Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/661

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in Mexico 1-4 15b; XIV-202d; Plantin. Christophe XII- 148d: in Peru II-50b; and Reformation XII-701d; and Renaissance XII-766b; and script XI— lOSc; and Sor- bonne III-34b; Spevers XIV- 213b: in Sweden XIV-349a; XV-20Sa; Sweynlieim XIV- 357b; at Tegernsee 1373 XIV- 473b; in Venezuela XIV-20Ga; Zell. ririch XV-7Mb Printing-office, pontifical XV-

301d; Pius IV XII-I29d PRIOR XIH27d; 755a; and Abbot XII-427d; arms VII- 24 7d; Augustinian Hermits XnH128b; Benedictine II- 439a: XII-427d; Camaldolese XII-127d; Carmelites XII- 428b: Cistercians Xn-^27d: claustral XII-427d; Cluny XII-427d; conventual XII- 427d; 428a; Dominican XII- 356c: duties I-14b: Greek Christian convent VI-761b; Hirschau XII-427d; Mercy. Brothers of XII-42Sb; Mili- tarj- Orders XII-427d; Pre- monstratensian Xn-427d; Scr- vites XII-42Sb; Vallombro- sians XII— 427d — Edward S., on English vaulting VI-07Ga; on Gothic Archi- tecture VI-6S0b; Gothic Ar- chitecture, in France yi-672c: Gothic art. colour of VI-f>72a; Gothic edifices, destruction of VI-6S0C — Matthew, at Cambridge III- 212b- and Pope Alexander XII-200b — and Vicais Choral, of Armagh

IV-564a — cardinalium presbyterorum

II!-334b; :i40a — diaconorum cardinalium III-

33,">a; 340a PRIORESS XII-42Sb: I-7c; age I-207d; arms VII-247d; Fonte- vrault, Order of VI-129d; il- legitimacy, impediment of II- .')SOc; jurisdiction XV-697C Priorissa. See Prioress Priority, of cause III-4(i3a Prior of All, Order of, Gilbertines

VI-536C —Park, Bath, college ll-208c; monastery, and Metcalfe, Ed- ward X-234C; Rosminians at M-423a — scholse III-306a; precentor

xn-372a — ScholEE cantonun XIII-547C PRIORY XII-42SC: abbey I- lOd; and civil constitution Xlll-lla PRISCA, SAINT XII-128d; See

Priscilla — prophetess, and Montanista X-

521a —.See of II-427b: V-209b — latinitas, language of Romans

IX-19C —Version, of Canons III-282C PRISCIAPrOS XII-t29a; at Con- stantinople XIII-416d; me- dieval study IX-33C; MS. and Poggio Bracciolini XII-177d PrisciUa, Saint I-6Blb: III-516b;

552d —Catacomb III-418d: 419d: S16b; VI-575C: baptistery II- 276d; chair of Peter III-552d: of church XIV-371b; epitaph I-»62d: epitaph (ill.) I-162b: fresco XII-295a; inscriptions III-t21b; MarcelUnus. Saint. Pope IX-639a; and Ma-ss X-12b: paintings III-422C: and St. Paul IV-364d; XI- 56Sa: Philomena. tomb of St. XII-2.^b: Siricius, tomb of Pope XIV-27a: tomb III- 510b: .3.33b: Virgin Mar>', pic- ture of in XV-472a —and St. Novatus XI-141d — Montanist. impostor VII-(i99b: on chastity X-.321d; Rome, appeal to XII-267d: and Tcr- tullian XIV-.322d; vision X- 322d; .SVe Prisca PriscUUan, heretic IX-733a: XII- 429c: XIV-758b; as Bishop of Avila VIII-27b: canona XI- 664a; condemned IX -6.30b:

and Pope Damasus IV-613c; death, and St. Ambrose I- 3S5d; execution VI-397a; XIV- 76Sc; on immanence VII-683a: Monarchian X-449d; Puritan spirit Xll-7i;,>c

PRISCILLIANISM XII -429c; IX-l.i.Jb; XIV-75Sb; apocry- phal acts of Apostles I-610c; and astrolog>^ II-24b; and St. Augustine II-87d: Basilidiau- ism II-328d; and Bordeaux. Svnod of II-6S2b; Braga, de- crees of II-729b: and Cathari III-I35b; Christologv of XIV- 600b: and Eucharist IV-176d; expiation for, at Lugo, Spain I-153b: and Fathers of Church XIV-588d: in Gaul VI-396d: Honorius, decree of Vlll-lla; Orosius on XI-322a; in Palen- cia XI-417d: and Resurrection XII-792C; and Siricius, Pope XIV-26C; Sulpicius Severus on XIV-333a: suppression of VIII-27a

Prisco, and Sanseverino XIII- 433b

— Giuseppe, cardinal XVI-lSa

Priscus, and Celestine I. St. III- 477c; and St. Mark, Pope IX- 674b

— Saint, Bishop of Capua III- 142a; 319d

— Saint, Bishop of Lyons IX- 472d

— Saint, Bishop of Nocera dei Pagani XI-S7b

—Saint, Bishop of Nola XI-89d

— Bishop of Trevi. See Gri-sus

Prismatic Spectrum II-2Sd

Prisna. .S Prisca

Prison, Mamertine. See Mamer-

Prisoners, paroled. Society of .St. \incent dc Paul Xin-390a

Prisoners, Central Association for the Aid of Discharged, England XII-435b

Prisoners* Aid Society, Catholic, Great Britain XII-243c; XV- 597b

—Gate, Jerusalem VIII-333d

— Reform Associations XII-435c

PRISONS Xn-4.30d; asvlum, right of Xn-431b

— Belgium XII-433C; administra- tion of XII-434C; central XII- 434b; reduction of terms XII- 434a; secondary XII-J34b

— Bcntham, work of II-J83a; bination, law of II-569b; ceme- teries III-509d; chaplains III- 581b: XII-434d: ehaptal, work of III-582a: charity in III- 595c; Christianity, influence of XII-431a; criminals, liberated XII-435b; England, Catholic chaplains XV-596c: Great Britain XII-433b; liberation, conditional XII-435a; monas- tic XII-43Gb: papacy, influ- ence of the XII-431C: parole XII— 133a; paschal indulgence XII-431b; reforms XII-435d; reforms, modern XII-432b; reform associations XII-435C; religious orders, influence of XII-431d; Rome XII-431c; termination of XII-437b: rnitcl Stalfs Xn-432c; and Wiseman. i-.r.litKil XV-674b

—ECCLESIASTICAL XII-J36a; conventual. .Mi.lillc- Ages XII- 431d: 432a; epi.scopal. in Mid- dle Ages XII-432a

Pritchard, Charles, death V- 47Sb: on star of Bethlehem II- 31c

— Humphrey, Venerable V— 170b: XI-05d

— W. T., missionary, Tahiti XIV- 430b

Pritel Ditek, periodical, Chicago II-(i21d

Pfiuli, Ludovico, and Pole, Regi- nald XII -202c

— Matteo, Bishop of Vicenza XV- 403d

Privatdozent, university I-7.3Sd

Private Chapel, Requiem Mass Xn-781d

— Judgment V-766d: and creed IV-47.Sd; as faith, rule of V- 7e6d; and Quakers VI-30.5a; Socinianism XIV-114b; Wer-

enfels. epigram of V-692C; in worship XV-711d

— Ownership. .See Property, Pri- vate

— Revelations. .See Revelations, Private

Privatian, Bishop of Sufetula XIV-325C

Privation, canonical IV-737d

Privatus, Saint, Bishop of the Gabali X-180a

— Bishop of Lambffisa I-199d; III-3SGb; V-742d; XII-268b

—Bishop of Usilla XV-235a

Privemum. See Piperno

PRIVILEGE XII-436C; electoral VI-J95b: granting of XII- 437a: kinds Xn-43Gd; proof XII— 437a; remunerative XII- 436d

Privilege, Monday. 5ee Monday Privilege

— Sabbatine. .See Sabbatine Privilege

Privileged Altar. See Altars, privilcKcil

— Communications IX-211b

— of the Faith. See Pauline Privilege

PRIVILEGES, ECCLESIAS- TICAL XII-437C: asylum, right of XII -440b; clerics XII-439d; communication of. religious orders XII -73Gb; consecrated places and thmgs XII-439d; court, special XII- 438b: immunity, personal XII- 439a; inviolability, personal XII— 437c: maintenance, right to XII-439b

Privilege Theory, concordats IV- 19Sc

Privilegia, great Bulls III-56C

Privilegium, St., Bruno III-14b: .and Paschal II III-18Sb; VI-407a

— canonis V-6S8d; XII-437C

— Competentise. See Compe- tency. Privilege of

—Fori XII-438a; and Germany, medieval Church VI-486a; modern times XII-}38d

— Hadriani pro Carolo ni-612d

— Immunitas. See Immunity

— Paupertatis, and St. Clare of A.ssi,si IV- .3a

Privina, Slavic prince VI-322b

Privy Chamberlain I-138c

— Council, judicial committee I-500d; G95a

Prix, Saint, Bishop of Clermont. .See Pra?jectus

Prix-de-Rome I-S8d

Prix de Vertu I-89c; X-552b

— Gobert I-S9c

— MarcelUn Guerin I-89C

— Monthyon I-S9c

— Therouanne I-S9c: 89d

Prinzivalli, Aloysius, Raccolta XII-62Qa

Prizrend, Diocese of, Turkey VI- 73.3a

Prjevalsky, Nicholas Vll-olOd; in Tibet XIV-719d

PR.K., ahbr. I-27a

PR.N., abbr. I-27a

Pro, Antonio Sanchez de, martyr X-.391b

ProEeresius, and Gregory Nazi- anzus Vll-lla

Pro Armenis, decree of Eugene IV I-G.3a

PROBA, FALTONLA XII-440d; Latin literature IX-25b

Probabiliorism XII— 442c: argti- mrnts for Xn-14.5d; Ballerini, Pictro ll-22.'id; and Baron. Vincent ll-3(l4c; Concina IV- 191c: and Dominicans XIV- filOa; and Gonzalez de Sanlalla VI-fi3.3d; and Innocent XI VIII 22c: and Probabilism XIl-41.3d

PROBABILISM xn^41a: 443b: Ahellvon l.iOa: .Equiprr.babil- ism XII 141c: 44.3a: Saint Al- phonsus i.iguori and I-339c; XII-442d; XIV-GlOb; argu- ments against XII -444c: of Babenstuhcr II-17Sb: and Bol- geni n-62Gd: and Cardenas III - 333a; and Church XII- 443c: and Comnensationism XII-446a: and Concina IV- 191c: controversies XII-442d; doctrine X-141a: XII-443b;

and n..niinieaiis XII-3GSGa; and I'al.ri \--7i:id; and Gon- zales <le Sanlalla VI-G33C: and Herinex Vll-L'(i:,c;liist.irv XII- 441d; and Inn ... m \l \ III- 22c: of Jan . n;-i, XII I IL'b: XIV-GlOa; ,11,. i ,1,-1111^ XIV- 85d; and law- XII Hid ism Xn-441c: )41d; l,..iivain, theologians Xll-442b: Medina, Bartholomew XII-44L'a: moral system Xn-44.3a; XI\'-l'.()9b: and obligation I-339c: XII- 444a; and RigonstB XII-441c; and Rosminianism .\lll-197b; and Terill XIV-517d; Thom- ism XIV-701a; Vitelleschi, Munzio XV-48Gd

Probability, and certitude III- 539d; and faith V-753b

Probatica, church, Jerusalem VIII-40GC

— house of Joachim and Anna XV-464Fa

Probatic Pool. See Bethsaida, Pool of

Probation, religious, veil XV- 321d

— legal, of juvenile delinquents VIII-587d; 5S8a; ofiicers, in juvenile courts VIII-5S7d

— Leagues, CathoUc, in United States XII-24Gd

Probatius, priest, at Council of Aries XIV-459C

— Bishop of Berenice II— )89c

Probatus, in Ephesus legend V- 497a

Probianus, Saint, Bishop of Bourges II-720C

—V. C, Rufius, diptych V-23b

Probinus, Saint, Bishop of Como IV-l,83d

— Senator, and Symmachus XIV- 377b

Probleme ecclesiastique, and Jansenism I-94d

Probst, Ferdinand, liturgist IX- 309c; XIII-71C; XV-712C; on Galilean Rite VI-357c; Pro- prium XII-48Ib

Probus, Saint, martyr XI-709d; XIV-450b

— Grammarian, Poggio Braccio- Uni XII-178a

— Governor of Circesium, and Chosroes II XI-717C

—Bishop of Rieti XIII-54a

— Bishop of Thacia Montana XIV-553a

— Anicius, and St. .\mbrose I- .3.S4a: diptych at .\osta I- 592a


Procaccini, CamiUo, in Piacenza XII-G9d; 70a: Supper. Last, in Chureh nf Santis.sima An- nunn:i! ■ li. n ,■. VI 420c

— ErcoI._, I i II-490a;

Catli. : ■ I IX-322C

Pro Ca-he, II II II - Milt, and Pog- gio Bra. 111. Inn Xll-177d

Procatechesis, of St. Cyril V-

Pro causa itahca. Carlo Passaglia

XI-5I9a Proccamazza, Giovanni, cardinal.

Archbishop of Monreale X-

.308b Procedure, canonical IV-4.32a Proceedings of Society for Psy- chical Research .\lV-47l'.b Procencher, in Saskatchewan

XVI -49b Proceno, monasterj', and Agnes

of Montelpulciano, St. I-214a Process, of canonization. .See

Beatifii .iti.,11 an.l .anonization Processiculi diligentiarum, in




Procession, Palm Sunday, hymn XVI-41b

— theological, of Holy Ghost VI- 73a: XIV-5S4C; and Anthimus I-104a; Armenian belief I- 7.39a; and Athanasian Creed II-.33d; and Beccus II-38Ib; and Blemmida II-.397a: and Dims Scotus V-197b: and Etherianus. Hugh V-5.56a; in Ethiopian Church V-570a; and Council of Fcrrara VI- 47c; by Gennodius 11 VI-417b;

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page: a, b, c, d, quarter of page.