Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/669

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Put and call, market term XIV-


5.S4a; lX-7U(ld; and legitimacy IX- 132a: and iigamen IX-244C

Puteano, college XII-llOc


— John, and Thomiam XIV-594a

Puteolana. See Pozzuoli

Puteoli, Diocese of. See Poz- zuoli

Puteus, Andreas. iSee Pozzo, Andreas

— Jacobus, cardinal, legate at Trent XV-34b

■ — Louis. See Pozzo

Puthenpally, seminary XIII- 700c: X\I-38d

Putiamus, humanist IX-393d

Putiatin, admiral III-684a

Putiphai (Poti-phera), ancient Egj-ptian priest I-774c: VIII- 507b: and Joseph VIII-506d

Putrefaction, and Pasteur XI- 536d

Putta, Bishop of Rochester, Eng- land I-5Sla; XIII-102b: on Gregorian chant VI-7S0b

Puttemans, Anne, Beguine. foun- dress III-369b

Puttempaly. See Puthenpally

Putten, Erich Van der, musician XV-244b

Putti, at St. Peter, Rome XIII- 372a

—dell' Uva (Dupre) XVI-36d

Puttkamer, Robert, statesman Vlll-709b

PiittUngen, lordship of, and Metz X-24Sd

Pu-tu Island, pilgrimage III- eeSd: sanctuary III-C68d

Putumayo, Prefecture Apostolic of X\! -(.'.la

PUTZER, JOSEPH, canonist X11--')-n4c; IW7a: portrait XII- 5S4C

PutzkeUer, sect, in Pomerania XII-22Rb

PUVIS DE CHAVANNES, PIERRE, painter XII-o84d: and Beardslev II-364a: fres- coes of XII-lSOc: St. Gene- vieve (ill.) Xll-facing 586; Xl-facing 486: St. Genevieve at Prayer (ill.) VI-414d; paint-

ings, religious XII-586a; por- trait XI 1-585

Puxades, Nicol&, Bishop of Pa- lermo XH20C

Puy, Bertrand de. Bishop of Mon- tauban X-524C

—Diocese of. See he Puy

— Gerard du, and Hospitallers IV-547C

— Jacobus du, Cardinal legate at Trent .XV-34b


Puy -de - Dome, department, France, map Vl-facing 188

Puygareau, college XII-179d

Puy-Notre-Dame. See Le Puy

— Rachat, Notre-Dame de. See Notre-Dame-dc-Puy-Rachat

Puysigur, Armand-Marie- Jacques, Marquis de, and mes- merism Vll-605b

Puzolerio, Martino de, cardinal. Bishop of Mantua IX-lil2d

Puzur-Asshur, King of Assyria Il-llb

Puzur-Bel, in Gilgamesh epic XI-8Sd

Puzyna de Koziel, John, Prince- Bishop of Cracow IV-465a

Puzzles, and Julius Africanus VIII-565b

Pwyll, deity IX-481a: XV-S34d

Pycck mysl, periodical XIII-274C

Pydna, battle II-513d; XIII- 166d: XIV-633a

—Sec of VI-738C

Pye V-25C

Pyerson, Richard, printer VI- 582a

Pygarg, in Bible I-517d: 525d

Pygmalion, king III-374b

— (Cherubini) III-649a

Pygmies, of Africa I-182b; Con- golese tribe IV-231d

Pyhy, Konrad of, and Gustavus Vasa XIV-349C

Pylas Cilicia: I-783b

Pyle, Roger, .\bbot of Furneas Abbey VI-324b

Pylon, of Egj-ptian temple XIV- 497a

Pylus, .See of VI-738d

Pyncheon, Agnes, mother of Henry Chich.lo III-65(Jd

Pynsent, Mathilda, abbess IV- 373c

Pypelinx, Maria, mother of Peter Paul Rubens XIlI-215a

Pypin, Alexander-Nicolaevitch,

historian Xni-274d

Pyramid of Cholula, pueblo, Mex- ico XIV-74SC

Pyramids, battle X-6S9a; plateau of (ill.) V-facing 348

Pyramid Texts V-347C

Pyramus, river, .\sia Minor X- 5o5b

— lishop of York XV-733b

Pyrawart, public penance II-127a

Pyrenean Peninsula XI\'-l(>9c

Pyrenees, Peace of the \'I-171d; M:,b: IX-371d: XIV-e57d: terms X-fl2c: .\IV-l,S4a

Pyrenees Orientales, department, France, map \I-facing 188

Pyrgium. See Pyrgiis

Pyrgos Stratonos iCjesaiea Pal- ffistinse) III-134b

Pyrgus, See of VI-738d

Pyritz, in Pomerania, .August inian monastery XII-225d: Franci.^- can monastery Xll-22.5d: and St. Otto Xl-:!.-.:!d: XII 22r,c

PYRKER, JOHANN LADIS- LAUS VON OBERWART, p.iet. .\rchbi.shopol KrI.iii XII- 5Stid: and von Koskov;iny II-135C: anfl Rosmini-Serbati XIII-194C: at Zips XV-761C

Pyrmont XV-527C

Pyromania Xf-545d

Pyroscaphe, early steamship, and Claude de Joiiffroy Vlll-52lic

Pyrrho, philosopher. See Pyr- rhonism

PYRRHONISM XII-587a: 5S7b; V-142a; 507b: XIII - 517a: 517c: scepticism XIV-765c; Third Academy XIII-517b

Pyrrhus, Patriarch of Con.stan- tinople IV-.303b: VI-7r,2c: IX- 724a; and Areopagitica V-16b; deposition .XIV-570c; and Ec- thesis X-505c; at Third Coun- cil of Constantinople IV-310b; Sixth General Council IV- 425b; Pope St. Martin X-.506C: and Maximus of Constanti- nople V-35a: X-78d; in Mono- thelite controversy Vll-4.i3d

— King of Epini-. Mil"! Co^rn/a IV-10.3a: anil ,•'»■•'-■' ■ •■■■'-n IV-122d; in Si, il. Mil 7::id; and SvTacuse X i \ .i!",d; and T.aranto XIV-4.5(ld; war VI- 4B4b


— Archbishop of Cosenza. and Francis of Paula VI-231d

Pystyll of Suete Susane XIII- fi23c

PYTHAGORAS AND PYTHA- GOREANISM XII-5S7b; III- 491a: V-557d; and Allies I- 324a: and animals IV-542a; astrology II-20a; Buddha III- 29a: on Carmel III-354b; categories III-433c; at Cotrone IV.-J22d; and Druidism V- 163a: educational system I- 760d: on freedom VI-259c: and immortality VII-687d: and in- tervals I-762d: on life IX- 2_39a; niathematics in V-222a: XII-5S7d: metempsychosis X- 235b: XII-.5S7d: on monad X-447c: and numbers XII- 588a; on phenomena Ill-460a; philosophy of X-746b: XII- 31b; and Plato XII-159d: and Porphyry X-743c; and regen- eration XII-715C: in Samoa XIII-421d; school of I-772b; and silence XIII-790a; and soul XIV-153C; on spheres II- 20a; XII-588a; virtue in XII- 587d

Pythias I-713c

— Knights of. See Knights of

Pythicodorus Trice, .\thanasius II-39d

Pythicos (Hodja-Tchai), river, .\sia Minor X-<)6Ic

Python, George, University of Fribourg, foundation VI- 302b

Pythoness, selection of XI-266a

Pythonism V-48d

Pythons V-668c; X-735d

Pytlik, John, version of the Bible XV-369b

PYX XII-588b; (ill.) XII-588C; III-767b; 767c; V-14Sa; VIII- 258a; XIV-424a; and altar canopies 1-34 7a; benediction IV-773d; XIV-44.-)C; Blessed Sacrament IV-175a; XI-432d: desecration I-35Sb; material of I-358b

—Bag. See Burse

—Cloth (ill.) XII-58Sd

—Cover. See Pyx Cloth

Pyxis. See Pyx

P. Z., abbr. I-27a

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.