Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/671

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Queen of Heaven, anthem. See

KeKina Cocli ■ — of Heaven, Daughters of the.

Sff Queen's Daughters — of the Apostles, Rehgious of

the, in Nigeria XI-74b — of the East I-.570b — of the Mediterranean II-28Sd Queens, and male cloister lV-61b Queen's Chapel, Washington, Dis- trict of Columbia XV-559a —College, Belfast V~177a — CoUege, Cambridge III-213b;

III-215b —College, Charlotte XI-I09C —CoUege, Cork V-177a — CoUeges, Ireland Vlll-llOd — CoUege, Kingston. Ontario XI-

256c —CoUege, London IV-89b —CoUege, Oxford XI-3G9b -DAUGHTERS XVI-69b Queensland, Church in II-117a; 789c: as colony II-113d; con- \ncts II-114C: educational sta- tistics (1897) II-118a; and Jloj-nihan II-120b; popula- tion (1901) II-114a; religious denominations II-118a; settle- ment II-114d; statistics, relig- ious n-117b: Vicariate Apos- tolic II-117C Queenstown, Mercy Convent

Xin-.i7Sc: mission II-229a —Harbour, C.irk (ill.) IV-372b Queen v. Ryle, trial XIII-6o6b Queipo, Juan de. Bishop of La

Paz VIIl-70.jd Queiroz, Epa de XII-311a — Teixeira de Xll-:!lla QUELEN, HYACINTHE-LOUIS DE, Arr-l.bisluip of Paris XII- r.otjb; X 3ii:!a: XI-484c; and Drricli \'-ir,2c: and Institute of Bon f*."Cours II-678a; medal X-Uoc; portrait XII-«00b QueUe, and St. Mark XIV-531C QueUinus, Arthur, sculptor XIII-

64r.b Quelven, Notre-Dame de, pil-

Quemadmodum, Decree of Leo XIII I-sd; III-.573a; V-24d; lX-597b; XI-1i;Gc; XV-697d

Quemener, Louis de, in Rome Ill-li72a


Quen, Jean du X-512a

Quenin, Saint. See Quinidius

Quenites. .S' »■ Cinites

Quenstedt, Friedrich August, geologist X\'-H4b

— John Andrew IX— 4fi2d; on Biblical inspiration VIII-lSc; and Preadamism Xn-371b

Quental, Anthero de XII-310C

Quentin, Saint, niartvr XIV- I32a; feast III-163C

— Claude, missionary I-39c: at St. Sauveur XII-287c: in Vir- (rinia X-386a

—Henri, Biblical MSS.. pho- tography of XV-.518a: as hagiographer VII-108a; and Pentateuch XV-.517b; on Usu- ard mart%Tolog>- XV- 235b: and Vulgate XV-ol7c; 519a

Queque, Abbe, and .\cton I-113C

Queral, Vicente W., writer XIV- 20 Id

Querano, Latanzio X-.iOOb

Querbes, Louis Joseph, founder XV-looa

QUERCIA, JACOPO DELLA .\Il-601a: V-734a: XIII-r,4.->d; 779a: Fonte Gaia, Siena XIII- 7S0a ; San Giovanni, Church of. XIII-779d: and Vecchietta XV-317d

Quercius, on .\cathiatu3 I-92d

Quercum, synodus ad. .SVe Chal- cedon. Council of (403)

Querela nullitatis I-6.5.5c

Querelle des Anciens et des Modemes \'-4l9c

Queres Indians XI-.3b

Queretaro, town. Mexico X-2.i0c: 2.V2c; buildings III-12.5C; trealv XlII-440b

—DIOCESE OF XII-f.01b: IX- 177c: chronicles I-7.>3b: Church of La Cruz (ill.) Xll-fiOlc: college I-7.53b: X;iV-.>»6d: Franciscan school XIII— 124c; map X-faciog 268: mission

Querini. .SV.Quirini

Quesada, Caspar de, and Magel- lan IX-o27a

— Gonzalo Zimenes de IV-122c: and Acosta I-lOSc: Chibchas III-653a

Quesnay, Franjois, Physiocrat. See Quesnoy

Quesnel, J. M., explorer XV- 2(57b: in British Columbia II- 792d

— PASQiriER XII-601d: XIV- SOOa: XV-128C: and Anthelmi I-553b: and ,\rnauld I-744a: and Baeticus VII-9d: and Bal- lerini II-223d: canonical col- lection IV-392b: V-774C: IX- 61d: censure, method of III- 533a: on Church government XII-603C; and Clement XI I-94c: on concupiscence IV- 208d: errors of XIV-773C; God, love of VI-694d: on grace XIV-7ti7b: and Jansen- ism VI-469d: VIII-291C: IX- 61d: and Noaillea XI-86a: 483d: and papal supremacy XII-267C: and de Precipiano XII-375d; portrait XII-602a; supernatural order XIV-33Sa

Quesnellism XII-602d

Quesnoy, Francois du II-71c: Physiocrats, school of XII- 67c

Questenberg, Caspar von. Abbot of .Strahov XIV-312C

Question, in Scholastic philoso- phy XIII-550C

— Box, Catholic Missionary Un- ion IIH53d

Questions actueUes, periodical II-104C: XI-676d

Quete. See Colloctiona

Quetelet, Larabert-Adolphe-Jac- ques, statistician Xn'-2t'.9d

Quetif, Jacques, on .\laii tic Rupe XIII-1.S6C: history V-270a: Thomism XIV-702d

Quetzalcoatl, deity II-170d: IV- 413a: X-2.52b:XII-604b:XIV- 473d

Queva, Alfonso de la. Bishop of Palostrina Xl-421d

QUEVEDO, JUAN DE Xn-603d: VI-29Sb: and Balboa II-216d: as Bishop of Darien XII-292C: 603d; Indian civilization XII- 604a; on Toba Indian language XIV-749C

Quevedo Villegas, Francisco de, writer XIV-199b; birthplace IX-.Tl7d

Quevillon, Joseph, in America VI-274b

Queylus, Gabriel de, missionary .\-379d; .i47d: XIII-379C

Quezac, Notre Dame de la, pil- grimage .X-lSOc

Quhitheme, See of. See Whithorn

Qui., abhr. l-27a

Quia Emptores, Statute of VI- 61d: 62b

— nonnunquam. Bull of John X.XII VI-247a: X-274d

— quorundam, flecrce of John X.XII VI-2t7c: X-275a

Quiberon, l.aitle Xlll-l.ic: .XV- 272a: H..ihc X\"-272a

Quiblier, Joseph-Vincent, at No- tre Dame X-.Msb

Quibroth Hatthawah VI-44.5d

Quibus quantisque mails, .allo- cution nf Pius I.X IX-7Sfic

QUICHE .\ll-604a: cosmogony IV-4i:!a

Quicherat, Jules, on Joan of Arc \III-413d: St. Front, Church ,,f Xl-r,f,sc

Qui Christ! Domini. Bull of Pius VII 1 -:.s'.ic, VI-:,43b

QUICHUA INDIANS XII-604c: II-629b: VII-7.)t'.a: IX-429b; eharacteri.stics XII-606c: civil- ization XII-60.5d; conversion XII-fiO.">d: habitation VII- 758b; histon,' XU-Wai: in- dustries XII-606b: language T-411C; II-.50b: l.^Oc; 531a: X-364b: XII-eOGc: literature XIV-204b; manners and cus- toms XII-606C: oriain VII- 748a; in Rem VII-7.i7b: -Popol Vuh" VII-7.56C: re- ligion Xll-fiOOa: territory, ori-

ginal XII-r)04c: tribes XII-

604d Quick, Francis XI-335d QUICUMQUE CHRISTUM


419c: tiOla: XIII-410d — vtilt salvus esse. See Atha-

nasian Creed Quiddity V-544a; VII-631C Quidort, John. See John of Paris Quidron. See Cedron Quid Ultra, in Improperia VII-

704a Quien, Michel Le. See Le

Quien Quierzy (Quiercy) III-613a; char^

ter XI-6l",3b; Pepin, coronation

of XI\"-2ssd; Pepin, donation

of .Xl\-Jii(la —COUNCILS OF XII-608a:

(774) III-613a; (838) Amalar-

ius of Metz I-376C: (849)

VI-682b: VII-357a; VIII-2Sa:

XII-377d: 60Sa; (853) VII-

357a: xn-iinsa: (858) XII-

r.nsa; is:;. ih-428c

QUIET, PRAYER OF Xll-fiOSb; d.Tnrs Xll-i.llsb; effects XII- tiusc: and nnstical union IV- 32.5d

QUIETISM XII -608c: and Aguirre I-232c: Beghards XII- 609b: Beguines XII-609b: Bog- omili XII-609b: Brahminism XII-608d: Brethren and Sis- ters of the Free Spirit XII- 609b: Buddhism XII-60Sd: and divine nature VI-706a; Euchites XII-609b: and Ffn- elon VI-36d; XII-610b: Fra- ticelli XII-609b: Gnosticism XII-609b; and Grancolas VI- 724b: Madame Guyon VII- 92d; Hesychasm Xll-COftb: and hope VII^66d: Illuminati XII-B09C: and Louis XIV IX- 375b: and Mme. de Maintenon IX-.549d: and Marais III- 63.5c: Vl-624b: and Mas- souliC' X-37b: an.l meditation Xll-349d: Mcss.ilians XII- C09b: Molinos X-441C; XII- 609c; and mystical theologv XIV-621a; Neo-platonism XII- 609b; and Nicoli XI - 68d: origin XII-609a: and Panthe- ism XII-608d: Penance, sacra- ment of XII-609d; and prayer XII-34Sa: principles XII- 609c: and Protestantism XII- 610c: saints, devotion to the Xll-COfld: .■icruples Xll-fi09d: and Stoicism Xll-l'Osd

Quietus, Bishop of Utliina XV- 241a

Quigley, James Edward, Arch- bishop of Chicago III-656a: VII-657b: Church Extension Societv \'Il-6.57c: XIV-78C: 79b; disputes I-684d; and L> III i.:ila

— Patrick, niissi<.nar>', in Iowa V- INOd: V111-95C: in Ohio XIII- .'•>6Ib: XIV-760b

Quignonez, Francis. See Qui-

Quil'isma, term X-768d Quilloux, Arrl.l.ishop of Port-au-

l>ru].r Ml H.-.b Quilon.t,,,,,,, Ii,.lia IV-77a:early

('■•■- ^ l\ 681a; episco-

I ' lV-78a; and

\^ ■ l\ l',,S3c

-Iilni I -1. Ill XII-610d: XV-

i.,i, ,i ,ii . ,,ii..tica VII-73nb

Quimburga, Saint, foundress X\'-


Cllc: Ad..rali(iii. Perpetual I-

LiJb; Xn-612b:

catlicdn.l (ill.) XII Id Id Quimperle, .liiiri. r of XV-271C QUIN, MICHAEL JOSEPH

XII-(,i:ja: XlC.Sld; and Wise- man XV-671b —Abbey VIII r.42a: (ill.) VIII-

M2 Quinarius, cnin XI-153d QUINCTIANUS, SAINT, con-

fessur X1I-613C —SAINT, African martyr XII-

(■.1.3b —SAINT, Roman martyr XII-

61.3b — SAINT, Sicilian martyr XII-


— Saint, Bishop of Clermont IV- 54a: and St. Gal VI-335d

— Bishop of Evora V-671a

— Saint, Bishop of Poitiers XII- 178d

—SAINT, Bishop of Rodez XH- 613c: XIII-108a

—father of Leo I IX-154d

—Senator, and St. Agatha I-204a

Quindeimia I-537d

Quindulfus, Bishop of Salamanca xni-391c

Quinet, Edgar, and Jesuits XIV- 105a

Quinic acid, discovery XV-315c

Quinidius, Saint, Bishop of Vai- son VI-270b; XVI-7Sb

Quinine (cinchona) VIII-372d; XI-609b

Quinisext Synod. See Constanti- nople, Council of (692)

Quinlan, John, Bishop of Mobile I-242d: X-411b: as rector of seminary- ni-774b

— M.F. II-119d; as journalist II- 120c

Quiim, Edmund, missionary, in Ohio IV-5.5d

— James, missionary, in New York I-257b

— James, Bishop of Brisbane XV-61SC

— John, in San Francisco XIII- 441c

— Matthew, Biahop of Bathhurst II-349b

—Patrick in-455d

—P. E., journaliat II-120c

— PhiUp, in Troy I-257C

— Roderick II-120a; as journaUst II-120C: poems II-120a

Quinnim, in Talmud XIV-437C

QUINONES, FRANCIS, cardinal XII-613C: breviary I-701d; II-680a; 774d; VI-293a; IX- 198b; 302b; as General of Friars Minor VI-286a; Immac- ulate Conception of Our Lady, Constitution of IV-190C: VII- 681b: rubrics XIII-216d

— Jeronimo, architect XIII- .392a

— Ulpiano Perez, Biahop of Ibarra VI1-61.3C

Quinquag., abbr. I-25c

QUINQUAGESIMA XII-614a; in Aquileian Rite XVI-3d; in Greek Church III-166c; Office, Abraham in I-55a

— Paschs, in hturgj' XII-614b

Quinque compilationes antiquse, decretals IV-( 71b

— Ecclesia; IM.i6c

Quinta, martvr 1-61 7b: V-77b —in Hexapla VII-317a; XV-

3()7d — essentia, discover>' VIII— 177b Quintana, Andres, martyr X-

.39 Id — AUGUSTIN XII-614b: on the

Mixe language X-4(l9a: on

Rioja, Francisco de XVl-71a —Jose Matias, editor XI-fiS6c —Manuel Jose, writer XIV-

2n(kl; fill the (id III -770a; and

Gallego \ I 3.'.l)a Quintana Roo, Andres, writer

XIV-2(Bb Quintanilla, Alonzo de, and Co-

lumlms IV-141b —Louis de, in Louisiana XI-8c Quintasius, Bishop of CagUari

III 1.39c — Bi.shopof Mater X-41c Quintero, and Cortes lV-.39Sa Quintian, Bish.ip ..f s IX-3c Ouintianus. S.r (JmiKlianua Quintilian, Catalan clii.f 1II-42SC

— Marcus Fabius, " Institutiones Or.atoriae" I-761c: V-298d; XII-177d: on Latin language XV-464AC: in medieval study IX-33c: Wspasian and Domi- tian IV- 14a:.and VidaXV-415d

Quintilianus, Bishop of Rusicade

XIII-2.30b Quintilius Varus, Governor in

Svrin IX-l28b: villa XIV-747b Quintilla, Montanist prophetess.

.SV, Priscilla

8uintil1ians. See Montaniats uinlillius. Bishop of Heraclea, at Chalcedon III-556C Quintinus, Saint. See Quentin Quintius, Bishop of Albenga I- 258d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.