Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/676

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figuration. S. Pietro in Mon- torio XIII-173b; The Trans- figuration (ill.) XII-facing64B; Trinita dei Monti XIII-175C; in Vatican XII-642c; XV- 283b: 2Soa; Vatican Library XV-295C; The Viohn Player (ill.) Xll-faeing 646

Raphael, orthodox Bishop of Brooklyn VI-773c; XV-149c

— MetroDoIitan of Kieff IX- 465a

— Brother, martyr VIII-58b

—Mother. Hee Drane, A. T.

— of Fossombrone III-321b

— Rabbinovicz, Babylonian Tal- mud XlV-43Sd

— Sanzio. See Raphael, artist

—Society XlV-127c

Raphaim, l..«n VI-144a

—Valley of VH44a

Raphana, city of the DecapoUs IV-664d

Raphat (larephel) VI-441a

Raphe!, educator V-317b

Raphelingen, and Plantin, Chris- tophe XII-149b

Raphia, battle of (217) XIII- 690b; battle (720) II-14a; VI- 4(X)b; Antiochus of Syria VI- 400c

Raphidim VI-444a; battle I-3c; 377d; Israelites XI-048d; 650c

RAPHOE, DIOCESE OF XII- 647b; St. Adainnan, patron I- 135c; map Vlll-facing 114; seminaries XIII-700a

Raphon VI-444a

Rapidan Campaign, and Newton, .John Xl-19a

Rapid Creek, .\ustraUa, mission XI-11.5C

RAPIN, RENE XII-64Sb; and Huet VII-513d; Vavasseur XV-317b

Rapite capite. See Jus Spolii

RapoUa, Diocese of. .See Melfi and Rap.aia

Rapp, George, and Harmonists IV-lSId; in Indiana VII-742a

— Wilhelm VI-476b

Rappahannock, battle XV-172a

Rapparees, in Ireland VII-320c

Rappe, Louis Amadeus, Rishr ip of Cleveland IV-r.'.a; r.i.b; VII- 418b; XIV-7(;()b; i-ni,..,.-<r;ili<)n III-774d; iu Tnl.-,1.. XlV-760a

Rappists. See Harmonists

Rappolstein I-34.5C

— Agathe von, and Spener, Phd- i[ip .r-il<.,l> Xll-SOd

Rappoltsweiler I-344d

Rappoport, Angelo S., on Egypt

Rappresentazioni Sacre XIV-

560d Rapture, in mysticism XIV-622a; Saint Alphonsus I-339b; Ply- mouth Brethren XII-173b; and prophecy XII-474b; and uni- tive state XIV-256a Raptus, matrimonial impedi- ment I-33d; VII-697b Raqqah (Callinicus) III-lS3b Raqqeit, Tell er- (Arecon) VI-

434b Raquette, c^ime Vll-751b Raron, William IV of. Bishop of

Sion XIV l.-)b Ras, AliyHsiniim title I-7fia Rasaappa. See Sergiopolis Rasapa (Rasapi; Rasappa). See

Keseph; Sergiopolis Rasaph, deity XII-43a Rascher, de. See Peter II, Bish-

Rascians, schismatic Serbs IV-

558d Ras Dimas, ruins of Thapsua at

XIV-5.-.6b Ras el-'Ain (Resaina: Rhesffina)

VIl-ln:ia; .Mil Urn Ras en-Naqurah (Scala Tyrio-

rum) I-774d Rasetsu, artist VIII-314d Ras et-Tin (Greater Chersone-

sus) XV-59d Rasgunia, Cape Matifu, inacrip-

limi IV 531c Rash Amma, Nasora:an patriarch

X-7l)7b Rashdall, Hastings, on English

College and University IV-

lOSa; on Leycs do Purlida

XIII-393a; on Mendicant.*,

Colleges IV-108d; on Pullcn,

Robert XII-563C: on schools, medieval XIII-572a

Rashee, See of V-147d

Rashi, Biblical commentator IV- loSd; V-287a; 702c; XIV- 456a; on Talmud, Babylonian XIV-438C; and Targum of Onkelos XIV-455C; work V- 702b

Rashid Watwat, writer XI-720b

Rashnu, in Zoroastrianism II- 155b; 156b

Rasin, King of Syria IV-611d; VI-400b; Achaz I-lOld; and Phacee III-31.5c; VIII-65Sa; XV^B4Bd; and Theglath- phalasar III II-13b; VIII- 654d; tribute IX-5S3b

Rask, Rasmus Kristian IV-352b; discoveries II-9c

RASKOLIKS XII-648C; 648d; VI-754d; Bezbrachniki XII- 649d; Bezpopovtsi XII-649d; and St. Demetrius of Rostoff XIII-27()a; division XII-fi49b; nuklinl.ois Xll (,:,!*; Ffoa.>-

C.-lXII .,lMd,l,|. .Mlrln.rilXII-

i;4'ib, Khl .11 MI; Mol- chi,lii]l;i XII i.l'id: .Molokani XII-650a: Niemohaki XII- 649d; Okruzhuiki XII-649c; origin XI-78b; XII-64Sd; Po- mortsi XII-f349d; Popovtsi XII-649b; priestless XII- 649d; Razdorniki XII-649c; sectarians XII-650a; Skoptsi XII-650a; statistics XIV- 276b; 277b; Stranniki XII- 649d; Stundists XII-650b; Subbotinki XII-650b; term XII-64Sd

Rasle, Sebastian. See Rftle

Rasoherina, t^ueen of Madagas- car I.\-511b

Rasori, Giovaimi, and Brown, John X-1.54a

Raspanti, in Perugia XI-736C

Raspe, Heinrich, of Thuringia VI-493a

Rasperger, Christopher V-57.5c

Raspo, organ builder XI-300b

Rasponi - Spinella, Luciano, ar- chives XV-274C

RASS, ANDREAS, Bishop of Strasburg XII-8.50C; .XIV- 314d; and DolHnger V-95b; on education I -343d; and Katholik VI-653b; XI-678b; Liebermann. Bruno IX-235d; and Weis XV-577a; on Witzel XV-680C

— Antonias, Bishop of Strasburg, Vatican Council XV-303b

Rassam. Hormuzd, BiUngual Creation-Storv II-16C; IV- 406d; explorations II-9a; re- search, Assyrian XI-303C; 303d

Rassegna Gregoriana, periodical XI-685a

— sociale, periodical XI-685a

Ras Siaghah (Phasga) VIII- 19t>b

Rassler, Christoph, and .Equi- probabilism XII-442d; and Gobat, George VI-607b

Rasso, Saint, (I^ount of Diessen XVI-3a; pilgrimage II-78a

Ras Sufsafeh (ill.) VlII-200

Rastall, trial of. See Wilson v. Kastall

Rastatt, Congress of (1797-99) VI-508C; mutiny (1848) II- 195d; Treaty of, and Alsace VI-o06a

Rastell, William, and More, Thomas XIV-691d; 692d

Rastislav, .Moravian prince IV- 592b; XI-247a

Rastoul, on Knights Templars XIV-495C

Rastrelli, archil cct XIII-2.18b

Rasura, Nuiio III 411b

Rasyphus, Saint, martyr XII-

Ratazzi, Urbano X-701d

Ratbod, Duke of Frisia VI-241b; XIV 32,Sd; XV-G45b; death II-6.'>6d; and St. Wulfran XV- 7I6b

—Archbishop of Trier IX-362d; XII-719d; XV-43a

Ratchis, King of the Lombards I- 237c; I.\-20.Sd; .338d; Abbey of Ammiato III-C91a; and Papacy XI V-259c: and Perugia XI - 736b; and Stephen II

XIV-2S8d; and Zachary, Pope

.XV-744b RatcUSe, John. See Mush —John, ill Jamestown XV-1.58a — CoUege, England XIII-573C;

and Fugin XII-560a Ratfredus, .\bbot of Farfa V-

7s6b Ratgang, Saint. See Chrodegang Ratgar, Abbot of Fulda III-245b;

IV-48a; VI-314a; XII-617a;

and school III-350d Rath, Gerhard von, at Bonn II-

674a Rathaus, Berne II-508a Rathbert, Archbishop of Trier

XV-43a Rathbone, Joseph. See Rath-


651a Rathboth. See Raphoe Rathbreasail, Synod of (1110)

VIII-627C; (1118) XVI-49a;

Cork IV-370d; V-147d; 173b;

Vlll-lOlb; XI-343c; and Os-

s.irv IX-262d Rath-colpa, See of XIV-463a Rath Cunga (Racoon) I-SOOb Rathensis, Petrus, Bishop of

I.anics;., V11I-761C Ratherius of Verona, bishop

.Xll-«51a: XV-361d; and An-

thropomorphites I-5.59d; and

St. Bruno III-13C Ratherroghan, palace V-395a Rathfarnam, Loreto abbey II-

223a; VIII-54d Rathfran, Abbey of VIII-641a Rathier, Bishop of Tongres IX-

236c Rathlin O'Bime, island, St. Assi-

cus in l-snoa Rathlure, ancient See of IV-742d Rathmat, monastery, and St.^- \'I-32.5a Rathmeisigi, Abbey of XV-645b Rathramnus. .See Ratramnus Rathsamshausen, Philip von,

Prince-Bishop of Eichstiitt V-

3li.5a Rathwi, Iranian priests XII^09d Ratibor, Wendic X-107d; St.

Gottschalk VI-6Sld — of Pomerania, monasteries

XII-225d Ratingen, Sisters of the Poor of

Saint Francis in XII-257d Ratio, -Alexander of Hales I-298d Ratiocination, analogy I-449b ;

451b Ratio distinctionis VII-763a —Juris, Bull of John XXII XIII-

RATIONALE XII-CSlc; V-401b; XI-600d; XII-232b; agate XIV-305b; amethyst XIV- 305c; beryl XIV-305d; car- buncle XIV-306a; carnelian XIV-306b; chrvsoUte XIV- 306d; emerald XIV-307b; jas- per XIV-307d; jewels XIV- 304d; ligurius XIV-307d; onyx XIV-307d; sapphire XIV- aOSc; Toul, Bishop of X-680d: Urim and Thummim XV-224C; Use, Christian XV-3S9C

— of Durandus, symboUsm XIV- 376a

- of Judgment, Jewish V-497c

RATIONALISM XII-652a; V- 419c; .\gnosticism I-216b; Alain de I'lsle I-244d; Albertus Magnus I-26Cb; and AngHcan- ism I-503c; Apologetics I- 621d; Baaderon II-173b; 173d; Catholic Church XII-653d; and Christ, Divinity of VII- 710c; XIV-600C; commentar- ies. Biblical IV-161C; condem- nation IX-21:M; Council. Vat- ican XVWUd; 3lisa; criticism. Biblical l-(,22c; lV-49.5a; de- generation XII-653C; Deism and IV-esOc; and demoniacs IV-712b; 712c; XII-316c; and Descartes IV-745a; and Eich- horn IV-493a; and Empiricism V-i07c; and ethics V-557b; exegesis V - 705c; expiation, s.acrifirial XHI 316b: in France

Vn 5T,d- Vn-r -riMnl Vl-

2.5,Sc: -■■ II ." '.'I 1 \ 1' >M Mid


a, liiMual \ 111 4Ua;

XII-653b; of Kant VIII-603b; XII-652d; Leibniz XII-652b; literature, German VI-523b; and logic IX-328C: Lully, Ray- mond XII-671a: in Lutheran Churches IX^62d; XIII-67c; and Magi IX-527d: and mir- acles X-340d: 343b; and mys- teries X-662d: in Norway IX- 460a; as philosophy XII-28d; and Pius IX XII-136b; XIV- 369a; 369b; and Presbyterian- ism in England Xn-393c; and Protestantism XII-653d; and rehgion XII-652c; Resur- rection XH-792c: and revela- tion XII-652C: 653a: Xlll-ld; Scholastic XIII - 548c; 550a: XIV -595c; School, German XII-652a; and Scotch Estab- lished Church XIII -629c; Supernatural Order XIV-33Sb; in Sweden IX-460b; Testa- ment, New XIV-535C; and St. Thomas Aquinas XIV-668d; 672a; 674c; and Trinity XV- 52d; Ubaghs XV-lUc; and Ultramontanism XV- 125b: Wessenberg, Ignaz von XV- 591b; Wolff, Christian XII- 652b Rationahst Press Association

XII-6.53C Rationahty, in character III-584d Rationes Seminales. See Sem- inal Reason Rationi congruit. Bull of Julius

III II-302a RATIO STUDIORIUM XII- 654a; I-374a; .XII-654C; 656d; 769a: Acquaviva, Claudius I- 110a; and .Alvarez. Manoel I- 374b; Azor, Juan II-167d; and Bus6e III-86C; Canisius, Theo- dorich III-250d; character XII-654d; 655a; contents XII- 654d; education, general XII- 655d; and Saint Francis Bor- gia VI-215d; methods XII- 654d; nature and contents XII- 654d; objections XII-655b; origin XII-654b; and Pachtler, George Michael XI-382b; Ped- ro da Fonseca VI-126a; revis- ion XII -654c; scope XII- 655c: sources XII-654C Ratisbon, town, battle (1633) XIV-6.54c: Deputation, Im- perial (lso:ii .\ll-i:i:!a —Diet (10.551 Victor II XV-40(1d: (1056) and \ utor II XV-410a; (1540) IX-J56b: (1541) III- 628a; V-36b; XII-658C; Billick at II-566d: Bucerat III-26b; and Contarini IV-324b; Eck at V-272d; Interim VIII-77c; Morone X-575b; Peter Faber XI-767b; (1546) V-36c; Boba- dilla II-605a; (1556-57) Peter Canisius XI-757C; (1576) Mo- rone X-575d: (1641) XIV- 656b: (1663) VI-605a; (1667) Precipiano XII-375c; (1739) ' VIII-611d; (1801-1803) X-

453c — Electoral College XIV-651c; and Maximilian XIV-654b; Peace of (1630) XIV-653a; and Reformation XII-65Sb —DIOCESE OF XII-657a; ab- bey V— i06b; and Albertus Alagnus l-264b; Ambrosian Rite I-395d; .\ndreasof Ratis- bon I— 470b; .\ntiphonary I- 577a; and Pius X I-579a: bell- tower \'-406c; Bishop of, and rationale XII-fi5Ic; cathedral V-406b: cathedral, Berthold II-521b: cathedral, Wittmann .X\' 679c; Catholics and Lu- iIlcihh \1\ 1 14b: Chant, ec- i-l.-i I i.> J Mll.,547d — r.",;)',.. ilsl'.ii. and Boniface A.-..-<.uiaiK.u 11 672a: and D61- linger 1V-242C; and Stolberg, Joseph XIV-300d —Convention of (1524) X-719d; Dominican church .\II-3fiSc: Emmeram. Saint. .-Vbbev of V-406b; XIV-l72b; and Han- sii VII-l.lOc; Hermits of St. .\ugustinc VII-2Sld; map Vl-faeing 514; monastery III-495d; monastery, and Ar- nold of Vohburg I-747C; monastery, Franciscan IV—

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.