Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/660

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Priesterabstinentenband, period- ical XII-422a Priester Konfereru-BIatt, pcriod-

ir;,lXII-121b Priestess III-4S5b PRIESTHOOD XII-409a; of Aaron I-4a: ob: Aerius of. IV)ntu3 on I-174C; age for I- 207a; Anglican I-495b: 503b; and Apostolici I-647c; ascetical teaching XIV-617d; in Avesta XII-409d; Brahminism XII- 409a; Buddhism XIHOQb; candidates for I-693C — Catholic, and absolution XU- 414d: and civilization XII- 418a; and economics XII- 419d; and education Xn-419a; and Eg\-ptian XII-410d; and Humanism XII^19b; ordma- tion XII-416b; philanthropic work XII^lSc; sacrifice XI 1- 414d; and science XIl-419a —celibacy I-727b; China XII- 410b; of Christ II-5Sa; XIII- 407c; Christian I-497d; XII- 414a; Di\'ine institution of XII-414a; and Edwardine Or- dinal I-495d; Egs'ptian XII- 410c; essence of I— 495b; of Ger- mans, ancient XlUlOb; Greek Xll-HOa; and hands, imposition of Vn-698b; hier- archy VII-323c; XII-497a; Hinduism XII-409c; illegiti- macy II-5S0b; Iranian XII- 409d; Japan XII-llOc — Jewish Xll^llb; Aaron XII- 411c; Caathites XII-412c; con- secration XII-412C; disqualifi- eations XII-4nd; Gersomtes XII^12c; the Hasmon XII- 413b; high-priest XII-413a; income of priests XII-412b; Leyites XII-412C; Merarites XII-412C; Mosaic law XI- 659d; yestments XII-411d — Lamaism XII-409c; in Luther- anism VII-25Sc; Moham- medan Xll^lla; the name XII-409a; ordination cere- monies I-491c; pagan XII- 409a; Parseeism XII— 409d; in Pietism Xll-Sla; primitiye I-- 629b; Protestant conception of I-498a; among the Raskolniks XII-649b; Reformers, teach- ing of the XII-704a; of Romans XII-410a; and sacrifice XII- 414c; in Scandina\'ia XIV- 34Sd; in soteriology XIV-585b; studies for XV-309b; Syrian XII-410d; XIV-417c; in the- ocracy XIV-568a; Thomistic teaching XIV-700d; in Uniat Church VI-746d; uniyersal XII-415a — Universal, of Believers XII- 496b; 496d; in "Utopia" XV- 243d; Vedism XII-409a Priestley, Joseph IV-161b; VII- 377b; XII -2Sd; XVI -46c; Associalionisra II-4b; XII-32C; on evil V-651d; highest good, theory of VI-641b; and oxygen IX- 52b; X-133d; and Uni- tarianism XV-155b; 155d Priestly Code. See Priest's Code —writer I-5a; 52b; 54c; 129c; 129d; in Biblical criticism IV- 493d Priests, feast of XIII-4Slb; FraticcUi on VI-249b; " Monte- pio" XII-420C —CONFRATERNITIES OF XII- 420a; Apostolic Union of secular I-643d; Eucharist .Asso- ciation of the Priests of the Adoration XII-421d; Eucha- ristic League of I-154c; Holy Spirit, Association of the XII- 421d; Pax XII-42-2a; Pcrser- yemnce. Association of ll-.'ia; the Presentation XII-420d; Priestergcbetsyerein XII- 421b; Priester-Sodalitat heiligsten Herzen Jcsu XII^21b; Priestervercin zur UnterstUtzung kranker Mit- glicder XII -422a: Sacred Heart. .Association of the XII- 421c: Spanish Clergy Associa- tion XII-420C; "Unitas" XII- 422b , . .

— Law of the. See Leviticus, Book of

— Marian. See Marian Priests — Melchite X-160d; order of XI-279d; organization of Di- vine Service XII-406a

Priest's Code XIV-56Sb; Ante- diluvians I-551c; 552d; critical treatment of IV-493d; XI- C58b; 058d; Day of Atonement II-54d; and Mos.iic legisLltion X-->.s;5d; Sacrificial Rites XIII- 315b


— court IV-44r,c

— EUCHARISTIC LEAGUE XI I- 422c; I-l.)4c; XlV-llIb; foun- der V-735d: international con- gress of IV-249d; literature XII^23c; membership and privileges XIl-423a; organiza- tion Xn-423a; periodical XVI-

3Sd; Toronto XIV-7S3a;

Works of XII-423a

Priest's Ford, mission II-228d

Priests' Mass-Houses II-228b

Priests of Mary, Congregation of the I-105C

— of Peace. See Peace. Priests of

—of St. Bridget. See Brigit- tinos

— of St. Mary, Congregation of the. See Bonali^ts

— of the Adoration, Eucharistic Association of the XII-421d

— of the African Missions at Lyons. See African Missions. Priests of the (Lyons)

— of the Holy Crown. See Holy Crown. Priests of the

— of the Holy Face XV-4c

— of the Mission. See Mission, Congregation of Priests of the

— of the Sacred Heart. See Sa- cred Heart. Priests of the

—Total-Abstinence League XII- 421d; XIV-492a

Priest-woman XIlI-37Sa

Prieto, Antonio V[ll-10.9d

Prieur, Barthelemy lV-732b

Prignano, Bartolomeo. See Urban VI, Pope

— Francesco XV-217b

Prim, Juan IX-516c; 518c; XIV-


Prima. See Prime Primacy XII-423d; St. Augustine on V-127d; in Byzantine Rite XIII -71d: Chalcedon. rec- ognized by XIV -2c; St. Dionysius of Corinth on V- 10b; "and ecclesiastical unity X-430b; Ems. Punctation of V-409d; Ephesus, evidence of V-494a: Epiphanius XIII- 394c; Febronian theory VI- 23d: and Firmilian VI-80d: and Gelasius I VI-406b; Greeks accept VI-113b; St. John Damascene on VIII- 461b; and Lateran Council, 4th IX-18C; Modernist teach- ing XIV-370b; of St. Peter III- 747c; XI-74fib; Pius IX on I- 17iid; in Rimian Catechism XUl- 121b; and schism XIII- 52yb; Siinpli.ins on XIV-2d; and Siricius xn-'-'iib; Thomas Aquinas on XI\ -tit^'id: in Unam Sanctain X\ l-t'C

Primadicci (Primadizzi) James. See James Primadicci

Prima-Primaria III-6o9c; XIV- 128b ^ . , .

Primary Education, Catholic


Primary election law XV-664a

Primas, poet IX-29b

— BavarisE, title XIV-472d

Primasius, Bishop of Carthage. See Primosua

— of Adrumetum, bishop. See Primasius of Hadrumetlim

— of Hadrumetum III -434b; Vll-io.'.c

Primas Poloniffi et Magni Duca- tus Lithuanise, title \I-5!ind

PRIMATE XII-423d; XIII- S35c: in Anglican church VII- 325c: and beatification II- 365d: and charitable subsidy XIV-322c: and metropolitan I-091b: rank VII-324d; resi- dence XII-7.86a

—of Primates VII-27b

— of the East VI-603a

Primatial Councils IV-424b Primaticcio, Francesco lX-612c:

XI-321C: 487c Primatice, Francois. See Prima- ticcio. Frann-sro Primatus XV-i'.:!lc PRIME XIl-lL'lb; in Ambrosian (ilhir I :;!i'.ib; 400a; .\postles' Creed 1 - ti32b; Athanasian Creed II-33c; in Byzantine office IV-315a; in Celtic Office IIl-49Sa: and the Chapter Xn-424d; contents XII-424C; and Divine Office XI-2ina; in Galilean Rite VI-3U0c; Gloria Patri V-151a; in Greek Divine Office I-lOBc: institution II- 533a; Kyric Eleison VIII-716a; lessons in IX- 19Sd: in Moz- arabic Rite X-618b: Miserere in X-353C: name XII-424b; origin XII -424b; Primenus. Bishop of Amalfi I-379b; in Sarum Use XIII-^SOc PRIMER, THE, ecclesiastical XII-42.5a: 351c; for children XII-425d: early printing XII- 426a; of Henry VIII, Te Deum XIV~170a: origin XII-351a; Passion, prayers on I— 4S7b: post - Reformation XII-426C; revision XII-353C; Sarum, Te Deum XIV-470a —Royal, Henry VIII XII-426C — Viemes de Mayo, festival, Jaca

VIII-2C0C Primerana, Church of the, Fiesole

VI-70d Primian, Saint, Ancona I-464a —Bishop of Cssarea III-133d — Donatist Bishop of Carthage

II-88c: V-127a PRIMICERIUS XII-426d; chap- ter III-583a: choir, papal XIV- 29d; meaning III-306a; offi- cial III-53C: 55a: precentor XII-372a — defensorum XI— 417b — notariorum III-340a: XH17b; Xn-42Gd: Roman Church III-33SC Primigenius, name X-674a Primipilus III-535d Primitius, martyr, Spain XIV-

177a Primitiva, Livia, epitaph III-

ol2b Primitive Baptists II-281b Primitives, anachronisms VI- 162d: Clouet, Francois IV- 6Sb; exposition XVI - 162a; painting, school of XI-402a Pnmitivus, Saint, martyr IX-

175b —martyr, at Tibur XIV-379b Prime, Luigi, artist IV-lOd Primogeniture, French succes- sion III-610d; inWurtemberg XV-710C Primolano, battle X-688a PrimoU, N., at Buenos Aires I-

70,5b Primosus, Bishop of Carthage

III-387c; 387d Primrose (ills.) V-661c; de Vnes

V-662a: 662b Primuliacum, church, in Gaul,

inscription VIII-44d Primulus, Bishop of Vaga XV-

S^Sb . „

Primus X-674a: in Scottish

Episcopal Church I-692d — Saint, cemeterj' at Sabina

XIII-291a — Patriarch of Alexandria I-

301a: V-351d —Bishop of Corinth V-lOb — Antonius, and Vespasian XV-

380b , ,

— Bernard, Reconciled Lombard



■ P

Prince. Henry James, Agapc- monists Vll-7n:!a

— Jean-Charies, and Congrega- tion of the Presentation of Mar>' Xll-tOOa: and Les Me- langes Rcligieux. periodical XI- 672c

— John Dyneley, Orientalist XI-

— Morton, Panpsychism Al-

446b — Richaid. See Lacey

Prince, The. .Sep Jehudah ha-Xasi — The, l.v Maehiavelli Vtl-540b;

IX-.501d; —ALBERT, DIOCESE OF XII -427b; IIl-2:isb; XIII- 571a — Edward Island, Acadians III- 237b; bequests for Masses X- 30d; de la Brosse II-802a; charity XII-241b; Church in III-632b; divorce V-66c; In- dians III-229d; Indians. Cath- olic X-383d; Irish VIII-150a; 151a; marriage I-20Sd; paper industry III-228C: peri- odicals, CathoUc XI-673b: possession XI-136c; schools XIII-569C; statistics, ecclesias- tical III-242c: statistics, re- ligious III-241d; statistics, school III-231b: statistics, school (1908) XII-599d — of Peace (Messias) XlV-597c:

XV-464Cb —of the Laxists III-330a —of Thomists III-314b — of Wales Island, College, Pulo- Penang, Propaganda XI 1-4 o8b ; natives I-249a Princeps \'I-59c — subtilitatum V-7.5a Prince Rupert, British Columbia,

Church in XV- 738b Princes, canopy III-297d; educa- tion of. Vincent of Beauvais XII-365b; Letters of, in Vati- can Archives XV-28Sb; 289a —Concordat of the (1447) IV-

203c; Vll-lOb — of the Captivity, Jewish VIII-

402b Princethorpe, Benedictine con- vert II-155b Princeton, battle (1777) XV- 162d; Barry, John II-311a; Sisters of Mercy in XV-554a —University IV-llOc; X-794c;

XII-394a; XV-196d Principahties, angels I-478c; in

Gnosticism II-327a Principal of the Arches, office I-

695a Principe, U. See Prince. The — Constante, EI, by Calderon, and Ferdinand, Blessed VI- 40c Principes, in Roman army III-

535d Principius, Saint, Bishop of Le

Mans IX-143d — Saint, Bishop of Soissons XIV-

130d; Reims XII-729b —of Ufa, theosophy XIV-627C Principles, first , in philosophy I- 714d: III-459d; and Alexander of Hales I-29Sd — good and bad, in Manichffiism

IX-591d —of 1780 XIV-770a Pring, ftlartin, explorer IX-545d Pring-box, of organ XI-M8d Pringle, John, physician X-132c;

X\'H6b Prins, Adolphe, on conditional fiberation of prisoners XII- 435a; on prison system XI i- 433c Prinsen, Lambertus, in Cape

Town X-707d Printed Books, in Vatican Library

XV-2;Ud Printing,abbre\'iationsin I-22b; in .\meric3. first in IX-255a: XV- 76Sd; .Armenian I-73Sc; and astrology II-23b: in Bamberg II-244a; and Benedictines II- 458b: and Bible circulation II- 142a: and bishops of .Augsburg II-7.Ta; for the bUnd V-309c: forthe blind (ill.) V-310a;3na; Caxton III-469a: censorship III-520d; and Church V- 253c; in Colombia XIV-- 20.'>b I' r 1, .w lV-465d; and De^, ! \\ I ■ -I ecclesiasti- cal i '-11 -t.a; England HI K .,1 111 irintcd sheet V-2.MC lo«l.i. John VI- 164d; Fust. John VI-32l)d: Gutenberg, Johann VII-90a: in Hungary X-fi7c: and Indians in Argentina T 7i«d; Kol^ercer, AnthonvVlII '--I'l li'"i'iire. religious \I r>' "-I M-~<f'- IX-619b: .Mio.utiii- 1\ i'3:id; Mentelin, Joiiuuues .\-iy6b;

Largo typo indicates titles of articles; other t>-pcs, topics treated; (ill,) = illustrations.