Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/678

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Raynalde, Saint Iir-210d RAYNALDI, ODORICO XII- (172b; X\'-;>sc; (in Alexander VI l-2'j:fc; Banmius Annates II-307a; on Pisa. Council of XI I- 114b Raynald of Segni. See Alexander

IV, Pope RaToaud, Pontius, Carmelite III-

360d — THEOPHILE XII-(;72c: on Idiota VII-l)3oc: and Marini IX-C69d Rayner, Saint, Archbishop of

Spalato XIV-208a Raynerius of Pisa, Saint XIV-

.592b Rayneval, Francois Mazimilien

Gerard, Comte de XII-162c Raynolds, William. See Rey- nolds, William RAYNO0ARD, FRANCOIS - JUSTE-MARIE XII-(>72d; on Knights Templars XIV-49oc; portrait XII-673a Rayo, Faustino, assassin VI-381d Rayos de Luz, periodical XV-

333c Rays, of monstrance I-358b Razdorniki XII-649C Raze, H. de. Biblical Concord- ance IV-195d RaziUy, Isaac de. Governor of

Acadia 1-9 lb Razin, Stenko XIII-238b: 247a Razo Bonvisinus, Prior of Stein-

feld VII-266C Razon, periodical XI-687a — King of S>Tia. See Rasin — y Fe, periodical IX-518a; XI-

690d: XIV- nod; 18Sc Razzi, Giovanni Antonio. See

,Sodoma R. C. A. Society, Rochester XIII-

103d R. D., abbr. I-25c Re. See Animon Reaction, Newton on XII-62d Read, George VIII-ISSc —William George 11-231C Reade, Mellard, scientist XV-

7ll.5a; 71 Ilia — Robert, Bishop of Chichester.

See Rede Reader. See Lector Reading, Council of (1279) XI-

S99d — Edward. ,See Bamber — John, composer I-142b —ABBEY Xll-(>73b; VII-678b —Circle XIV-334C Readymoney, familv XI-509a Reael, Laurens XV-.">l)7c Real, Alcazar XIV-7.-)7b — Jeronymo Corte XII-30SC Real Contract, in Roman civil law

IV-333d — Estate, and deed transference I-

115a Realini, Bernardino, See Bernar- dino, Realini Realism, in art I-175b: Giotto VI-566b; San Sepolcro, Piero da XIII-452b; of Schadow XIII-51Sd — in literature. France VI-203b —in philosophy XI-90d: XII- 29b; Abelard I-38c; Adelard of Bath XVI-ld; .St. Anselm I- 549b: Bacon, John n-191d; Burleigh III -81b; on Divine Nature II-64b; Duns Scotua V-19()b; exaggerated XI-91a; Gilbert de la Porr^e VI-55.5b; Heidelberg VII-196d; Herbart VII-248b; hj-pothotical, Ham- ilton V-lTlc; Ingolstadt VIII- 8a — moderate XI-91b: Albertua .Ma*;nus I-2(iGb: Alexander of Hales I-29,Sd —natural, of Hamilton V-171c; natural, and Common Sense IV- 167b; new XV-70d; and Nominalism X!-92b; Plato XI-91b; Scholasticism IV- 77Ib; .XIII-.').-)la; Soto XIV- 152c; theoretical. Divine es- sence and attributes XIV- 584a; Wyclif XV-723a Reality, Agnoaticiam I-21sb; Bradley on Xni-.-ilsb: in Christian philosoi)hy X-lM',b; distinction in V-19t)a; hi^lirat, Megarians on X-140c; and judgment XV-73(1; Kant I-


216c; knowledge of I-215c; metaphysics I-715b; noumenal, Hegel VII-192c; objective, and duajiatic problem V-171a; ob- jective, and knowing subject VIII-674C; objective, Pl.ato on XII-160d: of objects I-21Sa; Plato XII-160b; Plotinus I- e75b; Positivism I-369C; prag- matic theory XII-333d; 336c; XV-76c; new Realist theory XV-76d; relativitv of XII- 732c; in scepticism XIII-516d; Spencer I-217c; of substance XIV-323b; in Transcendental theories XV-18a; ultimate, Spencer I-61a; undivided, God as 1-2 18d Real Presence V-573C; 576d; 581d; XIV-586C; in Anglo- Saxon Church I-510b; Beren- garius II-488a; Beza V-37a; Bogomili II-612a; and Con- substantiation IV-322b: in Coptic Liturgies I-306a; Cyril of Jerusalem IV-596C; and ex- tension V-71ob; Godden VI- 622b; Guitmund Vll-Sla; Henry VIII V-443b; St. John Damascene VIII-4Glb; Justin Martyr VIII-5S5d; St. Pascal Baylon XI-512C; St. Paschasius Radbertus XI- 51Sb; Peter of Alontboissier X-526a; speculative discussion V-581d; totality V-o7Sc; Trac- tarians XI-370c; Utraquist heresy XV-215a: withdrawn V-o81b; See Eucharist Reaping, on the Sabbath XIII-

2S7d Reardon, Austin, Presentation

Brothers XIII-41a REASON XII-673d; age of I- 209a; and Agnosticism I-216c; and anarchy I-453d; and anger I-489a; in animals XII-67ob; and appetites I-76Sb; .\ristotle V-750c; and authority VI- 615c; and belief II-409c; Berengarius II-4S7d; Bonald III-542a; in Cartesian system IV-745a; and certainty III- S40c; and certitude III-S42a; and character III-o87c; and chastity XIV-481d; in Chris- tian philosophy XIII-o4Sb; and the Church V-767d; con- duct, rule of II-173a; and con- science I-219d; defect of, and irregularity VIII-173b; and Deism IV-fi80a; and duty V- 217d; and ethics V-561C —and Faith I-219b; XIV-5S2a; Abelard I-38c; XV-14a; Al- bertus Magnus I-266C; St. Augustine H-S9d; Bacon II- 193b; Bautain II-3.33b; Bon- netty II-677b; de Brueys III- 4c; Duns Scotus V-198a; Vati- can Council on XIII-608d;


-and feeling XII-674d; and fideism VI-6Sc; and grace VI- 693d; in Greek philosophy IV- 771a; and hell, existence of VII-208b; in Hermesianism VII-27Sb; Hobbes II-140b: and images, externalizing of VII-G73C; inadequacy of I- 450c; as inteiluctual process XII-674b; and intellectual vir- tues XV-473b; Jacobi XIV- SOgc; Kant III-432c; 541a; VIII-603C; 604c; XV-18a; and knowledge of God I-219d; XIV-667b; Lammenais I-216a; and law IX-54d; and life IX- 239a; in IV M.-.chahees I- eood; in .MaiLicha-ism lX-.-,91d; Mansel 1 2ir,b: iiial.ri;,! and form.'il XII llTlc; moral I- 21(id; -Awl iLorniilv II!-432d;

liwi IlH«lir,MIL 'Xlll-OlSd;

XI\ -:,^Jc. a,,. I ir.turd law V- M2b. l\-7Nc: I'iua IX'.s Sylla- bus .\l\'-3i;'.lb; practical XII- 652d; and prophecy XII— 173c;

salvation XI V^67b: and Seep- Receptivity, in notion of the "'""^ ^, .. Ego VII-86a

Recesmund, Bishop of Granada

ticism XIHJ74a; XIII-517b; 549c; self-control III-638a; and sin XI\ — Ic; Sc; Socinian teaeh- mg .\IV-114b; and soul XIV- 706a; speculative, and happi- ness \'ll-132a: Stoic theory XIV-ol4a; syllogism XII- 674c; and Synderesis XIV- 384d: Theodicean teaching XIV-569b; and theology XIV- 580c; 602d; St. Thomas I- 621b; Thomistic teaching XIV- 667c; 671c; truths acquired bv III-542b; Ubaghs' theory XV- 114b; and virtue, Aristotle I- 717a; and vocation XV-500a; and will I-115d; XV-625C —Goddess of VI-173b; feast XI- 4S.5b; worship XI-i84b; XIII- 14b; XIV-fi24a Reasoner, periodical XIII-676b Reasoning, mductive VII-779d; and intellect VIII-68b; Ros- minian theory XIII-196C Reat, Saint IV-63oc Reaux, Sieur de. .See Tallemant,

Gedeon Rebais, monastery X-71a; 98d;

XIII-431C Rebaptism, in African Church III-3S6d; 387c; Anabaptists 1-44 5b; in Apostolic Canons III-280a; Baltimore, decree II- 239d; Carthage, Synod of (256) I-199d; controversy II-264d; XII-264b; Dionysii V-9d; St. Dionysius Alexandria on V- 12b; Donatists V-125a; 127a- Firmihan VI-80c; HippoK-tus III-184d Rebba, K. (Arebba) VI-434b Rebdorf, monastery V-366a — Henry of. See Henry of Reb- dorf Rebecca, physician XIII-398c — (Rebekah) , \yife of Isaac I-51d ■ VIII-175b; 261a; 717b; in art, Ambrosian Basilica I-389c; in art, Poussin XII-323C; burial „ place IX-503a; weU III-379a Rebelliau, M. A. II-701d RebeUion, legitimacy of XV-109b — American. See Civil War

American —Yellow Cap. See Yellow Cap

—of 1641, Ireland XI-615b

Rebello, Lucindo, poet XII-311b

Rebellus, Ferdinard, theologian .XII-442a

Rebescher, C. X-412a

Rebhun, Paul, dramatist VI-521d

Rebiba, Scipione, cardinal IV- lotic; Pisa episcopate XII-H Id

Rebisso, sculptor Xin-767a

Rebla VI-444a

Reblatha (Rebleh), Babvlnnian camp at III-316d; VI-444a

ReboUedo, Diego de. Governor of Florida IV-221d

Rebous, R.-ctnr of University of Angers \-lII-771c

Recafredo, .\rchbishop of Se%'ille XlV-17Sd

Recamier, Jeanne Francois, Mme., and Mme. Lenormant IX-150d •

Recanati, ton-n, papal mint X- 334d


Recapitulation, doctrine XV- 53b

Recared, Visigothic king VII- 276a; 258b; XIV-177d; XV- 477a; and Arianism XIV-758b; conversion X-611C; and Greg- ory the Great IV-527d; and Jews VI 1 1-39 lb; and St. Lean- der IX-102b; XIII-744C; True Cross, relic IV-531d — Bi...ljop of Calahorra III-14Sb;

X\-4S9d Reccath VI^44a; and Tiberius

XIV 716b Reccevinth, Visigothic king. See

VI-723C Rescevint (Recesvindo), Visi- gothic king IV-533b; X-220d; XIV-17Sa: 7.%c Receveur, Antoine Silvestre, Venerable Ill-721d; XII-796c Recha \ 1-I14b


ITES XII-67t,a; I-77Id; III-

7/bc: m Hebron VII-lS4d-

vow X-727C

Rechabites, Independent Order

of XIV-4S4C Rechah. See Recha Rechberger, George IX-274b Rechbefg-Rothenlowen, Johann

Bemhard, minister VI-512a Recherches, periocUcal XI-677c Rechila (Reciarius), Sueviar Kmg XIII-744C ; and Saragossa XIII-468b Rechoboth VI-444b Recht voor Allen, periodical XIV-

67c Reciarius, Suevian king. Sec

Recife ( Moritzstadt) XI-242c Recio, Nicolas, missionary XIV-

54 7a Reciprocal Influx, and body anti

soul of man IX-581C Reciprocity, in sacrifice XIII-

Reck, Theodor Adolf von der.

Bishop of Paderbom XI-384d Recke, Ernst Frederik Wilhelm,

von der, writer IV-731C Reclinatorium XIV-243d Reclus, monastery VI-o36a — Elisee, .Socialist I-452d; 453a-

XIV-64d Recluses VI-761a Recogidas, Monasterio de XIV-

756d Recognition, and know-ledge VIII-673d; and memory X- 175d Recognitions, pseudo Clementine

IV-39c; V 243c RECOLLECTION XII-676b; 60Sb; at-tiye XII-676b; Car- thusian IIl-389d; and Ulumin- atiye way XIV-2o5b; passive XII-67Cb — Nuns of the X-197c — houses, in Franciscan Order

VI-289b Recollects, Augustinian. See Her- mits of St. Augustine — Augustinian, female, estab- lished Vn-2SSb —Franciscan VI-289a; in Canada III-231d: VI-301d; VIII-275a- X-378b: Davenport IV-639d; Denis IV-722b; disinterment case III-olOc: Dolbeau V-93a; Hennepin VII-215C; Huron missions XIV-7Sld; Iroquois missions VIII-170b: La Roche DaiUon IX-4d; Le Caron IX- 107d; Leclercq IX-109a; in Michigan IV-758c: in the Philippines IX-6a0a; XII-12d: 15b; reform III-322c; IV-27a- Sagiird XIII-324d; in Texas XIV-546d Recolta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

II-804b Recommendation, and election

V-375a Reconciled Lombards XII-250b Reconciliados, in Mexican inqui- sition X-26:3c Reconciliation, of a desecrated ■ -• I Re-

021d: .XII-6.52d; and religion II-17:M; XII-746a; and resur- rection, general XII-793a; and revelation I-3Sc; 177a; 219a; 676b; XIII-3b; .549c; Uosmin- ian theory .XIIl-19.5d; and


Recchi, Nardo Antonio I-S4d

Recem Vl-44lb

Recemund, Bishop of Elvira IX-

313c Recentissimo, injunction on

Modernism X-421a Reception, Licit, of Sacraments


Large typo indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrati:

church II-5S5d; the demption XIII-317a"

Reconfirmation, in Schism of Photius VI-765b

Reconsolatio, .4lbigensian I- 269b

Reconstruction Era XV-174c; Alabama 1-24 lb; Georgia VI- 462c: L.iuisiana lX-3S;!a; Tex- a.s .XIV-546d; Virginia -XV- 456d

Recopilacion de Indias X-26.5a

Record, periodical, .-Xustrjilia II- 349c

— periodical. United States XI- 69.5c

Records of the American Catholic Historical Society, periodical, Philadelphia XI-696b