Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/682

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Reinkens, Joseph Hubert, Old

Catholic Bishop XIII -535a;

Baden II-197d; consecrated V-

99a; escommunication Al-

235c; as philosopher VII-87b;

seminary XI'-235d Reinmar der Alte. See Reinmar

of Haeenau ,,,


619a — von Zweter ^ I-olUb Reinoso, Fehx-Joseph, writer

XIV-301a — Rodrigo IV-93d Reinstein, Johann von, Rector ot

I'rague, and Utraquism VII-

— Iring von. Bishop of Wurzburg


730d; and Dolhnger y-98b; Eichstatt episcopate V-365c; and Giinther VII-S7c; and Hermea VII -279a; and McCloskey IX-486a; 486d; and Moufang X-603a; 603c; Munich - Freising episcopate IX -489a; X - 632c; Vatican Council XV-304b; and Win- dischmann XV-652C

REISCH, GREGOR MI-.31b; encyclopedia I-764a; V-114d; at Freiburg VI - 267d; geo- graphical research VI - 4o0c; and WaldseemuUer XV -531c

Reischl, version of the Bible XV-

Reischoffen, battle (1870) IX-

5()5a „. , ,

Reiser, WUhelm von. Bishop ol Rottenburg XIII-20Sb

Reissmann.Valentine von. Bishop of Wurzburg XV-720b

Reitburg, Sabina Katherine, Countess of XV-G04a

Reithmayr, Franz Xavier, Bib- lical commentator iV-lbla, and Biblical introduction \ 111- 81b; on Synoptics XI\-392a; and Thalhofer XIV-554C

Rekem. See Recem

Relajados, in Mexican inquisition X-263C

Reland, Adrien, exegete v-iUM

Relation, in Category I-9bd;

714d; lll-433d; and Kant 111-

of Pilate. .Scf Anaphora Pilati

Relations, Divine XV-56b —Jesuit XIV-96b; 96c; Hurons VII-579b; Laverdidre IX-oOa; Martin IX-727b; Ragueneau XII-633d; R4.1eXII-63t* — de Chine, periodical 111-6740 — des nouvelles du monde, peri- odical XI-67:)C „._„,, RELATIONSHIP, CARNAL

AND SPIRITUAL XII-<31c; and Jewish marriage law XV- 464Gb; legal I-147c; and mar- riage, civil IX-692b; See Con-

rIla^^iv^I, duties of_xii-

731c; as witnesses XV-b-Sa —of Mary, feast l-490b RELATIVISM XIl-731d; and absolutism XII-732C; 733a; Bradlev XII-732C; and criti- cism XII-732d; and ethics V- 500b; and pviM-n.-nct- XU 733b; 733d: I ■ ' ' ^H ; '^^ Fonsegrive ■■. N , l ■ ■ ■ ' GreenXILT.;.:. , ... , II - ■ ■• I -216a; 21i.d, Jl.a. 11 .-I XII-732C; HcracUtLis .X" 732a; Kant XII-732b; know- ledge XII-732a; Parm6nides XII -732a: Protagoras XU- 732a; of reality XII -732b, Riehl XII-732C; and scepticism XII-732b; and Schopenhauer in-4fi5d; sensation XII-733C Relator, and beatification II-367d Relatum, Decretal of Alexander 111 IX-Ulid


Cwsir of Spevc-r III -139b;

ami'Spirituals .\l\;;-:;32a Release, Year of. Sec juoum.

Year of (Hebrew) RELICS Xll-734a; Aachen I-la;

2c- XII-8Sa; abuses Xll-i.iia;

Advent I-lC6a; African religion

-^n^AUar I-346d; 35 1c; 302d; Large

364d; 365a; early Church I- 197d; III-4ib; GreekChurch I- 359d; 365b; NicKan decree I- 563d; origin XI-562C; removal IV -749a —ampulla III-27a; St. Anasta- sius I-J55b; in antimensium I- 348c; 563d; of Apostles 1- 635b; Avignon decree Il-lbOb; of Beati II-59SC; and Boni- face V II-661C; of Buddha nl-31a; and canopy III-297d; Choctaw custom III -693a; chrismal III-697d; church, con- secration of IV-2S0d; V-479d; VI-365d; column of the flagel- lation XII-737d; Sts. Cosmas and Damian IV-597a ; Cnb IV - 489b; XII-737d; Crown of Thorns IV-540c; St. Cuthbert IV-579a; St. C.vril of Jeru- s.alemon XII-735b; in dedica- tion ceremony IV-673b; doc- trine regarding XII-734b ;expo- sitionof I-366b ;f east XII-738d ; feast, in Sarum use XIII-481a; Good Thief, cross of IV -520b; and Gregory the Great XII- 736b; early history Xll-73oD —Holy Coat VII-400d; .^rgen- teuU XII-8SC; Trier XII-9ba — iconoclasm VII-621a; St. James the Greater VIII- 2S0b; St. Jerome on XII-^35d; St. John the Baptist IX-6d; and Joseph II II-127c; m La- maism XII-109C; lipsanotheca IX-280b; Manichseans Xll- 735c; martyrs XII-735C; mar- tyrs' paste I-220d; Nads, Holy X-672b- at _ Notre-Dame-de- Paris XI-4S5a; at Oviedo cathedral XI-363d; Palni Sun- day III-507b; Saint Peter, tomb of XIII-374a; Sts. Peter and Paul IX-loc; in St. Peter s, Rome XIII-372a —Precious Blood IX^36b; XII- S9b; 373a; Weingartcn XY-

'576c; Weissenau XV-57Sa -Reichenau XII-723b; in rings XIII-(i0b; sandals of Christ XII-519c; XIV-289C- second- ary I-364d; Shroud, Holy XI- 66"8d: XII-96a; XIII-762b; St. Stephen of Hungary XIV- 28Sa; early testimony 11-Jboa, St.ThomasonXII-7.34d; trans- lation of I -315c; 15- -292a; treasury of III-342d; 343b; XVI-18d; Tridentine decree XII-734b; XV"-35b; Trier I-230d; True Cross IV-520b; 624b: 531b; VI-645a: XII- 736a; XIII-169d „,„

— Venrralion of XV-710a: 710b; in \n-lo-Sason Church I-510b; En-hmd XII-736d; and Mo- rone X-575c: and Protestants XII-496b: Rites, Congregation of XIII-144C: XV-584d —St. Veronica's veil XV--362d Virgin Mary, veil of XII-89d —Congregation of XII-138d Relief (in sculpture) II-341d;

high XIII-i)42a —Feudal V-433c Religieuses Hospitalieres

(Dieppe) I-234a Relieio, periodical VII-562C R[ I U.ION XlI-7:3Sd; of African . I ls:ib; and Agnosti- 1 li.b; Alaace, in rurric-

I I, I :!14c; ami altruism I- ir.'lb- \iiurican Indians I-410c: and 'anarchism I-4.'V2b; 45'3b; animism I-627c; .52•^a; 5'28d: .629c; XII-74.6b; anthropology i-528d; anthropomorphism I- 559a; and apologetics 1 618c: 619a; 619b; and art I- 175c: and astrology II- 22d; authority ">• P"'$«'?y- lerian controversy XII-3941), and Averroism I-«-'la; n, 151a; XIII -784c; Baader s sociology II-174d; Hal'vl"'>;»» II-l.S7a; and Bacon n-193b: books, sacred XII-744a; Brah- iniiiisiii ll-730b; Buddhism

I I I j,^ , 111 iliiy, principle of V I I ;, , ; ic rcrlitude in

III , I, , ( I \lon lll-549d;

, ,. i . iii.n Ml 71lid

_f,„„„„n,(Mv .MI-'l",?: Ku- "harist theory V-.>/.ib; and

eugenics XVI-39c; parallels III-33a; study of I-622d — compulsory, disadvantages of XIV-771d; conduct, regulation of XII-742d; 743a; Confucian- ism IV-223d: corruption of I- 480d; cosmic X-719b; and decalogue I-768c; decay of. and MuUer I-529b; definition X- 342b; XV^73c; Deism IV- 679b; deity IV-683b; demon- oloo-y IV-713d; devil-worship- pers IV -767c; difficulties of III-541b; and dogma V-91b; doubt V-142C; druidism V- 162c; Druzes V-166d; as duty V-218a; and edu- cation V-304b; XIII -555a; 558a; Egyptian I-430d; es- chatology V-528C; evolution ot XIII-319b; external XII- 748c: and faith V-7.59a: fear theory XII-745a: XIII-751c; fetishism VI-52d: MI-' 45c; freedom of, Virginia XV-457b; in Friendly Islands III-o-2d; ghost theory XII-745b: and Hegel VII-193d; history- of XII-747C; and the Holy Ghost I-120a; idolatry VII-63(3a; and indiff erentismVII-759b ; infidels VIII-2c; influence, decreasing III-703C; intuition theory XII- 744dj Jainism VIII-269d; and St. James III - 594b; Jews VIII-386a; and Kant VIII- 606a; knighthood III -691c; and law XIII-649d; and litera- ture n-107a; manifestations of I-152a; Manu, laws of IX- 613a; and Marx^ XII-215d; metempsychosis X-234d; mir- acles XII-743d; mithraism X-- 402a; modernism XIV -3 Ala, Mohammedanism V1U-19UC: XH124a: and morality V-560a; 563a: X-559b: 560b; XII- 652c: Miiller's perception theory XII - .745a; natural, Vatican Conned I-219c: V H- 760d ; naturism I-l 84c ; X- 1 1 1 a ; objective XII-741a: occult art XI-197d; oracle XI-264d; ori- gin I-.627b; XII-744b: out- look XII-746b; paganism XI- 388b: pantheism XI-449d; in Paraguay, Reductions ot Xll- 694c; Parsis XI-508d; phenom- ena, universality of Ill-'lfJ^ in the Philippines \II;14d; and philosophy XII-36b: /4.d;

and de Prades XII-332a; and Pragmatism XII-337b; priest- hood XII-418b; psychology

hood XII-418b; psychology of XII-747d: and rational- ismXII-652a; and reason, Baa- der's teaching II-173d; and rea- son, syllabus of Pi.w IN M\- 369b; revelatiM-i \li Ml' '"d Rousseau IN I "

XIII-309b;::i"i' - ,:. 11 1 In- dians XIII-o-"d- ..:.- -I'l't- Simon XIII-37,d; bcandma- vian XIV-34Sa; and scepUcism XIV-765d: in schools Xlll- 561c; and science, decree ot iboniface VIII 17459a; and science, Bonnetty s theories

—Semitic: Beelphegor II--38Sb; Beelzebub II-38Sd; and obla- tions XI-215d; and Toteinism XIV-7S9C ,.,01,

— sensism V-409b; and 'he Serbs XIII-732b; ^lr,.n:ni.-.i. XI" - 750b; Simon, in- Ml ■■[■■^ and social I" :lv .,.1" ' 1 "socialtheory -Mil >!,"-,■ ""' sociology XIV-115C; and Sl.en- cer I-217C: 21Sa: 52Sb; spirit- ism XlV-221b; spiritualism XIV--'"lb- and the State III- 796d \ ■■'■ic XU-77-2C; sub- iecl.v.XII VU'l. .nir'Summa Tl„-.,l,,i I. L MN I'Sb; and 9up,-r-nii„ii XI \ :W9c; Syii- 'cre'^lism XIV:iS3c: Taoisn, XIV-446d; anil temperan.e XlV-IS3a: and theology XI \ ■ 580c; theophilanthropism XIV-624a: thcosophy Xiv- 6'26b; 627b; Toledo decrees XIV-759a; Totcmism XII- 745d; XIV-7S9a; 792d; unity XlV-7ii.'id; universality Xll-

746a; in "Utopia" XV-243d: Vedas XV-31Sb: worship, acts of XII-741d — ^Disparity of. See Disparity of

Worship — La, periodical XV-329d —VIRTUE OF XII-740C; 74Sb: and blasphemy II-595b: and virginity XV-45Sc; and wor- ship XV-710d , „^ Religionis, Bull of Leo X III-43d — Zelus, Bull of Clement VII

II-344d; III-321C Religions, Statistics of. See Sta- tistics of Religions Rehgionsfonds, in Austria Vlll-

5111b Religionsfreund fiir Katholiken,

peri.iJir;,! Il-islb Religiosam vitam. Bull of Hono-

rius III \ II-4.")SC ReUgiosa Sanctorum, Constitu-

timi of Sixtus V III-335C Religiosi bianchi del corpo di

Gesu Christo I-1.53c Religious, Congregation of XU- 7.5.5c: XIII-M-'b; jurisdiction XII-755C: 7.1SC; Xni-U2c; novitiate, ade lor XI -144b; or- ganization XII 1-1 42c; petit ions XI-777C; See Bishops and Regulars, Congregation of —Cabinet, periodical XI-b9od;

XV-611C — Clerics. See Canons and Uan-

onesses Regular .

—fund, Austria. See Religions-

— indifference. See Indifferent- ism, Religious —Institutes. See Religious Life RELIGIOUS LIFE XII-748d: \ b b a n of Magheranoidhe, Saint I-6d; abbess I-7b; ab- bev I-lOd; abbot I-lSd; Ab- ingdon, Abbey of I-43d: ab- thain I-74d; Accemette 1- 105b; active IV-330b; XI- 16.5b; XII-753d; 762a-, ad- dresses ecclesiastical I-138d; Admont Abbey I-145c; Affli- ghem I-179d; Africa I-L^b: Ahaus. Heinrieh von VII-200a: Aikenhead, Mary I-^-'-l: Aldersbach I-279c: alimenta- tion I-312C: St. Alphonsus Ligiouri I-334c; ama I-375c: Amorbach I-433a; Ampleforth Abbey I-439b; anchorites I- 462d; Ancren Riwle 1^646, Andechs XVI-3a; Angela Mer- ici I-4Sld: .Angelicals l-4s3a, Anglesea Priory I-490d; An- nunciation, Orders of the 1- 543b- St. Anthony l-ooJO; apostasy I-624C; 625d: Aran

apostasy *-v,*.-r«, — ' — , --,!=-; monastic school o',^!-?"*- arms VII-243C: archbishops, authority of I-692b: Aid- braecan .Abbey I-699d; Aries, Synod of (1260) I-727C: Ar- menia I-739d; asceticism I- 767d- associations, voluntary II-2a: Assumption, Little Sis- ters of the II-5d; Assumption, Sisters of the II-6a; Athelney. Abbey of II-42b; .\ugustinc. Rule of St. II-79C; Augustin- ians of the Assumption II- 104a; Aulne Abbey X\ Nod ; Australia, =*'»*»"■"."„- 1 1[5: in Austro - Hungarj II-^??' Averbode Abbey X}\-^f; Avienon Council of (12,0) H- p^rin Baden II-197d; 198a: iMM, lo'lb; Baltimore, t-econd ■I ,11 Council of II-237d: ]■ |,,, ,„,. Third Plenary c.nnid of II 23Sc; Bangor \l,l,t.v, Ireland II-'2.50d; Ban- gor Abbey, Wales II-251a; Baptistines "-277d; Barna- bites II-.302a; Hartholomites II 3'l7b; Basilians IJ-;'2*f: «.,.!,. Kule of SI. II-.i22a: !■ ih' \libi-v 11 -347a; Battle \i vll ::.Mlb; beads II-3B1C; ■iv.niiiu \M..v II -376c; Bee. \lil,,A Ml 11 .;7'.ib; BcKUines, u -111,,' 11 ,:s'.id; Benedict, 1t',,lr nl'si 11 lUi'a; Benedict- beurn. Abbev ol ll-141a: Ben- edictine Oblates XI-l.S9b: Ben- edictine Order ,II->««J.,.^. Benedict of .Anianc \\-^%'>: St. Benedict of Nursia II-4b7c,

type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.