesse, antiphon XI- 17;!b

Orage, Socialist XIV-67c

Oraibi, mission VII-469b

—Indians VlI-46Sd: XII-55.5b

Oraios, Arehon VI-595d: 596a

Orale. .S.< Fanon

ORAN, DIOCESE OF, Algiers XI-206C; elinpel l-lssb; map I-facing ISO: ii.i -io„. \ 1 293b

ORANGE, COUNCILS OF XI- 200d; (4411 \1 o.'iHc; .m dea- con.- ■ ^ .-.. ■ ':..ii of IV- 6.-,-a \ • \ ,:97d; (520)

Il-ilool- 111 1 „1, 136a; VI-

31c; : 1 :'i7.i, XI -267a;; on Si. Ausustine II- 102d: Augustinism II-95d; lOOc; Faustus condemned VI- 19c: Infralapsarianism, con- demned XII-382a; on merit X- 204b; on original sin XI-312b; 314a: patronage, rights of XI- 560c; on perseverance, final XI-711d; Predestinarianism condemned Xn-377d; sacra- ments XIII-298a: Semipela- gianism III-405a; VI-696d; XII-10.5d: .XIlI-703b; 700c

—Diocese of VI-390a; .XV-2o0b

— University of X\'-21.5d


Orangemen. S,r ( trantre Soriety

ORANGE RIVER. VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF XI L'osb: I- ls9c: Irish in VI ll-l."..'.c: map I-facing ISO; missions. C'atho- hc XI-20Sd: missions, Prot- estant I-!S7b; white popula- tion VIII- 1.54d

— River Sovereignty XI-267d

—Society V1I-320C; XIII-127d; and Emancipation XI-202a; formed VIII-107a

Orang-utang, brain V-067b; linihs V-007C; skeleton (ill.) V-i.osd; skull (ill.) V-007a

ORANS (ORANTE) XI-209a: III-421d; 422b: 42.3a; 424b; 515a; V-249c; .Wlb: .592c; VIII-J3c: attitude Ill-261d; St. Cecilia III-42.3d; 473a: examples I-699b : VII-113b; (ill.) Ill-tacing 426; Jesus Christ IV-528a: on lamps III-J26b; .symbohsm III-709a: XIV-374C: Virgin Mary I- 699b; III-422C; 51.5d: Virgin Marv (ill.) .XI-269; Wilpert on III-707b

Orantes, Franciscus, writer IX- 320c

Oranti. See Orans

Orarium (Orarion), vestment IV-310C; 6.50a: I.X-684C; XIV- 302b; .XV-388d


Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.