Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/639

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Piccolomini palace, Siena XIII- 780b: Rosselino XVI-72d

—tomb XVI-64a

Piccopasio, Francesco, Bishop of Pavia XI-593c

Piceni, sodality Xlll-liob

Picenus, Franciscus, epithet V-74c

Pichardo, José X-264a

Pichegru, Charles XII-16a

Pichery, Henri de U 184a

Pichincha, hattje V-279b

— volcano V-278s

PICHLER, Austrian family XII- 74c

-ANTONIO IJOHANN AN- TONi, the Elder, gem cutter

-p/^t gem cutter V-S7d; XVI-

— Giacomo, gem cutter XII-

-GIOVANNI (JOHANN AN- TON, the Younger, gem cutter and painter XII-"-*' „ ..^ r.inSEPPE, painter Xll-74a Zjo^lNN JOSEPH. SeePich-

ler. Giuseppe — Karoline, poetess VII-147d, — LUIGI, gem cutter X11-740 —Theresa XII-74d —

VITUS, canonist XII- 'oa. i.\

(MC- XIV-59oa; XV-741a Pichol. See Phicol Pichon, vicar Apostolic Alv

420d — fetienne, politician \ 1-17 -a Pick, Nicholas, Saint. See

Nicholas Picck Pickarts (Beghards) Il-Slfid ,

PickeU Conrad. See Celtes, Con-

Pickens, Andrew XV-163b Pickering, Edward Charles as- tronomer XUl-'wUD, .^.i >

-He'^, and Dryde_n V-167d — John, mart.vT \-l/'d


7.=,b; V-Uflc; 477a; and Oat^s Plot XI-174C; 173c; trial Vlll- isrib ,T

—William Henry, astronomer ii- 2Rc

Pickles I-lfi2d

Pico, island Il-lOSa; 169a

—Giovanni XlV-786d

—delta Mirandola. See Miran-

— de Teyde, mountain III-243b;


Scripturist XIl-/oc; IIl-.i2oD, lV-16nd

Picos Indians XI in

Picot de Cloriviere, P.erre-Joseph XIlI-SOSc; XV-!N3b. ami ^l^- tpr^ of St. Trsula W 22s_b

— de Limoelan de Cloriviere. Pierre-Joseph. .Sec Picol de Clorivii're. Pierre-Joseph

Picote, Sulpician, and Jansenism

Picot'h," Antonio. Bishop of Saluz-

7,o Xlll-lOfib Picpus, Congregation ot the. See Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Marv- Congregation of the PICQUET, FRANCOIS, mission- arv Xli-7.5d; X-380C; 387d; XtV-398a; 781d; among Mo- hawks XI-222C; and Ogdens- burg lll-234b; at Oswegatchi VlII-lTOc; at Sainte-Mane 1- 3fi7c; among Seneca Indians Xlll-714d Picquigny, Henri-Bemardine de.

See Piconio. Bornardinc a Pictavia. PhiUp de. "1

Durham V-21 Id . Pictaviensis (St. Victonnus) X\ -

Pictet?Adolphe, philologist XVI -

Pictland xm-'>13b

Pictographs I -411a; 418c. 11 171a; IV-8d .

Oirtnii Vova Sootia I-)o.jD

PicsXilI-m3b;61.'<d;fil4b;St. (V,l.,mt.a IV-13r,c; XlV-.ilSb. conversion VIII-91a; St. Fur- wv Vl-SZ.ib: incursions 11- 109b; Roman customs 111- 495c

Picture Bibles. See Bibles. Pic-

— GaSery, Vatican XV-295C Pictures, in Advent I-lbba; of Beati II-59Sc; Leo XIII on IIl-524a; miraculous, of tlie Blessed Virgin I-57a; XV 463d; sacred 11-12-c; Hl-jl^d Picture writings ll-169c; X-b07a Picul. .s"n Tan _

Picurio Indians Xll-oooa Pidal, Alejandro, journalist xi-

690b Pidalion XI-94d Pie, Sarum Book of Rules. See


cardinal, Bi.-ihop of Poi^ticrs XII-7lib; IX-247b

,xri-,„u. ........ X-701C;

XII-179a; Baunard on 11- 352b; on Canons Regidar 111- 290a; Gu^ranger \ ll-.iya. Montalembert X-515b; Uti- lates l-405c; Poitiers univer- sity XII-179d; Vatican Coun- cil XV-305b; 306d; and Wil- mers XV-646C . .

— Luigi Antonio. See .\ppiani^ Pieck. Nicholas. Saint. 6fc Nicholas Pieck ,, , i

Piedad, La. Barcelona cathedral

n-290a Piedcourt, Mane-Anne. iff

Marii'-.\nne Piedcourt PIEDMONT XII-76c:,: '^^"J- 20Sd: .-Austria VIII-234b, Church XIl-77a; Domimcans XII-369a; France VIlI-234b. histor^• XII-76C; House of VIII-234a; independence XIV-655d; Lombardy ix- 340c; nunciature XI-160d; and Papal States XIV-265d; 266d; Parma XI-r.lKia; patr<m of XI- 566b: prince of VI-471c; Ro magna XII-135d; Russia XIII-249d; Sav.iy Mn-492d. Sisters of Pr°"'*^"';l. W' 609b; troops XV-307b Vir- ginia XV -452a; Waldenses XV-.^29d; 530a Pie Donne XIV-2',lc ,

Piedrabuena. Bernabe. Bishop ol

Piedrahita. La Beata de XVI-

PIERIUS. exegete and preaclier XU-79C; XIV-622d; and Ori- gen XI-30Sb; and Pampbilus XI-437a ^. .„

Pierleone, Girolamo di, senator IX^12b; XlII-168d

— Pietro XV-411d. See Ana-

Pierling, Pa"'- „-'«^.V"L ^°^^^

V1II-64C; XIII-2o7a Pieme. Gabriel, musician XI-

271b „

Piero de'Conti.and Nero sTower.

R,„n.. XIll-177a . — della Francesca. painter All


Pierola, Nicolas de. President of Peru IX-255b

—Ramon Fernandez, Bishop ol Havana VII-155a

Pierozzi, Niccolb I-o8od

— Thomasina I-5Sod

Pierre, South Dakota XIV-19a

—Anne de la \ ni-i-26b

— Bertrand. .Sff Bertram!. Pi- erre de Colombier

-Pierre - Joseph - Gustave,

Pierre - jo»<:h" .--

French admiral Ix-ollc — Berland, Blessed. See ber

land, Pierre ZSe'cASTElWaU. BLESSED Xn-7'.)d; V l^T.i. Ml "■"?"• and.MlnK™,-,-Vin-li*.J';;l.: deacon of Mai;u.l..niir -\ 'I'-c, assassinated — de I'lle, epithet V-74C ZdE MARICOURT, physician

XII-79d; .Wc , ^.

-de Verceil. P„sl,op of Digne.

«,.,. V.-rr, il I'l.Tir III de — ie Vif muua^l-iv XIII-716C Pierrlfonds Castle XV-44bd;

447a; (ill.^ -^\Tf '*" iijASc' Pierre-Qui-Vire Abbey II-44SC,

461d; Xin-72Ua . , vT

Pierret, Paul, F.cyptologist XI-

Pierre Thomas. Blessed iy-.591a Piprreville. iiiis.sion X-38bC



Vicente XIV-205a

Piegan Indians II-590d; 591a:

habitation nl-229d Piehl, K.. Egyptologist XI-30oa PIEL. PETER, musician Xll-

Pie Madri della Nigrizia. Sff Pious Mothers of the Negro Country Piemonte. publication IX-6o7d Pience. Saint. See P'en'ia Pienkishaw Indians Mll-bOlb Pielgrzvm. .S. .■ ( '.azeta KatolHk.i Pienkowski. Vincentius a Paulo,

Bishop of Lublin IX-4IJ.Sd Pien-haSg. China Ill-bSld Pientia. Saint IV-456a Pientius. Saint, Bishop of Poitiers XII-179a

^iriEUCANE,' jVsU.' boM-

INE. hymn Xn-7<jc Pier, architectural l-b8»a. v

263b; VI-667c;676c Pieraerts, Constant, Louvain

University IX-39,b PieratteUi Ambrogio, and Camai-

dolcse Hermits Ill-209b Pierce, Franklin, President of the Tnitpd States II-387b. X-573a; XV-170C —Richard, Bishop of Waterfortl

.ind Lismore XV-.566b -tte Fair, and Holy Cross Abbey

Thurles VI 1-4078 Piercing with the Lance (Rubens)

XI-401d Pier delta Francesca, painter

-di^c'o^mo, painter XV-279d Picrer, Heinrich August, encyclo- pedist V-416b Pier Giacomo, Giovanni di XIU-

■; Piertas, Sylvester, theologian

Pi^^ipotS! Naples (ill.) X-facing

37c: X-387b: XI-643a, XIV

—Nicolas, Lazarist Xr^ , i, i , Pierson. Naber. Biblical scholar

IV-496a; XIIItI^Sc —PHILIPPE. mif'o°iS,l.S\?:

ada XIl-SOc; VII-oS2b: IX-

Pie'rvisani. Francesco Luigi, Bish- op of Nocera XI-87a

Pierz, Francis, ,m>si*'9pa7 '^ . 690b: X-624d; XIII-3h8a.

Pieshkoff, Alexei Maksimovitch.

p-,r.4"lif^Vmrinf (ill.) I-104d;

'^'l a;.:.l..".meo (ilU^ n-318b

\ sd; l^^•llmi^^l7b;Bo!;,gna

vV-'Mb- Botticeh II-i09t), CaU X-6S4a: Canova in-299a: CaravaggioXV-28:3b:Carpac- cio III-374b; Carracci. .^nm bale in-37.-,b; CasteUi XII- 70a; Crivr.l, l\ ■' ' ', "l.^C": IV-677b;l_>' -'■,"',, Vt^en Diirer V--"'i ' ' ' A;'in.

i-^le^t in"60<;;;60d: XI.I- 372b; Montagna X-olia. uii.) X-facing 510: Perugino XI- 738a- Puvis de Chavannes XII-'5S5b: Riemcnschneider XII1-52C: Ri«<«<=l'.^l,iVqRe. 646c: Salerno Xlll-3«nC' Sella low XIII -519a: Setti- gnano XlII-741b: in statuary

t'Tlt iM-.K. Tl.^lO

origin IX^59b: Xll-SOd; ..- sulis XII-81d: R'ts';'}! on XIII-86d: Spener XllySOd, Sweden IX^60b; at Tubingen University XV-83c; and ^.t. tenberg University XV-679b Pietra, Diego, Bishop of borrento XIV-151C

— Galeazzo, Bishop of Vigerano XV-426b

— Maurizio, Bishop of Vigerano XV-426b , . ,

Pietramolara, Anselmo da, at Lepanto III-323d

Pietrasanta, fortress. Florence VI-109b , ,, • , ,

Pietrasanta (St. Mary Majors), Naples VI-21Sb

-Giacomo di XIlI-l<Ob

— Possenti da, lamp of Xll-llOb

Pietro, Angelo di, cardinal XVI-

— Francesco di, nuncio IX-169C — Guidolino di. .Sec Angelieo —Lorenzo di XIII-:779a — Michele di, cardmal and Pius

VII X-69,")b . ...

— Salvatore di. Prefect Apostolic

of Honduras VII-4.=.0a -SanodiXIlI-77na;7.SOa Pietroleone. Pietro, cardinal, and Henrv 11 I-S02d , ^ . , Pietro of Corbario. See Rainal-

ducei pietschmann, Richard, on Fetish- ism \'I-o3a . . Piette, F. X., and Eucharistic

Congress X-550a Piety, and cursing I> -•" J'>i,°,'v fined XV-473C: gift of Holy Ghost VII-413C; in secuarism Xnl-677a: Temple of M-

Pieuses Unions de la Doctrine

Chretienne III-711d Sirai^Pl^'a^Ghibellines

XIIl-7S(lc . Piferno. Babuccio X-683b Piferrer. Pablo, writer XIV-

Pifieri, Francesco, scientist XIII-

vlVi-64-;b Tisio'da Garofalo 5^jy-740c.' Titian XWOla:

-Monti de VI-292C Pierstorff, Julius, on woman

PietatU,"at filth Lateran Council

IX-19b .

Pietermaritzburg XV;'nba_

i>rcTiciuf vn slid: i09c; <

7S2b — Guglielmo, papal sacristan

— Sebastiano Francisco, Bishop

of La Plata VIII-799C Pigafetta, Antonio, birthplace

XV-4U.5b; in _Magellan s ei- Pigaile""je'an^Ba'ptiste. sculptor

Vll-490b; xnl-lObd Pigenat. Francois, preacher VU

Pigeon Hills, Pennsylvania, college II-230d: preparatory semi nary at XIII-698b; Trappist monastery III-786c

Pigeons. in Bible I-521d

Pigghe. Albert. See Pighius .

Pighi G. B., Church historian VII-378d; and Lippomano. Luigi IX-280a


and Pope Honoruis I VII- 455c; on justification VII- 577c; and reform of calendar IX-249a

Pi^«rancien. .lews II-550C;

Vi^tU.'^iinTpl.. Vatican ^lace XV-277d; descnpt.on XV-278C Pignans, France, pilgrimage to

Pi^'atilU? Antonio. .Sff Innocent

-Bernardo. .Sff Kugenc III.



""gTuSEPPE MARIA; vener- able XM I S2d; as Provin- ^1 of Italy XIV -lOOa; tomb