Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/632

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Peter of Limerick, Trinitarian, mart>T VIII-104b

— of Lucalongo VI 1 1-4 74b

— of Luna II-797b

— of Luxemburg, Blessed XI- S3d; XV-352b; at Paris XI- 489b; and Western schism Xni-539d

— of Macerata, Franciscan Spirit- ual XIV-231C; and Fraticelli VI-245b

— of Mantua, epithet V-74d

— of MogUano, Blessed XVI-6d

— of Monsoro, Bishop of Com- postela XIII-4n9b

—of MonticeUo, IV-280b

— of Montlaur, Bishop of Mar- seilles IX-71Gb

— of Murom, Prince, in Russian legends Xlll-2ti;lb

— of Osma, Saint XI-339C

— of Palude, theologian XIV- 592b

— of Pampelona, papal vice- chancellor XV-21fJa

— of Paris. See Artajona, Pedro de

— of Pavia. See Mezzobarbo, Peter

—of Picardy II-S30a

— of Pisa (Sth century) XI-586b

— of Pisa (12th century) II- 500c

— of Pisa, Blessed (15th century) V-2Sa; VlI-:U5c; Xll-lUb

—OF POITIERS, theologian XI-773b; epithet V-74d; "ex opere operato" XIII-297C; on transubstantiation V-3S0c; Walter of St. Victor XV-544C

— of Poitiers, writer. See B6ren- ger, Pierre

— of Ravenna VI-731a

— of Rome Vll-345a

— of Rosenberg, Viceroy, in Austria XIl-34Ua

— of St. Chrysogonus XII— 15b

— of Saumur Xin-9fic

— of Savoy, Bishop of Hereford VII-255C

—OF SEBASTE, SAINT XI- 773c; Vll-Uid; XIII-0i)7d

— of Siena, martyr XII-2S1C

— of Tarentaise. .Sec Innocent V, Blessed. Pope

— of the Mother of God, Vener- able. Carmelite lll-362d; mar- t\Tdom IlI-:«>.-,b; VIII-lU7b; mission in-3ii4a


— in art: Fra Angelico I-184b; Fra Angelico till.) Xl-facing 772; Bellini. Giovanni II- 418b; Bonvieino II-67.8d; Bor- ognone Il-OSOa; Lotto, Loren- zo (ill.) IX-facing 366; Titian XI-401a; XIV-74.3C

— canonization Vlll-lSa; Holy Name, devotion to VII-420b; mart\Tdom III-436b; XII- 368Bb; Sacchoni. conversion of Xni-292b; Servants of Mary XIIl-":iiib: t.imb XII-368C

— Onesti. .s* ( I'rtcr de Honestis

— Onizuchi, Blessed, Jesuit, mar- tyr XlV-UUa

— drseolo. Saint. See Peter


— Parenzo, Saint, martyrdom

III-436b; XI-331d; miracles

IX-129b — Paschal, Saint, Bishop of Jacn

VI-723C; VIII-267C: X-197d — Poppa Carbone, Saint, Bishop

of Pohcastro Xll-212b — Quintin, Venerable XII-773b — Regalatus, Saint. See Peter

tie Regalado. Saint — Rich, of Keichenstein, Prince- Bishop of Basic II-3:39a —Rinxei, Blessed XlV-UOa Peters, Tohann I-514c; IV-789d —John Il-»b; .\I-,S04a Peter Sampo, Blessed XIV-

110a Petersburg, N'irgiiiia.

Cemelery XV-l.i4c Petersburgsky, Island of XIII-

374d Peter Scholasticus. .See Peter of

Poitiers — Scotellus. .See Peter of Aquila Petersen, Johann Wilhelm XII-

709c Petershagen, castle of X-323d

Petershausen, monasterv, and St. Gebhard II IV-287b; and Gebhard III VI-402a; Gugler at VII-61a; missionary work II-194C

Peterskapelle, Leipzig IX-139a

—Nuremberg XI-169C

Peterson, Lorenz XII-706b

— Olaf xn-70i>b

—William V-477d

PETERSPENCE .XI-774a; 775a; .Alfred the Great I-507a; annates I-537d; Canute I- 507c; Central Verein con- tribution III -534b; commis- sion for XIII-153b; founded I-506d; VI -543c; Green- land's contributions VI-778d; Michaelsverein XV-754b; ori- gin I-509d; papal revenue I- 633c; statute on Xin-651d; Stephen V XIV-289d; as subsidy XIV-322c; in Sweden I-157b; XIV-34.Sd; in United States II-233a; Vatican, ad- ministration of XV-290b; 310d

— Association VII-250b; and George Wiglev X\'-620a


Petersthal, monastery VII-202C

Peter Thaumaturgus, Saint, Bish- op of Argos IV-364a; oil of XI-229d

—the Abbot XI-5S5a

— the Catholic, King of Aragon. .See Peter II. King of .\ragon

—the Celestine Xn-226a

— the Ceremonious, King of -\ragon. .See Peter IV, King of .\ragon

— the Chanter. .See Peter Can- tor

— the Cruel, King of Castile. See Peter I. King of Castile

— the Deacon. See Petrus Diac-

— the Dyer. See Peter FuUo

— the Ethiopian, liturgist IX-

303d — the Great, King of .\ragon. See

Peter III, King of .\ragon — the Great, Tsar of Russia.

.See Peter I. Tsar of Russia —THE HERMIT XI-775c; Cru- sade IV-546a — the Iberian, Bishop of Mai-

uma VI-401a; death X^90d;

on Pilate, pretorium of XII-

404d; and Timothy ^lurus

X^S9d; and Zachariaa of

Gaza X-192d — the Librarian. See Petrus

Diaconus (1140) — the Pilgrim. See Pierre de

Mari court —the Roman XII-476d — the Sinner. .See Velaseo, Pedro — the Tanner. See Peter Fullo — the Venerable, .\bbot of Climy.

.Sec Montboissier, Peter ol.

Blessed — the Younger, Saint, Bishop of

Gortyna VI-654a — Thomas, Saint, Patriarch of

Constantinople IV-591a; XI-

6B8d; as Archbishop of Candia

III-245a; Life of, by Wadding

XV-523a: as papal legate IV-

553c — URSEOLUS, SAINT XI-776a;

as Doge of Venice XI-776a;

feast XI-776b; and St. Romu-

ald XIII-179C — Vincioli, Saint XI-736a Peterwardein, battle XIII-1.89C Peterwell, Baldemar von XI-

533a Peter von Dusburg VI-520a Petetot, abbot, and Gratry VI-

731c: (Oratory. Congregation of

X-09a: 7(10b; XI-274d Pethe, Martinus, bishop, at Gyor

Vll ,l4d; at KalocsaXV-525b;

at Waitzin .\V-525b Pethor Il-2Md Pethuel. Sec Phatucl PetUian, Uonatist Bishop of

Constantine II-SSc; IX-638a;

and St. Augustine V-127d; at

Carthage "Collatio" V-12Sc;

and Cresconius V-128b Petilius, in inscription III-420d Petillon, Chinese dictionary III-

fi74d PETINESSOS XI-776b

Petion, leader of insurrection in Haiti vn-114c

Petiot, R., mission V-180a

Petit, family XI-509a

—Abbe, at Port Royal XII-594b; .Xni-568Bc

— Bartolommeo. See Bartholo- mew. Blessed, Apostle of Ar-

— Benjamin, missionary XII- 320d

— Jean Louis, surgeon X-133a; 135c

— Jehan. See John Parvus

— Madame, and Dubourg VI- 175b; and Propagation of Faith, Society for XII^61a

— Mathurin le, missionary III- 693b; .X-388d; .XI-7b

— Stephen, martyr VIII-167b

— Clairvaux, monastery I-563c; III-787d

Petit-Didier, Jean Joseph XI- 776d; on "Spiritual Exercises" XIV-22Sa

PETIT - DIDIER, MATTHIEU XI-776C; and Dupin V-204C

Petite EgUse, in Belgium II-396c; Dillon IV-797b; in France XIII-534d: at Namur X-679c

Petites annales des O. M. I., periodical XI-187a

— Ecoles, object Vlll-SOb; Port Royal I-745c; Xn-295d

— Preservees, Society for, Paris XI-492d

— StBurs des Malades, congrega- tion Xln-34Sc

— Soeurs Franciscaines de Marie, in United States VI-27.5b

Petithomme, M., in Vermont III- 81d

Petition, and election V-375a; natural, and actual grace XIV- 58.5c; sacrifice of XIII-319a; Vatican .Archives, Register of XV-287d

Petitions, Congregation of, Ro- man XV-304d

—TO THE HOLY SEE XI-777a; I-138b; destination XI-777b; form and contents XI-777a; mode XI-777a

Petitjean, Vicar Apostolic of III-699b; V-191d; VIII-307d; X-66Sb; XIV- 754d

Petit Journal Bleu II-104c; XI- 676c

Petitnicolas, mart\T III-671a; IV-362b

Petitot, Emile, missionary IV- 477d; 719a; V-540c; VII-137a; X-382d; and Loucheux IX- 368b

Petitpied, Nicholas, Jansenist VIII-291b; "Cas de Con- science" XV-445d; on respect- ful silence XV-445d

Petit Oueirely, hospice XI-106C

— S^minaire XIII-694c

— Trianon, Versailles XV-36fic

Petkoff, Bishop of Hebron VII- 185c

Petnelissus. See Pednelissus

Peto, John. See Peyto

— Peter, cardinal. Bishop of Sahsbury Xin-401b

— Placid, martyr V-S7Sb

— William. See Pe\-to

Petbfi, Alexander, poet VII-561c

Petow, William. See Pevto

PETRA, metropolitan see XI- 777c; I-667c; IV-547b; VIII- 370b; angel camps I-481a; and Augustopolis Il-lOOd; and Hauara VII-150b; (ill.) XI- 778; Jecthel VI-441b; Naba- tean inscriptions XIII-710c; origin X-678a; tombs XI-778b

— Diego, Bishop of Marsi IX- 71Sd

— Vincenzo, cardinal, and Con- gregation of the Council XIII- 141c; on Golden Rose VI-629d

— Deserti, Latin archdiocese XI- 778b

— Honorii (Bertinoro) n-522d

—Pertusa, battle (552) VI-154d

Petracco, Ser .\1 77Sc

Petraccolo. .S,. Petracco

Petramala, Guide, Bishop of Ar.vz.) Il-llsi;b

Petran, Saint XI 1 -729b

PETRARCH, FRANCESCO XI- 778c; 779a; XII-30Sa; on as-

trology II-22b; 23a; and Bar- laam VI-464c; VII-301d: on Benedict XII, Pope ll-431a; and Boccaccio II-607b; and Bronzino I-325d; de Bury XIII--43a; and de Cabassole II-159d; IX-716b; and Charles IV I.X-31C; and Chaucer III- 643a; coins. coUection XI- 152b: Colonna, Giovanni, son- net IV-126c; copyists, school of IX-618d; and Dante IV-629d; on economy XII-215a: as Fran- ciscan tertiary XIV-642a; and Giotto I V-567d ;and Humanism VII-538d; andltalian literature VIII-247d; and Latin IX-31b; and hterature XII-766a: and Martini IX-731a; XIII-779a: and medicine XI-2Sc; at Mont- pellier L'niversity X-547b ; por- trait XI-779; Raphael's fresco XII-644b; and Ravenna. Gio- vanni da XI-387d; and Rienzi XIII-53d; on Roman suprem- acy VI-495b; and Salutati XiII-405c; sonnets IX-619d; Thibaut de Champagne on XIV-635b; tomb (Ul.) XI-779; Triumph of Fame (ill.) XI- faeing 780; and Urban V, Pope XV-214C

Petrarchism XI-7.80a

Petrasancta, Antonio, founder I- 404b


— Benjamin, Bishop, Vicar Apos- tolic of London Ill-565a; 565c; VI-o51b; IX-349b; XI-7S0b; and American Colonies II- 229c; on embassy chapels XV- 593b

—SIR EDWARD XI-7S0b: XIV- 309d; and .\rundell I-76Ga; and Gerard VI-467d; and James II VIII-733a; XIV-92C

— Francis, bishop. Coadjutor to Dicconson IV-778a; XI-7S0b

—George V-f)26b

—Sir John XI-7S0b; and Talbot XIV-43L>b

— Katherine XIV-432b

— Robert Edward, in Catholic Emancipation XI-7S0b

— Wilham, martyr XI-780b

— Sh WilUam XI-7S0b; XIV- 432b; and Bristow II-791a

— William Joseph, and Woburn Park School XI-7S0b

Petree, de. Bishop of Quebec IX- 147a

Petreius, Carthusian III-391b

Petrelli, Joseph, Bishop of Lipa .\H-l.")d

Petri, Gerlacus. See Peterssen, Gcrl.ic

— Ingemar, Bishop of Vexio .\VI-79a

— Joannes H, Bishop of Abo VI- 76d

■ — Lars. See Petri, Laurentius

— Laurentius, reformer XIV- 349c; XV-208C

—Olaf. See Petri, Olavus

— Olavus, reformer XIV-349b

Petrie, Henry, editor XIII- 120b

— William Matthew FUnders, archseologist Xl-304d; at Cop- tos IV-354C; and Mancan IX- 589d; and O'Curry Xl-20:ib; and O'Donovan XI-210d; on St. Pachomius XI-3S1C; in Palestine III-571b; XI-305b; at Qurneh VIII-729d

Petrikau. .s.. Piotrkow

Petrinism. in rarlv Church XI-; .\Ill-7',lSc

PETROBRUSIANS XI-7Sla; Xll-llld; condemned I-26SC; and infant baptisni I-445C

Petrocchi, Rome, University of XIII-17Sd

Petrock of Cornwall, Saint, and St. Coemgen IV-92d; and St. Kevin VI-.5S3a; mission III- 494d

Petroff, Ivan, on .Shamanism in Alaska I 24Sc; on Veuiaminof I-249C

Petrokowski, Mathias, Bishop of \Vl,.,lan<-k XV-6Sld

Petroleum, in altar lamp I-354C

Petronax, .Miliot of Monte Caa- sino X-.527a

PetroneUa I.X-233b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.